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Show 601 Gaioge, Yard Sales 603 Garage, Yard Sales 60S 610 Appliances Bicycles 620 Furniture 630 Antiques 6S0 Musicol Instruments 660 Sporting Goods SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, 1982 I) w Soio-Vc-. H AMMON O OfiMn wirxlow REFRIGERATED MLN b and Wu i s 5Xt s BIKE, bar stop's SPors CRESCENT IP speed. 21" frame wood BEDROOM SET 2 dressers and INLA'D Ainoire $cOC 670 Boats and Motors 670 Boats and Motors $125 condition ?2L end tbte $ux kitchen latte and Wdinut vdt Lx.iafd $S5 Fffikh 18000 looks b and conditioner, good All 61U. Suntour cyclone, ocsk much more antique bukjiMqs and uotes von $00, 277 lio 34 502 1325 18U6 Fh Sat Sunday 8 3, 4 chairs V Provnv ial vlU'i $75 52 3580 newISfl otter Calvin 9o9 5077 $liX W ' fttth So ) mgs Hill Dr i370f IND Surfer and 198? Sail Rider BALDWIN AkROaOMC s COLUMBIA BUNK OLD VICtROLA $150. table-chans SPORTS MALL single tennis DEHYDRATOR MAHOuHANY PIANO New $250 Sell $lu0 plus, with foot straps and fa CONSTRUCTION YARD SAlt" DK.ycle-Adui- t box springs and Retx'l First LUC takes inembt-- ship JibiOertt $o0 pme 531 7317 $5fl9e9 93U yM thrad sails, $750 each, nego good oond, Rick Saturday. Aug 7th Oak trim, 6U6 South 4000 West nvaftress WOjftiS 55ea ijo 093 after Sim Se 48 8 CLEARANCE SALE and or win hade. Rick. 943312 21 FOOT Frost proof 5 SOI D Oak game style chairs CUBIC glass, hardware misc items 9 A BARGAIN WUKIO ZfcR PiANO 3 b cycles, good SEARS txM vmmu M bench LARGE A to j p m, 52rG So 3U0 West Ornate fireplace vac ado retngeiator Used E ueitnt lunuitton Frtgtdaire COBALT, 19 FT Like new $75 each One 7 wrapping count ia k uuund Ait WS2 Boats D'ash'at'v working shape, 3 speed UD each keg tttss 1983 IW VAC 26864 $300 fur 9 to Room Grev white, giev inf , trim tabs, J293 ike 56 ISHER PRICE lovs. luuis. trash Ktxlixed 11 0 we ghti. fL40l otter er$J25 it )79U MIH. om lm radio stereo. $17,500 Up to 25X DOLrtitS on 19 bikes, eec supplies, counter cu. ft Sears Refrigerator SOT wciurv COMBINED YARD SALE COFFEE 5 SPEED ladies touring, $45, tanotes KNIVtS. 6cASfc Slag toe's. 25.0U0 watt generator. Fri. 5 WeMuart, made . S'aitue, and 9 2 2588 excel 13 TRACK tights and mountings auto icemaker 4 STRING avocado NEVfcR 3 speed men buys. $40. pump $20. fruit press. tutxxiO wucxJ .ase Cotteiiort items. $150 Annque purnp organ, Fisher Granada oas 454 rnulor with o9. Sat 3 too. 1033 East 8255 So 4 CARINA 19 BANJO $?XJ ?W08 cu tier pi ess 45 2922 walnut finish i4U0?95OI2e 93 WIN Stingray $15 gnd 2yrs old, $J99 464679? tovs. books, records, art Hui iv In f or Best Sefi tnn P'.e torn 4 v MOVING bun-tisate Beiktey Jet, lenmvaole Dressers, baby 26" guts 3 stved bike, good conDRUMS 5 36f HOTPOINT Sound irulateo WE BUY OLD FURNITURE frt.cve WEATHEREy' duns, etc. Cdn oniy. Olympian 12 r Trailer. Loaded, tani m toys, motorcycte box Still t paiaphemaha, 128 dishwasher Paiste 942 L STEVE'S condition. MARINE 2664)72 10 worth ertort. great $50, bike table Ith room ALL Hard to 3" dirt and wood dining dition $50, 6 $ guaye guaue 2f3192 car, clothes and much more Sat 20" girls brkeSIO.boys Almond color, $250 9850 9435039 Sun., Friday Sat, chairs and buffet $250 9c9 4a00 auftt IWK $4CL,966 5483 ANTIQUE Pe cuotoard hutch. $JO 499 So Stjte, Oeart'etd Utah 6J9 So 9th E ast So 2;00 East (between Mt JorNfcW Roland LP-0REFRlG., washer, dryer, tree:-eo4i AIRBOAT MOTOR eteihic MCS Magnum ait Chrome Mol ley extienicoiid2.T7 auto double Pa BRcMtNG pistel. 825 696 SOFA So 10000 FAMILY YARD SALE, moving and 6FOOT ). 943689. dan Rd arc no $500 gas mg, water cooler 486 92 Many features Call amor Aft) 14 shut, unhred, cost Alloy Excellent condition. 21 25 Yrs of LVpendabie Service 175 HP CONTINENTAL ANTIQUE COOK STOVE Make Like new $50 972 2320 MOVING SALE; walnut wall out of state Lots of turn., clothes. pounds $255 or otter. WANTEDUsed Refrigerators $400 Sell $350 orter 484 326 evenings 38 otter 364 No Mam CADILLAC OF BOATS BettteL4tteJ househo.d items, toys. 625 E 300 dollar unit, walnut bdrm. set, bunk SOFA ELEC patd Top Guitar, COBRA COM tuple pickup, BROWNING 2561 So Fri. Sat, Aug Sea Rav. with YARD SALE furniture, dd btke. INCH 10 $40 20 9an3pm console desk color dresser, speed beds, 17-3$?S German rraOe witty 8gvbv tail POUND BOW 0 lbs. NEW IN excellent condition RAY WE SEA 10 appliances. til working Dr buy 4 Sat , commander . bridge, dual station, FRIDAY-SATHighland TV 10. 253 Burner antique books, acQuangm. otter, BOX $80 22 3Ato piece 125 Peier 292608 T 'ladeenter 48644l 65 Merc., lots of extra. coffee table, motorcycle, fish Hilt Rd No Salt Lake. DishwasJv PEAVY JLOOO BOATS BED AND BOX BUY BDL Amplifier. 409 watt PA 20 REMINGTON cookware BRASS and MICROWAVE 10 SPEED Bike wh water softener, bathroom Catj7n4Jf pond, doghouse, womens clothes, and revetb $175 lus 4 mpu SPRINGS $300 OR BEST OF Rtdfk'-lTV STEREO wOe held scupe. Ul) sate Dodge Maytag. 24" THOMPSON cabin cruiser, $50. WEST'S LARGEST SELECTION sinks, golf balls, many misc. patio turn 9736 Charlene Dr. Wmtfxow. 270213 FER. 051 942 190 Volvo PRICES Wed E and ) Can be tullv enFri. LLWfcS1 twin (all Sat WASHER-DeluxCompare e i2835 model Dryer HUGE SALE, twin beds, crib, BOY'S DUSTER 200 DIRT BIKE, HAMMOND ORGAN closed Lots of extras $20,000 or SECTIONAL SOFA. Herculon, NEW 942 3035 chrome plafe 357 Colt you'll buy a Sea Rav front Owe1 electric. Good cond , 268 9760. SALE. WAREHOUSE Sat. washer dryer, TV, paint, small $65 10ft ENT 571 9484 Boats. condition otter CONDITION Excellent best earthtone. EXlELi holLoweiine Aum bar 4" Mark III, Tioopet REFRIGERATOR Sde by side, New pool table, carpet, skis, clothes, August 7th, 10 am-- pm. 6500 So. $1 .O- 0- 7 tg (WE STOKES BROS. EvwriKte motors. 2 HP 735 HP ster never tired $300 942 KI6 INEXPENSIVE tam.lv fun. 1967 $8)L sacrifice $i59d8-81JWest Building materials, misc. 7140 So. 3080 E. Sat. 8 to 3 deluxe, good condition Coud Selection Used Boats BEAUTIFUL classical Sea Flight, Ifr 120 HP Merc ESTATE SALE, Executive home APPIVNCES solid wood and guitar JENNINGS Compound Bow s and scaffolding, RENT AIL STORES WOW! BEST Ever Freezer. Sale. REFRIGERATOR-Tacaror best otter Call 22650, , novtng MARINE DUCE $:s0. Furniture, T V appis 95. ruiser, 10 Lots ot extras $3000 50 fol hollow core doors, assorted lumwk kits $2 (6) Starting, Only Black White Come and See. 1175 Crandall FROST FREE. 2&8 9TeO. ?. See at 6740 So 2345 East after 5 p m tons, etc 278?9b0 ber light fixtures, bathroom fixColor T V 262 2506 Ave. (2875 So.) 8 a m 6 p m Ail Only $6 00 wk 3650 SO STATE WANT TO BUY Good used re frig water wk 79 SUNRUNNEft 20 ft tures, air conditioners, 6 Arc 6 cabin $10. BROYAl $100 Diver 7. APPLAUSE couch with Washer BOW temp Sat. pickup See COMPOUND JENNINGS there. string APPlIANvcS Aug you day Reasonable erator. bookshelf desk, 4 00 $4 7331 467 or wk Only Was Stereo Kitchen taNe and chairs and case $Ai0 Marty cruiser. iater, 70 to 9C pound puM Extras Many extras TOO MUCH TO MOVE! MicroSki GUARANTEED 2 Monfns Min Recitaj SMALL shown at Rochv Mountain RV. gas stove, $75 Small $100 AM good p3ndition56n056 YARD jieq $U5251:ftd. wave, exer cycle, wood kitchen now by owner 637 H76Price refrigerator. $7S. 968 2073 IBSON' Mtetodvmaker, 9 to 6- Baby items, children's $85 REFRIGERATOR $195, DOUBLE BED- - KING SIZE BED SOI Of LEX Fxoerctse Machine set, btkes, misc Sat only, 82 GLASTRON house hoW $150 GX 150, 16' Sport Best Buys on All Brands at REFRIGERATOR 2 door Buesther trumpet $5. Besson Excellent condition clothes, furniture, mattresses, springs Heavy duty New $495 9119 So. Mallard Cr. (2635 East) CASH" $95 Ski boat 140 Johnson OB, LoadWASHER items. Truck topper. Gas clothes cor onet SCV Wat, 571 916. frames $100 both 9b9?iJ2 Only $J00 Evenings. GARAGE SALE: Furniture, 6 times, Asking Used We Have The Largest Selection ed. stereo. dryer. '71 Pontiac Station wagon. MARINE PRODUCTS dresser-hutcFURNITURE Sotvner We pay cash or working PIANO 5'7" Ebony QUEEN Triple DELUXE BRUNSWICK 8' slate clothing, auto, parts, household 1940 So. Riverton. 