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Show 270 -- Unfurnished Kotrfs 770 Unfurnished Houses Condommams 27 MUST rent for 9 ,, sq H home 4 txl r--. 2 vrs okJ Nto Ddr s cer t ville $1 700 frt fu uKr 0 or Gonna ken 3bJ JT EXECUTIVE MOMt N b vk 3t . hudmoms r ma rt.n.ng 2 nr-- c wju tam. I(Juir toO arge SeSC p rro Carnivn or 2i7 tea. 7 3 BEDROOM house rok tented yard colon. kitchen carport garden spot close to Wa'er (own po U5 I $ &c vance dep UPPER AVENUES rvar Park 2 bdrms bams duple, 2 carpet off street fireplace parking garage swamp cooler $M) mo Js4 SVO as"t $250 CLOSE IN Walk lo town 2 Odrm remndfted mler horn m new conn For qi w students or work.iy cuupt Garage no yard 22 4473 CLEAN 2 BEDROOM Double carport Hpie basement dec nice yard New Kearns area UO Nc pets t 4860 EXECUTIVE CUSTOM L.NL HOME overlooking Country Club 4 bains bdrm no mainie nanre aval A.jgust 15m fcoO HOUE Fv rent $ e A r SAN "5 V rm KEARNS poss tw leav notion VU5 Plus dep S2S0 So :ief West Wayne ?oW 5584 Dan S7T 7569 MB 1344 WEST 7125 SO West Jordan Nrwr. 3 bdrms , , twtts fenced yard 35. 8cM? JET SET HOME with sep con ference room exclusive Matxe Hills location 7 (X so ft t?cW0 rermol 734 279 or 2 3 BEDROOM HOME Near U and downtown, air cond No pets on I $150 utilities carpeted plus S6J3 year 2 LEASE with option, 4 brrm baftt family room new Rose - 4 myna ruck a ea tireos 2 "MF?' wk 3 o Ur ly $S25 Ca eves aher o 5 EXECUTIVE ving m Cotton wod area 3 tym 2 bam frpn "no ws$o00jrc &?' VANa 3 bdrm No IN bams $5C mo xx'j bdrms put fenced oocitue oarage Ca olvn or TAYLCkbv ILLE 4 entry fam,ly rone- - r efved mo Caroiyn 2u&22or2t2 3e83 3 BEDRLCM af tond large vara tiarage M5 IJ8I Huoson V4W NiaER 2 bdm Ecce1 Sanoy twml tkXiWe gar $39 mo No smokers pets 484 80e6 BluFEOAiE ilove Carpel nochitdren no pers rer,g all i7' 4jo7 1989 TAYLORSVILLE home I rxTsev MB month $ dep Nosnxaiervoi pes vu8-e- 20 LEASE TO BUY nice 3 bd'm home on WersxV 54? So riam-Ci- r dree i 94 srvi ia pc's garden ge yaid ttx ed x ds $4)0 3 Tuscailosa T'XO 42 46o 25-4- 0 NilE 1. bdrm 4 no Wav M DaveYjcing none New ar-- $475 4fio-- 4 Dave Young LARoE 2 bdrm bark frnc near , 2 Liberty carport hook-up- $275 2o07 BEDROOMS 2 BATHS no No smewers EAST ?9ho S pets $450 mo LEASE OPT, ON 3 barm ram erfer $37t) mo 1483 W Valley Dr (4975 So ) SANDY H ta'hs large Park area 5536 539 8M2 fam-lroom, fenced, M5 mo 3S48 or 262 3t6J Carol n 34J9 WEST VALLEY HEIGHTS PARK CITY Paik Meadow 4f?, (5N5 So) 3 barms, split level, 1800 sq ft , 3 bedrooms 2 bahts fam room, caroort fenced yd $75 mo 272 775 MIS Refs required 57HM8I TENNIS COURTS Vj acre hors DARLING 2 story 2 bdrms 2 2 bath family room 3 bdrm stor shed es baths, dbf carport l,,st hookups, frpl 1352 So 9m East 2 $425 4 BEDROOMS bahis, MJOmo J43-- 7282 PARK Ctv darling spaoous 4 family room, canyon rim area nu Pets. 22 500 bdrm home 2 baths. 2ar ga 3494 SOUTH 1)5 EAST rage private patio, deck remod 2 Dah $425, 4 bdrm firepl super City OC29?9573 2921170 tami!voom fen yard 484 4ift HIGH AVENUES 2312 So 2 BEDROOM plus bxint 5 bdrms 5 ba view Irg cty kitchen, patio 3 trpls , 2 bBQ s Green St U50 mo plus oewsit Stove refrig carpets 632 2c 32 many extras, 1100 mo 379 GOSHEN, 3 bdrm house liv car NICE 3 bedroom refrig pets, drapes hookups garaoe mg room, kitchen, celler porch 7 small yard $275 mo plus utils , fenced V 25 $100 dep3S9 2JC1 OPEN House Rent new 3 bdrm 7218 Fas! 6070 So oH Farrktwn TAYLORSVILLE nm 5 bdrm Ave 15910 So ) 2ho-- 720 family rm . fireplace private dbf enclosed carport vd 4524 NICE hurr-- by rent Orem area W88 Prittwood References req fai mo plus $3'5 NEAR new East Mtdvaie util Call after 6 942 41M ? bedinnms large dining room, 5 BcDROOVS, 2 baths 2 k, Jv l tirepfacp carport plus Ml ens, Sandv larqe vard no gaNo Rts 521jA440 rage VJ $400 dep 561 88 5 3 BEDROOM in Peoa area 10 SANDY 3 bdrms . 2 batns, vow minutes from SLC, room by firew , dW oarage, 125 262 2.173 horses Preftr retired cpI SOUTHEAST 3 Wrm . 2 bahT DavsS3l 8770. eves StCHH bsmt , arJrpl , $4o5 26l 922 EASTWOOO HOME WI1H VIEW 2 bdrm , 1208 SOUTH "l300 West 4 bdrm , 2 bath, fenced yard 9 $?75 2 mo lease 1575 fumisned, $550 4C2 No Redwood Clean 3 bdrm unf 3100 So 36thJE ast 58.v Lrg trees hxuus jj-3 BEDROOM $395 Large bdrms Nice view of $350 THREc bedroom, vie 3rd Quiet Jo 1353 Non 277 So 39th no Vic East pets smokers, pets city Of 5200 So S6CL West 966 3797 TAYLORSVILLE 4 hdrm , 2 sto-rmulti bath gar $sy CLEAN spld entry, 2 bdrms up 2 down, walk-ou- t hvnt , carport LARGE 3 bdrm home, fenced 5340 Polaris Ct (So 5460 West) Call alter 6 yard IT 5 mo 969 3U4 851 McTlet'and, 2 bdrms . nice 3 BEDROOM 2 bath fenced, area J64 58t4, 1641 firepl air Max 2 kids $35 No MURRAY bdrm, S2M with singles, no pets 4284 West 3965 E 5900 So Ut s , 2 So SANOY, 4 bdrm 2 bath, 2 firepl 2 BEDROOM, 428 E Kensington b yd $495, 571 6439 g COOfer, 15 Fenced yard Avail Aug Unfmshed bsmt Children and 3 BEDROOMS bsmt, garage 262 5146 $405 $525 near Alta Canvon petsok, THREE BDRM DUPLEX WHITE CITY 3 bdrms , new oarage, firepf , all appfs, paint, very nice $350 fenced in yard avail 1st Sept 2 BEDROOMS, full basement 262JBU4 appt 1525 mo 1330 Kearrx area 26 3354 3 BEDROOM Gingerbread home $400 mo Sandy 1222 Serpentine tn Sotfd'house area $525 per mo 3 298 2716 bqrm bavement-erpor- t Many extras No singles no pets $375 CUTE 2 bdrm partly fgm Cal area 56M)51B Highland High $650 East LEASE OPTION WEST Valiev 3 bdrm, bah Sandy 4 bdrm double garage frplc , earth tone Call Mary option to buy $y)0 mo 943 1J95 2 BEDROOM Beth 969 7503 large yard ga LEASE to own beautiful Murray rage Call 272 0150 after 6 twin home 3 bdrms Snorts Mall SO JORDAN 2 bdrms. 