Show MESA M ES CITY cT ARIZONA AlZON A bAli LAI TO 0 REST Sarah M 31 1 Johnson Gone Oon to Her lr Reward Sj Ia Correspondence Mesa City Maricopa Co Aril Ails Arz Oct Oct 7 Another pioneer woman has baa ha gUM gone to her rest At Mesa hess City CU Arts ArU on Oct Oct t 4 1901 1001 Sarah wf wife Ire of ot Patriarch n 11 I F 3 Johnson Johnn passed away tram from dis diseases eases resulting In blood blod poison polon She IC was vas born In Ohio Noy NoV lj H 1 Wi KM ms and was wal blessed bJes In the Temple there here Her father rAther James S 9 Holman and anti family with wih the Prophet and ad many others ethers fled bled le to 0 Missouri In the winter or sprIng of ot un to experience the ter ten teron terror on of at that persecution sad and tl expulsion that list followed In tho winter and spring of ot 1 At Nauvoo she sho was WM baptized by the Joseph anti otter his martyr martyrdom marn ibm dom lor with her parents crossed the frozen frozen en n and anti started In exile rein from Nauvoo Nauvo with wih the time first Or t pioneers Her liar father brought through In I 1847 the first fut flock ock of sheep sh that refute came cOle to Utah go goIng goIng Ing lag to Utah county count In 1861 where ho tie was as ordained the time first Bishop nt at Santa There she was married In II lM 1 to B D F I Johnson to whom she bore bor eleven children seven leven sons somis lons and four daughters all surviving her lien together together with over sixty grandchildren Aunt Melissa as she he watt uvas WIS so su lovingly called by b kindred friends antI oil mill who vho knew her was WIS a true Latter ni day dl ila Saint a faithful wife n a loving mother devoted leote 1 to lien her duties as president dent or Ir as a counselor of at Relief Beler Societies In II which work vork Iho sito was always engaged and wherever her lot was Wil cast Ct her In Influence Influence fluence was felt tel for Cor good goodHer goodHer Her funeral was WR as n an ovation of ot love mingled with sorrow sail and tears ar wreaths of oC lovely flowers covered the beautiful white casket In which she die he was mid laid to rest relt It I Is h i still sll a time of ot health holth peace and common com mOi prosperity In this Strike Stake of ot ZIon But Dut while our outside friends appear animated by b the prospect of ot statehood large railroad extensions heel beet sugar lugar plant water storage and other plans 1150 for the future development of ot this lii country our InsIde condition hero here just now Is II much like ikI the tho Spring dwindle In n a colony colon of bees bee Rut Hut those who throw away their inherItances Inheritance Will viii wi never ner be bo able to buy bu them back hack for tor real values here will wi In time like lower loel Cal Cul al go up uj clear out olt ot of o sight for far this valley alley has hn hm before berof It Ito n a grand Irand future |