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Show 91 1 Cor$ foreign 911-fo- Co. r,gn 911-for- 82 TOvCta TERrF. SR5 ex hacnock s S6 W cedent cond Uaho mites must Best 5H Otter Sam Earner mo 42 APR home oct J7V9 ctoP or trade down OK credit 82 TOYOTA Corolla immacuia.e Plus t & Subaru ot Murrjv 53rd cond mystseH SoaOO 583 5328 So and State 2e?2,l OPEN 82 TERCEL 5 spd sunroof LATEJ Like new m ano out1 Can HO SUBARU 44 agon nice s 395 DLll 22 262 77i car. Detow book value 55A 82 CEHCA GT lifrback 8 000 $js)0 LARRY H V'LLER mi All extras :OYOTASe85 So State 260628 81 TOYOTA Teroel blue Top 80 SUBARU HARDTOP 5 sod' Gl F Cashmere beige $5130 or condS48U0or otr 566 2047 eves 81 TOYOTA best otter Call Tercel SR5, kidded, 15 000 mMike new S5900 486 179 to SUBARU 4x4 wagon air lug 81 rack brush guard, custom nms TOYOTA Starlet 47 mpg $3950 3 8852 57J tires rw highway mpg city excel ' to SUBARU wagon 4x4 excel condition must sell, S5 900 or best otter 5666585 AM F M Tent cond cassette 8i TOYOTA Starlet 5 0900 spd hat to SUBARU GF Hardtop auto thbaiA excellent cond and mpg $4 ax cond S'eitX) cassette new air bestytter 250 )4l 81 TOVOTA tires uses regular gas S3 995 Corolla Littback 5 NATE WADE SUBARU spo air cond sunroof low mi 4tP 664 iftlQO H 4x4 Wagon must LARRy 8 SUBARU sell to buy home Stereo, brand MILLER TOYOTA5b85So State BFG all season raoiais new 81 TOYOTA needs minor body work S3 100 or Corolla Sport seoan 2 door best otter 2922, aft 5 Perfect cam 81 TERCEL snroot am-f8 SUBARU Wagon, a r, 5 spa 40mpg S2 895 Dk super cond $5 395 254 2439 81 78 SUBARU BRAT 4x4v pickup TERCEL LB te288 SR5 Like new Cash price is S2 999 SUBARU $6 28b 235 West 500 OF 53rd MURRAY South So arto State 262 2661 OPEN LATE' 81 COROLLA 4 dr , auto air 77 SUBARU DL Like new' $5 235 or otter Can Cash Price is Si 999 finance DLH22 262 ?76l trans SUBARU OF MURRAY 53rd So TOYOTA Tercel Littback 5 26 2 2661 and State OPEN speed low mites, S7B8A $00 LATE LARRY H MILLER TOYOTA 2 dr sedan 76 SUBARU 5685 So State, 4 sod 484 cond 7986 .S14QQ good 0 TOYOTA Celica GT Littback SUBARU 76 Station Wagon Auto, air, loaded 85795 Front wheel drive, low miles, RIVERTON CHEVY-OLDautomatic, very clean exceptionMIOVALE LOT al condition must see and drive 80 TOYOTA to appreciate S2.29S Financing Celica ST, air, sun-roavailable 8 track, , Jack Campbell, help new radi 4360 So State. 261 5607 als Best otter 81 SUBARU GL 4X4 4 speed Cash price TERMS' $155 27 Per ts 19 months DL 96 SUBARU Call 967 9033 2 wd9on, excellent TERCEL air, auto, 31,000 mi cond $4900 Otter CORONA, 4 door Lift Luxury ed Loaded1 Auto Hard to find1 Make utter res 60 COROLLA SR 5, excellent cond Low mileage 277 8739 28, 80 CELICA littback, 5 sod-000 mi , air, AM FM cass, plus extras $6400 or otter Will talk trade or 00 CELICA Littback 5 spd super cond air cond stereo, alloys, tilt going on mission, priced to sell quickly, $5 300 Mike 277 7866 79 TOYOTA Celica Supra black good condition $6 600 80 80 to replace your CAR OR TRUCK? But down payment is a problem7 At Mark Miller Pontiac we take Horses, trailers motorcycles, snowmobiles, saddles guns etc as down payment Contact Glen Knnke, 266 8833. with your trade 8? TOYOTA Cressida 4,000 new sunroot, white steal at 300 48 7 7 711 Celica GT Coupe, ail the extras, , Good $1000 ft cond 292 8782 75 Gl SUBARU $1495 door FWD, nearly new engine Ph 26 5611 or 277 9613 74 SUBARU 2 dr GL "need TOYOTA 80 S1,Q50 278 7090 911 Cars e.gn Celica Lihbatk 5 n town bext Ou A 8 $4jC LARRv h MILLED TOYOTA 5685 So yen? TOYOTA blue spo i 0e?8 262 Corolla 2 door 4 PS86 $3400 speed yellow nice H LARRY MILLER TOYOTA TOYOTA 79 So State262-0- 5685 Celica Lrftbk 5 air cond beige $5 500 H LARRY MILLER TOYOTA 5685 So State 2o2dc28 79 TOYOTA Celica Littback 5 P6S srd cond blue, H $5 000 LARRY MILLER TOYOTA 79 spd TOYOTA M8S VtAeJ62-l.SR5 TOYOTA Corolla sport coupe tow miles goto stow