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Show t V 'V't-v-- The Salt Lake Tribune, Saturday. August 11 ( T Continued From Page 7, 1982 Vineriean Stock i7rr rt' v "dr T- -' Due to mechanical difPrentHVL . 20d PrpCa ProvEn pMprTb Peninsula R Penn E 80e FVnnT 17, 10 9 4 20 rW4 3 2 164 Pu9tM 4 Pultertm 19 n o0 2 34 9 a Pugetpf puQen S 12'. 3 77' 15 16 20 23 12 16 14 ?rl6 27 10 9 37 ?9 30 19 10 15l4 36 20 10 PntG pf 2 4 12 Rogers T$ 2 20 10 14 j 4 , 4 b8 2 M g2B 19 4 4 , , 9' 114 ' a 254 PresRlB 12 9' 2 6 30 16 ii B-- 5 Our Error 7 -- 11 80 Rhoboat Sierracn Cp Teiep $i(cot)tnd 40 Siues Cp 30 18i 29 rl4 5 c4 34 Rov P Bch 5 RSClrJ fed n firaa ot Russl Cp m40 8 Rrkcrff 7 2 113 rnSO 4 (W 4 RganBr T 693 36 , 15 13 15 Rat ft Enll Raym In 26 IPs 8'. 98 J 4 31 IT's 11 4 72 IS1 b r4 ? , 4 11 Ritstl 8 0l TRansbrg 4 b' 9 15 13 24' f 9 SnDptl 4 2 4 e37 'a 25 ?4p2 Sage Enrgv SdlrmMp 40 SanCMJ 50d SDiegoGpt 1 SDiegopf 90 S Pd pU 4 65 SnDpfH 2 68 40a SERIES SanJsW 10 )u 20 32 14 6 .4 16 6 10 2 2 Indust .TSMD 4 5 17 12 148 U( 4 13 19 3 2 27 23 16X 8 70 7 58 zSOQ IT 14 14 54 V 64 58 z'00 16 a J,i,6Sterling Sterling gi6 60' 10 6 2 47 2 20 143 2 20 5 7 I 5 96 27' 30 6- 2;4 53 31 19 16 43 15' I4i 31 20 4 24p3 32 20' H Unnmax UAirPd 11 Instr Sis 791 Cp 6g UtdEsbstos 4 UnidRds 2D Utd Medical Utd Natl Cp UtNat pf 70 UnRIIv i4d US Air wtsO Unnv Comm UnvResr 20 Unv Rundle URSCp 4Dg 7 18 19 v Supnor Supsurcl Sorquefi SoSQUO 7 10 Ele $truh Wells Sum tE 09i SumE ptl 60 Sun Air 80 sundance Sun JrSt 48 2 Valles Steak 60 Vaisoar Verbatm Cp Verit Indust VmnfABJpg Vmont R )e Verna Corp 11 10 22 B 3 17' 23' i 24 b , 2 3 5' 12 3 2' - 6- ,98 l?s 114 9 lo 5 21 PeBula 7 5 14 33 5 12 Sysl Eng Ind 24 Cp pH 10 Tasty Bkinq Metal Markets (UPI) - Latest metal ma.ket prices as Quoted Fr.dav bv the American Metal Market, authoritative metals publication Aluminum, primary, 99 5 percent plus 00c lb pure ingots 76 Antimony, domestic, refined m alloy, S2 YORK lb Copper, PRECIOUS METALS NEW YORK (UPI) - New York Silver futures closed Friday 700 to 720 Points lower NY SILVER Comex 5,000 trov ox, cents per troy oz Last zero omitted Open High low Close Prev. OU 72 delivered electrolytic, 2 U. 5 3. ' Stock American 3 2 12 AB 16 11 X 5 6- 7 10 14 14 6sf 4'4 I2s98 11 18 15 17 72 54 73 4 394 (0 61 45' ? 651! a U S primary producers S non 26 primary (sec on- dary) producers 29 00c Ib Magnesium, 99 8 percent, ingot 134 00c 99 9 Manganese, Ib 70 0ftc Sep Oct Dec Mar Jun Jty See 346 50 High 349 50 344 70 345 20 348 40 348 40A 359 50 354 50 354 368 50 364 5C 365 40 379 00 375 80 376 20A 379 90 379 90A 390 00 386 50 387 306 ne 3,597 contracts 352 ott 591 75c per ib Low Close inch Titanium, aircraft quality, 8 rotating billet t o b shipping point, Ib, domestic soonge 993 85 Ib percent $5 Tungsten powder (H Red), 99 9 percent minimum pure $13 10 per Ib 37 75c U S Zinc, prime western, 758 NEW YORK 0 domestic gold