Show First Bicycle e Taken In Rum Delivery Sold SoldA S A bicycle the first to be confiscated confiscated con con- by local federal prohibition pro pro- 0 oI officers for the transI transportation trans trans- S of liquor was sold old at atS I S public auction for 4 50 b by Captain Cap Cap- tam tain James JamesM M. M Smith deputy S United States marshal Friday I S It was taken from P. P A A. A S Gardner at Orpheum avenue and Regent street as he heas was as wasS S making dell delivery very of ot several S pints of liquor Gardner was wasS S later arrested on a narcotic charge ch rge and sentenced to serve ser serveS S 18 months at McNeil Island IslandS S federal prison S SS S Six automobiles used in rum S running activities were also alsoS S sold by Captain Smith at the theS S sale at the Auto Ramp ga gaS sa- sa S rage The cars brought from 5 to 41 The They were used InS in inthe S the transportation of liquor by byS S C C. A A. Fred Gennen S Dave e Lane George McLelland S Edward and Ted TedS S Storm S S |