1370 West 87000 or 32? IWJ ot Guaranteed Reconditioned $8 000 or best orter Grand mirror. 5 drawer chest, pocket pool table, with rack $700 goods, misc. Aug 7 8th, tn Utah Most TV's. SALE-misc- . color Appliances t 4 and 17' items. ARROW GARAGE or $1 2236. offer Glass, 115 tv 97 ,000 756847 pme. 2245 East 10225 South 544 3630 South Evinrude. open bow. West 1 Colors And Sizes Available. convertible Older Gibson refrig , Irg. deep FURNISHINGS 942-539FENDER Star Caster electric 48" OAK TABLE, Woodhouse 466-922POOL table, dry copier, Honda RUGER Over and Under, $650 for HOTELS excell and fishing. FINE FROM freeze, cabinets an pantry cabitop. skiing $300 mint condition. CX 500. desk and chair. Misc. HOME APPLIANCE style, SJ00 Wood desk, used. guitar 973-401- 7 Ruger 220 Swift, 3x9 smpe, $275 0158. HOTEL SALES nets, rifle, pistol, baby crib, baby $i?loq572 581 487 X. $ 25)3, Xtf OavtimeJLJ7M470. 8 Colt 45 to $15 household 6427 5. RCBS items. dies, k 2434 Quail Run Dr., access 4860 So. State 20' MACH T Day Cruiser, 455 Rodeo Lane, (1540 E.) 2?8 4567. KB DOUBLE BANJO. Giteun Mastertnne. mattress and box SPECIAL SMITH & Wesson model 17. ?2 942516. MUST SACRIFICE drive, tarxkm GAS or elec, range $G 00 250 mint condition, $550. Dav BOATS Olds 390newHP, iet cover, $75 or best otter. 942 BOATS BOATS '57 Oids 88 car, JWxtel 25. 45 springs, $225 r:tie. TIRES, long SUPER GARAGE SALE real buy 00 tires, $188 trailer, Full size microwave Bountiful and Salt Lake loca- 2767. 70. 25" RCA color TV, console. With time, At P, $300 91818 gas dryer, art suopltes, baby at 6 family, apple , furniture, stove, $4450, Cali Bob. 00 AH 1982 Inventory Must Go Now 76 North 625 West Bounti$148 UHF-VHtuner tions. Retrig. Hotpoint tine auto, and clothes of all sizes, G E 4 chairs, $40 2 double GUITAR ELECTRIC 2 DINETTE, NEW $20, 00 deal $ a will piste!, pump better saddle, bow with arrows, all like furniture, SLC pellet NEVER you So. get SEA RAY elec, dryer 220 HT gaily, State, cabinet. Like ful; 580 top No ampl'hers Good condition. Complete single Beaut solid wood 9i2 left handed holsters, $.) and $30new. Bar stools, chain saw, lots more. 106. 4809 So. 4015 West. $299 00 CRUISERS, COBALT, MARLIN Stack washer and SJ96 Table lamps 2 for $10. Dtx beds, beds, $60, $50 $20 custom built interior, new. $135 shape, $75. Call YARD sale, foos, pool tables, Oven under range dryer $299 00 45 ACP brass, 5c of misc. Something for everyone! CRESTLINER, BAJA, RALLY. box springs, mattress $49.50 set. bed$40 Couch, sleeps 6, includes $2,500 luxury Oak coltable. 7 Fri Sun 8 679 West 12300 So. Avon, 4 telescope. DRUM SET, piece, CELEBRITY, MIRROCRAFT, cymbals, POOL TABLE 3 4 size, King box siring, rrattress $125 FORMICA TOP kitchen TABLE, equ!p$12.500 VI 2546 PETE VRONTIKIS & SON lectors bottles. Lots of goodies, ases for all $700 or otter. Don condition. $'00 Regulation SEARAiDER. Excellent 25" color TV, Magna vox, solid set. 5 piece dinette set, table, 4 4 matching chairs MOVING SALE; everything must 18' LARSON V2 2010 So. State fiberglass 10. 4 5990 So. Jordan Canal Rd 8 to 12. 01 condition. $125. $85. Lobby line sofa and Juntorl Ball Table, $150. Call 965035 chairs auto MARINE CRUSADER go. New fum., fridge, soft drink console, cvl Chev, OMC drive, skis and state 1100 E. St. Union Blvd. chair sets start at $235 each. 12 STRING GUITAR MUST SELL: COUCH and dispenser, dothes, misc. Wed.-Fn- . SUPER YARD SALE. Sat. line tuner, $145. 19" TV, solid SAKO deluxe, 300 Win. mag , 2 to go, etc ready 269600 E. 6500 jackets, So?00 Gas each. $15 occ. chairs 10am-8pauto RECONDITIONED Many families, furnitures, 2 COMPLEMENTARY CHAIRS Like new. $175. mo old Leopold 4x scope, $1200. ith case Carpet auto, 5pm 8pm. Sat. Sun. state, portable exceltenfjtend., 561 1721. 73 FIBERFORM 24 H. cabin 8185 Andorra LN. (1300 E.). range $49.50. Draperies $10 pair. S250QFFER parts, sports equip., clothes, Refrigerators and Freezers fine tuner, $135. Sell all day. 868 Call Ask for Forest 14 FOOT FIBERGLASS o Center 261 E, Beryl Ave (2540 S) sink fishing Bathroom command with (oual. cruiser misc. flying Washers, Dryers, Ranges Sandy. STEREO cabinet $50, blue sofa East 1300 So BEAUTIFUL PIANO REMINGTON 16G auto., model bridge, boat, trailer. 30 hp motor, $1250. We buy, sell and service. Cobler) $34. Head boards $9. fully self contained, New and used DEMOLITION SALE; like new YARD SALE $25, cabinet, $25 Prices firm STUDlO Quality stereo, Braun Cable Nelson, made bv Everett. ALSO 1? FOOT WOOD boat, 5 ro 48. 4t0 Pump, VR, 20g O U 3". 9:30am-6pVolvo out Factorv-TraineHours: with Store Service pwr. Chrysler People Decorative iron, furniture, kitchen sets, flotation material. 466482. Like new 700 Call 966 5035 200 watt tri amplified speakers, 969 2224 motor $100 942 2363 drive. CB and stereo system, HANSEN REFRIGERATION water bed and much more. Corcounter tops, doors, light fixBETTER USED FURNITURE Sound Craftsman SOLID Wood stand with shelves, GIBSON Les Paul Black 9 MM Browning pistol excellent both cass. and 8 track. Brand IS' HYDROSWIFT Deep V boat, 1J 33 RICHARDS ST. turnta- Beauty wth case,Custom, tuner and tures, decorative curtain rods, ner of 7h So. 4th East. Kenwood model travel Brass conestooa and and new $20. late and carpet, $T9$ 45 caliber to 22. Conversion glass top dining Former leased household fiberglass with 70 hp. Merc, of G E. DAMAGED carved kilters, ec. 3025 Willow shipment MOVING Sat. ble $2. 500 or orter. 262768 refrig, washer-drye70 after 6Pm covers. 484644 $150 4846782. duty to table, sotd 1980L$900 Heavy furniture pubLavlon kit 549606 mooring $195, apartment So on DR. Save (8500 washers, engine. Excellent cond , Creek ). carpet, furn, mag whis, appliances. tandem whl. trailer, more. Less $1,650 orter. 262 7057 prices. Sofas wih BRAND new vanity, 25" deep x KLH STEREO. AMP receiver 35 PEAVEY Standard, Amplifier COLT Python, $400 Ithaca model ranges, SALE-Sa- t. refrlgetators, lic at lowest lawnmowers. clothes, misc. 1532 oryers, GARAGE SUPER than 600 trs. $10,995. Rocky Mfn. 8 track in very good 48" wiQe, 34 j" high with matcchair $150, channel. and wafts matching enclosure Head with per 78 Minimal 37 454 NOVA 2V Davcruiser, microwaves. speaker $300 damage. new, Browning deluxe, East Laird Ave. (1200 So) August 7th, 8 am ? Lots of chilAuto, 8494 So State, 567279. cond. $159 a set. Coffee or end h'll cioset door, $75. 484782 recorder, player Beech Adams 1816 So. State. pedal $400 484644 art 6 with Berkley iet drive, new travauto5 Belgium, $300 drens clothes, beds, wiener, SATURDAY Sun. $19.95, mirrors after 5 $19.95, auto. $100. tables EXCELLENCE Antiques, stop. condition. excellent el cover, 36x72 KiMBALL WANTED Walnut APPLIANCES 357 MAGNUM desk, BLACKHAWK, lamps, motorcycle helmut, lots VCR; 60 tapes, fiberglass truck bed $29 95, heavy headboards 79 SRV260 Sea Rav; 26 ft Sun Black PEAVEY BACKSTAGE AMP 30. $175 12 gauge $6,900. Jeff top, excellent cond only 9 mo. fv7sREC0NDm0NED. TOP DOLLARS PAID more. 1722 East Weybridge Lane shotgun, Ithaca body go cart, 2 new swing bikes, frames $24 95. kit. choirs $12.95, Old, Dancer Cruiser, low hrs., atwavs and white $45. Cuk $95. ft) day Used twiceJlOO, 272390 $300 484782. 