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Show SOUTRhrtN SALT LAKE COUNTY 44444444444 444444 4 444444444444444 4444444444444444444 44 4444444444444444444 ENTERPRISE r44444444 4444 4 4444 Dry goods, Notions, Ribbons, Overalls, Gents Furnishings -- tt- We Guarantee Everything We Sell And Will Refund Money To Any One Dissatisfied. This is the time of year BINDING SPECIAL BARGAINS IN UNDERWEAR THIS WEEK. (bpccial! t$is toec oo ci feats f or a Scenic 1 We have it. The celebrated t Also LUERICATING OIL, HARNESS and SHOE OILS. i Oldham, Powell & ' RED TAG pure Sisal. the season of Plcnlca, Outing and Camp ing partie. The great desideratum in each of these One is something good to eat.. Something In compact for m, easily carried and ready for the spread. of our specialties is picnic supplies. Fill your basket with the following good things. 20c' Queen Olives, Flue and Flump, a Jar Dainty Graham Wafers, Fresh and Crisp, 15c 10c Fine Steak, 8almon, A Toothsome Bite, a can a package Sniders Pork and Beans, With Fine Tomato Choice Ginger Snaps, Crisp and Sweet, 10c 5c Sauce, a can a package 15c 35c Finest Chipped EeeT, In Air Tight Cans Best Utah Honey, Strained, Class Jars 30c Choice Picnic Lobster, Extra Fine, a can South Salt Lake County Butter, A Great Spread, 20c Choice Lunch Tongue, Very Fine, a can 25c per pound 25c 15c Choice Preserves, Equal to Home Made, Dainty Cheese, Fresh and Good, a pound Everything else that goes to make up a first class picnic spread." Goods delivered to any part of the county free of extra charge. Our prices are right See our an-nouncement each week. Now TWINE is in demand. El Dorado CASTOR at 50c PER GALLON. KNIVES and RIVETS. MOWER SECTIONS, A large assortment of GREY ENAMELED WARE just received, and selling at prices that will surprise you. See our TEN CENT ASSORTMENT. Dozens of articles in every day use in the kitchen. WASH BASINS, MILK PANS, PUDDING PANS, BERLIN KETTLES, Etc. Any article for 10c. WE SELL GASOLINE. (s-- , JENSEN & Main 8t., Sandy, Utah. Phone Midvale 148. KUHRE 44444444 4444444444 turning to the old family Pioneer Homestead where his childhood Agciicv for Hanks tin undertak- was spent and enjoy the beautiful er at lln- COUNTY KKTKRPKISK mountain breezes, which he has office. not forgotten. No doubt hut it will prove beneficial to him und lolm Hark and family have family. He is to erect a new resigone 1o Alta for the sumnu-rdence on the so sailed Sandy New Addition. 0 9 TiltCommercial club and the Sandy Hark association held a Joseph Jensen, Jr., is tho most joint meeting Friday night and anxious man in Sandy just now, after much discussion on import- wondering what the expected surant ilia tiers it was decided to hold prise party will bring. a meeting of the Hark association on Friday August 2nd and the Nathan Heck of State road is regular meeting of the Commer- employed at Lagoon this summer. cial club on August 14. Tlu- fire department practiced The Utah Light & Railway Co. oil Friday night and the boys should see that their earn are run made excellent runs and did tin on schedule time, and better sercoupling etc. in fine shape. vice given by their employees. oo Carl Larson the star route carUr. Archie Stewart, is prepar- rier to Alta is congratulated by ing to hid Pioneer avenue adieu. bis friends on his new house and A candy Hopes are entertained that he will beautiful daughters. not altogether forget his old asso- pull will be given in honor of the ciates down here. He intends re completion of the home. SANDY. - . - - ALTA. The Sandy band omitted their concert to a owing Friday night That Alta will get a railroad mistake being made in having the summer and the c'just ruction this hose practice on that night many will begin within the next few of tlie boys are also fire laddies. weeks, is the opinion of a prominThe indicaent Alta operator. The sale at Crapo & Sons Co. be- tions are that the old eight-mil- e gan very auspiciously on Satur- road-lie- d will be used to Wasacth, day. Crowds of people are taking up Little Cottonwood, and possiadvantage of the great bargains. If the bly a few miles beyond. line does not go quite to Tanners Tin- Sandy band elected the folFlat, the west terminus of the lowing new officers : L. A. Wal- Uicliigaii-Utal- i tramway, ters, president and business man- the tram will be extended down ager; Fred Alexander, the canyon' a mile or two to meet and assistant business man- the railroad. Hy a little enlargeager; (Jeo. Diamond, secretary ment work on the tramway its caand treasurer; Arthur Peterson, pacity can readily be brought up librarian; Clement Crapo, leader; to 200 tons daily, which would anLawrence Peterson, assistant swer for a number of the largest producing mines of the district. - IT SEWING MACHINE SALE. For this month I will offer Home rare good bargains iu second hand machines, also second hand good of all kinds. The machines are all of standard makes and arc rebuilt and guaranteed by me. Prices These are bar$3.00 to $8.00. gains and they will not last long, come in and investigate. Try them out and be convinced. 