3rd acre 1300 mo $125 dep 571 ,43C Membership included $610 mo MA(NA 2 3 bdrm air frplc No WEST JORDAN 4 bedrooms smokers pets $400 359 3600 split entry familv room fenced NEWER home on ? acre $590 Washer and drvet included $440 per mo 254 S0lor 254 6857 mo Carolvn 268 8R72 or 2f 2 3683 376 MC CAI L (250 East) LEASE Large Sandy home, 4 Lrg clean I bdrm $245969J7?9 bdrm, den, familv rm fonnal SECLUOED I bdrm cottage dinmg fenced, air, double gar $200 3976 So State Rear 4660110 $825 571 5963 $275? bdrm storage bsmt , nice IN LOCATION' 2 bed CLOSE unfinished yd Nar 13th So 3rdE 467474 nxvns fireplaces basement garane 1395 me gas BOUNTTUL 3 bdrm , garage Car olvn 268 8872 nr 262 J683 bsmt $JS0451 7248 MlLLCRf EK Secluded v, acre NICE 2 bdrm home rinse to 1 rollv Large 4400 sa H 6 bdrms ?ar Square 1325mo 265 407 q.v tennis ct 3484 So Mill reek $215 LARGE 2 bedroom. South (28JPE IPetsOK M75 9o88173 East 242 420 WEST JORDAN Irg 3 bedroom MUST SEE 3 bdrm spld entry $475 mo No sirrwers or pets Sand Extras $SS0 9ARU99 9 mo lease References required bdrm plus base SMAt L cute Call rnent $265 SPARKLING-bdrm luxury 2 BEDROOMS, Rock firenls , full bsmt Garage frpic , no oets 3 I486 So 900 East, $35 $435 484 06 Immaculate yd 3940 W 6J50 SoWest Jordan SMALL coHage $175 mo 1623 So BEAUTIFUL 5 bdrm, 2 bath !tb Last Dan Mcxgan, 467 J001 home with view of the city 2 car NICE home for rent, Hunter garage, Irg vard family rm 2 area Call 969 3016, tor apot firepts Call U60 2 BFDROOM. f repl garden NICE 2 bdrm , carpeted house in 1939 So 945 Last J77 9164 eyes Murray No smokers, no pets. 3 BEDROOM home, $400 mo ctvkj OK $780 mo including 140 SLC 22 3638 1400 West, J07 utils CalH66-494WAY (3310 E) 1483 PLAZA $400 3 bdrm cottage, AVENUES 2 3 bdrm full bsmt completely remod interior washer dryer hookups no pets, CONDOMINIUMS M5 mo $375 deposit, 364 3395 LUXURY 4 BDRMS OPTION Bear on Dr 2 firepl 583 7260 Fenced yd NEW 2 bdrm , swamp cooler retrtg , spotlight channel 1)70 $150 dep No pets 780 7 May time Dr 250 4162, 266 9845 ASC with option 4 bdrm new f Mrhen, formal dining rm 2 family rms , 2059 East 6805 So 1550 net rent 1V tMth, split 4 hdrm SANDY dining ano family rm with enty tr pic $6.50 I eav option possible Tom REAL nice 4 bdrm. central air Irplr , laige deck, fenced ba rkyard $430 plus deposit 7806 4809 South 4015 West 262 1 1 ASE OR RENT near Umv 3 bdrm , turn or unturn , fenced format Oinmg room vd deck, 467 2588 bef 3pm FOUR be6roomi.w option ate (8500 So 670 440 Lane West) Fenced yd (no pets) Gar den m, I am room, bsmt 57 432 ? 3 BDRM, 2 baths, fireplace, West Valiev, forced yd, close-i$350 mo call Deborah Siobtom 94M)9n9 or 466 8 704 SUGARHOUSE area 2 bdrms Mty carpeted, new paint no Days pets'drmkerssmokers 972 3197, eves467 4169 BEAUTIFUL 4 bdrms, 3 baths, sunroom Lrg yard Ideal toe below Little Cottonwood Canyon $675 mo 94? 5262 3 BEDROOM PLUS, newly paint ad woodburning stove nice vard Available immed $165 mo 4916 So 5020 W I 377 4277 weekdays LOVELY 4 bdrms , family room 2 frplcs, choice Sandy 2 bath No smokers pets $45 4 BEDROOM home l'j bath No pets West Jordanarea $425 2546125 or 566411 3757 SOUTH 0035 WFST ? hdrm , rambler, carport 1335 510481 Refs required f OR full RENT 1150 sq H bsmt , 3 bedrooms large garage 1500 mo Call 278 3366 Nf W 3 hdrm contemporary Sandy $596 k av option Gene 94 10118 or 482009 3 B( DROOM 2 bath view of city Sandv $495 a month Gene 9430118 or 486 2009 bdrms WEST VALLEY, frplc , fenced yard double carpori $45 Call $600 A MONTH, country club area, 3 bdrm , garage, ref Years leave No nets 4 BEDROOM, 1 bath, nice yd $500 mo $700 dep in advance Call aft 5,972 2605 CLOSE-I2 bdrm, maior apofes $325 mo , $325 dep No utils , no or pels WEST Jordan 2 bdrm hemp, nice area, 1100 ft with basement, non smoker, $400 mo 9424)162 2791 W PAPRIKA mSSO) $4.15 4 LEVELS. 3 BEDROOM 2 hath, den, dbte garage 484 4821 2 BDRM Rose Park air wash or dryer hkps 1325 mo plus dep Adults only LARGE Sandv 4 bdrm , iv4 bath, finished bsmt fenced vd 15 'b Call Mary, 577 1287 or 484 2291 I ARGE 4 bdrm 2 story tudor, close in, prlv fenced yard dbl garage $5r5mo 149919? RIVERTON brand new spIi! entry, 2 bdrms , bath, carport Possible option $450 262 7123 SANDY 4 bdrm family rm , mo Linda 1(60 quiet street 4 FORWENT 566 929J slo wasrvr ' a sjoswi hosihee ret $j8S to pes l yiC alf K 3 or rOCLAOAY LOTTi NWcOD $i5u mo Nev ran.Dr srvie con oo 2 curms t hems country x ichen wim tpic 2ar gar Mr Jensen 272 9444 or 2 g BRQO5 T plus 450 EAST lSTSOTH New arge l and 2 bdrrn taTCbcaoed $275 $350 531546 ' BEDROOM $ ea v rw slot age hookjps artenoant park.na easy ireeway access Ai Us nc pe'S Mtn View Pa'k ou0 So $ tk2 S '23 125 GLENMCO TILLAGE 3 bed ? rooms 3 nams fireclares do. ole garaotor conoo tee Caroiyn iti 3o$ WILLOWS barm bath rowrtjuse hreoiae washer orver hookups. Scsai2i4n66 l bdrm 3 bah swimmng pool covered orkng SaveJYX) So Ysaples Estates E1 21 2 5 ,85a107 268j4 BcCROOM overlooking pool ana srrrwn heatifihtiiy dernr Icv-i- y mm view m The Willows Call tymre 9am2 & 21 U 4 DELUXE sq ft cmdo tidms 4 baths view garage tor executive entertain- perhct ig UXmo 487 84?i546j888 2 U5mo MURRAY r bdrms, 2 baths Year lease No pets no smokers Kds Ok Wasner dry h- patio Move in mnay PARk CITY condo, 2 bdrms, super decor low utils, $450 mo must have excel references Cohen I 02 NEW 2 BEDROOM, patio, club-tx;s-e $310 mo plus electricitv 7i0 No t) Vy Two children no pets 3 BEDROOM plus large loft bed room 2 batns garage 9th South and 30th E WS includes ail ul tlSCall TomJ 49 932J 2 52592 ptNinousE zidns Summit S E $1 mo 200 Rent option yw comer, 1 iBjtolS 5494 or 2 BFl tVDFRE STUDIO D shwasmx dtsonsal parking available $?OOmo ii31S3 BEaUTIFUL 2 honn top floor 37 7538 eves owl m-n.davs 0 3M2 week'nsis LJXURY HiWNHOUSfc 2Nt) sq ft 2 car gar tge Near Cnvon Racgupf Club Wmj7J9 BE DROOM Swimming pool 2 "baftTondo 2 cloo house Call lr74)jsc ater6 3 BEDROOM ciYido. bath family room, 2 frplcs , pool, tennis Bountiful area $500 79V1468 LEASE 2 BEDROOM CONDO Walk to work New dean Capt toi hill area $400mo Hi 'L LADAY DELUXE 3 BDRM Soper nice auiet No k'ds, no young singlesRets 28 1060 79 So BEIVEDFRE CONDO, Stale $350, Jodv 582 30&5 Ij 9 "2 3030 BEDROOM $190 or 2 Last 3645 262 270485601 256 $265 beaut NEW bdrms covered 2 washer-drye- r bedi So 00m, Call fridge, prkmg , $495 8th E 1st So university heights 209 bdrm , 2722 So IOC bdrm , 2 531 982 bath 845 E EAST 2 1375 QUAILBROOK batl AtUmenihes $455 New 2 bdrm , 2 Freehrat 2?19e5127134 STANSBoRY hiqh rise 2 bdrms amenities, U0 0 581 1S33 ? and 3 bdrm on NEW CONDOS 35th So $350 and $185 2982033 DUPLEXFS FOR RFNT $265, 2 BEDROOM Lg fenced vd , plus wi Icomr Advance fee Kids gar 3 BEDROOM $210 hk ops All apoli convenient Eastsideloc Advance he 486 Ml 100's MORE CURRENT VACANCIES RENTAL DATA PLACEMENT GUARANTEED 469 E 3300 S 486-744- NFED WASHER AND DRYER have lust the place This fan fas tic apt also has 3 bdrms , ? baths, oishwasher, fireplace, ange oven, and refrig Fully carpeted and draped with mini blinds Near Granite High school 262 1818 REAL HOMEY bdrm duplex in Taylorsville Children welcome Washerdryer hkups. storage rm with shelves $3T mo No nets, singles or smokers Call Tammy after 10 a m 967 2558 2 Vilt1 1059 1166 RfNFWrD CONDOS JERRY KELLGREEN &.CO THREE hdrm , ?',? bath, A pu leDecks patios gate town house frplc . dishwasher, hookups, air, pool, sauna, whirlpool, covered parking, tennis courts, outride storage, new paint very clean $450 i net heat and amenities Excellent view Eves and weekends 2 7? 