27? 31 70. BASS BOAT, '82 Glastron, HPV-16(9930 South); Refrigerators, freezers, washers, mi-- c pump, $125 484664, tter 6pm 5590 S. 620 W. desks $69.50, new chests $32.95. in heated warehouse Ship stored guar. Free delivery. Dryers. Working Or Not YEAR OLD fHOMAS ORGAN, 2 night 14) hp, loaded! Must sacri-- t BEDROOM MOVING BACKon SALE: Saturday Aug. GARAGE SALE: Friday, SaturSALE Furniture Rental to shore power, electric frioge. LIQUIDATION K.e $8.000, T. T.V.'S 1st 19 $500 ACTION . cu. ft., $200. 843 West 2400 So. tables, double bed, $250 Wood keyboards, color glow, 7th. Couch, snow blower, dinette, PACKING and mountain climbstereo, Dolby cass. l?o7 (East) GE REFRIG., day, Sunday, 10-WEEKLY 4 chairs $100. 17. takes Kenmore Starting$3 set, mornings. ; cruis-tri228 V8 dining dishwasher, Merc portable twin 6, bikes, hand vacuum, high chair, ing equip. Steeps So. Woodside Dr. (4010 So.) CONNELLY SAILBOARD HUGE CLOSEOUTS SALE! butcher block top, $200. Both chest and much desks, tabs, many extras FIRM MATTRESS AND RENT XOjOWN GARAGE SALE. Saturday and harvest gold. MARLIN 336C 3030 $825. Call VCR A PAIR JBL horns, model 2440 more. All good cond. 2761 East RCA Immaculate cond. Virtually a New 3 pc. living rm. sets (sofa, SPRINGS $80. orange bookshelf RECONDITIONED 2 8 to 657 m. a North $875 2" throat p.m. Sunday So) pair. Word Way, (4030 226160 new boat Never fired SIM. 277 2546 MUST see 1963 Beachcrafts 18 3' loveseat, chair) $299; Sofa beds $20 Endtabte $5. 322 2031 machines, model 190. Excellent Sir Patrick Dr. (1925 W.) SLC. MOVING MUST SELL ! 200 hp. Trailer $9,500 Dinette $99; Desks $46. cond $550. Dave 29S 5624277-191bow $139; TIMPANI 26 inch, 32 inch fibergNEIGHBORHOOD garage sale. Open MUST SELL VECTOR WATER MAKE ROOM SALE! MOVING-HOUSFULL so main MISC. WASHER AND DRYER. $400 or Wood rockers $79. Save on beds-ree- l FIVE drawer $650 Ski with cover and vest. $160. BJCKSTRAND.J6 9am. Bikes, mower, lass, balanced, portable. 6' STEREO CONSOLE with: Aug maple chest, $55; ITEMS. Bicycles, lots of antiques best offer. Call 1982 sell must our We both oMtade wood. 79 2ft cruiser Solid AMFM. remaining cameras, sewing mach., luggage, 277 FIBERFORM 6 after P.m. 3926 table, $25 g PLAZA and household items. Good THE selection. ON ARE 1983s Stock. DON'S APPLC. SERVICE Excellent condition. $150. 262919 baby items, mandolin, radio, OLD UPRIGHT PIANO $11,000. 16' THUNDERBIRD, 85 BEAUTIFUL, nigged Butcher FURNITURE, lo23 So. State St. THEIR WAY. Come in today and Merc. $2600. 3600 So Main NEW COLT 45 ACP CUSTOM Sofa, 4838 SO. STATE rugs, clocks, lots of misc. 9167 GARAGE $800 Mock livingdlning room furm- - ZENITH 12" Black and white SAVE AT So Granville Circle (2070 E.). Reconditioned washers, dryers, desk ANTIQUE-Oa- k student's Lehi lawnmowr, etc. 3357 E. in tube-typS40G SKI Boat 18', new engine, new new $950. Like Sharp picCOMBAT, portable; tjjre. (8010 So.) Oak swivel chair $100. refrigerators. 9 am. 4:30 pm. $150. ROBERTSON MARINE ture Only $35. MOVING; needs to sell good upholstery, full inboard. WICKER DESK, CHAIR AND SEARS Polly Perm swimming ogany lady's writing desk YARD SALE. Sat. 9 to 4. Furnisize, restored $2500. 463990 WASHERDRYER, apt. DRUM 4 quality merchandise at low pricPIECES SET. LUDWIG 1045 2 SoMain 53111) ATARI 800, game cartridges, HEADBOARD ALL $200. pool filter system, $70. Like new! $250. Trestle table, 4 chairs $400. ture, baby items. Clothes, misc. $200 for pair. Kenmore dryer, full es, 1103 E. 600 So. Sat. Sun. 56 3457 15' j' SAILBOAT AND TRAILER data control, basic cartridges, $75. 967 1826. 149 7013. CATAMARANS. Sail the last Jacobean buffet $200. 1535 East 604 West Anderson (5720 So ). books, materials, Bedding, size, $95. Eureka Appliance Co., 2 $800, SAILS 1500BEST OFFER set and FIVE piece pearl drum language computer 8 is now part ot 4070 So. 272 2366 or (amity Cat. 12 GAUGE PUMP clothes, kitchen supplies, ski GARAGE SALE, baby goods, 1426 West 3Sfh So. Sid's Ski Cycle and Sail Summer BEAUTIFUL high back red LIKE new TV $150 or best, 19" symbol, 900d cond, $250, Western field, used little clothes, etc. small appis., athletic bags, misc. 2 REFRIGERATORS, GE Range MOVING. Must Sell- 2 double 1033 942 or on newest the closeout prices LAKE Powell Houseboats avail. color. 12" Mack and white, $100 beds, $75. Dresser, $75. Desk, vvetjrhars$l?5. 29? OP 7 7 TWO FAMILY YAKD SALE with dbi. oven, washer, metal Sat. 9 to 2 pm. 73)5 So. 2uuEast most advanced Cat. Demos and Share equity, cheaper than rent! MINI MOOG DESIGN waMhangers. 25" color AC , DC, 5664853. cabinets, more. Best offer this $50 Couch, excellent condition, Furniture, tools, bicycle, misc., FAMILY-rentals this weekend at Rock port to 4 Sat SCI Boats, 9434633. HANG GllDBi Spirit 200. $650 Great Condition Coffee TV COLOR 23' walnut $100. table, console, TV fixtures. $100. Zia, earthtones, Light school weekend. 4864)506 clothing boy's 337502 or call Sid's Marina Cedar Ridge Rd. (1090 E. 11910 Call Johnathan 968 5634 eves. needs stain, $30 Maganavox cabinet $150; 3 portable Mack Home 484 7509. men'swomen's clothing; toys. S ) Brand new $550. 278-708for details WINDSURFING SAILBOARD COLOR or computer system. 32K console TV, $100. each. 355 8689 LEATHER-won' Sat , August 7th, 8 a.m.-- 4 p m. and iron kitchen atd white TV's $35 RAM disc drive, includes casDAY CRUISERS TWO New. $800. POOL SATURDAY Evenings: misc. household Table, equipment condition. Bench, 3236 Orchard St. (1470 East) set. 1 year old. Cost $725 new, 24" RCA Color, works. $100. Very good s ! sette recorder tape 79 MUST plus MOVING 23 $70. Sieekcrart, Jr. Executive, pool, equipment trumpet, clothes, goods, good $825. 292002 tuned Stereo $75. Console vox or orter. $400 973052. best S21 Magna BAKE 7162 aft. 6 p.m. SALE Sat. $650. YARD and AMF SAILBOAT Chev 350, 260 Merc outdrive, stuff NocherM-151East 3045 S Very good condition. PIECE LIVING ROOM SET ColumGIBSON Banio, excellent condiLIKE NEW 7 ft. couch $200. chair Call Aug. 7th, 8.30am-3:00pboat, $9,995. Evenings: $800 or best offer. Only 1 yr. old. water slalom ski, beautiful MOVING Sate, furniture, refrig- Refriges, $49 95 up, all record. So. tion. $495. For information call STELITE 17" SEARS COLOR TV bus Community Center, 75 KONA XT, 455 Olds, Berkley $75, steeper couch $125, kitchen 50 to choose from. TRADEOver call worth new,, sell $1,200 $110, 79 brand washer new, regularly BEDOUIN Oasis. Open bow, dryerator, deep freeze, Cory 968 1712 5th East Many new and nearly Good condition. $80. table and chairs $150. Drive, only 60 trs., extra clean, WAY STORES, 3114 So. Mam. 19 $80 2632077. Excellent cond. ft. Loaded. er, 2 fireproof sates. 572 2029. BUNK bed cheaper than used. new items. Help us raise money Call or See call Westway $7,200. GREAT deal! Brand new Kelsey DOUBLE MATTRESS AND Tandem axle trailer. 255672. Extra sturdy, good looking. NEW Smith & Wesson model 66, So. tor our handicapped ski program GARAGE SALE-34- 33 12 channel mixing board. $1000. Motors, ZENITH 21" COLOR TELEVI BOX SPRING SETS. LIKE NEW. KENMORE WASHER, $185; AIR To Finish Furniture 357 4 inch TEE-NEReady 14' St. stainless magnum, Oak boat (2610 trailer. 8" otter. chairs, East) best or MOVING to CONDO. Tools, lawn SION Good condition, $125. 