very 78 TOYOTA CELICA AM FM stereo Really $4 350 PL 122 26 2bVI 60 262 Celica ST Coupe, 4 vinyl top. mag wheels, $4,000 TOYOTA Celica GT l.ftback Stereo, radio, air, new radiais Low miles $4200 Logan '77 TOYOTA Celica GT, 5 spd new steel belted tires, am tm air, stereo $3,600 77 TOYOTA Celica LB Coupe 4 Cvl , auto, mint cond $4,688 235 '77 TOYOTA W 500 So 77 TOYOTA Corona Excellent cond Below book1 77 TOYOTA Celica GT Air, am tm tape $3,400 '77 CELICA Littback 5 spd Air, 50 000 mi $4 00otr262 69 9 77 CELICA GT lift back autoAM FM matic good cond $3900 76 TOYOTA' wagon Air, 5 Spd 8 Excellent $2000 76 TOYOTA Corolla, 2 dr sun root clean Must sell $150 Call 76 571 9056 SR5 Lift Excellent cond COROLLA mags , 5 spd , $2,390 DL1127 262 7800 Garff Motor Center Stde Soutr at 60 CELICA GT, new oamt excellent cond $3400 2 dr 75 TOYOTA CORONA, AM-Fstereo, Sport coupe new auto brakes, tires, air, shocks $2 700 451 5340 '75 TOYOTA Corolla Excellent cond New pamt new radiais. am-tradio $2000 or trade for truck in good cond aft 5 '75 TOYOTA CELICA. 4 spd , air $2,000 Call 75 CORONA Auto , air 4 dr Clean $1550 254 2217 '75 CELICA good cond , 4 spd $2500 offer '75 CELICA GT, all factory options incl air, 58,000 miles, new pamt, must sell this wkend $2500 best offer Dave, 76 SLC Uah 04111 UJEm CAM SALE Of auto Clean LOO 25W7 COGO.A TOVOTA 392? TR Spitfue-har- Cors VW BuS excellent cone wow vkb miteagt Phone to RABBIT spd Blue Blue $W Goroun Aiiygn Boev soft Of 263 7648 Diesel. 5 sod Deluxe pkg Sunroot, am-fcass. Great cond Want $750 Call 582 7208, aft 5 30pm 81 VW RABBIT convert Silver Blaupunkt AM FM cassette, ar cond $9200 486358 '81 VOLKSWAGEN JETTA air, AM FM cassette, 28 MPG m ask town, $7 800 Call tor Dave or Joan 81 RABBIT Diesel LS excellent cond , all the extras Must sell Call 268 9656 '81 RABBIT DIESEL, air. sun roof, cruise, AMFM Owe $8,600 sacrifice tor $6 950 466 1421 '80 VW RABBIT, air cond , blue low rmles, SS856A $4200 low, LARRY H MILLER TOYOTA 5685 So State, '80 VW Rabbit air, sunroof 9430597 $5,100 or offer 80 RABBIT air, sun cond excellent AMFM roof, Many extras $4,750 '80 RABBIT Black with gold trim, excellent cond uses no oil $4595 00 DIESEL RABBIT, 4 dr air, AMFM cassette Excellent cond 0 $5,200 468593 '79 VW RABBIT DiEStL. dark 4 dr , deluxe inteblue, rior. AM fm, 40 gal fuel caoaut ty Low mi 50 MPG. mint cond or 566 7771 Call '79 VW Dasher Champagne. 4 dr am-fstereo, sedan, $4,150 or Offer 277 to04 '79 VW Convert Beetle $9 000 or or best ofr '79 VW CONVERTIBLE Baby low mi , 94? 21 58 Blue, all extras, '79 RABBIT, air, AM FM stereo, new clutch, excel condition, $4300best offer, 942 5535 UTAH'S B DEALER one UrrostSvoe' xell M VW oner CxSt only 39 $j9Man 4 So 4 c spd veiv Auto v xkan Saies IM9 48 to VW SCIROCCO Champagne Edition, brand new shocks and radiais Biauuunkt Ail seoiue records 37 MPG Many extras Exceptional 48 350 to VW RABBIT 4 dr cassette 2 excellent cond $3300 2 cond blue 'to VW AM FM and white tape deck Call to SIROCCO new cass AM-F- xhcks dr excellent bes ottor Jel 3711 conO $3 W o SO loaded to excellent cone or best otter ROC CO $ toC Call to SCIROCCO Sunroot whit toaded $o a00 off 2to-a- 8 V VW Raobit aekxe air AM FM cassette, CB very lew mile $3 JoO age first owner p b 53: 323 tet l(kajn-6pFM tow 77 VW Rabbit AM mi ar owner first conoihon excel iQa m 6b m 77 VW RABBIT like new 37000 mi $3000 2to 79?s 4 spo 76 VW Rabbit 2 dr very W 236 500 So clean $2,850 Pet 675 Combi Van Credit Union Repo Mae offer 364 1000 :76 RABBIT Hatch Like tow1 Low mi $2,250 DL237? 