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Show i i jhcXoYB.SioHY ofA Gray Jacket fiAJVJoA&i PARXsif u hr r,'s XulWcfWHBK WILDERNESS WAS KlNOVU 2- THTUSTRAtlONS EMRTtlURT.WllUAMiDlT copyzKxrxruejf?aiBeG&ca SYNOPSIS. I." The story opens In a ConMmto tint U a critical stage of the Civil War. Qcn. Imparta to Capt. Wayna an Important message to Longa! reet. Accompanied by acrKt. Crain, an old army scout. Wayna tarta on hla mission. They get witliln tna lines of tha enemy and In tha darkness Wayna la taken for a Federal and a young lady on horseback la given In hla charge. She Is a northern girl and attempts to escape. One of tha korsea succumbs and Craig goes through with the dispatches, while Wayna and My Lady of tlia North are left alone. They eek shelter In a hut and entering It In tna dark a huge mastiff attacks Wayne )ha girl ahoota tha brute juat In time. The owner of tha hut, Jed Bungay, and hla wife appear and soon a party of horsemen approach. They are led oy a man claiming to he Red but who Proves to be Mai. Brennan, a Federal officer whom the Union girl recognises. He orders the arrest of Wayne as a spy and he la brought before Sheridan, who threatens him with death unless he rereala the secret message. Wayna believes Edith Brennan to be the wife of Ms. Brennan. He la rescued by Jed Bungay, who etarta to reach Gen. Lee. while Wayne In disguise penetrates to the ballroom, beneath which lie had been lm- a Miss Rrisoncd. He Is Introduced to unmask-tbarely escapes being Edltli Brennan recognising Wayne, aya aha will save him. Securing a pass through the lines, they are confronted by Brennan, who Is knocked senseless. Then, bidding Kdith adieu. Wayne makes a dash for liberty, lie encounters Bungay: and are sent they reach the la-with reinforcements toramp Join Karty. In the battle of Slieniindoah the regiment Is overwhelmed, und Wayne, while In the hospital. Is visited by Edith Brennan. Wayne and Bungay are sent on a scouting detail, and arriving at the Minor Wayne meets Miss Minor and Mrs. 6lace, and later Edith appears. lungay, W aynea detachment la besieged by guerrillas. Brennan and Ills men arrive and aid In repelling the Invaders. of-nr- er d. e CHAPTER XXXI. - XMse&JT&toxiK&JiiCHDQe Continued. A mere waste of powder, I fear. was my reply, given thoughtlessly. When the rush finally cornea we are likely to be without sufficient ammu nltlon to repel It. I hardly expect those fellows out there will ever leave without a determined effort to carry the house by storm. I have no doubt they are simply drawing all this fire In the hope that our ammunition will thus be uselessly expended. It la an old army trick, and one I am surprised to see so experienced an officer as Major Brennan yield to. In my Judgment they will make an effort to rush ua as soon as there is sufficient light. But why not warn him?" "Major Brennan would scarcely welcome any Interference on my part" "But surely, as a soldier, he must value the advice of another aoldler?1 Possibly you forget," I explained, striving to apeak as lightly of it as might be, that there la a lack of between Major Brennan friendship and myself." Still? she aaked. Truly I thought that might all be over. Even If It survived until now, this noble act of youra In coming to our defense should have earned you hla gratitude. He he has never once mentioned your name to me since that night." "Not even when I rame here with my troop, I believe? "No; yet I did not connect that fact with the other. I supposed It mere oversight, or that he believed the mention of your name would not greatly Interest me. Surely, Captain Wayne, you are not keeping open this unhappy wound? On my word, uo; but I regret to confess It Is very far from being closed. He Major Brennan does not know, then, that you are here now with me? She evidently hesitated to ask this question. Certainly not, In surprise at her apparent innocence. "You cannot have supposed I bad been sent here by him to talk with you? I I did not know. I do not think I realized, she stammered, vainly seeking for words with which to make I Imagined clear her bewilderment. you might have come at hla suggestion to see that we were amply protected. This la all so very strange. He does not even know you are here with us?" "No, I admitted reluctantly. "Per haps I have no excuse even for being here at all. My duty as a aoldler la certainly elsewhere, but I could not rest content until I knew you were In a position of safety. Believe me, Mrs. Brennan, I have Intended no Indiscretion, but I was informed by a aoldler that you were being held here under fire. Her band touched mine Impulsively, and It was warm and throbbing. "I can merely thank you with all my heart. Captain Wayne, and assure you I both understand and appreciate your purpose. But truly I do not wish any trouble to occur again you will go hark to your post, will you not? You can serve me best In that way, and the grniltude and admiration I have ever felt for you. 