81 STARFIRE 17'4", open bow, COND. Orop-i- n $50. electric 3333 So. State. $320 firm. 571775. chandel ier, humidifiers, misc. 254 2489. mower, some furniture, small custom trailer. Ail extras. Cover, wheels. Good condition. $150. SYNDRUMS with anvil case, barrel, range, $75. 10 PIECE pit $475offer. 2 rock7883 968 . US SCUBA FRIDAY-SatDivers, TANK, Baby fum., BUY stereo etc. Great ski boat. OMC, CARPET $300; Clavinet, $350; Road Amp, stuff, drapes, Christmas PANASONIC VCR ers $95, $59. 2 couch and chair new, factory blemished backpack, regulator, gcod decorations new and used, economical V engine, used only GLASPAR Fiberglass boat. $500.. washer, iawnmower, 12" speakers, $350, clothing LIKE NEW, FULL FEATURES, combos $95 and $55. 487573 WHOLESALE PRICES Whirlpool appis. Full warranty. 20 hrs. Never registered. 1st cash condition, $85. 572 3580 artificial tree, never used, etc. misc. 1455 East 8850 So. Trailer, 35 horsepower Evinrude $750. tike FULL SIZE WELCOME 33rd 2925 PUBLIC VIOLIN, outfit, East So., ETHAN Allen couch and chair 2551 So. 7th East. Sat only. motor. Must sell. $10,500. Call day time offer TABLE POOL 7th 8 to 4, GARAGE Sale-Aunew, $250. Wood clarinet, just $50 STEREO CONSOLE tor $200 Microset, hardwood BEAUTIFUL condition, both, HOTPOINT good Eves. liquor Madelaine 277971 Sale-reSpaceSaver 6 foot, good condition Karastan area from clothing to antiques. 9842 MOVING 10 HEAVY DUTY 16' wooden row RECORD PLAYER $20. TURN overhauled, $200. over 5 ft. tall, made by 266 7543, wave, used only 3 months. $300. cabinet, or $250 orter, 12x19, Need some work. $50 each, Dr 2V Falconhurst boats. $7)0 (1940 $12,950. 83, E.) acrylic, Galaxy, cuddy rug, TABLE $25. Come see! OLDS BRASS SOUSAPHONE national Mt. Airy, paid $650, sell Call 96B 9648 SOI ID Oak Waterbed reg. $1200, sell or trade. Lawnmower, wrought iron patio GARAGE SALE-AI83, 19 Galaxy, open bow $9,950. Easton day Sat. 918 PHILCO Side bv side 4867945. for $350. KENWOOD amp, Pioneer turnta With case, excellent condition. PSE COMPOUND BOW, $799 225 $4300. refrigerafurniture, Queen size bed, and hp. Starfire, 72, site and 19'' bow So. 76 1ft Arrows, Browning AMF Cresttlner Bountiful. Clothes, West 4100 Day Me, Superscope Tape deckdolbv, $1500 value, only SoOO. new, WE buy and sell used furniture. tor, Avocado 19 cu. ft. $175. COUCH and love seat-lik76, 17W Renken, IO. $4300. misc. furniture, 680 Northcrest turn., and tools. quiver, tike new, $120. Cruiser, pwr. trim, trlr. '78 140 Bose 301 spkr. $550 or ? 487634 PIANO-SpineDi ive, $450. 1 year old Kitchenaid good condition, evenings 60, 16' Fibercrart, 100 hp. $195. Trade Center, HP Merc, OB. $5,800. 467368. NORTH Face IBEX large 4 sea 4 FAMILY Yard and Bake sate. Call $!GO Wood $4GG. 2), ST $625. if As 160 dinette, ?, Deri used $1,500 VIDEO IMP, MACHINES, hp WINDOW conditioner! Sears. ANTIQUES, furniture, power and WE BUY OLD FURNITURE-266-07son goose down sleeping Dag, 14' BOAT with 50 horsepower Many goodies. 803 East 2755 So. New. 7200 airCFM, 3 speed. Will eves. BEVAN'S MARINE, evenings and Sunday. months, VHS and Beta. Calf hand tools, util, trailer, refrig, new never used, $265, Evinrude motor, $600. See at 273 Saturday or Wayne Steve DRUM SET cool small home. $250. drinking fountain, evap. cooler 17th So. E BUNK Gambit BCDS, WATERBEDS bumper pool QUALITY YARD clothes, urttite, "Slingerland" cash roister, butcher scale, pole condition '79 Phillips amplifitable. Can be dining table, card BRAND New '82 Starfire Catali MATTRESS WANTED-USE79 CARINA 360 Panther Jet, FURNITURE furniture, TV. 74 "O" Street. spikes, Work Mate, er mudel 384. New $325; Asking $350. climbing WASHING MACHINE $50 or table. offer. $70 Saturday-Sunda4865889 58639) TOP DOLLAR PAID na 16', 80 hp Mercury, pwr. trim, hardtop, travel cover. Excellent SOFA and love seat $290. mew 4 $150. Raul, band saw, much misc. after 5.30 MUST PEAVY BASS AMP 26M006 cond. extras. RECURVE and bows, $45. chests many start, drawer elec, compound trailer, So. SATURDAY 4960 Tuscan new box LIKE springs queen size MOVING SALE Everything must SELL, LIKE NEW. $450 or orter. $115. COLOR T V. KENMORE Never in water, see to apprec $35 and $65. 28 inch draw. Both POLAR LTD Compound Boat St. (5125 W. off 4985 So Atountain mattress, $160. Also king size GOOD used sofa $60 and rebuilt $30. BLACKWHITE T V. go! Solas, bed. hutch, kitchenwith and Continuous Range Cleaning 5:30 p.m. after 563890 hand. excellent condition. $75 right $125. mattress and Men box d Dr.) springs $170. 56M756 ware, tools, paintings, much good TITAN Accordian, beautiful corningwaretop. $285. Call 254 348 78 22' Cabin FIBERFORM GREAT Clubs. McGregor misc. '81 Datsun 310 GX and '70 STEREOS, MOVING OUT OF STATE skiis, SPEAKERS like new instrument, like new, $800. Call matched appis., MUST sell Hotpoint Heavy Duty 170 Sun 8 Sat Arnold with and hours, 240hp 510 15 Volvo, Datsun tourneys Cruiser, Wagon. FT. FIBERFORM, open bow, 2235 etc. Saturday, BEAUTIFUL solid oak bar, furniture, Everything goes. anytime $750. JBL Speakers $350. 942 4657. Washer 21? years old. $100. 85 hp Merc, low hours, $4495. Call Palmer pro bag, $1 75. 'til 7, 207 Canyon Rd. gaily, dinette, Conestoga, stereo, 7'x6 Mack tufted front, East Aspen Hills Dr., Sandy. 9 PEAVEY PA 400 Power module. and ANTIQUE Sofa; organ; plat4 stools. Large umfn. ok china 25556 KLEIN climbing equip. Full float fume detector, trim tabs, includ2 FAMILY Giant Moving Sate, SATURDAY, 700 watts. Excellent neighborhood 30" DROP IN electric range, bedroom TV suite. Call COLOR belt with strap, adjustable hooks, form, VHF, all equipment 73 Furniture, appis. lots of every FIBERFORM, 23', sink, condition $650 or orter. RCA yard sale. Fum., clothing, misc. automatic dean oven, good con- cupboard, Commercial set, XL100. 3 ROOMS. Most yr old rentals. ed, immaculate cond., $16,500. knee hi boots, HEAVY wood formal dining set. stove, thing, Aug 6. and 7th from, toilet, ilems. 3239 McNeil Circle. sleeps 6, excellent or offer. $250 10 278470 for after band. Ross, 5pm Come see. Make offer. 363290. EQUALIZER, dition. $75, 9am to 7 pm, 730 West 400 North, hutch, buffet, server, 6 chairs, cond., make o Her. voi pedal, FAMILY FIVE Ernie Ball SALE, $50; Sansui Linear PHASE 6000, TOPS, $300; BOAT guitar, COVERS, FOOT SEATS, Bountiful chest Beautiful. Worth $2,800, $1,800 or mod. 42, 410, WINCHESTER 16 FT. FG Tandem trailer, 90 HP enter at 5280 West 6200 So., 1 KMC 6.3 CUBIC $50; used violin, $50, SR 36 $200; BOW calculator, RAILS AND UPHOL HOME best orter. freezer, like new, $150. 7th, 8am-7p$500, FRIOAY Johnson Outboard. $985. 262373. ' block So. $200. STERY. ALL TYPES OF CAN DRUM SET. 5 piece with cymbal, ACCESSORIES after 4 pm. 414 McClelland St. (1400 R BE DS 29. E Complete-S- i WAT Must sell. Otter. BY VAS WORK EXPERTS. ? So 1100 E. MOVING hat and stool. Sparkle blue. TV console, high MAGNAVOX Stereo , Yard Sale: Furn 3 Giant 24 CUBIC door side bv FOOT Bookcase incld. headboard $159 20 East) mod. 12, WINCHESTER 17 FT. FG Trailer, twin 40 HP NORMALLY ONE DAY SER table, chair, Swamp cooler, REDECORATING! Gold velvet excellent condition. Completely $350 or best offer. clothes, bedding, other household frostless $179. side, refrigeratorfreez-estyles 485766 $500, guage, CANVAS $995. UTAH Excellent. Cash VICE. household oddsends. only outboard, Deluxe Beocher ALTO SAX, flowered sheers, with serviced. Sl,000orter. items at bargain prices. harvest gold, $475. Must sell. Offer M-GOLD VELVET Couch and couch, blue 262373. 