Aug Oct Dec (UPI) - Spot High Qrade copper cathodes dosed the second session on the London Metals Exchange Friday 11 pounds lower with buyers 845 and sellers 846 pounds per metric ton, forward 10 pounds lower with buyers 855 and sellers 856 pounds per ton. 8,756 NEW YORK closed Friday 960 ny Platinum futures across the points lower per troy oz High Low Close troy oz, Open 280 Aug Oct $ 280 00 0U 26C Prev 00 271 10 280 70 2 Jan 2W 300 90 308 40 Apr 298 W jjy Estimated sales 2 141 contracts Open interest 10,877 off 113 Settlement prices on close and previous - Gold futures NEW YORK (UPI) dosed Friday IX to IX points lower NY GOLD-41Comex 100 troy oz,$ per troy oz Open High X 343 X 348 345 70 B 349 X 353 360 364 373 379 387 394 402 Aug Sep Oct Dec Feb Apr Jun Dairyr Markrt X X X X X X X X Low 70 60 345 X 90 40 X 367 X 394 90 403 X 411 20 419 40 70 X 70 90 Apr - Bulk selling prices Estimated sales 44 OX contracts as reported by USDA Open interest IX, 436 up 884 Settlement onprevious and dose Friday Prices paid to delivery New Vork cash price 343 X Butter 47 49, (93 B Bid unchanged, (92 score A) score AA) 49 Eggs Prices paid to delivery firm, CHICAGO (UPI) - Gold futures dosed orices to retailers (Grade A, in cartons Friday IX points lower across the board delivered) Extra large large 56- - CHICAGO GOLD MM IX trov oz, S per troy oz 57, medium 43' rM o X 7V3 798 99 X3 43 105 X X7 90 Tms XI 03 104 28 305 46 Utils Jones 781 77 295 94 103 82 XI 36 784 297 Bonds: 10 51 06- Utilities 392JX0, - 200. 922 4 27 10 04 3 70 793 796 794 791 789 Noon p m Range of prices ftus year: 2pm P m Net chg Pet chg 3 M W lor.s 400 Standard 40 JO 40 Indus Tms Utilf 11am YORK Following of bid and list asked Fin Tax & First 400 20 4b 2 3 m o m 117 02 16 47 116 51 $6 43 117 39 16 X P Prev Close X X X Inc 6 Fr la Investors 56 N 92 N L L Hi Vile Inti Amec Gen'l Grwth Grth Herd Insln Invst Am Am Am Am v A 10 I 8 und inrom Mr x k Brgef l'X im Boston ipi Ihn fvt'.t Calvin f f 7 7J y 06 03 N L N L N L 3 65 15 16 5 X N L 7 nd 11 19 16 3 37 N l N L (In Bullock 9 82 10 6? 7 47 NL 9 26 10 12 21 26- - 25- - 40 Eg F 16US 8s8 ) Bd Treasury 74 89 88 13 16 74 83 88 13 6 166' j KELLOGG, Idaho (AP) Day mining Co. ceased to exist in any form this week. Last October, Hecla Mining Co. bought Day and formed a company called Heela-DaMining Co. The organizational and administrative functions of the two companies have been integrated since that company was formed. This week, Hecla-Dawas dissolved. All future activities of the company will be conducted under the name of Hecla. Formation of Hecla-Dawas an interim measure to assure that the combination of the two former companies would proceed smoothly, said Hecla spokesman Dave Wolfe. y y y FOOTBALL GAME SATURDAY AUG. 7 8:30 P.M. JUDGE MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL 650 So. 11th East PROCEEDS GO TO UNITED CEREBRAL PALSY ASSOCIATION AND CAMP