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Show live INDIVIDUAL HOUSE FOR HOGS Something New That Provee More Isfactory Than Old Style A Shaped Building. For 20 years the A Sat style of Individ, ual house has been in use. We were well satisfied with them, writes John M. Jamison, lu the Americas Swln herd, until we saw a neighbor usln something that we liked better. Then we were anxious for some of the old ones to go to pieces so we could build a few of the new ones to give them a Free To Our Subscribers. Omgo; W1LBVR D.ATESDIT ' A$ GedrenDo of Salt Lake will furnish to ell of Its subscribers who will pay up one years subscription In advance for the next sixty days one of these Home Banks to be used for saving up the dimes, nickles and bllla ONE DOLLAR IN THE BANK IS WORTH TWO IN YOUR POCKET. (By R. G. WEATHER8TOXE.) Sore ahouldera and necka In horaea Deposit one dollar with the dollar THE ENTERPRISE gives you in "The Home Bank and you win marvel at how It will grow. The cut of a handsome nlckle home ssfe, as shown here, will take all sizes of coin end paper money and can be conveniently carried to the BANK FOR DEPOSIT FREE To Our Saving Depositors Made to Help People Save. "You can no more build a house without the first dollar than you can build a house without the first brick. Individual House for Hogs. ones pieces the balance of the and make them go as far as they will In building the new ones. The most satisfactory dimensions are as follows: Six feet square, two f and feet high at the back and five and feet at front. The front always to the south. The creep door, eighteen Inches wide and two feet high, cut In the east end, six Sometimes, when night Is creeping down Inches from the southeast corner. And all the world about it dim, The large door, eighteen Inches wide And lie must go to faleepylown. You lie linwii st ths Bids of him and four and feet high, cut In south side at east corner. Should And wbinper southing little things In childish words, such as frame be built of the best matched lumber, To tell tliu sound of beetle you wings battened or tongued and grooved of And how ths firefly gets Its flame. best quality. If metal is used for roof, And soon the world grows darker yet it should be laid over paper or felt of And to fho little fellows eyes some kind to prevent moisture form- 81 range, hidden dangers now beset The shadow places in the skies; ing on the under side of the roof which But you speak low end comforting keeps the floor wet. And tell him none of them are It should be built as close as possi- That near him la not anything there. ble. The only ventilation and sunshine But what is good and kind and fair. needed can be had at the doors. When trembling come his liltls hands the weather is too cold for safe far- Then Out through the dark and find youl rowing, a lantern can be hung to a fuce, rafter cm the high side with a &rt Aa though by touch he understands Tliiit lie la in the safest place: hurdle across the floors. There Is no And an with fingers on your cheek need of crawfishing to get away from Ilu sighs contentedly to sleep an angry sow. And you you may not even speak, Any Man or Woman who will take one of these Home Safes, make It an Invariable rule to drop Into Itsome amount no matter how small, each day, will be astonished and delighted at the close of the year at how much has been accumulated without being missed. old-sty- one-hal- one-ha- lf expression. The collar should be well made, with a fair amount of springiness on j pressure, smooth, even surface, and one-haadapted to the use required; as, for Instance, a heavy collar for heavy draft work, while a lighter one can be used for driving horses. Let it be sufficiently long that the hand may be easily passed beneath the under surface of the neck and wide enough that the fingers can just be passed between the front border and the side of the neck. This rule varies somewhat, of course. In the various types of horses, as some horses expand the neck when drawing a load. These will require a slightly wider collar. Let the collar fit snugly over the entire bearing surface. .Having fitted the collar, next comes the fitting of the hames to the collar and the propShipolng Breeding Pigs. er adjustment of the height of the In shipping breeding pigs be sure attachment of the tug. and write or wire better wire to be on the safe side the buyer what train WATERING TANK FOR STOCK the pig is shipped on so that be will be looking for him and get him home Small Stream of Water May Be Kept and uncrated promptly. Pigs that are shipped become chilled when they Flowing by Use of Barrels are crated and allowed to sit around as Shown. a cold station, often out on the platSome animals like to splaBh the wa- form for some time. Numerous losster after they have quenched their es from freezing have been reportthirst. This will render the water un- ed. Some station agents have about fit for use of other animals, and also as much intelligence as the railroad causes a muddy place near the tank. requires and this often does not take I hare prevented this, says a writer in "hog sense. In the Popular Mechanics, by making Lambs and Parasites. the arrangement shown In the illustration. The greatest loss of Iambs is due to barrels were used tape, stomach and lung worms, and