30.06 with match GRAND Saie-nefor BOAT MOVING dbi. Excellent conoition. SPECIAL for 5 bed, Aristocrat. Powell, sliding glass doors, privacy, 8800 So. Oak 2 glass f lDAY Sat. tables; lamp. and Chair, elevation half dick 13' SAILBOAT, wood inter., sails, etc. '76 barrel, artificial floor plants, 10' kitchen $475. Cali Jim Gorge, Yellowstone, couch, picnic table, swing, misc. REFRIGERATED WINDOW AIR ZENITH 19" Mack and white $30 2626919 Valley Dr. (2980 E. Willow S500Qffer. match ammo. $550. 969659. items starts Sun. 3058 E. 71 45 So. oars, motor and trailer, all new. , Cervery 22 j' Deluxe Cruiser, window Mind; chandeliers, hang-in- g Zenith W" color $130. Baldwin pianos. RENT NEW Cieek). Couch, beds, chests, end CONDITIONER, $100. -DOUBLE bed, Sealy Posturepe-dic- , $2,000, 2910 Nora Dr. (3960 So.) like new, Mercruiser PRE '64 MODEL 94 WINCHESTlamps, pictures. 292 0678 SALE RUMMAGE Baldwin. Furniture, CASSETTE Reynold's tables, antique buffet, Faberware REALISTIC DECK, KITCHENAID dishwasher, frame, $20; $85; Hollywood drive, 233 HP, Midwest tanderm ER 30.30 CARBINE. $130. BALBOA 26 ft. cruising sailboat. AVOCADO Green shag carpetantique sewing machine, misc. Hz, sold for $430, like ORGAN NEW sejL d shes, material, ROGERS TRIO built-in- , Call of $90. 563183 old, $90, Chest extras. $8350. drawers, years Call 969659 trlr., 929 Herbert Ave. (1035 So) Sleeps 5. Never in Great Satt newu now $260. ing: 13'xl6 U'xl2', and 3'x37', 6 GIANT YARD SALEBooks, $1000. Call FT. white fiberglass Gol CHEST of drawers $60; Magna-voLake. Many extras. 149-419COLT 3x20 scope for Colt AR-1good condition, $100, 5716 Ferron used and an YARO SALE-Nerecords, prints, appis., auto, MUST SELL. Panasonic Video STEINWAY square grand piano. rifle and BushnHI NEW WHIRLPOOL RANGE stereo set (walnut) $150; 4 power scope, fstream boat with Mercury 1500 9665778. Drive, So. 81 BOSTON Whaler 13 spt, 25 7816 see and Come tkiues. goods, clothes, dishes, pots, pans, Recorder, still in box. $600 or Compl. rebuilt. Orter. 359 7633 Almond color. $375. outboard motor, power trim, tape deck, $40. $50 for both. 942 3201. 3455 West in Magna. MEDICINE cabinet and mirror orter. Johnson, elec, start, steering, v plants, sheets, towels. Saturday, Call $5,200. See at parking lot Le USED BABY GRAND PIANO Walnut 40" Make offer BEAUTIFUL trailer 767 Ave. 185 square oval cover, and 5th 8 to Bathroom $40 4, SKIIS boots, cm, Hill vanity bindings, Sunday GARAGE Sale 7X1 Hickory 170 watt power ampliti HITACHI Parisian Restaurant, 417 So. 300 Reasonable. Call HOTPOINT GAS DRYER, brown, table only $250. Call Vicki 10 sink $75. 4 horse motor, fits large down parka, E. Call 365223. 11' PUMP-UP- , WATER Ski's, weight set, 5 spd. Saturday all day. Appliances, $100. GE 'j, potes, er with matching $75. Excellent 3. white, 104 So. 945 E. buy! Refrigerator, OLD USED PIANO $130. UPRIGHT mittens, in or car $595 top, trunk complete toys, clothing; bike, living room chairs, bovs and tuner. $650. Dave '76. Sleeps SK 1ft Hawaiian, 262 1814 coffee Walnut, good shape. Call NAUGAHYDE COUCH, offer. 4364 South Fairbourne. 3 COLT Black Powder revolvers, clothes plus lots more. All good ANTIQUE walnut bed and settee PHILCO adults and 2 kids 460 eng. with ANTIQUES 9 5. 537 E. BALDWIN Pianos, organs. Cache refrigerator, brown, 14 table and end table. $250 $75. Army, $100. Walker, cond. Friday-Sat- . Naw, or trade 24' Hvdroswitt SELL Twin bed, much misc. 712 3rd KV and 19" exhaust Wet 1913, TRINITRON. SONY cover, (quiet). or cubic feet, no frost. Excellent Call LdindrewCir. (5825So.) Collect $125. Molds, Hask, etc. Valley Muse Ave. Cabin Cruiser, fully equipped, new Berkley iet for safety. Great $350, Call Sunday only 262 5289 condition. $175 or offer. LIGHTED CURIO CABINET a so 2 trolling motors 969 2224 PAID FOR 8" COLT Python, custom hanGIGANTIC GARAGE HIGHEST CASH ski boat, eng needs work, $3,200 PATIO Sate, Sat. and Sun. loads VHS Record VCR MAGNAVOX ESTATE WASHER and dryer, gas $200 in mint condition ANTIQUE 9 to 5. 7270 Nutree (3260 467-etc. INSTRUMENTS. MINT, 735. USED holster, sites, Dr or trade dies, '77 SK ski boat. Excellent cond. up. of stuff, 3990 West Dean some movies all er and tapes, . $125 works great, green, East). Range, washer, dryer, Beaut, boat and trailer. Super (4380 So.) IBANEZ Accoustk: Guitars, reg. $425,571-8775and some blanks. $1000. Call 942 1713. DISCOUNTS ON childrens desk, QUEEN-SIZbaby stereo, and Mattress box, HANG TOWING LIQUIDATION GLIDER, like buy. $3,920. 262 9039, r $300; now $160 966 7569 3 FAMILY Garage MICRO-ACComouter, miniaitems, clothes galore. LIKE New, Matching gold G E. head board, 2 chests with mirror. PRINDLE AND NACRA CATS 2 safety releases, tow rope, 41 7 ' ALUMINUM sday-Sat- . W. 79X So. 10th E. BOAT, ture, for beginners to basic, used DRUM Teacher Has Students new, & counter top range and double $200. after 4 pm. Bob Ski Sail. Wade's EVERYTHING must go. Furn., floats. $325.297939. MOTOR AND TRAILER. $700. AUCTION With Cash For Drums. with TV, $70 ESTATE and yard sale. 4067 So. oven. $225. Bountiful, 3639 with steieo, washdry, small apples., Call PADDED 969 deluxe, BAR, metal underwater GARRETT Main. Aug. 74-- Sam 6 5'3" ebony grand, 3 YAMAHA, $12.50. We buy TV. RFPAIR-es- t PENNEY'S 4,900 BTU window extensions and 2 stools. Like new, rotary mower, T.V.'s, clothes, 4 tennis dectector $475orter. f ARISTOCRAFT boat, IO SUN., AUG. 8, DISCOUNTS ON Used T V's workingnot 26 7627. yrs. Old $4695. YARD Friday, Sat. refrigerator cooler, V? year old, $135. books, much misc. 6724 So. 15X after 4 p.m. rackets $35, $30, $75, $25. 487573 hardtop, fully equip. Excellent 1593 So. West Temple. Low prices E. 942 1713. Fri. Sat. Sun. 10-French Provencial $1 75 or best offer. PRINDLE AND NACRA CATS BEAUTIFUL T. 25 V. in. RCA new Like color 1:00 P.M. SHARP 12 guage B SS doucond. $3,000. 973 2367 BROWNING Bob Wade's Ski & Sail. Console Piano. $1800 3611 SOUTH 3310 W. Car parts, NEIGHBORHOOD SALE-Sa- t cond., with guar. $175.268552. PORTABLE Dishwasher, butcher-blBLACK CUSTOMIZED BAR with ble barrel shotgun, 3" magnum, GAME 12' SUPER SEARS OGDEN'S UNION DEPOT Bountiful, No sales before 9. Cash only! books, cloths, much misc. 104pm ock FLUTE Armstrong, used once, new condition, $475 top. $200best. Will trade 6 chrome barstools. $125. TV's. SEMCO, USED COLOR MASTER fishing boat. $300 or 79 STARFIRE 212. Navigational Marbella St. (8895 So.) and Corfor wallpaper hanging. 582 B844 offer. FURNIINC., 215 So. Sth East, MISCELLANEOUS DELUXE king size Waterbed, all rifle- UTAH offer. and Binoculars ZEISS OGDEN, dova Wy (1375 East). Baby 260 custom HP, lights and radio. console-miKAWAI condition, scopes. Call TURE, ODDS 'N ENDS! 3634898 accessories. 6 months old. ExcelI 14 FOOT Aluminum fishing boat GOLD G.E. REFRIGERATOR have been commissioned to PORTABLE and console color trailer with guides. This boat is iternsjurnlture, mowers, morel we're moving, 52190. 485765 lent condition. $400. Call YARO TV's, $100 and $150. 255995 Friday, Sat. E xaH lent cond. 050. 67-- W. SPORTS Mall Athletic Memher immaculate with very low hours. Mercury 6 horsepower trolling liquidate 200 select antique items ESTATESALE 3600 4590 So. West Seri-pudrawof roll Chest BEAUTIFUL CB BASE Station complete. 'X's oak motor, trailer, $850. 