KOSTOPULOS V(! ALL Reserved Handy and Harman 344 75 off base price tor Engelhard, settling and unfabricated gold 75 per troy ounce Selling price, fabricated gold 64 per troy ounce refining off 1.113, off 361 99 tr interest open Thursday 2070 oft 9,947 Live H09S 62 20 Aug Oct Dec lbs; cents 6215 30,000 per Ib X 35 55 X 51 40 5) 65 Apr Jun 488 East 1st South 10 a m 6 p m 51 X 52 12B 52 X 49 47B 49 45A 49 50N 49 X 48 158 48 X 48 I0B 48 X 12 246 contracts, Thursday Jty sales France (franc) Greece (drachma) 00005 9044 0568 021000 019800 907? 057 0211X The Disaster Master 019700 XS5 X55 8003 0217 8QI7 0217 0155 1163 01 75 0)55 IU9 0175 0303 Est 0 048, 143 sales 22 7175 7183 7236 2109 1446 0143 21 7111 7170 2090 1441 0141 contracts, Thursday ooen interest 13.771 off Thursday B Open Wheat Seo Dec 5,000 Way 3 Mr 346 368 386 93 Water Safe on all fabrics Any 2 extraction Ones faster RoOTTIS Smell and water damage S (ReB3rdless Emergency services available Up to 10 times more cleaning $ Residential I power than our old method Only . Fully trained operator with 'V5'Zi Couch over 5 years full time experience $ 8 825 Settlement 0X3 previous A Ask, 71X Now on sale At Safeway Carpet Upholstery Cleaners of Utah 0(005 Bid. dose on prices I K oo w Nominal N Low High bu, $ per bu 3 46 3 69 3 87 3 93 3 3 3 3 43 65 84 92 Close Prev. 3 43 3 664 3 85 3 92 3 47 3 69 3 87 3 95 363-601- 2 PROVO-ORE- 375-19- Children Tickets KSftdi (UPI) Foreign o 7?' Thursday open interest 45,352 uo sellers rates in dollars Friday Thursday Frozen Perk Be,IM 33,000 lbs, cents per 00002 00002 f) YORK Regular $3.50 INSTOCK X 59 - OFF ALL PLANTS AND ACCESSORIES 107 Foreign Exchange (peso (peso C) Australia (dollar) Austria (schilling) Belgium (franc conv ) Belgium (franc finc'l) Brazil (cruzeiro) Canada (dollar) Chile (oeso) Colombia (peso) Denmark (krone) Ecuador (sucre float) Ecuador (sucre oft ) EgrPt (pound) England (pound) England (1 month) England Finland (markka) Adults 75 344 75 HANOY AND HARMAN SILVER YORK NE9V (UPI) - Handy Harman Friday Quoted silver at $6 890 from unchanged ounce, fiw Thursday NEW Exchange Regular $5.00 Thursday, Friday and Saturday only 7 - OGDEN SAFEWAY WILL CONTRIBUTE THE 50c A TICKET DIFFERENCE TO UNITED CEREBRAL PALSY. . 7 . Lets Fill the Stadium! I95 392 Regular $2.50 ' 843 copyright 1982 Safeway stores incorporated UTAH HOUSING MONEY NOW AVAILABLE Let Aix La Chapclle help you buy our first home at low interest rates. M0 69 II 81 104 01 73 11 98 104 X 74 II 93 105 16 Trmien foreign exchange YORK NSW Foreign (UPI) banknote rates for travelers Friday Buy represent units of foreign quotations curency the U S dollar will purchase, sell quotations, units of foreign currency NL L L L L L L L L day open Interest X 212 off 5X $ovbean Meal 100 fons; $ per ton 71 X 171 70 172 90 72 90 Aug 171 X 72 00 70 X 170 X Sep 172 X 172 X 170 10 Oct 70 20 177 X 177 20 74 X Dec 74 40 jan ar av v XX I80 106 00 86 OU 191 X 191 00 19? 