2394 LEASE CAPITOL HILL CONDO tired of hotel Is your co expenses for out of town business men 2 , air, secure, clean, new, downtown S400mo36J0fUS bdrms OLD FARM fen Indoor outdoor swimming 2 ms, bdrm , ? bath all appliances $650 tncl condo fee Alice Miller 507 5100 Probe Realtors 272 4215 OWNER PAYS GAS 4500 South area 3 bdrm 2 baths, bath, $300 $35, 2 bdrm Underground appls nonets parking adults only air, 262 8074, 53JO900 $3 10 $360 MONTH lease, 2 bdrm vondo choice East Murray frpk air anpls , covered parking pool No pets Adults onlv Gas included Lee 268 034 or 533 0900 I 3 $300 4600 So 2 CONDO BE DROOM 2 bedrooms, brick side by side , 2 baths, spi ii al staircase, balcony air, hook ups, no dogs 359 1136 66" WEST SUNSET AVE Bdrms , baths, deluxe en, off street parking, laundry hk ups air $325 month plus deposit Bruce or Gary 942 21Q0 area Spacious COTTONWOOD Upper-152separate yds Hook-up- s 3 bdrm , 21 1 baths air, garage Lower $425 2 bdrm , bath study, large kitchen 7770 So 3355 East kitch- 2 2 ROSE PARK Luxury townhouse. 3 bedrooms, I 2 bath 1400 sq ft, fireplace, air $400 month NEW Deluxe 2 bdrm , fireplace, appliances, air, used brick exterior lor 2 children No pets $400 mo plus dep 3008 W Baty Dr (2960 So ) SPACIOUS 56 37 76, 5314497 3 bdrm, hookups, qaraoe, carpeted draped $160, no pets. 2141 Fast 200 So, 943- 7282 bdrm with basement washerdryer hookups, air2691cond , So no pets, 2 children ok, J60 Last Call 7 BEDROOM duplex, attached carport storage, air cond , car pets I2W 325 West 3650 So 3 Lanterns 96 2H87 INDIAN HILLS luxury apt" $400 Non smokers, no pets 2 bdrm , I bath livtnQ dining kitchen. lirepl , laundry 582648 $285 TWO area Carpet, dranes NEAR U OF U appliarxes garage swimming pool tennis court, laundry, club Clean attractive 7 bedroom, heat house No pets Adults only or 5330900 8 DELUXE 2 bdrm 2 b.ith tow $370 nhouse All the amenities So 1063 East, Sandy $4?smo plus utils Option to purchase Excd terms avail Call Chuck '566 6191, 943 861 NEW 2 BEDROOM townhouse close to town $3 900 down pmt APR $39 5C0 of $400 mo at 17 Must see' Best Western Realty 967 2913 or 266 5777 turn bedroom MURRAY, South 67 Condos No 1110mo pets, no children, no smokers Move in today' Pool tennis Washerdryer SOUTH incl 67 2r UW0 CONDO bdrm, I'i baths washer dry appliances, swimming pool racuiatthdl court lots of extras $15 mo I all 94J 6063 TOWNHOUSE BRICK YARO 3 bdrms 7' i bath, 7700 q ft atrium double gar , pool tennis mo i nr lodes condo ree $ 706 (JJrdS 1?thE ) 486 368 HILLS COTTONWOOD $600 $650 Deluxe ?f)00 sq feet 3 Views bdrms tennis, swim 262 9800 8700 So 1110 East ELEGANT large bdrm, walk in closet tenms, pool, ra ket $?9Q washes ball dryer ? er 943 7786 or 943 5444 furnished 581 9467 499 SO HIGHLAND DR . base moot apt . 2 bdrms , utils paid $275 Precept, no fee 834 STH AVENUE, 1 bdrm. hardwood fkos garage. $225 Precept no fee 48 4314 6?T"SO SPERRY COURT, (250 bdrm , caroets, appls, West), $150 as ts Precept 484314 WLST Valley 3 bdrm, fireplace, hk ups, carport, $285 mo No pet, 9e45 CLEAN 2 Mrms , carport, storage, frplc $290 735 E Red Maple (Win So) 2M 3530 car-poTWO Bdrms $275 Adults No pets 1363 W 3187 ) So 566 Rd (4090 Alder MIDVALE, 3 bdrms, air cond 7688 $J50 no I'rts carport andraWay (IVE ) 572 1933 IUXURY OUIET Air carptt, nice appis , near 900 E 7700 So $320 255 3657, Kim $27NttE 2 bdrm , big kitchen, garaoe, storage, hookkups 472 East Lambourne 56 5369 $?8S TWO BEDROOMS VERY Carpel 1510 $.5 4"jjso io 94k drapes, So 500 East appliances 292 3813 DUPLEX 7 bdrm, fireplace $75 East of Trolley Square 7s? 2401, 484 2836 OH ice o slOP 200 My starting a 14C tvil wrve sq ft or parking ton jus K .xoi Tuwrtev 26l i6 Art. 4Uv4 SOP B fcasf 278 8700 new carut THREE BDRMS hesemenr patio car age appis toxed backyard mature adtrs VU air htwkups drapes ca'uorr yard ry) oers $35 mo 219 fc June Aena ur 879sSo 571 5381 BEDROOM, 3 rss; RXM ts parking garage fireplace carpeting a of 1 96,22 P DUPLEX Hg r s bdrm No TOWNHOUSE view Hotia'av 1100 Mon - F f idav 7 bdrm garaoe East $790 272 UU - 5pm 5TH SO 2 bdrms and bdrms appis $225 to $25 Precept Property 466 4314 MAGNA 4 Plex, clean 2 bdrm washer refrig with ? bsmt sieve No pets $200 FARMINGTON $)50 3 bdrm with garage bachelor apt 2? 0'9 evenings NEW 2 bdrm townhouse gar hookups, fenced. Granger $325, 935 EAST 3 99 7114, WEST Valiev 3 bdrm , carpet, no hkps air trpic dishwasher pets $350pH $200 oep96M) 180 3 BEDROOM dshwshr fridge drapes air hkjps, carpets cond Sandy $360 mo 9o9 9037 WFST VALLEY, 3 bdrm 1j bam hkps fenced carport 350333 $JH5 Maig jo7sc.PANrER 4 piex 2 bdrms air cond 969 2j81 277 9287 NEW paint, 2 bdrm , 2531 La C42J 559 GRANGER 2 bdrm , air hkups. enud, no pets S29Q, 9o6 2oP2 DUPLEX $265 2 bdrm . 159 So 35 E 2401, BEDROOM-SandCall after 4pm BEDROOM apartment tsidf location bedroom V. heat $195 LARGE paid Eastsde location 364 9257 DELUXE Townhouse. 2 bdrms, 8 Mrg n $)C0 n EAN 2 bdrm References Clf'aningdeo iNO 968 512 ah 6 Murrsv $100 DOWNTOWN smalj. 