571 8731 top desk, playfor sale, save $125. or 252325 including $1700. ship 3534 Highland Or. Saturday 10-HotSTOVE, COUNTER TOP Aft. 6 pm silver ers $200, Antique drop leaf table SPORTING er Dr. pieces, only. sterling 9485 (2165 RAINTREE inq. E.) piano, MERCURY 10 horsepower outLlama STANDARD STEEL WEIGHTS, FOR SALE 1957 Classic motor Tiffany lamps, furniture, point, copper, UO: Oouble link $50. Maple crib, $ 100. chairs, tables, Victorian couch, 3 COLOR TV's for sate. $175, sate Is on, 'til everything's gone. board motor, excellent condition. 5Cic per pound, 539 1995, eves. GOODS rugs, wrought iron, apple., chil boat, trailer, Big Merc motor and faucet gnfct, $10. 255 88S3. oak sideboard, oak 4 chairs $80; highboy, WOOD TABLE with $400 2 Call $135. 6268 Mt $150, drente chairs and play equip. or $1500 FURNITUREMisc. UNITED SPORTSMAN card water skis, life jackets. 1140 REFRIGIOAIRE, beds, dressers, carnival glass, Colonial cuuch $60. Swag lights East make otter. Inquiries Vernon (660 East, Murray), DIVORCED must sell. '81 BAJA 8 AM" 4 PM. SATURDAY, TV., fine picture Membership. Call plus much, COLOR model, frost free, white, $25 each. depression glass large or Ave. 48Se05 Harrison 20 ft 225 OB Paid $12,500, sacri- 1979 Herbert Ave. (1060 So.) portable, 100. GUN SHOW GARAGE sate; Sat. Aug. 7, 8am runs good. USD. much more (2) 22 RIFLES. 17g Shotgun, will fire $8950 298 7Q5I ; ?98d648 Electric stove and hood, sinks, FISHING MOTOR RAY JONES, AUCTIONEER SONY COLOR T V., 19", used tor hanngun. 940641 5pm. 2728 Wellington OaJOE.). and washer PENNEY and invited. JC is Dryer. Everyone Antique CHERRY WOOD FLEGANT milk cans, light fixtures, cabEvinrude 6 h p motor with tank 20 FOOT BAYLINER, 10. open weeks, $550. 359 1569 YARD SALE 435 So 600 East, Less than t year old, excellent NEW LOAD modern gun, knives, western and 5 USED compound bows. Sports Excellent condition, very clean. DESK $100. inet, and other treasures bow, great roomy ski and fish Centerville. Sat., p.m. We are generously overstocked, condition SMO. Lori man Pawnshop, 1458 So. Main. military items, displays, trading Fun for the whole family. Just 10 FT. COUCH, $200. GARAGE SALE, Sat", Aug." 7, in see 5502?2!9 us! come and at tree door prizes. Aug. MUSICAL and washer-dryeGARAGE SALE, useful Items, APARTMENT-SIZ$375. Call 262 9746 GOLF LESSONS. 7 hours$15. Custom drapes with shears SIX. 8 00-00, 9916 S. Weybridge Cir. 23 Library Tables 75 REINELL, 6 mt cuddy, 188 the Hilton Hotel Convention Cen435 SoUTH TOO East Sandy. new condition. S475. 278INSTRUMENTS New goH clubs $75 56 724? or 571 920. 21' TAHITI Boss (1785 E ). Wood cabinets, couchBEAUTIFUL 8 Curved Glass China Cabinets cruiser. Easy loader, Merc h Sun Adults Sat. ter p. Open 9046, 820 EAST 5400 So. Must sell es, furniture, baby items, office 54 Matching Captains Chairs VERY Nice King waterbed, heatHEAD l'O SKI'S $10 REiKER Cruiser, 460 Ford engine. Jet trailer $7,000 943719 $1 50, kids 50c. Sponsored bv the IFrLSat 95 Seeinda DISHWASHER G. E. coat rack; wheel trailer. 5 Roll Top Desks drive, tandem beautiful velvet bedspread. SIZE 10 boots $5 $5.322 2031 Gun Assoc. Collectors er, Utah 14' RUNABOUT fiberglass boat,. DUNKLEY Yard" Sale Great condition. Roll type. 8100. $425. After 5pm wkdays see to apprec. 12 Wash Stands NEIGHBORHOOD a MULTI Family Garage GOLF Clubs, full set. new, offer Must 35 Horse power Evinrude motor 2000 Cedar Breaks Or. 77 Dressers 1140 So. 14 East, Sat and Sun. food storage, ski's, 2 LARGE NICE LAMPS $70 SETS PIANO & ORGAN and traiter, 1000, 278 3295. SWING 18 Chairs with Table Conference 2323 . more. WESTINGHOUSE Cruiser SALE-SatCHAIR $35 GARAGE tires, toys, much August 7th, 24j' '79 FIBERFORM 6 Brass Beds WAREHOUSE Arbor Lane (by Holtedav P O ) with flying bridge. Only 120 561 1587 '80 WINDCAT 12' catamaran white, frost tree REFRIGFRA' 8 to 3 p m. 7256 So. 2300 East SLIDES and B.B. POLES BOATS AND 4 Kitchen Cupboards S300. 9661420. Sd turday Aug. 7th, 9arrv4pm, hours. Loaded with all extras NEW OR USED HIDE-WAY COUCH GARAGE Sate, lots of bargains, 8 ALSO AVAILABLE PARTS 5 Hoosiers MOTORS radio. Marine withjib. $675 Modar Whirlincluding MULTI condition sale. Comnot EXCELLENT be undersold. will We So. 703 8 6400 Good E. garage Condition family Sat. Best Quality-Bes- t 15 round or square Tables prices $17,500. WINDSURFING lessonsrentals pool refrigerator, $300. Call after Wicker, furn., clotties, games, $190 pare quality and prices before 52 U South 300 West. TODAY-1629 sets of Chairs So. 440 E. until at East Canyon Slate Park. with Berkley 77 21' HAWAIIAN 5 on weekdays. you buy. 75 name brand instrusporting goods. Come dicker for We take Master Card and Visa 6 Hall Trees p.m. Furn., bath vanity, miscel. Sailborads Unlimited, our wicker. Sat. or Sun., Jet drive, plus Roadrunner trail ments, Lowrev, Yamaha. HamMarine Wholesalers NORGE Washer and Dryer, $125. 9 Treadle Sewing Machines 3 BUNK BEDS $55, 2 nice desks. GARAGE SALE, 9 to 3 A Clark, Kimball, sell. $3900, 1 1620 East Tree view (4225 So). Must Runs er. mond, TABLE-14' ALUMINUM with frailer great. Story POOL Sneeds Washer 6 Ice Boxes repair; dryer $45. Lowrartce NEW Reg LAST 4925 SOUTH & 1446 graph, a.m, Kohler Call early Thomas, collect, Campbell $700 or orter I MOVING 10 Bookcases excellent condition. Call 2634)372 SALE, Furnishings, SEE our new line of pool tables $1,195 NOW ONLY $679 95 or late p.m. Keep trying. DINING room table and chairs. 26 2281. 4195 S Riverside Dr. Sun. MOVING bikes, J Sat, church music, Stained glass windows, and supplies SONIC WAVE 660S Video. Reg. aupls, linens, sporting GOLD elec, stove, $65, double Cost, $600. Excellent cond., $185. from 45th So. Freeway today! Accessories 77 BAYLINER 24' cabin cruiser, furn, stereo. 1155 So. 700 Eatrf 26' TOLLYCRAFT-loaded- , pur- good, books, clothes, pictures, available. Buy Direct and Save! pews, wicker baby buggy, youth (Enter oven. elec, range $150. Sears gas Call $950 2,147 SPECIAL after 5 pm. etc Sat. Sun. 9 to 6, 1192 E. full galley, sink, stove, icebox, bed. The Brass key Antiques, 43 exit.) chased new 979, 150 hrs. YARD SALE starting 9 a m. at water heater 460. VHF Marine Radio with antenna SAVEWAY BILLIARDS r MEDITERRANEAN SPANISH REMODELING Milton Ave. (1600 So.) West 300 So., primtabs, swim deck, other exSelltrade 1828 Osage Orange Ave. (4425 So) trailer. equity 4861 19 NOW $239 $449 ... and Reg mount, 2 YEAR old 14.8 ft. GE Freezer, DINING ROOM SET WITH pc. drum set, reg. $1549, now 4125 So. State 40 Channel CB DECORATORS DELIGHT U9 95 tras. Consider trade for motor MOVING 0 SALE; 263 E. Beryl $725. Refrig., $75, air cond. $120. CHAIRS, $100. ANTIQUE BOTTLE AND $899; 5 pc. mahogany wood Super home. Call afternoons, IN UTAH COUNTY Tunriei Boards $65 Fabric, patterns, prints, beads, 8' SABOT Sailboat AVE. Saturday, 9am. $1850, now drum set, Star reg. MEDITERRANEAN SPANISH LARGEST UTAH'S XXL Dbi. XL bed with frame. trims. Skimaster $.322-1218 Nylon ski 21' SAILBOAT, sleeps 4. Compl SHOW-SAl- f COLLECTIBLE 4718 W. 0 5 Sat. YARD Uxed $1395; Sale, pc Slingerland REDBLACK LOVESEAT GUN SELECTION WASHER $19.95 ELECTRIC Dresser Sofa, bookcase, curios. with sails, motor, trlr. and Bear GENERAL vests, Reg $44 95 14 FT, ALUMINUM BOAT Sr. Citizen's Round Tabie Road, (J100 So. ) mahogany drum set with cym140 Sat., Auoost ztti. $X. X3 So.JJthLast 4Sat Sun 12 7 JOBE honnevcomb Lake slip. Perfect cond. $3700 or 969-450ft WITH 5 HP MOTOR. $500 with East. 10th So. Admiv Washburn bass 237 $595; bals, $15, Center, 3555 No. BYU 2230 GARAGE Honeycutt Sate, COTTONTREE, JOBE PROFESSIONAL, Reg make otr. Transferred overseas. COMPLETE KING SIZE BED LIKE new color TV, ACDC 969659 9 case reg. $635, now $499. Many Parkway, Provo, UT. slon: SI donation 4M1 3, Info. NOW $206 50 $295 USED WORKING Road, Saturday 10 a. m-- p.m. Clearfield, 820101, leave msg. Sears, extra firm. Like new. blak, white TV. microwave sate. an this other specials or CATALINA sell $1 80 25' Sailboat, hooks SKI REFRIGERATOR Rope $450 or best orter. POOL TABLES NEW OR USED '81 MARK TWAIN Bow Rider, 10' YARD SALE. Anything and ev oven, chairs, lamp, misc Kitchen THE ANTIQUES Drum A Guitar Shop Jack's $155 part ownership avail. $45. Lay down boat seat 150 Merc. V Boy direct from distributor. outboard, full in10 PIECE floral pit group. $550. erything. 