1 returned At once, Mrs. llrennan, I realize 1 have done earnestly. wrong In ever coming here as I have. It Is my first art of disobedience to orders in all my military life. But tell nie first that I have forfeited neither your confidence nor your friendship?" She paused a moment, then added quickly, ns though In sudden rush of No friend stands higher In feeling: my esteem than you now please go, Captain Wayne. As I crept bark through the darkness, passing beneath the piano Into .he front room, which waa filled with he choking fumes of powder, my mind waa a chaos of emotions Impossible' to analyze. The very depth of love which drew me to her operated now In restraint God alone knows the struggle In the darkness as 1 continued to move slowly away from her and toward the door. So deep was my agitation, so Intense my thought, that 1 scarcely realized I waa creeping along barely beneath the dead line of those bullets which constantly swept the apartment Their crashlilg Into the wall was almost meaningless, and I barely noted either the dense smoke or the fitful flashes of flame as the little garrison returned shot for shot. It was Brennan's voice how haterul It sounded then which recalled my attention. Mapes, he said, with the sharp tone of wearied command, take a crack at that fellow over yonder by the big tree; be must be In range. Tou.men, I verily believe, shut your eyes when you shoot, for there hasn't a man dropped out there in the Jast half hour. I had reached the door by this time, but paused now, determined to venture one word of expostulation at hla recklessness. Major Brennan, I said, speaking sufficiently loud to be audible above tbe uproar, do you not think they will attempt to charge tbe bouse? Not while we keep up this fire," he returned coldly, evidently recognizing my voice. I grant that, at least while darkness lasts. But you have Just complained that your men were doing but small execution, and la there not danger of exhausting our stock of ammunition by such a useless fusillade ? It will last until our fellows get here that la, If your man waa ever really sent for aid, aa you say. There was a thinly veiled sneer in the words as he spoke them, but 1 curbed my temper. Well, In my Judgment, sir and 1 tell It you because I deem It a duty I retorted plainly, you are making a grave mistake which you may realize when It becomes too late to rectify It. Possibly I have no right to criticise one who la technically in command yet I am serving aa a volunteer, and the conditions are peculiar. I not only remember the scene witnessed by me In the lines yonder, but also recall the fact that we are here to fulfil a sacred duty the defense of helpless A fatal miswomen from outrage. take upon our part would be horrible. Very well, sir and hla tone was rough and overbearing then kindly recall your soldierly Instincts to an other little matter. I chance to com mand here by authority of rank, and bold myself responsible for the proper defense of this portion of the house. 1 believe you have already been assigned your duties; if you will attend to them I shall be greatly obliged, and whenever I may desire your valuable advice I shall take pleasure in sending for you. I turned away In silence and strode back to my post, white with anger. The dining-rooremained as I had left It, and when 1 lay down In my old position and peered out through tbe broken blind I could mark no change In the appearance of our see none this aide anywhere, unless its a shooter or two hiding along tbe fence where the vines are thick. Thate it, my lad, I exclaimed, heartily, getting upon my feet ae I spoke. We can stand up now, there's no danger here, but there will be mu- sic for all of ua presently. Those fellows are getting ready to charge us front and rear. I There were five In the room. could see them only indistinctly, aa the morning light waa not yet sufficiently strong to penetrate clearly to where we were, but 1 was able to note those present the corporal and hla wounded companion, with Hollis and Call of my troop. "Let the wounded man remain and guard those windows," I commanded. He would prove of small value In a struggle, but can probably do some shooting. The rest come with me. I led them forth Into the wide hallway, which extended the full length of tbe house; with a broad flight of Bt&Irs Just forward of tbe center, gradually curving and leading to the second story. The suspended light was yet burning as we came out. but flickered wildly as if In a strong draught of air, and 1 noticed that tbe constant rain of bullets during the night had badly splintered an upper panel of the door. Halfway down the broRd hallway, and partially obscured by the turn of tbe stairs, a door stood slightly ajar upon the right hand. Conjecturing this might be where tbe hand-to-han- d , he required to make the back of the house secure? 