2bdrms 262701,967849 $3i5 mp 3 bdrm 1719 So 10th E No pe s St No 732 Jeramy TWO hdrm pets $200 $100 dep ADULTS, no smokedrinkpets, 3 bedrooms 502763, 466 3SV7 4 BEDROOM fireplace, garage $415, 1263 bmerson Ave 801 2 AAONTH bedroom $100 bast 3780 So 277 50Q4 BDRM plus bsmt NopetS ast 3100 So 4891 8 CLEAN 1 large bedroom Copper ton $225 942 4613 NFW 2 bdrm , all conveniences, $150 2 69t $310 TWO 1493 West 2320 So 6 Bdrm $210 530 South 8th East 255 1088 or 261 42S5 BEDROOM-nea- r town, newly remod, $165 no pets, 2 bdrms , GAR AGE Workshop. $300 279 East 1900 S 967 9337 ONE bdrm, 1221 West 4th So $185 1100 dep 2 BEDROOM Ig duplex, near Valiev Fair Mall $300 57) 4245 RENTAL AGENCIES FREE SERVICE TO RENTERS RENTAL GALLERY Houses Apts 531 9804 1007 East 9W So PROPERTY MANAGEMENT PROFESSIONAL Management Residential condos multiples, romnvroal Full service, acctg , maintenance evictions 10 YEARS SERVING YOU Precept Property Mgmt484314 HONEST REl IABLE Property Management All Services A hen Realty & Mgt Co 268853 226 E 4500 So HONEST, RELIABLE Property Management All Services Action Realty & Mgt Co 266 8853 226 E4500 So EQUITY MANAGEMENT INC AM services VACATION ACCOM M0DATI0NS WAIKIKI SPECIAL WEEK tn Luxurious Waikiki Condo and round-triairfare from L A , starting at $299 Call I F S, 481393 MAZATLAN MEXICO 2 weeks time shares private rest dence, sleeps 6, On El CkJ Resort and Country club $10 500 272 24?Q, 278 9584 NEW SUMMER RATES City Condo for rent at 20 discount Private 3 bdrm . Sleeps 8 Frpl, TV by day or week Park Carol GEORGE RESORT Luxury 3 bdrm townhouse, plus sun deck Pool tennis, golf $'00 night or trade tor 17380 SWFETWATER Bear Lake con Free do taking reservations passes Well kept 3 bdrms , toft kitchen, Iivm9 room 284211 FOUR weeks per year at Sweet water on Bear Lake Best deal no downpayment 278 4372 WFEK at SWEETWATER Resort 3 unit condo, available 8121 Soma 1 723161, Orem BEAR Lake condo, times avail after August 23, Labor Day open. ST LAKE Powell Houseboats avail Share equity Cheaper than rent' SCI Boats, SWEETWATER San Diego Aug 12 19. Nov Bear Lake Aug 31 Sept 7 Bill 5522 SEE the pro's practice at Jeremy Ranch August 121 Condo over looking 3rd green, sips 6 PARK CITY 3 bdrm log heme Close to Prospectors Square $00 day $325 wk 292 7607 SAN DIEGO Vacation Paradise Top floor condo right on beach Helen BEARLAKE Private cabin, no 561 2568, 969 3304 partiers, 5 BEACH Sleeps wk Ocean sidez CA 71402 5692 CONDO on GOLF Course, accomodates 8, Sept 11 466556 RENT MY FURNISHED BRIGH TON CABIN DAVE, BEAR Lake Sweetwater begins Aug 26 forj week 969 3058 DUPLEX ON BEACH NEAR SAN OIEGO S250WK L E ASE mv Snowbird apt August 21 28 2 beds kitchenette 272 71 4 CONDO RENTALS San Diego Sept 29, Waikiki Xmas 532 2504 SWEETWATER Jackson. I week, August 30, 250 3208 2. J ea BUSINESS PROPERTIES GEORGE AREA 27.000 so ft building Sale or lease Could be used tor retail, light industrial etc Previously used for furniture and appliance retail business Will consider lease for 13 or 12 of bldg John or Nick ST FORSALf Choice East, 3900 So property Zoned C2 Approx 1 ;t acres plus approx 64)00 ft brick office bnig Nicely decorated Call 23'x65' $195 warehouse, 10 ft overhead door 245 So 5th East Slade St , rear 278367 REASONABLE 3,750 sq ft shop or warehouse type bldg Offices, air cond , 3 phase 968 8587 m n STORES- OFFICES SALE FAILS) 751 EAST 4500 SOUTH Zoned for business office Large garage and storage with efficiency apt m back Nice brick home has 2 bedrooms, 2 fireplaces, full basement Fantastic terms Only Call Jan 278 5444, Bob $99 500 560819 or Deseret Properties 402101 h t i to ' t v R Hvm fca So iohiv m " H i ks Executive OHne pare de gn to suit 7 nxxitby tree Full set Vue xvuenf trewav access bee paWig 94J40& Call 240 to 720 sq ft Ut es pa Caroets drapes air cord ni tnr al Prime kx 2520 So Slate Near freeway Amp pX- - U nuilifll EAGAR'S 48JJ53 4 OFFICE SPA E Jeel location 1725 sq ft 4 outside o plus large wcvkioom and reception office Upper uont 448 So 4th East Covered parking Drive by $900 per mo all servic es included 345 PLAZA SUITE OFFICES Your Country view of stream choice of Sizes-- rm 300 sq feet 500 sq teet $9 $1 y0 to 10 rm 345 East 4500 So Desk phone rental poss 264450 WFST VALLEY CITY executive suites ample park Excel belt route access mg Negot etms Owner 261 4989 2 FORETTHriIS OFFlCECEN" TER 1804 Highland Dr Leasing 200 sq nice ecoiomical offices ft fka 550 Small units Eves 48963? $125 2 Spr CHOICE Office space East 3900 So 000-000 ft avai Nicely det orated lots of oftstreetprkrg DELUXE OFF SUGARHOUSE inci Air utils prkg an it or AM' HEATON " 3 ROOMS 3 ROOMS 672 445 SOFT nice office spare nrar ZCMl Shopping center from ISO sq ft to 5 000 sq ft Fine prkg you owe it to yourself to look herejli IW1 25JSo 300 East DELUXE OFFICE 44)00 sq ft , good access to IIS close to new triad FOR SELL OR LEASE 974 5454 R ornne v96 7 8R93 SANOY BUSINESS PARK Office and warehouse $25 mo to 3 offices and share reception area, from H25mo aH utilities inrl 540 W 9460 So 5660281 OFFICE space for lease 5500 so ft in LDS Church Employee Credit Union Bldg Ask for Keith Carroll IT S WHERE YOU'RE AT THAT COUNS-IVPLACE Office-retai- l space 675 sq ft $3a0 484157 or 4670672 OFFICE SPACE Prime location Will remodel to suite $6 sq ft 300 to 3,000 sq ft available 2680797, 2780007 RENT REDUCED ft 40c h Deluxe all 3333 So 900 E 487 amenities VFRy 3333 277 3169 DELUXE sq feet office space Close to downtown freeway Nrw carpetspamt $4 foot B E NTQN INVEST 4806q6 600 sq ft $5 per ft per year Include light beat, air cond 1261 Wilmmgion Ave 4840759 Eves 278 5515 OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE $5 50 to $8 50 sq ft Mam si Parking location, in town available Harold Hill S7J79 CHOICE low cost office space 000 356 So 700 East Approx sq ft Ample parking $500 mo incl'Jdmg utilities PfR MONTH 1341 So State ISO sq ft includes utils and lamtonal 465931 UP to 4800 sq ft as tow as $6 50 per sq ft So east kx at ion REAL A!D 942055 550 SQ FT and up of nw office space $250 mo 3450 South Main Curry 467 2511, 772 4580 $140 Ground CLASSY floor, full service $190 $350 445JEastJ00So 571 7606 250 TO 750 sq H oHice 2605 East 3300 So $6 H including utilities Amote oarking46luJ WANTED CPA Accountant to exchange service for rent Long term Call Ann 32? 3522 SANDY Deluxe offices Lowest rent Ideal for prof medicalden tal 581 9076. 