00 93 00 ug Thursday 14 I 15 15 5 86 6 78 170 13 16 7 53 6 73 10 7? 11 77 17 72 18 06 17 15 U u8 10 31 11 27 30 1? N L 7 71 N L 6 31 N L 9 10 9 15 15 22 US USTN 1982 Charity ALL STAR Intermountain Plant Works Fnrl $lk Funds 14 84 N Inti Fnd Bd 6 77 N Mun 0 60 N Spot Stem Roe Funds 16H3 N Baianc 8 18 N Rnd Fd 15 00 N Capitl 9 02 N Sper'l Stock I' 15 N Groon: Templeton 68 49 nd Company Cap Equ Soec I Sc udder 3 39 4 41 Group fd f zm93 51 6 69 8 10 18 44 3 34 13 87 4 96 9 27 4 2 24 A 37 34 $8 NINTH ANNUAL CEREBRAL PALSY Day Mining Ceases lbs, cents per ib 42,000 most Vista Vovag A Cujsr Rambw F Revere Rch TxM SafeCo Group 7 M N I Equity 11 48 N L Grwth 8 97 N L Incom St Paul Funds C pel 16 9 74 Fd 10 07 10 66 Grwth Group; AmNt ANI Amwav Gvf Arch f Tax As 17 ft? N 6 75 7 M 2 38 N L Inc Med Gc Inc Am Invst Option 1982 4 (UPI) - Foreign and 284 prices Quoted in dollars Feeder Cattle Putnam Funds: II 72 12 81 Conver 11 77 12 86 Georg x 9 34 10 71 Grwth 13 93 5m 72 Hlth Sci Incom Bid 65 52 64 65 64 60 65 35 64 72 Aug 63 15 64 40 63 2 63 25 Oct 63 75 63 65 64 70 63 80 Dec 62 X 62 95 62 45 62 65 Feo 62 25 62 25 62 25 62 60 Apr 97 07 63 62 65A 63 05 I2B 62 Jun 6j 62 00 62 X 61 95A 61 95A 62 10 Aug Est sales 12,195 contracts. Thursday 9 243, Thursday open interest 43, W3 up lndr Indus Tms Utils Funds as by the NASD Fndaz 6. August 71 73 74 60 76 00 77 40 Chicago Poor's hourly mdenes for Friday $00 on p'ces Muti Qoofed inc (UPI) - Closing range of futures prices traded on the Mercantile Exchanqe Friday Close Prev X Open High Low 000 lbs; cents per Ib 90 Live Beef Cattle-4- 0, CHICAGO meat 002 OX MiiIiiuI KiiimU NEW (UPI) - 20 X 45 IS Tms Utils Stks .100 Stork Fnd Stks 117 02 16 49 X 65 1185 104 01? 117 40 16 52 X 74 II 84 105 12 117 31 14 52 X 72 11 8J IQS 04 noon p m insufficient Cattle trade Sales establish a market trend Stork L-ali- YORK (UPM X 73 X 74 X 75 X 76 70 62 85 63 45 64 25 65 75 66 40 67 75 69 10 70 45 66 300 58 104 51 X5 X 99 3X 96 104 74 306 5? 62 3X 51 104 65 X5 83 95 299 ?4 104 74 304 93 76 299 09 104 61 304 35 6 09 - 2 24 0 14 -- 190 0 77 0 4 0 13 0 62 NEW YORK AP) Sales, closing prices and net change ot the active stocks traded on the New York Stock E change at 4 pm Standard 71 62 63 65 66 67 69 72 71 73 74 Prev to Press Infemetional Indus 17 54 244 r!6 8 sdl --- 6i as By United 6 23 3 709 0 II V Chg 0 05 60 02 X 70 Ham Total 6 867 7Q0 IVn Close Pub Util Indus 302 55 Stks Transactions in stocks used in averages Friday Industrials 4,552 700 Transporta- tion tr;igt X Bonds Chg 69 60 65 60 67 X 68 X 69 70 60 60 61 10 61 75 90 63 05 70 63 70 10 65 10 40 66 40 75 67 75 70 69 05 00 71 10 80 71 X 20 73 20 60 74 60 61 00 NYork Prev Arqentma X Arqentma Close 343 20 343 345 347 80 348 354 X 355 362 X 362 370 40 370 377 X 378 385 X 385 393 X 393 401 X 401 409 CHICAGO (UPI) buffer and eggs Close X 4. cents oft