1 feel like a new man, Wayne, he aald thankfully, and I know you are right. Four more would be sufficient, besides tbe one In command." Good! Ebera, I aald, aa my portly sergeant again emerged from out tbe darkness, take your four men back to the kitchen and assume command. The guerillas are preparing to make a rush there, and you must drive them back by a rapid fire. Hurry along now." The little group had barely vanished beyond the glow of the light when from without our ears wers suddenly assailed by a wild, exulting yell that bespoke the charge. There they are!" I cried. "Now, lada. come with me!" The dull, gray, chilling dawn revealed a room In utmost disorder, the wiudowa shattered, tbe blinds cut and splintered, the wulls scarred with bullets hnd ilLfigmeJ with atalns of blood, the furnliu:e overturned and broken. A dead Holdier In gray uniform lay In tbe center of tbe floor, hla a dark stain upon the rich carpet; a man with coat off, and blue shirt ripped wide open, was leaning against the further wall vainly endeavoring to staunch a wound In his cheat. Brennan waa upon one knee near the central window, a smoking gun in hla hand, a red welt showing ghastly serosa his cheek. All this I saw in a tingle glance, ami then, with the lesp of a panther 1 waa beside him, gazing out Into tbe morning mist, and firing as fast as I could handle my gun. Through the shifting smoke clouds we could see them advancing on a run an ugly, motley line, part blue, part gray, part everything yelling as they swept forward like a pack of infuriated wolves, their fierce faces j mowliitg savagely behind tbe rifles. It was half war, half riot thn reckless onslaught of outcasts bent on plunder, Insp'red by lust, yet guided by rude discipline. I l.tcw little of detail; faces were blurred, unrecognizable; all I seemed ro note clearly waa that solid, brutal, heartless, blarphemoud line of detperlife-bloo- d suffo-e.ition- 'wmtAw?;i I Hand to Hand. The faint gray light of early dawn rested upon the outside world, and through the fleeting shadows of tbe mist I was able to distinguish much which before had been shrouded by the black curtain. In front of the. d window where 1 rested, the lawn sloped gradually downward until It terminated at a low picket fence, thickly covered with vines. A great variety of ahruba, which during tbe nigbt bad doubtless afforded shelter for sharpshooters, dotted this grass plot, while beyond the fence boundary stood a double row of large trees. To tbe far left of our position the burnt stable yet smoldered dully, occasionally sending up a shower of sparks as a draught of air fanned the embers, but there were few signs of life visible. For tbe moment 1 even hoped our enemies might have grown discouraged and withdrawn. What has become of the guerillas?" I asked In wonderment, turning aa I spoke to face the Federal corporal Is who lay on the other side of me. it possible they hnve given up'." I think not. captain." he replied respectfully, saluting us he wimlj one of bis own officers. They were there just before the light rame, und I saw a dozen or more stealing along behind the fence not five minutes ago. See, there is a squad of them now huddled together back of r where the stable stood. Screw your eye close to the corner of the pane, I ordered hurriedly, and see what you make out towurd the front of the house. Theres inen out there sure, plenty of 'em," he reported slow ly. It looks to me mighty like the end of a line or battle, right there by that big magnolia tree. Anyhow, there must be all of twenty fellows lying close together between there and wliere the corner of tha house shuts off my view. I don't grass-covere- -j Uk SHE MEANS BUSINESS. Folly What's in that buttle Ethel always carries with her. a freckle lo- tion? lolly No; It's acid, lo test gagement rings on the scot. WHITE PIMPLES en- ON HEAD The trouble started Ransom, 111. on our baby when he was only about two weeks old. Started like little white pimples, looked like an old scab of blood and matter. Ilia whole head was covered for a few months, then It went to his ear, shoulders, and hla whole body. It seemed to come out thick and sticky on his head, while on the other parts of his body It waa more like water coming out of the skin. He would scratch until the eruption would he all covered with blood and gradually spread. The least little stir or rub would cause the sores to bleed, spread and Itch. Never hnd a full n'ghts sleep, restless all night. "The sores were horrid to look at. It lasted until he was about two and a half years old. Then we saw an eczema advertisement In the paper to use Then , but It did no good. we used Cutlcura Snap and Cuticura Ointment. We put the Cutlcura Ointment on thlrk at bed time and put a tight hood on so he could not scratch tlio sores. Then we washed It dean wltb Cutlcura Soap and warm water twice a day, and he was completely cured. (Signed) Mrs. E. F. Sulzberger, Dec. SO, 1911. Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold throughout the world. Sample of each . Skin Rook. Address free, with post-car- d "Cutlcura, Dept. L, Boston. 