2o8 6J22 75 VW DASHER Wagon air 26 mpg sunroot immaculate cond $2900 bet offer 795 6e5 4 spd 75 VW BEETLE, runs 900d $1 995 261 2474 Pl 2287 75 VOLKSWWAGEN RABBIT excellent tires, $800 work iust oop on car $v?5 561 722 75 RABBIT $2 775 Excel tires 7?42 good cond Best offer s 75 RABBIT looks good runs great $2400best offer 277 463 '74 VW Super new eng shuts. I H7 Summit Park $1090 74 VW SUPER BEETLE new PdinL rebuilt eng $1995 155- - 7202 '74 VW Super Beehe excellent cond Low mileage 277 8 T39 74 VW Super Bug excel me Chanmal cond$1 500 '74 VW BUS 15.000 mi on rebuilt eng navy metal Ik blue rachais looks 90od, runs tair '76 VW '74 VW BUS $2 0 SUPER Bug, excellent cond sport wheels, must see, 4502 Woodgrove, (520 W ) new oamt new '74 Superbeetle int $2750 '74 KARMANN Ghia Runs great Good condition Best offer over $2 000 Nick or Sam, 6 74 73 VW THING 268 444 rod cx j' 15 m tfcM k)64 or 484 to VW Bug Rebuilt eng tr ant eno Runs good Only ,52 to New U) $1 BUG new Can VW Nae 70 BUG New raoas diamond interior hi uertormance ignition Front end damage SeoO too ?66 to BUG new engine a!xJ oamt $1300 CaM 484 46)3 6 VW BUG good car ioTO mrygs rterojmi rus 69 transportation eye ui jl VOLKSWAGEN FAIBALK $o00 or ofier Gcxx1 automatic AcxW running coroition 69 KARMANN GhA Runs well New oamt, new parts $' '9s Consider some n ane I 724 TX rf VW BEE TLE flared feroers Wl8B as n. e as new white H S 600 MILLER LARRY TQ b8 CT VW $599A BEETLE MILLER 2628 soSi tte A $600 2 62 spo 4 toOtA 0628 beige lARRY Sofia so H $ae VOLK5WAU6N BlG Engine overhauled 68 68 VOLKSWAGEN Squareback new fi'es tow bar good body and pamt $7S0 4&4 478 VOLKSWAGEN ntw engine frontend damaged $e0t '67 BAJA Bug. new eng $1 800 cash, 81 Renault 4 di Sedan $5600 cash2 467 1827 66 VW BUG, $1036 or trade for motor eye to, and $S 99 pb 66 VW BUG good condition 63 VW Camper Bus like $995 67 new $2 495 VOLKSWAGEN Squareback new engine, runs great very lit tto work rweded $695 J43 8520 66 SQUAREBACK Desperate must sell Good running coroi tion$850 Offer 966 4914 65 VW BUG, good condition new recent overhaul brakes good interior $900 295 7V39 06 65 VOLKSWAG BUG $700 571 1859942 0245 '64 VW Ghia mpg or can modify fuel miected eng tor 5fr increase Call '64 VW BUS 30.000 miles, great transporta tion $475 '64 VW BAJA Best reasonable Offer Call At, 272 3155 or 262 3858 64 VOLKSWAGEN BUG Rebuilt motor Good condition $l 000 Call afer 6pm 451 2976 VW engines any si2e completely rebuilt 6 mo 6 000 mi warranty 2 Oav service Free Towing $395 2753, 6207, 967 7063 73 VW THING 4 door convert, 82 VOLVO 244 DL, 6,000 miles, stong runner, un car S??00 otfef Aplme Stereo, $10,700 467 1116 48581 34 or traoe 81 VOLVO 245, 11,000 mi 5 spd '73 VW BUS good condition New r spotless, must sell, offer 3751564 engine 81 VOLVO DL 4 dr 8000 mi '73 VW BUS. good cond sun roof, 2958 Loaded $11 000 bed 8 7 2574 '77 VOLVO station wag . air '73 VW BUG. excel mechanical 50 AW cond , AM FM cassette cond, 51 995, 943 5085 mi Excellent cond $4 600 412 WAGON '73 VOLKSWAGEN Call Rebuilt engine, sun roof, stick, '75 VOLVO 164, 4 spd overdrive $VN3 best offer Good cond $4,100'Otter 272 3869 '73 VOLKS Bugs (your choice) qrj2 5350 bet p m or '73 VOLKS passenger bu Sale price $2,?9S. SUBARU '74 VOLVO 145, SW, auto air OF MURRAY S3rd So and new engine, am fm cass $2 200 942 1563 State 26? 266l OPEN LATE! '72 VOLVO wagon, automatic VOLKS 73 BAJA, recently reExcellent cond built, excellent cond, $3 500 '71 VOLVO, V7 43n or 4B7 2962 call before 3pm weekdays 1500 '73 SUPER BEETLE Low mi 71 VOLVO station wagon, good Great cond $2 37S 581 9Q2V cond Provo, 375 H24 aft 5 4 to '72 VW, apprespd Must see 2 dr 76 CHEVETTE, ciate1 $1,995 or offer DLII22 $1,450 74 262 7761 FIAT, $750 75 TOYOTA wgn , '72 VW BUS Camper set up New $1,295 75 TOYOTA sport coupe, $1 795 DU572 26M322 paint 35,000 mi $1550 We Buy Used Cars and Trucks '72 VW BUG, new engine, new needs work body MURDOCK CHEVROLET generator, 250669 $975 2651 So Mam, Bntfl , 798 8090 72 KARMANN GHA convert Excellent cond, S5S00 MY HOME FOR YOUR CAR 71 VW Soper Beetle sunroof auto Prefer Venous luxury rebuilt eng, stereo new pamt homes to choose from Mark, excel condition, 363 4526 521 7766 272 943 MCMdaBBMKWM New NISSAN