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Show Ann Landers The Ja!t I ake Tribune. Saturday, 4ugust t l.uvc an education and jobs arc finding it lough to make marriage work What chaike do ou think you and K would have? My parents hate thia guy imploie you to put all plans on hold A'k your parents to consider family counseling Somehow you must all stop veiling and start talking to each other It's the only way there will ever be peuee in your w which had to sneak arowd makes me feel louay. Both Mom and Dad are heavy sleeper, so my guy has been coming In ths back door at night after they have gone to bed I had a copy of my house key made, and this is the way we have been getting together. Friday night my mother caught us and called my dad. You would have thought I had committed a triple ax murder. It was the absolute worst night of my life. Dad kicked R. (with his foot) out of the house and told him if he ever came around again he would have him arrested because I am under age. My mother screamed and cried and carried on like a lunatic Nobody is talking to me. and I feel like an outcast. 1 want to get married and leave this nuthouse. tl am not pregnant or anything like that.) R. says lie will marry me and that we can leave town and make it somewhere on our owm. But we need to know in what state can a girl get married at 15. Please help us. In Love and Miserable Dear Miserable: The library has the information you want I refuse to pass it on. I hope by the time you read this letter things will have simmered down and you can think more clearly. These days adults who family Tribune Food Editor As August heats up. any excuse is a good reason to have a barbecue. Whether it includes a couple of friends, or the whole gang, a summertime cookout is a festive occasion Our word barbecue probably derives from the Spanish "barbacoa." which is a framework of wood or branches set over a fire and used as a support for ooking meat, usually beef The tradition of cooking meat, or fish, over an open fire appears to be Good luck Dear Ann Landers: People often write to you alhiut how they get hassled for refusing alcoholic beverages at parties Well. I have an equally irritating problem, and 1 am a teetotaler. My relatives are worse than my friends I am a vegetarian - which means I eat no meat, which, iish or fowl When 1 started on t is diet incidentally, has done a world of gin id for my health expected to get some stupid questions and a little pressure to eat this or that But it has been three and a half years now', and am still hearing the same dumb remarks. People keep asking me if I e'er feel faint from hunger and how I expect to keep my red blood count up if I don't eat meat. find it fascinating that at 50 I weigh the same as 1 did in college. And the morons who ask the most foolish questions are fat and out of shape. Do you have any quick comebacks for those ignorant clods? Feeling Fit Dear Fit: Quick comebacks will not put an end to the dumb questions. The fat and foolish will always international 1 1 1 v be with us. Ask your doctor for the best hook on the vegetarian diet and, when the questions start, recommend the book and tell them. It's all in there you really ought to read it." vVM,, Barin' cued London Broil turns a summertime cookout into a fes tive occasion is grilled with the beef to perfection. r, DEAR HELOISE: I have the simplest and easiest way to clean the rubber mats for the Heloise kitchen sink. Just throw them into the washing machine with a load of clothes, with bleach added to the water. The mats come out spotlessly clean! Lucille Kafana Mrs. Garcia Nuptial II avcoc k- -; Chene a rein and Haycock Garcia Queiilen were married Friday at Herit- age House. A reception was given afterward. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Haycock. Salt Lake City. The bridegroom is a son of Quintin Garcia and Antonia Garcia, both of Salt Lake City. Submit picture before wedding The great increase in the number of weddings in our area makes it possible for The Tribune to publish only the engagement or wedding photograph, but not g both. To assure publication, photographs for use with wedding announcements in The Tribune should be in the office of the Lifestyle Dept., Room 212. Tribune Bldg., at least one week before day of the wedding ceremony. The $8 charge for wedding photographs is to cover reproduction costs. Because of the volume of photographs handled, The Tribune can assume no responsibility for pic- tures submitted. Golden wedding and birthday announcements are charged for space used at the rate of $16.94 per inch. There is an extra charge if a picture is used. They should be submitted to classified advertising department, Newspaper Corp., phone 143 S. i. Agency or Main, 237-291- Dr. Gerald E. Peterson, DEAR HELOISE: Before a trip to the park or to our childs ball games, we boil frankfurters, put them h into our thermos and take them along with a bag of hot dog buns and a bag of peanuts or other munchies. Whenever were hungry, we simply reach into our thermos, pull out a hot dog and enjoy. This has saved us lots of money and its easy Adeline enough for even our children to prepare. wide-mout- Mitchell Write your message on one side, then address and stamp the other as you would a post card. Letter or Mrs. R. L. Harris envelope postage is required. DEAR HELOISE: If you have trouble threading needles, cut the thread at an angle and it will slip through the eye of the needle easy as pie. You wont even have to dampen or