Show v j i E Career Ends i i ji x I it bf i F 4 rf 4 4 HI C A r f 0 a J J. J W. W TAYLOR RITES PLANNED FOR MORTICIAN Funeral services for Joseph Wll- Wll liam am Taylor 76 pioneer Salt Lake mortician and the oldest funeral director director di- di rector ector in III years of service in Utah willbe will be c held at 1215 p p. p nl m. m Sunday in the chapel hapel of the mortuary which he founded half a century ago President Heber J. J Grant of theL the thel L L. D. D S. S church Bishop Nicholas G. G GI Smith mith of the Seventeenth ward ElIas lias A. A Smith and other speakers at t the services will pay tribute to the I memory of Mr Taylor Talor who died on Wednesday at his home North I Main Iain street of pernicious anemia Interment will be in City cemetery Born in Salt Lake January 16 1855 Mr Taylor was the eldest of 10 0 children of Joseph E E. E and Louise a. a 1 Capener Taylor natives of England England Eng- Eng land and who came to Utah by b ox team hi In the pioneer da days s. s The elder Mr Taj Taylor lor was a carpenter carenter carpenter car- car penter enter and coffin maker miker and in 1864 established an undertaking business in Salt Lake He died in 1 1 1913 13 at lt the age ge of 83 Mr Taylor took charge of at his fathers ather's funeral parlors at the age of 17 7 conducting the business until De- De ember 1876 when he left on a missIon mission mis- mis sIon on for the L L. D D. S. S church in Eng- Eng land nd He returned to Utah in 1878 and nd the following year entered the employ of the Pacific Express company company com- com pany as messenger and baggage clerk clerkin on in the Utah South railroad between bc- bc I be-I tween v een Milford and Juab He was transferred to Ogden in 1881 and andor for or a time was employed by bythe the Utah I Northern then building into Butte Mont Mr Taylor returned to Salt Lake Lakein Laken in n 1882 abandoning his railroad Career career ca- ca reer eer and establishing the undertaking ing ng business which bears his name While in the service of the railroads rail rall- railroads roads Mr Taylor married Miss Mar Mar- garet Littlefair a native of or England on all Api April IS 15 1880 A few years jears after he founded his undertaking establishment Mr Taylor Taylor Taylor Tay Tay- lor built a story four-story structure at 25 21 South West Temple street later building a new mortuary the Roberts hotel and his home on a a. large tract of land at Main and North Temple streets An active L. L D. D S. S church worker Mr Taylor was a member of the high priest quorum of the Seventeenth ward of Salt Lake stake He also was active e in fraternal life Ufe being a member of the Salt Lake Elks lodge the Odd Fellows and Knights of Pythias In 1925 Mr Taylor and his family I went abroad on a four months' months tour of or Europe Besides his widow a daughter Mrs William C. C Lukey and two grandchildren grandchildren grand grand- children Gloria Anne and Winifred Margaret Lukey Luker all of Salt Lake survive The following brothers and sisters also survive Alvin V V. Ta Taylor lor Los Angeles Mrs Jennie S. S Schneider der San Antonio Texas Mrs 1 Lillie T. T Richards Mrs B B. B J. J Beer and Mrs William F. F Beer all of Salt Lake |