PLATINUM: Mertex-S- 40 10601 UsUO Viehav Wamc 10 98 Wang L 10s06 9 X5 WangL WarnC 7s94 PH Moving Sale (UPI) board Aug Oct Dow 63 YORK (UPI) - Markets At a the dose on Friday in slow trading Bonds Lower stocks Lower in slow tra American j,ng London stocks Closed sharply lower in light trading Cotton futures Mostly higher Gold futures Lower Chicago 9ram futures Wheat closed off oats 2 to to 4 cents, com off 3 to 13 to off 4 , and soybeans off 8 !ocks-Low- Apr open interest 16 NEW 9 Feb Sales 10,400 tons Snot copper cathodes 3 pounds lower with buyers 819 and sellers 821 pounds per ton, forward 12 pounds lower with buyers 836 and seller 837 pounds per ton. Sales 7X tons Soot tin 125 pounds higher with buyers 7, IX and sellers 7, IX pounds per Ion, forward 140 pounds higher with buyers 7 OHO and sellers 7,090 pounds per ton 215 tons Sales 2 with Soot lead pounds higher buyers 3U3 and sellers 304 pounds per ton, forward 2 pounds higher with buyers 3U and sellers 314 pounds per ton Sales 4,650 tons Spot zinc 4 pounds higher with buyers and sellers 414 pounds per ton, forward 4 pounds higher with buyers 419 and sellers 420 pounds per ton Sales 6 225 tons with 5 70 pence higher Spot silver buyers 39 9 X and sellers 400 X pence, 3 monttvs forward 5 20 pence higher with buyers 410 20 and sellers 410 40 pence Sales 86 lots Dow-Jou- 50 00 80 50 90 GOLD Jun LONDON 20 15 65 Jan Mar May Jly Feb Apr Ib YORK (UPI) range of averages Ouen Low High 356 367 377 381 388 Aug Sep Oct Dec round NEW closing Stocks X Inds Oct Dec aliover price Last zero omitted $12 of 63 05 63 50B 65 30 65 40 66 90 68 X 69 70 70 50 73 05 73 80 75 X 76 X oz Mkt Met Walter WaicoNt 80 6 Wallace Inc WangLB 16 15 WangLC 0 15 Bought Out 1X00 futures YORK j , 346 80 167 COPPER FUTURES (UPI) - Copoer NEW pecent, boxed regular jiy jn Am Prev Dk Mar flask Mercury Nickel. electrolytic cathodes, f o b Port Colbome, Ont , 13 29 Ib Palladium, N Y Am Met Mkt dealer May per trov ounce Estimated sales 10 S00 contracts Platinum, soft, 99 5 fine, producer Open interest 28 259 off 402 $475 00, dealer approx , $284 0(3289 00 per Settlement on previous and close trov ounce B Bid No Steel heavy melt $58 00 per gross ton (consunv - Silver futures CHICAGO (UPI) Mkt Friday 000 to 1600 points lower Met buying price), Am CHICAGO SILVER composite scrap price S55 23 per ton Am Mkt Met Tin, NY Bd Trade 1,000 troy oz, cents per troy Ib Tin, NY 633 00c Ib Close low s on close and previous Oct lb 7 TacBt TexAir ilnt 6 8 7 7 AltecC Anth arrowE TrnEg 1298 mstc 12 XI Tyco L 5'ts88 4 8 bexdiange ptards afe Day Net Yld Hngh Luw Close Chg 5 5 73' SaoeE 8 sfe SbcfWAir 5so6 SVhARN 57 25 8r SCE BsOfrAA SCE 797BB SCE 4 8bN j Open U S 00c ib common, U 00c ib 5 Lead 1?s96 2m W W NEW 12tj95 6&87 15' ftUO RltyinTr 8s9! Resrtltl I Os 98 Ruthn Vemitr 10 6 15 Vertipfe Viatech Inc 3 7 11 Vi cor Indus 2 Vintage Ent 18 212 Visa Enrgy Vishavlnt 5i 11 VisoalGr 24 7 8 3 3 17b VtIMrc 2 Vopiexi 52 5u Vulcan 3oa 5 19 V, 13b 8 aXi 98 Kenai 1C Mdpie MCO McCP 7 70s82 Mean&S ktoog 9'cJ3) NVF CO Ss94 NVF Co 1013 7 17c 27 93 45 Ext 17. 