See Us & Where You Drive" A SENTRAS SAVE!! 1981 TOYOTA COROLLA Good Bargain! COMPACT CARS j otto 00 DATSUN 710 4Smpg $J 000 484 41 fORD E SCORT Gw lentccmd V8 auto ar line a bed many Goidon WJ otne extras, $991 son rhev550So State 583 61 28 Sobate 4 spd vel 00 LUV 4x4 , low $5998 Gordon Wilson Chev 5650 So Stafe HO CHEV Luv 4x4 4 spd Mika do Like new. $ 588 ZJ5 W 500 So 4 spd Excellent 00 BLAZER cond $ 988 MORGAN AUTO 1 3670 52to So State 80 BLAZER Silverado ail tne 60930 $8 745 TRUCKLAND 40' 46)1 '79 SUBURBAN dean L ton 4 wheel dr , dual air auto Sive redo $850 extras V 4x 8 . White Auto $5919 Gordon Wl son chev 5650 So State 79 CHEV V8 3 4 TON 4X4 Auto Ar Silver $?947 Gw dun Wilson Chev 5650 So State '79 CHEVY Suburban T0163, ton, 4x4. 4 spd ps p b stereo, all 3 seats LOW MILES, $5 888 Mike Cary, Gus offer trade Pautos Chevrolet969 822l ext217 355-605- LIFTBACK &ute4 7 '7V CHEVROLET Short wheel base 4x4, 150 with shell custom paint new tires wheels $6495 Trade poss 364 142 3)21 4600 So. State SAAB DEALER 262-552- 1 71 BLAZER V 0, 4 spd $2495 51 psbsharp, ton, xt. 'to CHEVY hut, 98.J2 ISO eng 4 4 spd , truck top. runs strong, lots ot extras 966 1446 'to BLAZER, very good cond $1500, must sacrifice ton short wheel '65 CHEV baseBest offer 262 9794 "81 DATSUN 4x4 27,000 sunroof, black $6d0 9rL0l?4 DOOGF '79 transair J mP rb IL TOYOTA 5535 So. State Murray 262-062- 8 TAKE ACTION ON OUR 1982 CLOSE OUT 1982 HONDA CHOOSE FROM mi, Ramtharger, std 487 4611. '01 FORD 4x4 SPd . 68971 LAND 467 4611 6 cyl , 4 . XLT TRUCK- $6,688 L? FORO 4X4 excellent cond , 2553605 . hubs $6,800 FORO 314 4x4, 6 cvl , 4 spd , 4594401 TRUCKLAND Ranger 48746lJ '79 FORD 4x4 Stepside Courier 60831 1. $5,636 One Of a kind TRUCKLAND 48746tl '81 cyl 81 FORD F SO 4x4, shortbed, p b , air, tilt, cruise, custom oamt, loaded to the max , 582 2505, 484 1797, '78 FORD 4x4 , V6 Auto, White Blue $6901 , Gordon Wilson Chev 5650 So State '78 BRONCO. VB AT, cruise, STOCK 45690 $ 10,400 other hondas in stock AT SIMILAR DISCOUNTS 4646 South State Murray, Utah 60781 $6 373 487 4611 XLT BRONCO '78 whenl pkg TRUCKLAND SldQQ 81 DATSUN 280 ZX., $48 '57 $4I f) QQQ 4b)yl9l K 4000 Stk. Air, 80 AUDI 5000 Diesel 79 AUDI 5000 s 3.T! 78 -- QQQI 0AjWUU 11,999 80 AUDI QQA UiUdd $Q OQQ ZjtOW $Q QQQ diOuu 7,999 3 499 FORD Fairmont 262-333- 1 tree Toronado 81 AUDI 5000 Turbo 81 OLDS $ with 'Auto, bucket seats, console am fm cass , CB. tilt, cruise, mags ?7&30Q5 70 BRONCO Ranger XLT T0189, red white, p s p b , air 4 SPEED WITH HUBS, spokes stereo $6 588 Mike Cary Gus Pautos Chevrolet 969 8221 ext 2)7 76 FORD to ton 4x4 4 speed, hubs Good amd , 9433681 76 FORD 4x4 F 150 good condi tion 92 5508 '74 FORD Ton, 4x4 Auto. Red $7459 , Gordon Wilson Chev 5650 So State 72 FORD 4x4 to ton New eng , clutch etc Very good cond EXTRA VALUE USED CARS $2l395 943Mttor PRiCC i MW nos 4exi.o Plymouth 4 Lie. TIXMX ID Annum. rencwACt TAX MX TWt rat u.ty DAVE STRONGS Honda PrV MSVTx DCF. HV MVT P0RSCHEAUD1 1045 So. A state 531-950- 0 649 68)0 Oi IEEP Wagoneer air auo (.ruise tilt whi 26i 51 to CJT Midtop and sthoP V 8 1 speed ps AMFM 6 hack new all terrain radiais h.w mites other extras Excellent ail terrain pkg $5500 943 6622 77 JEEP P U An auto $4 188 HO OTOra hv. roll bar COTTONWOOD 466 So State to 262 1331 JEEP CJ 7 Super clean Si ver hardtop Custom seats ps AM FM cassette stereo atr $3, 65 must sell immed' ' J41- 50 77 IEFPCJ7 low miles New tres, p s . 6 cvl 13200 or best offe' 47 7912 77 CJ 5 V 8 low mi must sell, excel condition, extras, taking offer sS- - 8 102 77 CJ5 Full cage Renegade bucket seats Excellent shape 77 frm 2:oi58 TOs $t0 offer $4895 ?6l 119 OI 80 CHtV Lux Long box 4 sod ts 000 like new mi $550 215 W 5W TO 79 4 X4 SILVER ADO auto load ed new radiais $6995 Dc Vto So 5th West Bntfl 292 26J1 'to SUBURBAN clean 44 ton 4 wheel dr dual an auto Siive raoo $850 9426702 'to LUV 4x4 Excellent cono Hillcrest $3 940 961 069 262 9019 'i ton Scotsdale. 