355876 DOWNTOWN-offic- e and retail East 4th So $3 50 per space ft and up Remodeled 942 4?90 SPACE Suwrhome RETAIL 800 sq ft 2nd floor Lease or by month 481602 484086 APPROXIMATELY 400 sq ft of office space 2089 East 7000 So ($225 Per n)j42 3600 BLVD 2453 WASHINGTON 1 or 4 floors, 26x165 Remodel to suit 2 1 walkjn vaults 255069, OFFICFRETAIL space for lease, 3424 So State sq ft avail CallMike, 82141 OFFICE SPACE 1000 sq ft, 21st So , clean, pleasant, converted brick house 484675 OFFICE Warehouse combination lor lease 1500 sq feet, 740 West 1700 So 972176 BRAND NFW 17?0 sq ft lease all or share with Copy Center 5494 So 4270 West, 277 6526 SOUTH State 3 E 1402 offices with sq ft , 261 J942 260563 ft SQ Sogarhouse loc xceilent space and terms reteptionist $380 per mo area 700 278 HIGHLAND' Dr 6200 South 660 sq ft retail Excel center loc 278 4633 Greg ATTRACTIVE and affordable 100 to 1,100 SQ ft Parking Easy access 6526 So tate RENT or Lease Retail store or 750 Price warehouse. sq ft negot 2122 So Sae 469251 30W 33rd East 950 SQUARE Feet Mrs $150 v ear lease So 581 4660658 9)46 Gardener, V90 750 SQUARE Feet down vear lease $275 East 33rd So MrsGardener, 500 SQUARE 33rd Soum 1 581 NEW LISTING ON PR VATf SECLUDEO E ST A 1L LANE BEAUTIFUL PROPERTY with historical vai ue1 5 Bxdroom two scxv with 3 baths main floor family rm 3 SO formal dining tirp.aoes AMENITIES1 '? ACRl MANY 000 share of water 15 ? a- - li .U1 INN O' iao 4r H (' n i,ii id , s r V UTm '4r c mm 1,10 hrv r.g con (.eM tor a h Orta Si AVI N' 2 Odrm By Cvax-- r t it oxa : kx t tv It ba 5lA m ac $324 W -5 1422 So Willow hill Dr a W x3 h i VK INCREDIBLE CONTEMPORARY Just listed $124 900 Perfect for tnp small family Immaculate 946104 Lee Linda Coleman CALL ABOUT OUR F R h PROPERTIES CAT ALOG 441 t t'm 8f MOVING- - STORAGE DOWNTOWN STORAGE and convenient, all $l0 00mo and up Doctors Lawyers Businesses Store records, turn inventory, etc 2 mm from Mam St & 2nd S Inexpensive sues avail ATE, INC 466 8704 942 2277 HOME AWAY FROM HOWE vr old home loc on 3 m.les of free land 6 mi west of West Yei iowrtone with view of mountains and Hehgen Valev Year rourv dlivmg with 3 bdrms , 2 fireolce Irg hving with view Dick RomJim Tuttle 272 ney 58105699 2638, Douglas Kn.ght, 467 1285 SUGARHOUSE 465 R658 WCXTDLD ESTATE ?5T? fast Pinewood Lane (Kaysvlle) All luxury irx liding pool and tennis crxict Riduixj to $715X00 Assume $120 000 at 115 Robb 546 4888 REGE NlY REALTY 487 0616 OWNER COTTONWOOD AREA, 6000 sq ft Tudor on private lane, v? a. re 1 heavily vwxxied year otd, 5 bdrms up all nak kitchen, 3 car NO AGENTS. garage $150000 ouahf letypuvet s only 272 806 WANNA TRADF up to builders new all brirti colonial charmer Approx 3000 sq ft plus full 4 car basement. garaoe 5 bdrms 3 baths fantastic lot and view $199,900 572 5722 533-020- MOVING- Wtl)an n Bra hful Irw rp nifvoped 0 GRAND OPENING J with 6 rttv Mow DR 356 2 (1840 East) HoMadav Only V7 500 Clean 3 bdrm brick rambider full bsmt tn enlace 2 carport Secluded aiea with trees Good tems avail Bill Klekas, 966 2305 Ter Conom ks Bette ry 464rA), 277 9776 OPEN 3 30 6 30 p m 2629 SO ELIZABETH ST HOURS 123pm 414 SO DOUGLAS ST mv Edsi) Dtsivrate seller Classic Frxilish 2 stoi v 1 T'W so ft near U ot U T remrvHlixis extei or atxeai 6 bdrms 2 fireplates, library and lamily t m Call Terrv Conorvlos hm Tutfte, 277 76 Ckxrglas Knight 467 1258 3 (7190 South) dk OPEN 880 SO 5 MIDVALLEY PR (1176 27 A TRADITION REAL 2603 COMPANY EAGAR & OPEN 12 WEST 30 OPEN 3 30 5 30 SOUTH 3600 WEST $69000 HA low interest 4 3865 M So. Redwood Rood 972-260- E 3 30 6 PARilV1EV 0900 f XFC 58? 4771 PROBE 272 i CR SOUTH) Vnfv nlrc UTiVf home all finished on tvih levels plus a T ar qaage OWNER INANCE AND YOU ( AN WMi MAKE TE RMS AMD tOWNPAY TO FIT YOUR NEEDS MENT Mav take smaller home m trade WHAT AN OPPORTUNITY FOR SOMTONE Call Los Havrnore MR 3673 7' 4215 t0 5 ( W 2980 SrL : 100 So ast F OPEN hOujE tnn.i U'1 home $11740 AL NPVr 1? 3 PM ALc AREA ? bath Contract terms 1 bnrm ranY.n it rum ciuwo Ca'l C reJ SftJ Tlftfl FuUMb laaMYi Sal curi Bv OANER Tu4 tfx E ve di , np m $40 cn OKter 2 hdrms. rimerti'ied with ixvn bean, ange ri'ng large d cPtral lOtt private Srtretl an t ,S5I4JVA OPf N HtXJSL WUkf At 14 owner By newly r.vnooeled 2 2 h oio r.ust sen iryio bon's 18ii- 5- ba'h wxJ "ksk Ve Avenue J9W71 $ 900 OPEN and SUN 113 10 assumption 4 vW rrw, Tvei F Ov ni aixn Vvv So F HARMtNG 3 bdrm b m k tvmv t firetilare rathe, d ceding ivw kd $rt(io icxd terms rvn AT ns lr N t reducxj $ '0 HOT 4 hdi m fk d 'iful ounlrv (lup area dtxor Ratv Money "1 I TAYLORSVILLE RAMBl ' R txmiis lu hritte, ill tv.k He new 'o gara'v I rl 000 terms carry VS Al A EAS! TON 436 3 hrufc iantlrr Pme Td'hion Plan Mail to 41 $50 ride, Fsta'e M. ,Jows find ?3 tvcjnrni t' Till v MOO PEAL ESTATE MARKET STREET ft 3 bdrm to man y node fed kitchen family rm rn Newts minor repairs and R vijsi' loOO sq level close wr. $0 000 EAST PINCREST LN iso s?9 Pm i' P 6 OF TPOliND f OR l OUkLCX of Ovne irg duiicx lor rlos' My ll is locfcinq f. Va V la-the rrx ti end of S L groi rnj va.Lv Rar 2 4 0J 0 jim96V 379! h 1 lit ramWers vtt 7 stgrv stvk rw-W'h ail tn eit is r ih rt , ana Ttwe tvw's ,rp ti irk priced Hkm ttv 'ow W's w th fxce en r.w 'r avail ' For M49 Ctta.l. L noa 571-- 51 Mt OF M.A H, MF S 563766 LAWLER INC COATS REALTY 57 1965 OPEN HOUSE 2 TO 5 PETER x.f O WANT ri PllKir f pav onv V ift V'lilirJN Mt 7A tc'Mt fl'srw 19 CAK yr, Vlli s 'v r pyrtil fit Sy"1 1 borm r u $11 ? 