Show j N EOS SEE S ONY Nr EXPRESS tAFT n tiN UNVEIlED j Ceremony nY Draws Throngs to Tribune Tribune- Tribune Tribune-Tele- Tele- Tele y j 4 gram Building I J. J I J. J t mall mail all came through to Salt I of the brave and daunt daunt- I pony express riders of The Mail MIl 1 maxim was it Go Through two horses thun thun- ed thIO through Main street shortly u Friday and stopped at the express marker in front of The Th as building of ot the past their clat dat rM hoofs brought back memories memorie another aDOther day and as the dust dusten dusty en as Jumped to the gro ground nd bear Cletters from the thc governors eo of or Ne Nc A and Wyoming the ceremonies unveiling the pony express mark officially opened of Salt Lake citizens citizen l- l in front of or The Tribune Tribune- building to witness th the onles omes and to see sec for the first firs the beautiful shaft erected by Telegram and The Tribune ring arting th the thc spot of the pony exi ex cx e i station in Salt Lake ITs IS RIDERS EIDERS TRIBUTE Albert Smith president o oU of U Utah Pioneer Trails and Land lilts aits ts association who presided at atIe tribute tribute- to the K Ie ceremonies paid fe ive riders in whose memory the stands and congratulated The Theune 1 une and Telegram for their civic chic pint t in er erecting the memorial The marker a simple shaft faced ith Utah granite and bearing six I raze e plates is one of or 60 CO which will wll rk the pony express stations front from L Joseph Mo to Sacramento Cal Cat Secretary of State Milton H H. Well f who ho represented the state at the received the letters from e riders ders signed by Acting Gover- Gover K tA A. A M M. Clark of Wyoming and r Fred Balzar of Nevada May My we heartily commend the thed people d of or your state the Young al Mutual Improvement ement 10 o. o together with the Oregon Trail Trai mortal association for their ac ac- ity perpetuating in p the memory of e old oid pony express express' trail Ac Acting tremor Clarks Clark's letter read USES LUSES COURAGE The courage and the service ren ren- red by the pony express riders must musti i ibe be forgotten as they carved caned a aJl Jl across the prairies from St. St Joe to Sacramento Ca Cal Col a n portion which has been followed by your ers ere today These few tew words express some of trails trail's spirit ft ro know just where the trail doth J lead i more nore Important far than speed I toilsome journey journe daunts the soul hen vision sees a worthwhile goal Balzar's letter leller read The Ibe state of or Nevada heartily n oa with the state slate of Utah in lion hon Lug toC the brave bra men whose hardi hardi- od JOd and nd bravery made possible the it st rapid communication system in ine inC e C west rut wt We congratulate Utah InLag in ina ng Lag a the first state to mark the old ny 57 express trail and express the PS pe that all other states will con con- ue Uthe the good work until the entire il It b fully funy marked in honor of the then n 0 vho wiio did so ro much to bring the thene t ne nearer to the cast and to bind ether ither these two great sections of nations lAtions ADA IADA ADA PLANS MARKERS e will be in line The old Jl ii through this state will m be beed ed and the history of or this most irful episode In the winning inning of or w wet west t preserved The pc pony express the movement t of American business ss Wt Urt itself iLi ot off its iu two legs and aud ap- ap hOrsepower to commerce and in- in try Itry Mr Welling said aid In the letters Men of vision had looked upon the CSt and nud called it tt good To to these men the west vest st 3 be H joined to the republic they eu ed To spread this knowledge and t Transport rt the commerce of the was wa the mission of the 11 r y express in its conquest of time i distance and ignorance the 17 1 p 51 5 was In ln Its day ns as dra- dra ti IS the flight of Lindbergh or girdling of the globe by human fe Welling congratulated Dr tard ard IB R. R Driggs and the Oregon 1 Memorial Memoria association and lie re Albert Smith and the Utah d en r Pare Pata four THOUSANDS SEE SHAFT UNVEilED Continued from p Page Pace sc Thirteen Pioneer Trails TraUs and Landmarks association association asso asso- for their efforts In keeping alive the spirit of or the westI westI westI west I especially felicitate The Salt Lake Tribune and Tele Telegram he said upon the erection of this Impressive monument In honor of at the express riders of at a a. former generation who ended their journey upon this spot of ground The shadow of tills this monument monument monument mon mon- as ns It follows the sun will wUl rest each day upon your our busy presses and remind you constantly of your re responsibility responsibility re- re to speed the thought and commerce of the world today with the same fidelity which characterized the pony express riders of 1852 Dr Drig Driggs s president of the Oregon Oregon Ore Ore- gon gOll Trails TraUs Memorial association and principal speaker of the dB day reviewed the history of the pony express and paid tribute to the riders who carried carried car ried the mail mall through We have met today todar to pay trIbute tribute tribute trib trIb- ute to the dauntless spirit of American Ameri Ameri- can manhood he said We have gathered in this historic city the city the central home station on the old pony express trail trail trail-to to dedicate a a. memorial memorial memorial memo memo- rial to the intrepid men who put Americas America's first fast mall mail across a con con- con I We Ve are here to renew rene the stirring story of their splendid achievement which linked the ends of our nation together In those days clays when the terrible storm of the Civil war was testing to the utmost the strength of our union It It Is a fine American thing that thatIs Is being done here today the speaker speak speak- er cr continued It is a fine thing to commemorate the work ork of these heroic heroic heroic he he- men Out of a grateful heart I voice by appreciation to those who aided in preserving our historical heritage and to The Salt SnIt Lake Tribune Tribune Tribune Trib Trib- une and Telegram for their splendid fine Ine American response in making possible this splendid occasion Miss Carmen Streeper a granddaughter granddaughter granddaughter grand grand- daughter of one of the pony express I riders pulled the cord that unveiled the marker Other speakers at the I. I ceremonies were Mayor John F. F Bowman Bouman and Hugh Ryan a member of the Utah Pioneer Trails and Landmarks Landmarks Landmarks Land Land- marks association tIon Those on the speakers speakers' stand In ad addition addition ad- ad i to the officials were Heber J J. J Grant president of the L L. D D. S S. church Anthony W. W Ivins and Charles W. W Nibley of the first presidency presidency presidency dency of the church Edmund J. J Kearns vice president of the Kearns corporation and officials of The Tribune and Telegram Music for tho the occasion was furnished furnished furnished fur fur- by bv the Utah national guard field artillery band The pony express riders who brought the leters letters letters let- let ers from Nevada and Wyoming were DeLoy DeLay McMullin 1 and Joe Couch |