6 PB very clean $1500 98 9337 9726 725 Greg to CHEV x ton 4 spd 4x4 with hubs, p s p b $4 895 otter 2661511 5601 So State 'to CHEV diesel Scottsdale auto air mags E xcelient cond U.S'b Di 1122 262 78UO 9 CHf VY Chevenne 4x4 p b 'to CHEV cvl auto PS p .VI S to ( 5l 82 8? DATSLIN Excellent custom tx.'Ht excellent cond 4x4 nany ex cond Best otter 21 4054 ton AMFM cas veftee, Caltl step side bed 12 000 aclual miles $8 VP or best oher lory 582 478 DATSUN 81 ST ton $3 650 Pickup 6 spd 4lvI Perfect little truck1 $44 vs R'VERTON CHEVY OLDS RIVERTON LO 254 2J80 80 DATSUN Pixkup luw miles 6 speed long bed 7 tires and wheels $5000 2 ? 3187 80 DATSUN Pukup Excellent tond low miles $49V0 99 04 to DATSUN Pikcup 5 spd am tm cassette chrome wheels bar with lights and alarm push Call Lynn 2V50OU aer 6 to DATSUN Long bed low miles $3 700 air. 7 tires wheels DATSUN 00 263 MJ2 78 DATSUN Pickup with shell raciials am fm $.1800 969 4WV 78 DATSUN Kmq C ab Newly painted Los of extras $4100 Doug Terry s?l 7373 77 DATSUN King Cab 4 spd mint condition $1488 235 W sOO So 532A33J 77 DATSUN 4x4 $3,700 4x2, $244X1 '76 LUV Great cond New trans radiais Must sac $2495 466 7233, 9720792 '76 EL CAMINO, excellent shape, $1,695 PL LUV Stepside, new 6 CHEV paint many extras, sharp $3000 or otfer967 9634 '75 CHEV ton Dually Silvera Low do, every option avail miles, custom wheels, new Fire mist and silver Imran paint Rebuilt engine Absolutely gorgeous Best otter I 7565408 '75 CHEV LUV excellent cond tool box, rack $1,99 2551605 ' '74 CHEVY j ton, black P . p b a r shell $1 TOO 266 796 '74 CHEVY I UV $1600 or best offer. '74 CHEV P u 6 cvl . $888 00 COTTONWOOD 4646 So State 262 3331 150 EL '73 auto , good CAMINO condition $1995 mint condition Kirg Cab 4 spd $3 88 2i5W 500 So 532 6113 76 DATSUN Shell long bed Inspected $2,350l633o07 '68 DATSUN pickup Brand new wheels, tires and interior with camper shell Meet) good 30 mpg Must sell 28 93?4 Eves SO 5 sod 82 DODGE D Under 7 000 15 975 OLD 73 790 7655 HO DODGE Beautiful 2 tone bronze completely loaded Adventure mcl pkg , air, 7 tanks, radial tires speed control stereo tape, must see and drive to appreciate Asking $5,195 Jack Financing help available Campbelj, 4J6O So State 26) 5607 D 50 Excellent con 80 DODGE dition Best offer 5666778 '80 DODGE DS0 RAM Ljkenew Low mi Offer 57) 9615 79 DODGE 4x4, D150, macho edition $5,400 572 4680 aft 3 78 DODGE Pickup can be seen at 14 No 200 W Bids ate being accepted 531 3120 '77 DODGE j TON Side bins V 8, 4 speed 272 21)9 $900 TON automatic 77 DOOGE 1 DL UO So Sfh $J995 cherry West, Bntfl ?92 2631 V 77 DOOGE 1 Ion 8 auto $7 450 467 B7B) Dir 77 DODGE Ram Charger 7x4 ps air, customized wide pb and wheels and carpet 37 tires 000 mi Good oond Call 262 2006 CHEVROLET -- 10 PICKUPS IS to choose from ci mint Landcruiser 4 dr TOYOTA Excellent cond New tires Low miles, $7900 or best. oftor467 791? 76 LANDCRUISER. new pamt, engine needs work, must see to appreciate, $29U0, 484 3985 aft 5 LANDCRUISER' 67 Hunter's Special New motor Owner must sell $1,795, or offer 262 3294 73 TRAVELALL 4x4 towing package, ps, pb, air stereo. 192 engine $1 500 offer968 2000 '00 DUNE buggy New eng and trans AJ cond 966 2700 '45 WILLYS Rebuilt, runs great $1,500 best offer Keyln 973 703? 6th WHEEL ATV wittTextra enand wheels gine transmission, sp,.! mieror ?8r45 0 EL pack AM FM Call 9680101 or 00 DATSUN have air ps ot 4 speed Plr 99 227 624 So 7200 W 7 CHEVY Luv, black 4 spd roll bar sleeper white spoked cass nms. wide tires, am-f$3SOO6) 3047 '77 CHEV N ton 4x4 runs good looksgood extras $3700 155 2 to5 77 CHEVY 66.000 mi $4 ton J)8l)0orest ofr 76 LUV 4x4. roll bar. Push bar White spoke wheels Must sell $3,050 or offer 777 1756, All (. tras Pertevt 2627800 78 CHEVY 78 Chevy 4x4 see to appreciate alter Sp m 4 cond Knq 6 DATSUN 91 air iM f spd 5 Oito mi oood ,vw frtdiaK cono 9o9J2 or 1S9 518 to CHEV Luv automatic 36 000 miles, good $4100 Call 571 7066 78 LUV Excellent cond clean $1495 otter 278 4085 78 EL Cam mo $2000 auto KING CAB age sunroot 89 700 V (VO 4X4 Mikado 4 M cass shell x4 ton '78 CHEV V8 $2,795 offer Dir 260 9 78 CHEV desel pick up, DATSUN shell deluxe FM cruise $20P W'th AM 5268 451 $6800 LUV 484 7773 CHEYY Trolx enq to kakv lots of extra parts pare motor $5)5 4)sv 8? DATSUN Kmg Cah loaded 5 seven v. 