those parasites are always most numerous In od pastures; the proper Iilan Is to frequently shift pastures. When they are attacked there are numerous remedies, hut oue of the simplest and best is 2 tabiespoonfuls gasoline in 4 ounces of sweet milk, used as a drench twice about three ck.ys apart. Caro must be taken to avoid strangling. Water Tank. CUT THIS OUT. d Address ENTERPRISE W. .. .. ICE CREAM Harrington Managing Editor Sandy, Utah a representative wlU call and arrange for the starting of your savin ga AND CANDIES pummer drinks of all kinds, coffee cake and cold lunches. Open until 11 p. m. I keep an assortment of canned goods, cakes and fancy crackers. Your patronage Is solicited. Sometime you. aa a little child, 8hall fare Into an unknown night And shall yearn for the stars that smiled With all their soothing, drowsy light; And you, as llttla children do. May grope out through the darks ol space And sigh in peace to sleep, when you At last have touched your Fathers face. r s REBEKA RYBERG, 14 West Main St Where the cars stop. 8andy, Utah. Brt&al Picture HENRY G. MARRIOTT First West 8t. near West 15 N. Cl?e . BLACKSMITH AND WAGONMAKER We have particular facilities for Bridal Groups NOTHING la troublesome that we do willingly That Is why OUIl Photographs are ao SUCCESSFUL Main Equipped with machinery. Wagon,, Carriage and Rubber Tire repairing, Horseshoeing, Plow Work, Pipe Threading, Sawing, Lumber or 1 utile Work. Horses clipped. Give me a call. Satisfaction guaranteed. -- H. G. MARRIOTT, j 15 N. First West 8t Sandy, Utah. ever-prese- MrS' Howcp, Photographer COME TO MY FOUNTAIN 16 So. All Summer Drinks I have a large cool Ice Cream Parlor, where you can sit and enjoy KEELEYS CELEBRATED ICE h State Street Bell Tel. 379 MURRAY, Utah CREAM half-barrel- . tor which I have the exxclusive agency. I also sell Candies, Fruit and Sand-- I wiches. Give me a call. We go to the Root of Eye Sight Trouble and we accomplish great good. The Root the first principle Is a careful examination and correct diagnosis by latest methods. We thoroughly understand eye requlftments and prescribe glasses in accordance to the defects. Satisfaction guaranteed. L. L. RADDON, 101, At the Marriott House West Main Street, Sandy, Utah. to. mom si FUNERAL DIRECTORS. U CENSED ST. MAIN EMBALMERS. . - MIDVALE, ANY FRATERNAL UTAH M. M. TAYLOR. Manager. Office Biorn Optical Company Kes. phone Open Day and Night. phone HALL, UTAH. MURRAY, We will be at Sandy every Wednesday. G. BODY HERE Save as Yon Earn SEEN g . D. S. P. O. Box 177, Or send us word and Iron-hoope- d ws COUNTY Childs Name 80 very, very atill you keep. The Vexation of Being Changed. As a man grows older two things happen to him. lie grows bald and he grows fat. This is nine times out of ten. If he grows neither fat nor bald he attracts comment. The trouble about the fatness and the baldness Is that each time sums one meets him after a lapse of a year or two that some one Is sure to say: "Youre getting a little bit bald1 or Youve gained considerably. One can conceal his baldness; ho may keep his hut an all the time, and aid indoors there Is the of a wig to be utilized. But fatness refuses to be concealed. It advertises Itself when one walks; climbing stairs Is a wheezy proposition, dancing is an occasion for grief, and when one sits down he has to keep thinking of what he is doing or for tanks. They were sawed In the cenbe will spread out ally. Best Feed for Sheep. s set on a board ter and the hot Dieting, exercise, massage, of Four Dwarf Essex pounds rape platform made of several planks. The sown or three pounds oaths nothing stops fut any more broadcast, one shown Is made of three half barin, will give a crop In alx or than anything rivets hair In the head rels, the center one being a little drilled weeks. This la one of the best .ifter It has decided to quit the job. Beven larger than the other two. They were feeds for Yet both fatness and baldness might sheep. held In place on the planks with a be endured were It not for the folk piece of two by four Inch material boltwho do not see one for a year or so, ed at each end. Their inner surfaces anfl then only see him to tell him: were notched to fit the barrels Two Yni are getting a little bald, or short pieces of pipe connect the cen'Youve gained considerably." ter tank to the other two. The center tank receives the water from the Cleanliness adds much to the apThe Original Woman. source of supply. A small stream of of a hog. Now, Eve was writing a letter to pearance water, keep flowing in and out all the who was Cain's Hoga require attention regardless of he daughter-in-law- , time, keeps the water from becoming and she asked Adam to get anor sex. ft'Ie, conditions, age stagnant. A hog onre stunted can never be other sheet of birch hark to complete The earth can be kept dry about so economically afterwards. fed the missive upon. waller tanks of any kind by preparing "All right, said Adam, "but you practically the same feedthe base as shown. The overflow or Barley has aa oat a for work hosses. had better let the trees get another value ing will drain awsy and prevent leakage and bred fed stock ten Pure liberally growth before you try to years' a mud hole. Many times ashes or dirt bandied right will surely make a writo any mmtsrripts." profit. Farming