137X So. 300 East. applis., organ Call 566 4853. 467 7982. 15 Jo. J1th East 2615 So. State $15 37 Since 1976 Kwik lift trailer iadts Juke boxes, pin balls, foos belts. strumentation and power trim, Excellent condition. Must sell MOVING 6369 SOUTH LOMBARDY (1400 REFRIGERATOR Hotpoint, side Sale, Thursday-Sa- t Porta-pottt. $2 99 BGW 700 WT stereo pwr. amp, 6 YEAR ANNIVERSARY SALE chem dry AVON RED START, amusement Video 5 sacrifice $225. games, games. like hours use, new, less than T', wittl' Lots of items, furniture, freezer, East). TV, bikes, ski boots, tools. by side, Avacado, Reasonable Sale Prices on $599; Marshall 100 wt Stove fuel, gal. Reg. $8 95 . $5.75 floorboards and motor bracket 4312 Best Dist. 159 W. 3rd So. 363676. off 0 tools, toys, motorcycles, 5 HOSPITAL BEDS, manual Refinished Antiques. Cleaner, removes water $U00,J71 $1275; JBL E)40'ft, $125; all new GARAGE SALE, 3154 E. 3900 So. 277 2970 iSOO. Run2628 W Toni Lee St. (9160 So ) HEAVY duty Sears washer and fine stain, algae growth, rust, 15 FT. Fiberglass Provo. Van Wagenen't, RAFTS adjust, complete with mattress Everything in the Store. Saturday 4 Sunday It FT HOB IE CAT with trailer. sold together. Very good and rails, $45 each. without scrubing, quart, Reg. about. 75 hp outboard Older, but MOVING SALE FRIDAY SAT MOAEr Antique Store Going Out Sell DRUM Must Student Penman GARAGE SALE; low prices. 1501 dryer, 3 assault new. $2,495 Like army orig. Excellent seat shape. new trailer, condition. $200. NOW $4.37 owner, witn 6.25 9 5. items, Furniture, baby of Business Sate. 1 day only at FANCY old oak rocker; spindle $850, Drum Set for Only $425 Wasatch DR. (2500 E.). rafts, white water frames. $375 Must sell this wkend. 56 5935 covers, carpets and travel cover. 30" BRONZE Monarch range, Used 9 Months. plants; much more X17 East the Jewelry and Loan store corbacksides. $125. Old oak desk, South 600 West 845115 619 eaCollecf 91845067, and Tom. COLLECTABLES CLASSIC 1stS1.500 takes. 15 HP lV" ALUMINUM boat, MiHcreek Road (3500 South). excellent condition. $100 or best ner of 17th So. State, Salt Lake v Buy all or part. perfect cond., $150. JUNK. 3847 So. 2850 East. LIQUIDATION, everything must 7 Evinrude, trailer, $800 firm or TRLHULL Hydroswirt, 115 otter. 15)3 Loan Peak Dr. 7 9 to 5 GARAGE ST. JUDE CHURCH Saturday August 7th 10 a.m. NEARLY NEW PLAYER PIA go. City. Weekdays 5 COMPLETE beds with cost. at sate single 3850. 2561 Sporting goods YARD SALE-olneeds new seats furniture, motor, trade6 5 p.m. Mercury 324 to SALE. Fri. Sal., Aug. NO. Beautiful Westwood Village, 2596 W. 4700 box springs and Rolfs, bench. headboard, Thurs 9 to 8 30, Sat 9 to 2 and minor work, can be used as SON IN MED SCHOOL necessi- Highland Dr., Sat. 10 'til 4 East 9th So Furniture, clothes, P.M. APARTMENT size washer and SATURDAY Aug. 14th, mattress, $35 each. model. Bargain, Terms So. Next to Dan's Foods. August 657 West is, $2500 as is, fates selling 26' SAILBOAT. GARAGE SALE 10 a m. to 7 p.m. dryer, $225 for both. 262 2 106 toys, etc. Cash only Historic building at 540 Main St., 2233 So. 7th East. 7, 9, 10, and 11th. WOOD swivel desk chair, $60. So 3900 Bountiful. BOATS make offer 1983 Comesee 2160 East, 7567 South Park City. Wainscotting, lights, GARAGE 17 CU. FT. Kelvinator refrigeraSALE; V couch sets, small upright, Complete mahagony dining set DAYCRUISER 13 ft. wood boat, 30 HP Johnson, f box locks, doors, etc., all origiHAVE NOW ARRIVED Color TV, fridge, dryer, Lyndsey tor, no frost. $200 or best offer, $600. Misc. pieces. Call 262 Ml wood, 10 yrs old, like new, tight 454, '79 7T. Horizon 7 and Berkley, furniture HP Esta motors, Sears trailer, nal, European pine 1982 CLOSEOUT or Water Soflner, much more! 571 HIGHEST CASH OFFER older rpf. Reduced to S850. 26J9 BOYS wood" desk and chair $85. . BICYCLES Perfect, immaculate cond $7,900. $490. accessories. 149-4053650 SO. STATE E ast 3080 So.485-3279- , DUCE 484585 Starfire, Giassmester t, 7570 So 561 WIBAug. 7, 104 t HOT WATER HEATERS. X gal Leatherette swivel desk chair 5774 So. 1540 East luke box, 178 Sea and '78 454 Jet Ski boat, sell or trader RARE Roc kola Barretts Nymph YARD SALE. 120 bass accordion Ion standards. Used, but in good Hidden DOUGLAS FORT Grand CONCERT Call $40. Valley 21' Harpsichord, MtCoi WE have Scott, lough, 10 Tandum 260 57T 3290. insurance 264 apprals. tor Merc, truck RPM 8509, records, , Cuddy at condition. $25 each. Club real membership appis, clothes, household goods Country teakwood, ebony genuine BOX out 3 MATTRESS and Eska SPRINGS and DECOSTER ROGER piece axle trailer with brakes, was Firestone, Martin $6,000, will sacrifice at best orter Wav USED BOATS WANTED furniture, 4981 Greentree and real ivory keys. Call discount price. 250361 ext 247 $19,871. REFRIGERATOR, top freezer, MARINE, SETS. EAGLE condition. One Clean, Z rims, $250. Call Trace board now box good parts. 11,500-Haptuke $13,726. . over Days cranks, Fidav-Sdt8am-1J25 West). ask for Gene BECKSTRAND Marine, 26M006 30pm wkdays frost free, lust repaired. 374 8010. 2176 W Center ,Provo. $55, one $35. 21' BOWRIDER 260 Merc, tan or 292 2659 after 5 p m., $500, Jerry LOW COST BOAT INSURANCE We have it WHALE OF A SALE $175 or best offer. 262 1595. RHOOESCHROMA, the incredi dum axle trailer with brakes, 'SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE MOVING MUST SEU. ! BMX Mongoose frame and fork, ANTIQUED enameled cast iron bke synthesizer, now at Herger household all old collectibles, Insurance Co 266 9664 Nationwide renow was WHITE side side $19,344, $12,930. Gibson INCH by 80 kitchen table, 6 chairs, flrepl. front with marble mantle. Windsurfer and neck, HobieCat; back tires diamond POOL 4x8' TABLE, including Sat Music. Provo. goods, great fiixls, bargains. GOOO SELECT ION OF '77 16' CRESTLINER. 85 hp, v! SAILING CENTER frigerator. New compressor. $350 $200. 115 vrs. old, 1929 Clark Jewel alloy bars, $200orter. accessories 8200. Call 48640. Aug 7, 9 4, 1158 EasMiOOSo BOATS AND USED NEW 487 or best offer 968 5028 on or 2628 over MAKE 3151 $500 $3100 Wv OFFER. So. J State, hole, BLUE SOFALOVESEAT, $150. green enamel gas range, both BLUE Murray Illusion Woman's 313 SALE-Cri- bs, YARD Special on Mercury Motors in dressers, piano and drum set. 120 Bass TELESCOPE, Jason model KENMORE WASHER excellent cond. 359 6246. '78 WFILCRAFT 7V low hours t PORTABLE GALAXY BOATS RANGE, $150. 10 speed, barely 1 yr old, excel D 60mm. Discoverer, Stock. E xample 9 8 for $989 accordian $200. 266272 baby chests, dinette, maple GUARANTEED WE BUY USED BOATS 272 1754 $100. DISHWASHER, house $ 125 offer. 94? 