'tti alum tno $7W5 l ike rxw mly 3U) m.es DL Lf So sth West Bntfl 797 ?3l 62 tx.it 22609 to 0C CHEY PCkUP V8 4S4MJ frown tan 15995 Gordon Wilson Cney 5o0 So State 80 CHf V Lev 4 speed am tm no cratches cass Beauftol DLH22 $1,300. 571 5984 80 TOYOTA 4X4, tong bed, cond Low mi$6 500 2927tfM Just II 77 PSP8 RIVERTON SE in Riverton Excluding Hot Streaks Sale ends 81582 J 223 4584, G re SANDRAIL CHENOWITH $900 beck frame, new 1815 cc Webber 41 card, paddle tires Long 973 7321 '68 1982 PICKUP WASATCH MOTORS 761 2A23 5660 So State 82 JHP C i Metallic brown pamt chrome whiy Like new, 7 mo warranty $9to5 795 8471 81 JEFP fJS 4 cvl 4 sod A FM Showroom cond Sarrl ice $6 375 Dl 1122 262 761 81 JEEP CJS air and much more1 Vfff 94? 6J1 S. DAY FORD HENRY NEEDS YOUR CAR OR TRUCK HIGHEST CASH OR TRADE PRICES PAID MR PAUL BEAN 3899 SO REDWOOD RD No 24541 CONTACT 973 7030 Short Bed, 5 speed, radial tires. PRICES START AT WE BUY CARS AND TRUCKS Instant Cash FREED'S USED CARS 100 Jo Main TRUCKS ONLY Highest prees paid for all makes of trucks We will consign your light, med or heavy truck Call for Ron light truck 48 7 461). Larry for med and heavy duty 40 1071 WARNER RICK TRUCKLAND, 13th So Jr (1 West UTAH'S BIGGEST SELECTION" S CASH $ 4600 FOR YOUR CAR TOP PRICES So. State 262-552- TOM JAMES MOTOR CO 3635861 TOP DOLLAR PAID. FOR USED CARS ANO TROCKS STRONG 679 SoMam YOUR CONSIGN CAR TO US, Paid tor or not Ask for Todd STEPHEN WADE PONTIAC MAZDA 4W6MJ FORD 4x4, needs work $00 or best offerS617060 79 CMC Suburban 4x4, dual air, cassette, am tm, equalizer hitch, riailc pkg, skid plates, 40 gal tank 3ft,GOO miles mint cond SBVOOMust see 27?4?91 484 4145 79 CHEV Auto, )? Ton, Air 4x4 White $4947 , Gordon Wilson Chev 5650 So Slate 78 JIMMY, V8, A T , A C stereo. fitt, cruise, mee $60857 $6,695 TRUCKLAND '78 CMC 4x4 Excellent cond, Pl), air. new pamt $3,999 ps, Call 70 GMC Jimmy 4x4 High Sierra, low miles air am fm 8 track tinted windfwvs 2 tore brown top cond m J7V9 '72 CUSTOM Jimmy goTO cond new tires, Warn 0 wirrh, rerent overhaul ar tape deck 3551248 or $?XJ0 or hest Offer eves 260 415 7? STOUT 44, rtwi hunter spe Ml $1,999 Chrysler 79 CJ7 Gooen Eagle Jrvo Sharp So Eastern 4x4 RV Cass chenipion cw of a kmc Mi? st see to appreciate Best ofer SfiSUOor $5 03 '79 OR AUTOMATICS ED 6l1C EL lAMiNO SS auto pwi steer wnoows air tilt cru.se gauge cg Extra nue1 $5 585 or after DLI172 26? 761 00 C HE V 3 4 ton pickup Htav Ooty throughout fact air tinned radio Super Cherry glass am-lAil white 35 000 miles coxf 51 5201 Ask tor Bernte $6 00 fir CmEV I tor. Dnc4ev loaded w.to all extras pros-ai- FORD 4x4, 4 sod, $1500 or bestoffer 182 5213 DUNE BUGGY WITH 'TO" INTERNAT'L Scout, 46,000 VOl KSWAGEN ENGINE AS IS mnes excellent cond 1500, te 1194 ortg if no ans 254tl63 DUNE BUGGY with frailer SiAJU $1800 967 7306, new SCOUT 73 tires and 4x4, or best offer 943 5614 pamt $1400 26JI0U6 1600 ec DUNE BUGGY engine Blue coior Seats 5 Call after 5pm AUTOMOBILES 4 spd '81 FORD 4x4, WANTED 45955-9,101 TRUCKLAND black manv 4 ps, ob $4,900 969 7277 76 DODGE 4X4 Club Cab, ps, , b auto $2 995 Capitol air, p Motors, 958 So Stale 5210944 ton power wagon 75 DODGE Call 539 1241, evenngs 74 DODGE 4x4, SWB 4 speed, very good cono 74 DODGE Power wqn , 4 whl auto pwt steer Runs dr , great1 $1,525 DLII72 262 7761 73 DODGE 4x4, SWB 3)8 angina, best offer 967 767? p CIVIC VAGONS $5 JEEP CJ7 automatic, $299 So State ArdeM BrownAuto 7 CJS custom interior, headers new paint '75 RENEGADE CJ5. new pamt, 79" Bl AZER Red White V 8 6 flams, top, seat cov efc Gordon Wilson k999 Auto '75 JEEP CJ 5 6 cvl . 