on a business basis elimForce of Habit. inates small mules Just as it displaces Have you no regret?" we asked of small horses. the druggist who had served arsenic It is conducive to health to feed hogs Inrtend of quinine. when they can have the range of the No." he replied, "but I have soine-thtrpasture field. just as good. Bran is worth more pound for pound However, he well knew that we ex. as a part of a ration for a work horse pelted him to say this, else shy would than alfalfa meal. we have written the first question? Base of Tank. Dusty feeding places are very inare thrown about a tank to absorb jurious and lack of sunshine for ear'y Eve'a Temptation. the moisture, which makes the leakage pigs is detrimental. Vow, the serpi'i:!. in the form of a flow back under the tank. Constant The young pig wants to be got out tiok l'liliiisher, iern;tr, Eve. dampness dots the wood and renders into the sunshine and on to the dirt, li. in this manner: the foundation insecure. as early in life as possible, Til ray you tliiriy r . royal:.-nj If pigs are well fed they will usual-l- y love old letters thT t of Adam's. wean at the themselves proper Worth of Buck Lambs. What woman could resist, especial-lwithout any trouble. It Is a mistake to send the buck jtlmo, s the fall shades in tig leaves had A good way to make a start with lambs to market as they are uever dearrived? Ju't farm is to sirable and bring down the average the use of cement on the floor concrete build a for bog-feeding of the shipment. When a buck lamb is Tli general health and condition of Gratifying Progress. about three months old it begins to de- work "How is your wife getting along? horses Is greatly influenced by and to coarseness a disposition velop the regularity and manner of feed- we ask of our friend. CgbL The doe "Splendidly, he beams. ing. One of the most common mistakes tor began with a tonic consisting of is to let the colt grow up big enough l few bat every two weeks, and now Best Horses In America. I Recognising the fact that America to work before bothering to teach him Je'l got her so that she ran wear a leelskln coat and a full set of ermine produces the best horses in the world much. has reare utilizers of Ibe Japanese government waste. Sheep They urs." cently sent a special agent to this clean fields of weeds, utilize to groat sountry for the purpose of buying a advantage any kind of p sture and U In well with farm prac'!--- . feuabsr of breeding horses. And mall to the This coupon accompanied by $ 1,75 win entitle the Sender to One Years Subscription to the ENTERPRISE and a deposit of ONE DOLLAR In the Savings Department of the UTAH STATE BUILDING ft LOAN ASSOCIATION to the name of such person as he may designate. Senders Name lf thick-necke- the By Special Arrangement with Utah State Buildipg & lioap Association Recently we built three, and Uke.l them so well that we shall take to In are, aa a rule, due to an Improper fit In collar orhamea. Occasionally uneven surface or hard lampy areas In the filling may he the cause, or Improper care of the horse In early spring before the skin and underlying tissues hare become hardened to the collar pressure. Diseased conditions of the foot or limb may causa sore shoulders from an abnormal gait. A horses collar should be fitted with greater care than a pair of patent leathers on an aggregation of bunions, corns and toe nails. Why? Because the 'horse has no means of making his pain known to the majority of drivers, while the wearer of patent leathers can "grin and bear It, consoling himself with the thought that his understanding shows up well even If his face does wear a peculiar, puzzling eTepise Tfie oufJTY i Many Horaea Due Ordinarily to Improper Fitting ollare and Hamea. Trouble Found to Sa,e lha CMIJren Every subscriber to the COUNTY ENTERPRISE who will pay one years subscription $L75 In advance may end In the name of any child or their own name to whom we will deposit one dollar In the Utah State Building ft Loan Association Bank of Salt Lake. This will start a savings, account which will lead to a fortune. trial. SORE SHOULDERS AND NECKS cl1 jwf Wwe'0" Vnank And yon will always have something to spend us you go. Open a savings account with us where It will earn 4 per cent tinnually compounded in January and July, $L will open an account. SANDY CITY BANK W. W. WILSON, President. Phone, Midvale HEBER 12S-- He Sells Land FARMS AND COUNTRY HOME8. Read a Few of His Bargain: 40 ACRES. First Class Canal Water right, Farm House, Etc. $125.00 in Acre. 40 ACRES, hirst Class Canal Water right, good house, barn, flowing well, conqdete set ofimplemo'nts. horses, cattle, etc. $230 sn Acre. 10 ACRES, 5 In Wheat and 5 lu Barley. A-- l Water Right. $1,800. FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. Office, State St, one block eouth ol Midvale Switch. P. O. Address, MIDVALE, Utah. A. SMITH, A. R. GARDNER, Vice-Pre- Utah. Candy City, Phone 37 I P. O. Box 336 All kinds Totted Plants Walter W. P$ir)g PHONE Dr. FLORIST CUT FLOWERS AND FUNERAL DESIGNS. in connection Greenhouses with Store. 214 East 2nd South St. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Leave orders with k. M. Taylor A Co., MIDVALE. e. Cashier. B0. H. Brown DENTIST "' Painless Dentistry. AND SEC ME of CALL Office Hours: 9 a m. to 6 0. nv |