1T f lir m s Pn at t WrV OPEN HOUSE SAT 7 MS E FLGIN AVF NUL 2 Bedronm Rambler New bath full unfinished brent , huue yard with beines, fruit tre'S and gar ft n stmt (Nsiqn) NkLSCN LANUCO 582 6 8 S ar V, ' $vk' n ?v0 0 f ai f TY Al e 15 OJ$ING TAH VWN OW ono up $1 UJ 5U- ion I slvl, W Rn PULE n m low 0 bt)r o' . txj rtnly J us 9ifl i ill ii CP ,v na S4 a H Ii fM jsorrx'N U'i Ina 9 5 k ( ON F HI V 4 r k A( t St, V51 V Wr W k AG Sfln 0 yt $ 10 ' $4 O' 23f' Bl'TtR THAN NEW t 561 XcXf r i. r v yi (yvi-is- AY Ml'C$ (. rhi, OH kf .1 w. C k' J'lSAS: VPTON a, vi iw brm Pl Hist 'HV 5 Wn k 5 r 1iM Si , ? low th tone yw pay 969 847. bdrms v jtLi W 5r pwit $vi sir y oaf ULRICH Hv'M keiltv VW 969 7?W A LRAND NEW HOMES r IPX pwrvo pr p rig's Et.tside 48?)8t ira I ov k ri , 392 N 350 Weu BOUNTIFU Seller will take contract romtnrt I able brick ramhter, 3 baths large family rrv) Only Fran $'7 900 Call Nan 960Vir or Deseret Properties 4 Cottonwood Sna bd? rorxm 3 taths, ? fireniao car garage, beauituH ba, kyard 7 avail lian contrail Asqv (all ?ia 4U7309 Dtserel Proper ties lo (W S tV to hyilS (ail lOfl if II MA Vr0 DOWN LOW ( SAT SUN 10 5 7262 S Compos Cr (2365 East) IKL MOUNTAIN PROPERTY' Tras beaut landxcaoed 5 bdrm hnrne s dove to the Canyon Racquet Club and hu mtns AH for only $HC CO) Rav Ktr 7 al new tv 1V11K on bextrr)m hu e w t ckmuli rar port tviilt lv WilKiid Horry , irvta BTnTR HOMES ANpCAKntK6 OftN SAT I 5 rs5y1 ( F Xl inspect this cftarminq 2 txli m condo w th tirepla. pnvi'i shaded redwood deck toi 9fb Rovi ? with 10 financing 8700 Office 272 82 TRACY REALTY PROP WEST VAILEV tv rk homp has been and tias Irg n,,.y reruvitled w'k hop on ? acre AH f Warren J 2 kT Ray MORSf Yis ab AND LOW PAYMENT D? v, it 'k 5 AL T INTEREST Nw 3 4 Nwonm 0v $rt( 969552 Kim OV'2 SAVINGS ST (OStjUF ( by m mvmenH m tx tyk on inis l yr lrsifg costs 2 5 tvim stexy home th Suvtih Iordan A'gime the low in'rfos Ut ,n on ttus braufd 4 r tvrtjio Call Ray home All CENTURY 21 2 story $114 300 Colonial 1713 Last Forest Rickie (17000 South) Completely landscaped 3 with cusUxn decor 4 bdrms baths with vaulted ceilings plus I bath much more T bdrms partially finished in bsmt Over CXO vt teet Avsume $0 6S0 with $26 850 down Only $943 mo shown .riaix uvj k 4H6 H3t or un (atm SOUTHEAST APEA 1 M uni' and BV AAEDE1A HOWES $0 AIWA. 'f ( (fu sac tv 000 helw Pt pi, 4 At 4 am P 'XT k x kv'i baths 7 car qarage Mtns Wavitrh ; J m dr v( 1?' 2 DR fwirrnt rorvlo 3 fin,iK' ( bdrms. 4 th 2 car ga Spacious living area a property $1 9 UU) oU4 Cnd w r,e So lols J h large 50 hath- - ratm Shv Auv t?k ves 1 COMPANY & TRADITION IN A 3750 U ft halts lv4 M 27 K 9T f EAGAR 95 v, We 47 PRICE REDUCED FJhorO BfAUTIFUL EAST MU f Rf f K 4 hrirrm , 1 bath d ng jrei plux kilt.ih raiirq room ? t ir vlai t's at BACK rF D wnOOFO rf C 7 car YARD White brick F AM L v (?R f A T g i aye HOME SWfiOO Call 76004 tn MBS H'Nf S Gt t NDA HHTI f R 78 5729 no rown tition tl1 C to ELEGANT CHAVING 1940 East) Lots 991$ F ai'onview wood of dining floor parqtiet 3 beamed ceilings1 4 bdms Lx client room Fam bams Valev mtrs neighborhood views' Prced at only $1?9 900 Helen 943- 7Q61 SOUTH non is be.,eving' IOO o irnv4xl uo and ,ifJ nut With sprmxler Lxrellent firv garage e 01s l 4860709 C.frax' ,t HOWt dovyo vo 9l call C'noy I $6 100 down on kE0 inrtraM Sha 0 4 bedroom tn U t lamily location' n ii. cxc ,e h, i 2 fam fOums tirfr-H- FORECLOSURES gai a ie and pits to $w JtXl nxjre T rom 5I OUR (JUAIITY HAj Contract N NEW LISTING 5'0' LEASE OPTION $ 9 OF r Tjfw crivnlreii lyr tioobi. firbiae or :81, fYt rf n.v, vaultid ceilirx 466-Oi 94? 2277 EAGAR'S ou HOUSING Vntvfivi'jiri ,)UO sq INC tat 1 2 272 9696 Several loc Ramblers splits twins Seller pays cloaing co'ts ,M,Le Andf'vn 571 4f(6 Western Realty 969 7? 9 mi tvl niunlw niirtuty Solar Ayers REAL ESTATE So lxi East VJ00 So 2C l hath dovn 4 txJrm family area $ 1 fC 1362 SHERWOOD CIPCIT UTAH & Gump xtw G ytc inucle 947104 Ftttt Hfc R A55L6'E 235 WORLD Valley View OPt P( C nleman ABOUT OUR 1 ifcS CATALOG CALL lrm REALTY DAN m Lmda Af.f rpdjed or ftxJav 1 SOLAR HOMES 1 Harflwnnd flours la ng buck home with bartile 'jiit Just off 1300 east 9472n0 Uirtvira Sargrnt JAC k WiXiDWAHO 4 I Pne ( Hamstir is t MuUSt 5F Ol sfl wk avsumption uclean x'V.VOWN COTTAGE v5s St S4'C E TA 3 n ta " L.n la $M9 S(Yi OPEN Si HARVARD tmse tue (nvii s VM Immaculate rambler in time area 3 hdrms I ? baths anc X1 i H K .rt avMPUSCOC'E l?th Co 9 4K- a i10 NLA TEMPLE leve'y 7 story tudor 900 ) i se o otr SHMTvi WOODWAkU kr wih $.3? tviyef Vux, 10 $ .6 make 3 R' 40 'a Perkins 20-3- W sell Me'sI $j9 Stlf) As'onr v URUAY PUnS- - 'SION1 y t.er iVh iodav y xivi ep msm vnl ff rt ,ssy( m 4i ?6. NGNN'NG A iV; tor A MMfclJtATC Latgt b xnua t(iieyt lrg r U garau 09n fen'a1 rvy.se nr . bdr m 510 $ pool hrgo yd $103 000 2o UTAH HOUSING 00 Se ' d tew mrkt ?l Va ca fit SOli MS? '"ifliiiv ?l Laur.i Immor to 5 00 47? South University Strict (IjJO F ast, ATTN BARGA'N HUNTERS to U 4060583 5 t 485 X arivfeo t n 1 ) 1 Bit OfIN .I tv ivtix P "t MUM 2X'I cm AY I JS ! nbi ook 487-746- Svihg has a FAHUIOUS REAR YARD It s a beauty EU SURE ANO SFL tNSIDfc Call Les Havrnore rtbl mt-- 3 5 ) hwryr) ns tre Yvaiiib'e or ft ? tvxtt' 4 bedronm snf sharp vim) entry large tvirk like fenced home shows very fiisi hmeoixyi Susan 40 IRih t flsl 1633 NOW ONLY $159 950! IF THERE IS A BLTTf R BUY ABOVE THE BLVD IN THE WE CITY HONCSTLY HAVEN'T SE EN IT This immac , spvkling home is all fimJvd on both levels and OPEN TODAY trr, Oppn House MEIER CIRCLE SOUTH) $115 500 Custom brtrk home year old 3 bdrms , 3 baths private Darlene 361484, 767476 OPEN 3 00 5 00 3901 SOUTH 2473 WEST $79 500 Brick tn level 3 bdrms , 3 baths wood dv k with hot pool Darlene 364 1484, 76 2476 7477 (6340 7 e btir OPt N 7 S HtiH Dr 146 S3 Inn East) ( HO'Cf 6 hdrrr (vwn 566-249- 3 IN 5606 Soum INDIAN ROCK ROAD (?900 East) $89 910 Holladav, 4 bdrm brick home is secluded, mature trees Claire 53717? u. VISTA, REALTORS l(0no)433 00-- 2 ns vj t DICERTUCED1" s ir OFFN 2 5PM PASSIVE SOLAR, 3 bdrms 7n baths solanum formal dmmg Can Harriet, 9 43--1 043 FRA ESTATE 00 bams 54X1 ' SV'0 DARLFNF DIPO 18 UNIQUE COf. TEWPORARr GOOO ASSUMPTION 301 SOUTH B LL kIDGE (1.90 EAST) Y RLDUlEO I OR QUKk SAIF It s the model home m I he subdi vision Great family neighbor hood1 II brasts 3 bdrms 2 battrs fiit'plaie. lovely eafthtmte colors, $6 500 garage patio AvSUMF LOAN Come bv or call FAYfcTHlXtN txjr i A1 ASSWATES W Ilk Rtnl WFST) ORASTICALI f ck 9 t 4X1 oW one and two shvY large bedrooms, ? batns loirnal dm ng garage 2 fireo s.'s more room in the unfinished basement custom cabmets, upgraded carpets and drapes Owner will consider 1! q or exchange long term con for corxJo or mobile home HAWftj; D RFAlTr)RS 1RANSFFRRFD OWNER PRK 2-- C N f 4 r yxi A v-- AY tifpt ees 3, hi a yi Nf.'R JMVTPS'W X. ew ivttiVil 4 vn h s f si 4t XV 4pm $l50f LARGE FAMILY Thu plus fmistwd sq funt wll mot all your needs Main floor idunory and family room with fireplace mam boor office 5 bdrms 3 baths, wood burning stove in walkout family room down Large shoo down, GREAT V fw bom Excellent fit tys A MUST St E Come bv or r all AMY t TATON ?7fl ?Wi RAND f AGAR 943093 with ft P Norttxi vr Hxu I, rt ,A fixim ut room 3700 - Clean1 M Call 2 2367 East Catalina Dr, nwono vs o P Rt ii is v' 14- is ns im, jo fA hr-- wa IMS a ? S RE stater w i Mil Ma Or njr 3 UjhI. lHH'ie Be. 9 i i $c 2 v sdl-- c.f.M S YI v ,i'lf s j v Vi SA U ft max v 10 T year with 3 EAGAR'S 12-- & RF TM N liinih ll 1 f pa o iter atmJ Estate OPEN HOUSE 90)1 So 466 8658 OPEN t pvtrvl 262 SUGARHOUSE REALTY h3 Ul AM ak. AND SUNDAY NifHOLL 58? 