32-p- A Formal Figure. delegate doesnt get a chance to tako much more than a perfunctory part in a big convention nowadays. No, replied the prominent citizen; if be is assoclnted with a successful candidate he feels like an usher at a wedding. If he isn't he feels like an honorary pallbearer. A Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOU1A, a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that it Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. Children Urv for Fletchers Castoria On the ocean of life It Is a case of sink or swim with a large portion of the floating population. Philadelphia Bulletin. CP.nirt. CHAPTER XXXII. rr-.-ws'.- Whether I fought alone I knew not, cared not. Then some one pressed next to me. faciug as I did, w ielding a aword like a madman. We hud our backs against the piano, our shoulders touched; before us that mob swayed, cheeked Tor the moment, held fast by sudden overpowering dread 1 glaueed aside. My companion was eyes Brenuuu, hatless, bis deep-se- t aflame, his coat torn off. bis shirt ripped open to tbe waist, bis bare breast red with blood. No sbootln', damn ye! shouted a No sbootln'; I want voice, hoarsely. that Keb alive! Through the swirling smoke I recognized tbe malicious face of Red Lowrie aa he pushed his way to the front. To me It was like a personal challenge to combat Rush them! 1 muttered into Brennan's ear. Hurl tbem back a bit, and dodge under into tbe nest room." 1 never waited to ascertain if he heard me. With one fierce spring i struck their stunned line, and my iron bar swept a clear space as It crashed remorselessly Into them. The next Instant Lowrie and 1 were seemingly alone and fronting each other. A wTd cat enraged by pain looks as he did when he leaped to meet me. Hate, deadly, relentless, glared In hla eyes, and with a yell of exultation be swung up hla long rifle and struck savagely at my head with the slock. 1 caught It partially on ray barrel, breaking lta full force, and even aa it descended upon my shoulder, Jabbed the muzzle hard into his leering face. With a snarl of pain he dropped his gun and grappled with me. but as his lingers closed about my throat, something swirled down through the maze, and the maddened brute staggered back, bis arms uplifted, hla red beard cloven In twain. Now for It. Wayne!" shouted Brennan. Back with you!" With a dive I went under the pinna 1 heard tbe sliding doors shut behind us. and almost with the sound waa again upon niy feet. "BrenTo the stairs!" 1 panted. nan, take the women to the stairs; i liose fellows are not in the hallway yet, and we can hold them there a while. In our terrible need for haste, and amid the Ihlek. swirling smoke Ai, ling that inner room almost to I grasped the woman chancing to be nearest me, without knowing at that moment who ahe was. Alwere splintering ready the rille-butt- s the light wood behind ns Into staves, and I hastily dragged my dazed companion forward. The others were in advance, and we ped our way like blind persons out into the hall. By rare good fortune It wns yet unoccupied. and as we took the few hur-rl- 1 steps toward the foot of the stairs 1 found my arm was encircling fella Minor. The dertb of despair v.itliln her dark eyes and the apeech-lr!;- a anguish of her white face, swept for Bn instant the fierce rage of battle from my brain. At that moment the mob, discover Ing our direction cf escape, jammed both doorways and surged forth bowling Into the hall. "Up! I erled, forcing h'.r forward. Up with you; quick! I paused a scant second to pluek a si. her from beside a dead soldier on the floor, und th-with n spring up t!:e intervening steps, faced about at Ur nnan's side on Ike first landing We ought to leave cur mark on tlioc Incarnate devils here," he aald grimly, wiping his red blade on the Believe You Have Already Been Aaclgned Your Duties. Unless ihry reaeh the second story from without, and take us In the rear," I answered, we ought to ho'd back the whole cowardly crew, so long as they refuse to fire. It was a scene to abide long with a man a horrible nightmare, never to lie forgotten. Above us, protected somewhat by the abrupt curve of the wide staircase, crouched the women. Two were sobbing, their heads burled In their hands, but Maria and Mrs. Brennan sat white of face and I caught one quick glance at the fair face I loved my sweet lady of the North thinking, it indeed, might prove the last on earth, and knew her eyes were upon me. Then, stronger of heart than ever for the coming struggle, I fronted that scene below. Through the rising haze of smoke I looked down into angry fares, unkempt beards, and branished weapons. The battled rascals poured out upon us from both doors, crowding into the narrow space, cursing, threatening, thirsting for revenge. Yet they were seemingly leaderless, and the boldest among them paused at the foot of the stairs. They had already felt our arms, had tested our steel, and knew