16 2 18 a 9 73 9 G Inc HernH 15 PLew Statex Petri Steeimt oc Stpan pch r ' Inc Plew 4 7 S 4p? SU 3 2ul 23 ficulties the American Stock Exchange Listing is garbled Please excuse the problem Farlid D Ulfmute Cp Phoenx e4 pf2 96 29 2 30 SCEdpt SCEdpf H SCEdpt ' SCEdpt S 3 8 3 rS4 Ub e200 .D d 5 24 6i Solid Si a So soiitron Dev So ilex Drill SCEd R R Rch EVX 6 11 Siivercrest Q Q 14 12 dn Transactions Exchange-Composit- e U 40o '.' "rrirs-ir- ni "y" y Ooen sales 178 00 183 00 18 X 92 X 11,735 78 U0 l!U0 X 107 192 192 X X 73 10 177 00 72 90 176 JO 101 186 192 197 197 60 70 X X X contracts, Thurs interest is reported bv the CBOT Settlement prices on close Crain CHICAGO Wheat to New (Exchange minimum of $1 GOO or more) Source Manfra Todei'a & Brookes United Press international Copyright MARKFT Wheat (UPI) was off 2 4v, oats to oH 4 4 corn and cents, corn off to I'?, and 4 contract loos were established in Bank (lleariimn P Affordably priced from $23,200 to $47,900. Aix La Chapelle condominims offer total adult with no comparison for the price. A comfort sophisticated setting and unique sense of style only add to the luxurious amenities that accompany each comfortable condominum. Spacious studios, two and three bedroom homes are still ming pools, relaxing sauna and invigorating exercise room and youve got a luxury lifestyle oull love. .27 Only jiunits left. Youll love what Aix La Chapelle has to offer. Come see us. Well be happy to answer any questions about Utah Housing Money and show you around. You may discover that theres no when its Aix La Chapelle place like home Condominiums. available. Start living the good life now. Nestled in the heart of Holladay, Aix La Chapelle provides a perfect setting to call home. The landscaping, distinctive architecture and picturesque provincial courtyards make the living easy. Add a charming mountain view, two sparkling swim- 222(1 East 48IHI South in llollada) Noon-- 5 p.m. Sundav. Phone 272-451- (Murrav-llollada- ) Road). Open CONDOMINIUMS Adult Living in the Heart of Prestigious llolladav III a.m.-- 7 p.m. Mondav lliru tridav, II a. in. ft p.m. Salurdav, Friday s quotations INDEXES Today S Clea'tngs Same day last year Week SClnarinqs Same weik last year Out tin $9 348 348 98 $10), 71. 115 $51 724 260 63 $596,291 076 51 X (!ountii Friday's Quotations of 2 p m Quotations fmm the NASO are representative interdealer prices as market closing Prices do not include markup, markdown or commisvon The Quotes Sacurltw Vanguard Group 21 35 Expior Tr bind 131) GNMA Pioneer Funds Ivest Morgn Mun Mun Mun Mun QuaiD HY Sht lot Ln N L N L 8 46 N L K) X N L N L Hi 8m7? N L 150 H L 966 N t 0 76 N L liiti rinminlain Stin k Fridov No quofotions Kclian'P frJe I Friday ft k A |