Show I Seasonal dally daily advice and sUles I a on preparation of or soil planning plan plan- 1 YO U j R I Ione I ning planting and flower culture by byone one of ot the foremost floriculturists in I ISalt Salt Lake City Questions addressed I Ito to this column will bo be answered I GARDEN G A R D E N promptly when accompanied by byname I name and address both of or which gI I t will be omitted upon request 1 I 1 I J al FURTHER CARE OF LAWNS The regular use of the spud or dandelion dandelion dan dan- delion dellon knife is undoubtedly effective and this method should not be altogether altogether altogether alto alto- gether discarded even cven though spraying spraying spray- spray ing ng Is done In using the thc knife or spud care should be taken to cut off the he dandelion at least an inch below the he point from which the leaves spring otherwise the cutting will simply result in three or four new plants coming up from the old root Salt when sprinkled onto the freshly cut root always kills it Another method of or killing dandelions dande- dande lions ions Is to inject some gasoline or kerosene which must be used with great care into the heart of the plant An ordinary oiling can such as comes in your car or one used by mechanics may be filled with gasoline or kerosene and a few drops injected into the heart of the plant It If a a. lawn is so heavily infested with dandelions that only dandelion foliage Is visible risible it Is probably cheaper cheap cheap- er in the long run to spade up the lawn and start over again Another unsightly menace in the lawn is 15 quack grass There is no easy method of subduing quack grass quickly This pest spreads by creeping creeping creep creep- ing root stocks which are underground underground underground under under- ground under the roots of the lawn grass They spread rapidly and send sendoff sendoff of off shoots at every Joint or node These root stocks are fed by the green leaves above ground Therefore 1 If no green leaves are arc allowed to develop the root stock will finally die Close mowing will eventually rid the lawn of this pest The mowing must be bedone bedone bedone done faithfully and at short Intervals Small areas of quack grass may be smothered by bein being closely covered with boards or with tarred paper pegged down n so that the wind cannot stir it This method will take from two to three months The close cutting cutting cutting cut cut- ting method may take a a. season or even more |