4723 B rt amWer Soortsrvin 776 EAT eoen SO 7 4 car ga RV prkg dream rage heated and wired 4 hdrn brck home newly rivnie(eo $72 500 Gordon 94J0H9 OPEN p m T.IB 6911 SO 745 EAST hn ished to pertiN hon1 ? nrlrm 2 bath F air Meadows avxm wft ISOOO Karon fantaslk view 571 JW Manlvn 77 118 disc Fast) Sugar House bungalow 10o FHA 745 assumption on Irg balance 2 bdrms nrw kitchen new swamp cooler Best area buy Totally rrmorleled Call Terry Cononeips 466 4 r m Joft Heloles 4e440 (Yxiglas Knight 467 1258 "?' Vii 622P Vnttv 2275 OPEN 2 'h Ne ' J 4 Nrf' OPLNHOIX 5pm ii 6rl 4S 39 vnv HI M t - VI Gl'NSktJ 5 SAT , SUNDAY 2 ?11 East Meadow Lark Way (9Ji5 Scx.ffh) 5 hdrm family home in choice neighFcrhood with maiestK mm view from tnted tav window Solid wood Frervh doors lends bom dmmg room to dvx Brick palm in Ukk yard Lg family room firep'ace double ga aoe Gol Terms offered $5 (JP0 or Volt 53 56?j die CENTURY 21 MCAFFEE REALTORS South St Francis Cr terra od0 6 A i Y C ivxrt r. CvsJ 4 ,rt J 'nfiMM - Hl V)1! Houbf-1- rtrYtor'ati4 hoJLic av Ijc d in a omtfl v t vol a a I in e hnrr f ep h ipmpdeei k t a'unvtow f HA loan a t Md-y yen at $o9 50T OPEN SAT nl A th n K aCxxmd rrj kIMim hvne Vr an he if V CHRV ND EN-'- l Hx ,n n ch to S r H OPEN 5 ei Tp, t s t V S' RLAITO NvW INr.LISH TU(OR on re wotxled lot with view 't mtns arxJ valley 6f0O sq Hvr 3 full bdhs fmiWHl 4 bdriTis library den beaut ul oak an-pntments, large master sjde wth irvuizi firepfare private $159 900 Drive to 6200 Deck South Wasatch Blvrt (Canyon Cove Drive) follow signs East NEESE INC 942 7 5pm 4512 JUPITER 'H0 Eaitl Steel Goon WEST 2nd SOUTH 10x??' STORAGE Garage $40mo Storage shed 10x12 j. $24mo Located 242 So 10th E Celt 942 9690 STORAGE Boats, RVs, cars, construction equip trucks 364 5609 278 4576 400 TO 600 SQ FT SUGAR HOUSE 48 1602, 484086 STORAGE units or smalt offices 5583 S 320 W 262301 960 2219 coy, i w JI a.M M AOani w i HIT 40 CANYON COVE (??00 SOUTH) - e 'e Jas C OPEN TODAY 12 3pm 2822 E GEN OAKS Operated Gate full Time On Site Manager Your lock Your Private I P $6 l 437-746- 1 Olympus Cove' Approx 4 500 featuring 6 huge bdms 3 full baths, sunken living rm formal dining Sweeping vaHev vews from boht levels of this bite familv rambler Jim Tuttle 22 2638 Bill Klekas 962305 V ty I, i - V At'- V M ms 5 ?NM3Sa'TH ( bYit Mt su SUN if I (5 , (N, O l baths BAILSTAEDT Security System fully Fenced -- Well lighted Access Controlled by Otlice avi SAT V AST Saan 4f V, M Rea1 HOOPER 255 Vo a,tt f w v t 111! O J6S0 Creek I 30 sq ft PLLs Will kept 4 bdrm b u.k ianC4iv 2 fireplaces ree room LAxvxfc yard rontn for 1x4)1 S,v j if k e price uoper 70s VA kwin Jennie Ha AjSfcimaNe lardv 2u 4008 OotQlas Kmght 46 )A. Jim Tuttle 22 2W W tul , Re-- 15TY a ODtN 14 pm So Alto Cony n Dr 881 wwrv n rto r H fVV ? Assurm bdrms , ? barhs beautiful fenced yard Claire 0? 9810. 5U?17? P'otectedbyElnttome 6 Open 6 F FEATURES: 'lrq u Si hd TUk(A ,u .vnst avT system nive ir wp n Ca a' rcxi-- a natios 2 kitchens 2 hnrm, t uof.Yne and so nvirh rrve Tuk Romney Ml 4V99 Peggy H v B He Yierta 4Tnil5 5063 PRICES tamnv s t ' CO ,I $v sx v t sni F'K f'rv'jce 2 V. V V 5 ik'w'v ierxV pi bath patio tg vriKxt Em 361 isj? valev OPEN NOON-- Redwood Road ivhs sun Hi!s or vard and H r y ' Siv 950 k4iy Good yt art pr aui vim smug ikil hex 2 bdrms whit oi wet 272-968- 6 A Vi tMioON - REDWOOD SELF STORAGE Concre'e Construction PEN P OPEN HOUSE ?? x TCP MS rjmDfr" AT v. STORAGE key Brand Ne til ?M 2219 Office space U H 255 W 2nd S with uhls CROSSROADS TOWER 1400 sq ft assume existing le a sej? ' 54 PRIME Umv loc Ideal real es fate studio, reca'r$250 37? 2069 COMBINATION offlc and stor age for rent 48 7461 1 'I 4Y1 h F XF liv 6 972-260- u to, rry i andtt'rhei. $20 000 S149 030 Hex t 3a rt SaxJy 29S J7 o raiY'utnr LMiC.kAT.'N CANYON . ikXi sq tx't b bdrms 2 oath 2 r ts st earn 58 i OPEN Ayers PRIVACY and SFCUJSION on acre estate in Bountiful Property surrounded by 100 year old tret's totally landscaped and sprkierd magnificent older home with over 6 300 sq ft , 5 bdrms , 5 baths, 2 fam ,roons formal din formal living hugh country kit , study 3 frplcs , indoor pool, d'wvk patios, 3 car gar , with beared drive wav completely fenced, ovnrs open to offers trddesontrcts Appts onlv to those who desire an cider home on private evate Appraised at $330 000 $1 70 0U0 mortg Call 29? 5343, ?v0534 So Al 1 OPEN 2 WHAT A VIEW Entire city to look at from almost 3 baths 6 bdrms room every for mal dining A must1 272 7504 FVrkins Lynda BOUNTIFUL VIEW Custom built bench home Bo kite mam floor util wetk-oulower level finished $148 400 484 2506 Barbara Carnet 3673 5A f Y6. SM opHSUN CxM? f NC X Ll SflXn txj ms 'vr e r e yi ? ut vw U s t nor ure,ifDased Rlty $ cwst' 46 bv lO CON1 RA (2275 East) view of city and Breathtaking country t om quality plus ten temporary cusvn built home1 Professional decor in earthtones warmth ot wood throughout 3 bdrms , 2 full baths, main floor ree room, Ben Frank! n stove convenient main floor laundry area Gourmet kitchen, large master suite with deck Spacious lot Room tor term's and pool Pencrwood area Gall Gun ip 6 (V Errol 571 7297 CENTURY 21 MCAFF EE REALTORS W5533 "by i t ALT N 0,XN Utah dixne on ix luerty hHiiilav aca 5 tor m n By cw o 4H4 W .uNcW CONYFVrtPART vew INDIAN CHIEF i This was built for the protrwior al peyon' 5r4X1 sq feet neyi'i iot behind the oak on 85 Back corner ias LARgF or private picnic aea Th.sciy tom 2 story is less than yr oa 4 bdrms UP 7000 ft r living m mam floor and 2 000 bsmt eaiw tor ManT paint and rarpet This is rvtnv exit a feahxs FiRST CLASS' a rate optrtuni Call NOW fust lifted ty VanderVeur Marlin $274 5A) REALTY r W v CW4 2 5pm East Commarchp Cr LAWYFR REAL FST 2120 So 1300 E 2027 E 900 So Nf "" I ' CENTURY 21 i?22 H6X & l 'X y ryvl6 lorn 2 ni i.eo.iasK a Gump ( R 4(5 J, h s r A J . oni V txmie 'N 2- 't Ft k v, No ANI5V 4 10 v is t 6 OPEN HOUSE lR s ' ( Jrt ij'T P smjO iViin1 h.r'Hx t't aGmy A?1 o vt'd. r HAhvA, Ln 5M t V Vi r;T,TRACTccv.,vs O' at our tau hit $!5StUiYX trfl nvi 503 t RtAi ESTATE PO CTC 'U 2 h rC2 Vt Was h : 5A - MAGI.