3353 tent 1896 cond., includes & Orginai SERVICE $i25. mount, SALES HERINGER pioneer Equatorial j items, compressor, '64 Volks, lots Perfect condition. $115. FIBERGLASS BOAT REPAIR eves HOBIE Cat I6 excellent condi LIKE new heavy, elegant triple excel tent cond., grainerv, double WE will take musical instru- hard case Rick 944 NORTH 1200 WEST WINCHESTER 10 speed owe. 2552992. on trade tmards purchase BEVAN'S MARINE, 969 9?6l 5 YEAR old oven extras. $2J50967J66 after 5 drawer $125. Black vinyl chair garage, with workshop, $42,500. ments 23 inch, good condition OREM, UT 229133 YARD SALE, Sat and Sun. noon new furniture in $50 , low gf type, 22' SEA Ray '78, drop hrs., load Come see. 943 7974 Call Scott, $50. $75. 27? 5350 TRAMPOLINES 18' 150' '72 BROWNING 'til 6 pm. Nice school clothes, Call ft. 10 semi ed $12,000 or will take older boat GRAND PIANO I B, ?50 WATERBED with heater ANTIQUE Spinning Wheel 0Dn,.e, $4,000. 262 4481 I SCHWINN 10 speed. Super Lefour TV, never used convection oven. concert grand. Most sacrifice fur Lowest prjees Quality1 969 5912 and cash difference. Call Mike r74 Excellent Condition. excellent Perfect condition. No mattress 1157J '75 LAKE 575 East 900 So. Merc SK fYPEHuH t? 2. Excellent condition. $200 or FULL Microwave, POWELL weekdays ':ie price of 5 ft. grand GUN SALESmith 8 Wesson, condition, $175. Yellow Corning $l95 or best offer. Bob $50. Chris, 27? 2474 best offer. Excellent cond. CB, 80cc, BIKES, motorcycle stove, some repair, $75. 582 999 MARTIN 7. horseoovwr trollii DRUMMERS new 5 piece TAMA Sako, SKB, Stever, Winchester 31' CONCORD WICKER LAUNDRY BASKET 19's DRESSING$175.table.Ben'sMirror NEW 25" and 23" Sthwirw World '80 FIBE RFORM 10', 280 Volvo, gar. furnace, elec, gate openers, tor Sako Sell or and trade others. $1965, Star Reg. 250DRYER motor, water couted, good cond CAS Super HOTOINT and vanity seat. $5. END TABLE $40. COME Cabin $325 for both. cruiser, fly depth bridge, oak furniture, miscel 4638 Locust 20 hrs Midwest trailer, 966 498' Sport 5350 Deluxe rittes, row only $1249. 943 tion. $250 or otter, GOOO CONDITION! SEE! 2667; car pe ted dr apes, or finder, fully Call lane (2710 E ) 277 6245. BAYLINER 17' 130 hp. 1,0. , 364 2229 '73 slictes. HEAVY $100 MODEL. ORGAN-LATDeluxe 12' SAIL Boat. Compete with duty playground and dual AMFM deck, tape Wardrobe trunk; ANTIQUE Irg. $80 571 9048 SCHWINN MEET SWAP FAIRGROUNDS Lady's 12x15. Will Only 2 available features Bargain, terms. water system, shower and "Little Dude" trale. $450 or SEARS Kenmore 6 cycle washer, HIDE A BEO, Queensie. SIX. permanent wave machine, 3 Irg Free Spirit, $60 Wknds 1 ante- lotions, cosmef or install. SKI boat. Tri hull, open bow., 16' nearest otter940743 tanks. Va of r. approved works perfect Excellent condi Make barreft. wood 368 2 272- 7236 SoJjhEast 250 dinette Call $X. table, Maple 4??2 322 condition, Both furniture top im, appts., 115 Johnson 484 2745 t Fuel pumping system for ski IS'?' BAS BOAT Glass over CASH FOR GUNS lion. $90. 48 7 3507; Selmer Mark ALTO saxaphone, REAL collectors Item, !890'$ GIRLS Beautiful white bedroom $15 to $50, single NEIGHBORHOOD Patio Sale. i'BIKES, boat, dual SPORTSMANS DISCOUNT hull, 15 '68 17 FT. TRI HULL, $30001 straight inboard wood, carpeted, Glen-. antique tricvclo completely re- VII. excellent condition, $900 or set, low 4 post twin bud, antique one of the nicest boats on HP motor, $650 trade 250- 7456. n 1458 So. Mai PAWN hndaySat, 104 pm. 4210-42power, 5 speeds and multi-speeds5 SHOP, JWS-60o, Before Call 21 alter wkend,, offer. foot pm best 46 or GOLD 7786 GE cubic stored $795 offer refrigeradresser, more, $375. 262 3710 So Olympic Wav (3230 East) Exerciser $25. 25BJ682 Lake Powell. (801) $52,500. $350, 272 7248 I7V FT. FOLBOAT KAYAK, 2 80 SEARAyT?28 HP, EZ irailerT? THOMAS ORGAN, Californian GOLF Clubs new, never been 277 540 or (303) 476462. COALWOOO cookstove $50$600' DRESSMAKER sewing machine SUPER' GARAGE Sale Aug. 6 new" SR SEMI PHO 12 speed tor, used, 3, 5, 7, 9, 2 woods, putter, R R belli and R R sealer, with extras, $250 or best 267, 4 channels Valued at $500-selMOVING must sell '78 AMANA bell, Jftrsreat jpnd Call 268 2699. k 23" Ships cabinet with $90 9 Bike, Antique 5 looking Four Families. FriSat California Racing set 875 each childs 467 2256 adult, orter. 792229 for $2,000 or $300 best Top 268-158. RACING (lass Scow, 16 ft.,, Farminqton 451J7922 range, lanterns M16 Corning sofa $125. $450, 170 East 8180 So OffCroekjid 9 caliber Offer. MUST Sell, 20' Deep V, excellent sale7 $800 new iib $2,000 offer. TALL Fancy shoe thine stand KINGSIZE box spring and mat piano JULY SPECIAL SALE RALEIGH Super Course 10 GARAGE SCHOOL SALE; Ml excellent mmc 455 Olds shape, new built-ipistol, collect engine, condition, GOLD Westmghouse X" make offer. Call $300 Brass rash register $350, CUSTOM Hitches Installed Fast t tress $175. Metal desk and craVernon Academy 9 5, Wed.-Sa- t spwd, 24" frame, excellent con16' Tahiti, deep V, seats 6, 20 gal $340 or otter, 583279 affcr4:30 $6,000. electric rangehond $100; white den;a$300. 9Hh0492 others. 451 2922 f arm ington HITCH WORLD 48723)" 184 E. Vine ST. (4950 So ). dition two Call 328 1000 14 foot PAIR Downhill Hill skis and gas, travel cover. Merc 150, RIVER RUNNERS, double kitchen sir $35, DRUM SET. blue, "Wrs Butter LARGE Cast iron $60 pot 4 MAHOGANY Traiter hitches while' CUSTOM dresser. drawer SALE-FNISHIKI 12 Olympic; Out ELPT. trailer. Now $4995 SPEED YARD thru Sun ri. Cross " $75 $750 or w:h oar frame boots Pair Country Excel Stool included tminster Seander, pot belly box churn, telegraph key, frame, you wait. Hitch WorWj62-895HP board motor sate, VCR, TV's, baby items, Avon, fast. I yr. old, $250. REFRIGERATOR Older model, $50. Headboard, $75,9697178 Lad vs 8 48 728 tent conditlnn $350J429 aid oars. $ft 943550 hcater451 7972 Farmington 15 i' extra saflsT Mercs, rebate, $1000. Fishing George. 470 SAILBOAT misc 2664 Green St 467 9?2$ springijnattress it l War chairs. His and NEW Wooden Normandy B FIat WEATHERBY Mark V 257 magreally works. $75. 792 9865 motors start at $4W. Used engine BEST BUY IN TOWN! '78 10' covers, trlr. $1800. 149 8297 SMALL round oak tabte.4 chairs, YARD SALE Fn Sat, Sun, 8 'til STORMER BMX Racing Bike, $550 or otter. extras. cond. New Excellent num, scope, Outboard Clarinet, $300 COOLER MOUNT 650. table 150. accessories, Merc SWAMP cleaning 2 SIDE each; Hers, 135, sate, 24 Inch bar mahogany otter. TV, $50. color $150 20 FOOT Starfire 351 Ford OMC: dark. Plants, furniture, bikes, with extras, $725. or best 561 8449 after 5 reed guard $300 offer. 4877249 Johnson 4 5 60 HP. Some used trailer I9.W Ramona Ave. (not antique) $700 Exd lent condition Works great stools, $l5each. 5720864. lire and misc 3040 So ?50 West out drive, low hours. 967835 r 28 7147. pool" 3x12 feet inSWIMMING boats available S1W. ttorKV 1039 QUEEN SIZE WATER"BED". ESTEE PIANO ANTIQUE OLD STOVES 1 HP Johnson 10 speeds, 75 7 BOYS f RIDAY Sat 9 8 cameras, dolls, lady's 5 PONTOONS ALUMINUM MARINE $125 HALLSTROM cover, cludes filter, ladder, $450 ALL KINDS $10 to 175 shape Fairly good WASHER Kenmore with deluxe, condition excellent ISO Call good pedestal 7 each, old bntttev loot housthold items. Foam filled M' x 2 ft. wed. American Fork 5608 $600. must sell Call 254476. 262 4 729 after 5 251120 272 4180 cond A Real Buy! $98 649 9252. 10149 MevthesburyLn. (W50E) 261 J77I. Only $125 582 7502 MX ANNS ANTIQUE FAIR Saturday Aug iJth, j,iO SALE ijn' Sum A3U Si EastAnn21sts school South urxiJS. aOc. CTukJ.en FREE A'J'Tisior ..AIM equip ci el th 89 t ad vk, $60 GJ Yd Water 949 Rental 700 k "bargain sal m ' bL 9. 3 ' 9: ljj$ for J i 4 $ |