twist the end of the thread. Many a time, as I thread my needles. I have Nora thanked the person who showed this. I am DEAR HELOISE: Since crippled. I cannot Chicago Tribune Writer The former Miss Nude BOSCOBEL, Wis. International lives on a farm over toward the Mississippi River and has six scented skunks as pets. Her name is Rita Bane, and she and her husband, John, run a booking agency for exotic dancers, one of whom is Chesty Morgan, who advertises a bosom and is paid a weekly performance fee of $3,000. Rita and John also raise sheep and cattle. Rita has been seeing visions. On two occasions while John was at the nearby Rolling Grounds Store and Tavern. Rita saw bright lights and images of towers. In the second instance a mysterious voice said, Spread the word of God." So John and Rita have applied for permits to operate three TV stations to do the Lord's work, among other things. Rita and John came to their sheltered valley when Rita decided to hang it up as Rita Atlanta, the exotic dancer who took it off in a huge champagne glass. She had been booked as the Champagne Girl, and the fact is that Rita is no longer a girl, which, she said, is why she retired. h Booking Agency John, a former British newspaper reporter and New York publicist, was Ritas manager, and when the two of them arrived here they brought along their booking agency, which consists of a large chart, photo albums and a telephone on the dining room table. They chose this area of hills and valleys because it reminded Rita of her native Austria. They bought sheep and cattle and built a new house and an office and theater building where Rita works at training exotic dancers. Her star pupil is a neighbor's daughter named Linda Flesch. Began as Actress Rita began as a child movie actress in Austria but didn't like the work, she said, because she had to get up too early in the morning. She said she took up dancing and early in her career, when she was a she attracted the attention of the plump teen-agelate King Farouk, who was then in exile in Italy. "He took me to the gambling casinos, and if he won he gave me the money," Rita said. Rita, who left Europe for America in 1958, told me this during my first visit to the farm, when her six pet r, skunks were the only occupants of the upstairs bathroom in the Banes new house, and when John patted his ample midsection and said he was proud of it, the midsection, that is. Ive got a lot of money invested in it," he said, snapping open another can of beer. It was during that first visit that the skunks tipped over the suitcase that barricaded the bathroom door and streamed out into the rest of the house while Jolm waved his arms and shouted, and Rita said, "Oh, my poor darling babies. Once Ritas "sweet, darling babies had all been held and petted, during my latest visit, she talked about her visions. "They were like the brightest light I have ever seen," she said. I thought it was a flying saucer or something. Rita said she was lying on her bed at the time and the light came flooding in through the window. When she called John at the tavern, he and the others just laughed, she said. The second time, however, when she looked out at the bright lights she saw the shapes of steel towers and then she heard the voice tell her to spread the "This (the TV channels) is something totally separate, John said. The communities that the Banes TV stations would serve are Boscobel, Richland Center and Eastman. I hope Rita and Jolm get their permits. And if they do, I may just move over into one of those three communities to watch television. You just know that it will be interesting, if not uplifting. Want Ads are for finding a JOB! 24 Hour Servic- e- WE REPAIR SPRINKLING SYSTEMS MANWILL PLUMBING & HEATING 385 East 3900 South White Rattan cSDGd & ESTATE 35' 262-467- L...1 6th 7:30 (? C:- i P.M. 7th 7:30 P.M. OLSON AUCTION GALLERIES 4303 So. Main . j London broil, about can 2 pounds ounces) coc ktail vegetable juice wine t ii up vinegar H cup sliced green onions (6 tablespoons soy sauce dove garlic, minced 4 teaspoon dry mustard teaspoon ground ginger Score steak: place in shallow dish. To make marinade, combine remaining Ingredients: pour over steak. Marinate 6 hours or overnight: turn steak occasionally. Remove steak from marinade; place on broiler pan. Broil 4 inches from heat 25 minutes, or until desired doneness, turning and brushing with marinade every 5 minutes. Makes 8 servings. To cook outoors, marinate steak as above. Remove steak from marinade; place on grill 4 inches above glow ing coals. Cook until underside of steak is brown, brushing occasionally with sauce. Turn; continue cooking until desired doneness, brushing occasionally with sauce (total cooking time about 30 minutes for rare). 