$51 H,S V : Ay Ri vm r py jiNCJC i hiWM no 4 tvin ) 5. , vi . nn TsN a iv Ht K.HTS k Ars' Vkr aon - - ' :.'A lx ( A '(S , 6 B h h4y i t CAU t r .no 4 ai IN t $ Yb iva t sfyl. I te a xxXiJ o t i - MN IT J It . v Ay 3 FAlFSlTi- V t 1 202 4 n slh. s ll H Vu ys's rm EAGAR & COMPANY m6 40e.bfl 968 5585 S 320 W DOWNTOWN :umo & c x ' , . r a I A; t 1 "y - $ cTt, V 9 x OL R f S At i k s. t , 1 C of i , y W 3 t U LOPE t ' ll 50 2.585 7' FEET at 3090 East year lease 165 Mrs Gardener, 581 91 46. 4 86 0 IN Old mansion 7922 So State Suites and single offices starting 278 3715 at lOCall OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT. 300 sq ft Excellent location $200 mo 9434118, 261 2135 GENERAL office, 1500 sq ft. 1588 East 3300 So Entire bldg parking $600 netnet ? SMALL OFFICE S$75 and $60 204 BRIGHTON BANK BLDG Call Bob Hawkins DOWNTOWN location Reas 725 So 200 East Ann 521 8383 SMALL office, air conditioned Murray area, $95 268 199) FREE RENT 1st mo $95 New mini otlice or So State 467 1546 MUST SEF1 1100 deluxe sq feet High growth area $350 967 2167 near frwy , SMALL office-sto- r CALL pre 272-968- ISl , tr a -T . 2 lCX a HOLLADAY CHO'cE Beamitul neut al oixri m TiO this sharp 4 bdrm hr 2 Bars 2 tam.iy nvxns n Choc formal dining wtin uyvered larvlsaping MANY AMENITitv oa $1324)00 with TERMS can 72 ?'?2 SHfcILAGrLMAN DON vRAWFOKD J2J0 48303 HOUSE NEW LISTING $342 SQ FT INTERLAKEJkLDG 487yi OFFICE SPACF Near downtown, easy treewav access ample oa king Plush 10 discount fo year prepaid SUGAR x hi $ E AGAR A TRADITION (. tyr V F Ta ilx w.tn kv CHRIS HOBSON BEV HARRIES er ( fh. f f '"isX1 O i V o h sst harm I I' s V1' t At id U. 2 v'v C Call tL resv F r ' e rt ) OH N St rr Iivithj N Htiyn in Lrs"i IV i.y PUL BEAU $164 900 1UOOR HOl AAY U'yjl 3 . tn on s exotir dsiun'pliun of t norx'x lew 'Vocx m J tMthv 4 t1rms m.jin tlo t wt e-2 .Aim launiky F ul unfm b'Ml T RANDY OP M . ( ' V t 1. n Pdk-- lf VM l.i Osims ts burnt htn cr N tV LISTING QUALITY r l asl ' r. nklers iM s S l ''y.Nr R nr vu leav r xr n sa av tiv n ge J Al Hi nia s le au DELUXE OFFICES d $ VS.I as er h is t x. e n sr me an vr in 1 S i lyxsr y 2 J rM v ix us.hi tha r . . hr Sh iii, NEW rent m S I r t n -- i tMfi ms i t Ort a s of Mv i iaie s vs uTTTjrv ) XANE vps S vr v r i a ra 4 S. j y al C ed uv vi m s lai-- 1 n L ai1 i $ kta rv i vlt HOMES W II vf h i J 5 ' k - SWJ 'PIN jxv-- is n k i v i j hi s,' i. i wt DELUXE OFFICE SPACE 7525 SOUTH MAIN PLAZA ft Caruets all to 220 sq drapes ar cond utilities paio txvei Near freeway 582 9 545 48 57SJ46 r t tJ s 'o v id ton r a HIGH newv on 90th So 2. 'i remoueted store fronts hune in t4'"ISo tar must see to aopr et CARA'fc Kv ?Mii6veoyie- Sttl or ieae car v stjlpmr 22 lT SIMONS & CO RuAl SHOP Wxj 9 vO $ n 9?4 5454 Romnev it t j U ut. st ss t XL' ter ft donr Ca ' rw 4N Vm kved areas sme iitios y ls5 STORAvc urns tv37 v a g Fronrs n i v tvo s f ' w- w. icx '4 AREA TRAi-Fi- 3 $25j9V SUGaRmOUSE 1iP1 So v' s j'JS Ojvn h,.h i V l e UN'VF R ng - f 0 vi. no pefs Refs Vtciniry Soutn High .jjs Ed sun $300 2c 1937 MCE 3 burm townfvxye aopls washer aryer houup 2 battis 24 f Nt. Paa tun cara-- S'vaw wed me L x aW '4? s ixi ih BEDROOMS large kvng room trpic carport ig fenced yO Adults about 7200 So $400 includes utils 5o64711 TOwNHOUbE 2 or 3 bbrna frpic houkuos, garage 2 eiKiused pdtos wim Irg yard 4329 So s STORAGE ' s N x s xd Spare jq n Rent ue-- a PARk garden lever of house large 2 borm wasfter ore carnet drapes $76 69 4JT" 1 1 i 1 CALIFORNIA SWEET Now townhouse style executive duplex 7 bdr ms , frpk , dr apes, TOWN HOUSES TO LFASE apples wd hkups, mature land Att rted oaiaoe Close to town scaping off st prkng close to Stone tireol park ( all 456 8845 96B 7R97 railing Wtiirlnnol tuh Microwave oven 7 BL DROOM TOWNHOUSE, 2 Full bsmt hookups pool tennis bath stove, dishwasher, dsp RV parking Manvexuax Shown refrig air cond close to schools, by ain't only Adults Call Jim, 3553 church shopping center 25V26I or SaI 7613 Westlake Rd US3 W 3190 So ) 487 Key 355 Westlake Ron AVENUtS 7287 725 5166 wk ends or eves NEW South 800 East 227 "H" STREET $300 TO $450 E Sufvrtian yard tor r en (v wir u. s, v v ia airtv 99 il'i f ai h OFFICE PARK HOCLADAv bdrm K,U bsm 2 s ''F sCNCX? pato I all OF arge 4, bedroom condo pool, tennis, sauna $330 BELVEDERE studio 29 So State LARGE 2i30 L dranes oa'gr out. o Adoitv only 2no East kecresMfcpets 650V E IN NOW 2 2 baths Park City 2 bdrm turn ,jXi1575?V? 4789 DELUaE HOL LADAY conoo Adults onlv mny extras For aout between only, 27 7 3424 ESSEX COURT 2 bdrm f 2 barh family ronm fireol ar 2 car oarage $J75 2o6 3159571 7919 WA ERBURY tor lease 2 bdrm n tdoe ps Ai ameoittes $450 Call vwv K.srm ijig od Stoics 340- 2 YfrE 2 fee mainterance tor ms pus den 2 toafhs Great tor coupe that neecs ott,Le or den 2 77 24 $800 NfW LUXURY CONDO 4 67? 4327 or parxng aned to xer d its MODERN 97? ,04 BEHRCXM HOME pusdepWestaiev N CE pool 2 TLX1 Bf DkO-- hdr-- AybNJt1view corv carnet BEDROOM 2 5 rEAR eld h view kt 3 OC mo Ready m 3 or ha mo .s? .x-bdrTi in Bou t Crpfd da..d S3 J RoC 487 84.4 or 546 Rent born- - J tn town mpnt Oupieics for Bent 2WV for Bent FRIO Only oruk area luKfD$:9'n m hdfm 15(14) m iv l 4 1 is piao Cuntf k ? I mill jim 943MJ01 ei tv a r 2V ? s' east .At HV y8 ol m lie bv I MllTRrrK RAVf.r' ? bdrm. t lw t 4it rmitiil C'l t ai n w Hi i t ai 44 (otdratt avxil 'erry Jett, 46 MC DirY 5P4W tf rm si UNITED SAVINGS JO SUGARHOUSE RPA.h xi tH aut rul ramblers and iv ndv morn I tjr.i-- Mam finer 3 and 4 I tv nary i'ptx' f'rurd ftKn $ tkO to aj pxn r h r dure Our iruwmtorv v rwi luAsrxi our praes end T3v oecuil tinarvmg (xssibo ( viz with lew lIl'VXTI aixj kw tin- - f rales y wklres- s erxJ r i tioruall M yrlv at uirv 361 755? VF it S OR pt 532 WtLKEND27?640a it T- - |