3 spd . roll Chev 5650 So State Excel headers top cage mags '79 Blazer, V8, AT, Cheyenne cass 2 3005 rear seat am-f60096 $7 429 very low miles 75 JEEP CJS, 304 V8 3 soevd, TRUCKLANO 487 4611 must see to excellent cond '78 SUBURBAN 2 Wheel Drive, apprec iafe,2MH24 V8. Auto Biown. Custom Int. 74 WAGONEER $2,595 $4701 , Goidon Wilson Chev 5650 9760373 Gilbert, So Slate 74 JEEP CJS Ortgtnal owner 6 to CHEV White, 2 Wheel Drive. 4 , chrome sod cvl wheels, car- $5414 , Gordon Wilson Chev 5650 peted, jsm frr $2800 466 3140 So State 74 JEEP CJ5, good condition, 78 BLAZER SILVERADO Ail Call after 5 p m equipment $5 595 or offer 8 to 5 '72 JEEP Wagoneer, radiais, call 298 4203 aft 5, W 8529 extra options, good cond $1600 or 77 SUBURBAN iWheel Drive. 9130 V8 Auto, Air, Blue White, offer 1377 See $5999 , Gordon Wilson Chev 5650 '77 JEEP Commando 4X4 So State and drive at Jack Campbells 77 CHEV V ton 4X4, power stee- Cars, fJ40 So .State Make offer "enring brakes Capitol Motors, 958 '70 JEEP WAGONEER, J50 So State gine spoke wheels, big tires, 2666555 $650 77 CHEVY Biacer, 4x4, 4 spd, air engine, full cage ps, p b , $3 700 Dir 70 r CJ5 Newbackseats 969 2277, 6724 So 2200 W high 195 or best offer 27? 7706 $3, '76 LUV 4x4, roll bar push bar , 4 speed, new 69 CJ5 clean. Wh.te spoke wheels Must sell lop, 12000 484 5948 $3,050 or offer 272 1756, 65 JEEP CJ 5. good cond , 4 cvl , . Auto. Air, 75 SUBURBAN, 2 Wheel Drive, overdrive tow bar, $2300 or of Maroon White $3349 Gordon Wilson Chev 5650 ter 943 143 So State 49 WILIYS JEEP gcxxf condi 74 CHEV v ton 4x4 Good cond tton Best offer over $1,600 Cali Kelly 968 4671 STEVEAut Sales 49 WILLEY'S Buick Vft good" 74 CHEV 4 wheJ drive 4 speed short box Capitol Motois, 9s8 So cond , offer E ves 7 I0,277 4l56 State 5210944,155-578'47 WILLYS JEEP, rebuilt 327 rebuilt 73 CHEV Biazer Nice STEVE s Chev engine, partially trans New clutch, new top Good Auto Sales all wheels terrain mags Dave 4 door, N '73 CHEV Suburban 644 Camarijla Cr ton. 4x4 hubs, 150 egme auto CLASSIC new oamt excellent cond $2150 63 Willey's 4 whl drive pickup X offer 262 7057 Collectors item 99 orig Mint 4 ypd 4x4 '72 CHEV SWB Serious cond only inquires 604 Mags Radiais Offer 1116 days, 484 1989 or 484 1776 m '72 BLAZER, 4 spd extra tank eves $2,100orbestoffef SANDRAIL 1815, lots of' head 71 CHEV l50V-4x4, lots of extras work. Beef with sleeper Excel ten! 966 2710 cond best offer 4 whl drive, 75 SUBARU wgrt, '79 CHEVY Ij 4x4 Long box 150 hubs $5,588 , air, 235 W 500 So 532 6133 LARRY H. MILLER AUfi i Tan ' 75 71 '7 spd i" 4b 4 3 4 ton pickup, 4 spd 73 CHEVY III So Allen 4 Nice $1990 Midvale auto ps Pb au 7ELCAMINO fler rebuilt engine and much more $2 000tirm 2 8 6J0 V CHEV 4x4 to ton new pamt guod cund $2 ?5G Sol 3808 70 CHEV to TON PU K UP Auto i 50 Very clean Runs great $i iso or beM offer 7W80J4 69 CHEV uns gteat Truck excellent work truck $?Ys S 24295 4 spd nfi CHtV StSide 6 cvl he driven am $ 2uu 5839114 ton 4 spd Runs 6 CHEV DL1I72 262 7000 great M CHEVROLET see at 4880 i&vt) West Janette Avenue Sou mi $150 960 7 40 61 Chew 6 v'rxx pukup 4 sod 6 cvl TRUCKLAND 00 25ex) 300hp, (EXCEPTIONAL LOW MILES) 4J 13nu0 V? Garff Motor Center (gj State at 600 South. SLC. Utah 81111 533 7016 CJ s ni CJ 5 6 vi 3 spd red low miles chrooie spokes $4 995 or a 22 after best p m to CJ 5 Jeep mag big tires wheels $6 000 or will trade down payment tor small car or pkKuP 80 SUBURBAN Fully loaded custom equipped Best offer 4 cyl 80 LUV 4x4 spd red $j9V9 Gordon Wilson Chv Ton. 262 3331 tor Cyl Pickup Grey $59 Gurtkvt 550 So State 4 speed stick r ai new 5942 miles sell or trade tor 489 to S5 Mapteton i ton auto 4 spd 81 CHEV a ton pukup Dump ps pnewb Dual tanks step