2 Whether they're hints, questions or problems, Heloise loves to go through the mail to pick out the best letters to use in her column whenever she can. She can't answer you individually, but if you think you have something to write about, write Heloise, P.O. Box 37000, San Antonio, Texas 78216. Ethan Allen t;er Their children: Flrov T,. Thomas Richard T., Paul T Stanford T.. Barbara I aMont and Karma Wolfe, invite you to a reception m honor at ttwer Ocddan Weeding T Anniversary Friday, Auduff 13, . mj from 7 fm Ward, ft Mr ia he IM MU, Mi Jrm Wef SUMMER SALE Save $350.00 on the Bedroom of Your Dreams. . t'oned pieces but povde plenty of m practical storage space Come scon' Our formal Georgian Court bedroom recalls a more gracious and elegani and it's at very SDecial savpast ings now! Classic lines and 18tn ceniury-inspiredetails m solid cherry and selected veneers are beautifully broken pedidisplayed in our t ment bed T he triple dresser, and night stands are not only exquisitely crafted and p'opor- . eg 66 tnpie '79 Dresse-Fedimei- 309 739 ER MIRROR BED" '3 PC GROUP-DRES2339 25 1879.25 399 75 339.75 N'unt Slang 129 75 949.75 Chest on Ches! -Sii. CS0'l j d'ic a b zes Minor Queen S ze Elea' - sale 999.75 259.75 619.75 Also.On Sale famous Ethan Allen furniture for living rooms, dining rooms, family rooms and children's rooms Carpets, rugs, draperies, clocks, and accessories yf M SATURDAY AUC. 1 chest-on-ches- 1 GOLDEN WEDDING Roy & Ellen Barlow FRIDAY AUG. Barbecued London Broil Put a little play clay on the inside of the cutler and place small dried flowers in it. The clay will hold them upright. The little arrangement looks cute as is and lasts and lasts or it can be removed when making cookies, then be put back in afterwards if desired. Mary Bateman Of course, you'll make sure you wash the cutter well before you use it for cookies. Hugs, Heloise DEAR HELOISE: A good rule of thumb to follow when washing woodwork, walls (interior or exterior! or even a car, is to always start at the bottom. Any water that runs down the surface will always be on the clean part and no dirt streaking will result. Streaks caused in this manner are all but impossible to remove no matter how much scrubbing you do. Edith Audas. There are two schools of thought on this, but I agree with you, particularly if the walls are really dirty. Heloise book. 532-244- 4 Sets Voila! how to cook. low-volta- AZTEC MEDICAL CENTER 1010 E. 500 So. AUCTION ... e This time, Jolm didnt laugh quite as much because he knew that Rita had a history of predicting things by seeing visions. She has. for example, seen advance images of relatives funerals. Rita and John thought about the visions and finally interpreted them as a command to apply for TV channels for local communities. three These channels would be hooked up to one of the religious networks, John said. They would also be used to showcase local talent, he added, but in no way would they feature any of the dancers the Banes ' ANTIQUE The cane pulls out of the blanket neatly Easy! Vera Hanes DEAR HELOISE: Cookie cutters make cute gifts a for most any occasion and for most anyone bride-to-bgrandma or a young girl just learning word of God. Announces Opening of Practice at . . . Ph, 1 half-grow- n Jr. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN card and Of visions and exotic dancers By Bill Stokes climb onto a stepstool or ladder to put away blankets on a high shelf, so here's what do I fold the blanket, then put the end of my cane (you can use a broom handle, etc.) inside the last fold. Give it a little boost and it's up on the shelf. e. DEAR HELOISE: When you need a post have none available, seal a and use it. North .Africans have their "mechuui" of whole lamb spitted and roasted over live coals The Greeks prefer an outdoor feast of tender young goats, while C anadian Indians like to grill salmon on a wooden frame Southern Americans bury a whole pig in a pit lined with red hut coals, the result of burning a wood fire fur many hours It is in the southwestern United States, however, that barbecues have reached the pinnacle of perfection Pits are dug. lined with hot rocks, live coals or burning wood, depending on local tradition Secret sauces are concocted, some so hot they seem to explode in the mouth. And anything that can be basted and roasted is cooked in the sauce sparerihs, beef quarters, chicken, sausages, it all goes m Several hours later everyone digs in to smoky slabs of succulent meat. At home you can have all the fun with the proper selection of barbecue equipment, which ranges today from an inexpensive three-leggebrazier to a fancy gas grill. Decide how much and how often you cook out as well as how many you generally serve. But if you make cooking out a habit, even when the weather turns cold, a more substantial investment is worth considering Whatever you choose, use charcoal to best advantage. Generously pile it up to start the coals When there is no more visible black on the hot charcoal, spread it out evenly and begin cooking It will usually take 30 to 45 minutes to have a guod bed of coals, so plan ahead and start the fire in plenty of time. For a change-of-pacbarbecue, grill a marinated London broil. The marinade lends moist, tender goodness. And its quick and easy to prepare with cocktail vegetable juice as the base, laced with wine vinegar, green onion, soy sauce, garlic, and ginger. d Freshen your garbage disposer DEAR HELOISE: We save all citrus fruit rinds and put them into our garbage disposer at different times. Willis This gives our kitchen a nice, fresh odor. Hoover Great! However, if you have a septic tank system at your house, avoid doing this too often as it presents a decomposition problem. Instead of running them through your garbage food solids of any sort should be put into a bag or wrapped in paper and placed Heloise in your garbage can. !) By Donna Lou Morgan 1 like poison and have refused to WF let me go with him. Bo we have 192 Make cookout festive time Put all plans on hold ! m Dear Ana girl who c. U"ing with a guy, 19. I am mature for my age amt could pass for 18. Mjr boyfriend Jooki like 21. 7, Curruige House Ymr l illilll AHeil (Jallerics 4545 4700 SO. 900 EAST SALT LAKE HARRISON BLVD OGDEN 262-297- 479-530- 1 2 |