1 sell new and second band bicycles at New very reasonable prices. wheels at cost. Repairing done at short notice. E. L. HOUR, 23 North State Street, Murray. W. S. HORR, 91 N. Center St. next door to Odd Felloe's Hall, Sandy, Utah. A LOSS WE WILL PAY CAR FARE OF EVERY CUSTOMER COMING FROM A DISTANCE BOYS SHOES, Regular $2.00, Sale MENS SHOES, Regular $2.50, Sale LADIES SHOES, Regular $3.00, Sale $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 PERFECT GROCERIES. CAPITOL OUTING SPECIALS: Clali lliitiey, per jar il Sardines, ii cans Millard Sardines, Pen ii ut .1 cans Putter, line jars, only luccii Olives, per jar Schillings 1 Hi can Coffee Three large cans U. S. Cleaiu-- r at the PHARMACY, SANDY, Utah. The Only Fountain within Five M ilis. Drink here FRESH AND CURED MEATS, HILLY HAOri.KY. The Meat Cutter. 25c 25c 25c 15c 15c 40c 20c Sandy Commercial (q. STATE ROAD AND WEST MAIN STREET. SANDY, UTAH. for Ronds. can only be successful when found-- , el on thorough therapeutics. The impaired teeth must lie thoroughly treated and placed in proper condition before the tilling, inlay, crown or bridge work is installed, otherwise the dentists work will result in failure at some future time. Place your dental troubles in charge of Dr. (lot hard and they " will lie successfully and ..perma- POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT. Scarcely a county paper in the state but wliat has political an- nouncements of aspirants for office, not so in this neck of the woods. Tlie diffenrence between nently banished. Hours 8 a. m. In 8 p. in. I C. C. CRAPO & SONS NOW IN FULL BLAST, Ti I Uj u 1 floors. BATH-ROO- is essential In every home where running water Is obtainable. Obtain our estimate on PLUMBING WORK You will find It surprisingly low when quality of work and materials used are considered. No Job is too small or too big for us. FRED ALEXANDER, Sandy R.VD. No. 1, Box 15. East Side State Road, 4th House South of O. S. Lk Crossing. Call Every Day GREEN Vote Sts., MURRAY, Utah. SUCCESSFUL DENTISTRY 0 : A THE VALUES ARE HERE JUST AS ADVERTISED The He sure to alias Progress Hag American Ragle, alias Midvale Yes! vice-preside- nt hour. Eveiylhing Coes o 100-to- n UTAH. tires and Newell coaster brakes, men and boys sizes. NO CHEAP JOHN affair. Call and Investigate. Bring me your old bicycle and let me make it nearly as good as new, or let me trade you a new one for it. 1 sell a full line of bicycle supplies. Repairing done well and at reasonable prices. Blcyces rented by the day or - - Times iu the issue of Jully 2li, abounds in the most malicious, wilful lies ever before printed, aud the people of Murray nrc justly indigant and will withdraw their patronage from the paper that resorts to such low methods. - THE MORE A MAN KNOWS about an auto., the more he will appreciate the expert way in which we can put and keep it in good running order. No ordinary mechanic can adjust and repair any make of ear. It requires the knowledge, skill and experience of a trained man to do this properly. o We have the men, the facilities, BICYCLE 8ALE. elc., to satisfy the most exacting. For the next three weeks I will have EMIL CARLSON, on sale $30.00 High Grade Bicycles for 47 So. State St., the reduced price of $23.00. Good until AY, office seekers in other counties and those in Summit county is that the outsiders want office and arc pround of it, while our aspirants want office, but are afraid or ashamed to get in the lime light of publication.- Park City Record. COLD Soda, Cold Cream Drinks, Sundaes, True Fruits. Finest Candies manufactured in the State. ALL TRAINS AND CARS STOP AT TIIK DOOR. Tin- - Wjtfl. The Old pow Reliable ELiLTrrrsR South Main Street, 571 HALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Thousapds of yards of Cottop fabrics -- BEING SOLD AT ABOUT HALF PRICE. FREE Distribution of Merchandise Dont Fail to Attend this Great Event BIG SOUVENIR FANS Given Away FREE Bring In Your Tickets, Your Chance Is Good. O. C. CRAPO & SONS OO. 118-120-12- 2, EAST MAIN STREET, SANDY, UTAH. llats of all kinds cleaned, trimmed mi (I blocked. I .cave your old hats nt the UNTEIL IKISK office und have them returned in two days as good as new. . By SWEENEY ADJUSTMENT CO., SALT LAKE. |