ers lues prx.ed to sell at $6 495 NA7t WADt SUBARU 355 n, (.hFncWm Newsnqie seater mma. cox3 trans nyofor trex and rims Make offer 27 3086 cane an. 8) CHEV j tw, 'j AAV 0382 speed sotf top reO 0 top fc XtephoKl m 4. A $0UC LARRY h Sofis MILLER TOYOIA. So State ?62 028 8C EEP Renegade many ex has low mi $6iV offer W JEEP C 5 kiaoed wfh a Oer s $'to0 o be-- , pf 'f J956134 L 79 6P w rXi oaded Nices one m town SL'HARu MUR RAv 53rd So arxj 5ae 262 2661 OPEN LATE' 79 Cj 7 Renegaoe new ewne and too V 8 auo p s dD am fm stereo Quadratrack EPHJAiN VEHICLES CHEV Blue Wilyon Chew 8) LHfcV 81 CJ5 fit d' AMFM 2 ? $6 451 V 26 V) 81 CHEV iTtoto7 464611 61 cHEV miles spd ve'v (.OT10NWOOO 4646 4 Slate $u new tires Hatchback 40e7 ..assene excellent cond n Fit ST A Gna excellent .ond sen 53 oHer X5 Must best '79 $o 81 C J5 $6 688 00 000 31 t 'les 8) 17 11 930 Trucks custom ste'eo system MOTORS 2 2 283 State white low miles excel CJ5 81 GREMLIN auto pwr E xtremeiy mte car ' Di U?2 ?o J91 Y Mon: a Ubie body i HE V damage Best oner cvl $1 460 or 'n'ljniu S454 Lo AMc 7 steer uiiux custom s radas upholstery 88)6 ask SATURDAY. AUGUST 7. 1982 930-Tr- ucks Retail Value $8 800 SALE PRICE 000 2 vear 24d00mi warranty avail BR'T'SH ITALIAN v 487 .EEP Cj5 WHOLESALE cxi 6 SAI f S LE AiNG 5E RS 'C E 5 WOODS CROSS E k t ON ?v? euis Y r f oy Ot A or ona 4 exxx Sexto 464 38)4 auto x-- 7 Terrain Vehicle A'1 81 BMW 5i4orJ2k USUJnoa $o'5 or offer for liywH 'i; 9J0 . CLARK ioukx gfeat t 25 $1 t Beebe new eng rues 4ofrdtkN L VW 48 ... jU $1 b00 Soper BvS vW custom fore.gn Cors . i. $tto Chev SwCSo to VW SORROcO Am Fm casjene 91 Car j l 52 $9 750 Offer '61 VW Rabbit LS 'Foreign fccND top roll bar good engine, luggage rack 1264 nights $1000 26 3961,1-6482 VW JETTA Diesel, 2 dr 4 spkr am. fm cass 5 spd tow rm Save $ VANAGAN '81 9 PASSENGER must set! soon, '81 VW Vanagon Auxiliary heater, air cond , tinted glass, am tm and snows. stereo, wheel 67 '77 TOYOTA P603A. TOYOTA MUST SELL1 JUST TAKE OVER PAYMENTS1 2 Ot LH 80 Toyota Corolla baxk, air 5 sod am tm taoe deck new tires Excellent coro Corolla Cash price is C 599 TERMS SJBARij C" MURRAY So 2o2 2b6l 53rd and State OPEN LATE MILLER CORONA 4 door automatic air condition277 3 ljl er goodjhdoeJWUO 71 TOYOTA Corolla new uphol sterv auto trar gcxad tires 9 7 a) $V50 or beaotter 72 wrlsvori TOYOTA trrv new engine H LARRY 5b85 So State, 4 or TOYOTA COROlLA Automatic. $300 17 0129 73 TOYOTA Corolla 4 cvimoer 4 speed Runs, but needs worx $i5C YefrinS 73 TOYOTA Celica, runs good needs bumper fcOO 485 3391 portdton cean TOYOTA Corolla 2 dr 4 spd vmvl top super (.lean $3 988 235 West 500 South, 78 TOYOTA Celica ST owner, low mi air $3950 firm 254 77V 78 CELICA GT Lift , 5 spd air AM FM cass. snade kit and more Like new cond $4 375 D0 122 262 7800 speed, IjO 70 TOYOTA COROlLA S1 TYi RunsexceUent $800 CorTOd Md'k M to "TOYOTA wagon Gocto dependable u ans 78 77 gn $1 91 i ?4 COROlLA 2 $990 DU 22 262 sod 5 CORONA TOYOTA spd Runs excellent offer DU 122 2t 351 71 extras am tm, ar good shape$44009oe- - 571 4 78 TOYOTA cas Cenca am-tserte PS PB $3 80U bV 4540 tires j - 5l a 79 75 foreign Cars 535 MAIN SOUTH 364 1991 WE BUY CARS George or Don See u 1 ms if UTAH'S BOUNTIRJL LINCOLN MERCURY ?773 So Mam, Bntfl , 79? 7701 " TOP PRICES PORSCHES AUDIS OTHER SPORTS CARS Contact Joe Betluton DAVE STRONG S PORSCHE, AUDI 531 9900 G45So State DEALER Has America's LOWEST ' TIRED trying to sell your car or truck Need money9 We buy cars and trucks all makes, models Steve's Auto Sales 1621 So Mam CARS AND TRUCKS ALL TYPES AND YEARS C apitof Motors, 958 South State 57IJ944 or 355 WANT TO BUY old Car and Trucks Call ACME197? 1H6 . WANTED 4 wheel drive crew cab truck Cali Moihe I 649 0111 V- - Of , - PRICED TRUCKS r'0" 10- See Us & SAVE!! TRUCKS $7 500 8? THEVY Luv 4x4 BRAND NEW ONLY 15 MltS Olr W 2277 674 So 7200 W 4UW4K 4600 So. State 262-552- 1 |