well that grim death awaited their advance. But they could not pause there long the ever increasing rush of those behind pressed the earlier arrivals steadily forward. Grim necessity furnished a courage naturally lacking, and suddenly, giving vent to a fierce shout, they were hurled upward, seeking to crush us at whatever sacrifice, We met by sheer force of numbers. r!mm with the point, in the good old thrusting home remorse- fighting wilh silent contempt for (hem which must hnve been maddening. I even beard BreLinn laugh, hr he pierced a huge ruffian through the shoulder and hurled liitn backward; hilt at that moment I saw Craig knock aside a levelled gun and press his way to the front of the seething muss to assume control. His face was inflamed, his eyes bloodshot ; drink hnd changed him Into a very demon. TO HE ('ONTIXl.EU.) dry-eye- defenders of tbe eastern exposure j ate men sweeping toward ua with a Tbe lentlesa fury our puny bullets could lying, I peered within. blinds were tightly drawn and I was not check. Reckless ferocity was in able to perceive little of lta interior, that mad rush; they pressed on more I excepting that the walls were lined like demons than human beings. saw men fall; I saw tbe living stumble with books. Ebers," I called, thinking be must over the dead. I heard cries of agony, be there, are you in charge here? shouts, curses, but there was no pause. "I vos, captain, came the Instant re- I could nuirk their faces now, cruel, the hands that ply, and he at once emerged from the angry, revengeful; darkness. grasped the veranda railings; the leapHave the enemy kept you busy? ing bodies; the rifle butts uplifted to Der vos some shooting, und Hadley batter down our frail defenses. he got hurt bad, but der fellers is all Aa trapped tigers we fought, hurling them back from the windows, slashing, gone. Bring your men fit for duty out clubbing, striking with fixt and steel. here in tbe hall, and have them Join Two lay dead across tnc sill before me, cloven to the very (bin, hut their my party. How many have you?" j Der is four, captain. bleeding bodies were burled reiuorse- He drew back, and aa he dlaap - lessl aside,' while others clambered peared some qne came hastily toward forward, mad from lust of blood, us along the hallway from tbe rear. With clubbed crazed with liquor. What is it, Caton? 1 asked anx- - guns we cleureil it again and a,rain, iously, as 1 recognized him. battering mcrcllext ly at every head They are forming to rush me, 1 that fronted us. Then a great giant I need a few cf a fellow dead or alive, I know think, he answered. .not waa hurltd head-lonmore men if I can get them. through the 'They are preparing to assault front opening, an inen, llinji weight, that the two soldi (.vs beside me to the and rear at the same time," I anWilli nlii swered. They are massing now, and boor beneath his body in nty judgment Brennan will have to sweep of my gun I struck him. shp.t i nee the brunt of it. The front of this lering the stock Into fragments, and house is greatly exposed, and will swung back to meet the others, the prove extremely difficult to defend if hot barrel falling to right and left like they come against It with any force, a flail. They were through and on of the How many men do you absolutely re- me! Wild as any quire to hold your posit ion? Remem- north I fought, crazed with blood, unber, the women are all In the, front conscious of Injury, animated solely part of the house, and we must pro- by desire to strike and slay! Bark tect them at all hazards; come with had to go; hack 1 trod on dead me. There are times when a higher bodies, on wounded ahrleking in pain, law than that of military despotism yet no man who came within aweep of should control our actions. 1 am go- that iron bar lived. 1 loved to heur ing there, orders or no orders. Ebers tbe thud of it, and 1 fronted those can command your detachment and ac- glaring eyes, my blood afire, my arms The average married man has about complish all the service you possibly like steel. Through tbe red mist I Your rightful place between held Caton for an Instant as twenty as much to do with ninnairlng hla these rufiians and the woman you brutal hands uplifted, and then burled home aa a mouse has with managing love. How many additional men wli: him Into the ruck beneath their feet. tbe fatrily cat , re I : g ! sea-rove- r 1 Supper. it be? A cooked meal? Nol Too long too tedious to prepare. Just phone the grocer for Eventide Luncheon Meats Theyre Some delicious! Vienna sausage or diced dried beef tome veal loaf or corned beef. Theyre so easy to serve. Or, heres an idea menu: Libby' a Libby JmI Olimmm mr Libby' CmnmJBf Ckmrkimm Libky'itmmlUmf CkiliCmmCmnm Potato Am Gratia Libby l Atyaragm And then jut lop of with Libbys Fruits or Proems. Doesnt that sound good? Order fliers (ion your grocer now. You will bo surprised how economical u Libby meal will be. Libby, McNeill & Libby Chicago W. N. U Salt Lake City, No. 12. |