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Show : .. ; : 1 , I . ,. .. ., j. . - , .... .: ' j- 1 V .: SAIT JLAHJE CITY, UTAH TI3IXI1XTOIIY, SATURDAY EVENINO, MAY lO, 1883. no. i5i s f XEW YORK TRADE, i The railroad has done us-aim know It? the sad and bitter ex cations, Irving here in peace and ally to those gentlemen, 1 1 i dle lees bright, that tbe moon Is any mense a nount of good in making perlenoe ofBythe past, it is ' true if quiet, eacn man pursuing , nis own agres with .their . oonstruotlon the less deaf that the elements are BY us xne anown. course to we to If to were unmolested by his neighbors. of the ht w, and I think! the we were less pure and delightful than travel and petier apostatise; I CHICAGO SCALE CO. fro across the continent, together renounce our religion; if we Were to This was the oonditlon of our Terri rules are wrong; nevertheless, I any were twelve months ago. Our 2 Pbn Wion Scale. 40. 3 Ton. $50. they PRESIDENT GEO. U. ES8B8IL With the travel throughout - these am thankful they Jiave made them gram, our vegetables, our frultytbey c- put aside that which we believe tory. It might be thought that m Basiliu'Hxl tuOHl valleys north and south, east and God has entrusted to us and com people thus living, living in a coun- In their present form. Brethren all ripen, the earth yields of Its 2R DELIVERED west, has had the same efleoi. But manded us to impart to the world, try that no other people could pos- have said- to me. Cannot we repreand gives ns of Its Increase Tbe "IJltl rirteottve" with we would sibly covet, that 1 eo far as agricul sent to the Commissioners " how strength mcreased there has but our not do what pounds $A - i I doubt for Peace reigns in our knowledge good. ths In Salt Lake dtp come an mcreased dread. A feeling get along so far as the . world Is eon tural interests, tne pursuits., we fol wrong and i unjust r these ules are. Tabernacle, rORQES. TOOLS.! peaee habitations; reigns In the endeavor to have them changed hearts of j the people. bunday Afternoon, September nas tasen possession or a great many oerned.' without the V antagonism low mainly in Utah, were concern and We know fiO Kit of and T09K Anrll 40b. mv we are a people greatly that we now have. But, then, who ed it might be " thought that such so- as ; to make them applicable to that Gd overrules all, and that Ha I' mat mmds odd JvW 24,1882. B't auay d4 tlM 7iwn the people out of, as well as those In will control all t hints for His glory to be dreaded. This brings to my can do this? , If a choice has to be a people might t be left unmolested 4 a' a the marriage relation? I told them, and for the accomplishment of His orm atneir muustry BXPOBTED BY JOHN IBVINB. I mind a remark made by a man made, as it would have to be made ato ei joy tne rruita "'. Yes; try It If you; wish; aad if you whose name you are familiar with, by na, of rejecting salvation on the and toll. iWhy, then, should, we ' not touch the mines, for oan eflect a change, all right: but ba purposes. am did I We KEITH! one be ad? Why. a taken' thaokful thia for should we mourn? th and and peace very pcavcav band, behaving prominent OROTHERS, accepting ' dy own lip am heart I thankful that Why should we dread the future? tul circumstance that aurrouiid ua. part in in aiecoaeMm or ear oaae in favor with tbe world on the other. we knew If we opened them and my od Jobtmti at Miiufactorer have been a they are. Why ah on Id we anticipate that I am thankful Uiat tbroaEhout tbeae Congress, In the lioue of Bepre-- whole there that Is prepared to embarked in mining that they the Rules would be coveted by others, and They are made applicable to all which never occur? There is a But friends mountain eXohangi-the make that a of sentatlves, representative by Talleya degree goodlj im,ufsirsi$iHrrsrgai!ss!!C!CQ!3s. never broken any no needwill those who not have our been It has Mdd therefore for to a name , sort of of half policy have Let ua enjoy make it. you tnat "O, me, Haskell, and prevaua, the JiDeriy .1 ' BtC'K y Let ns rejoice tn the goodare auje to meet to worsuiDpeople Uod preacher. One day in conversation mistake when' you think that we to touch mines. In the beginning law; as well as those who have. be- ness of God. and when is na distinction Jfldmunds ask you to renounce your religion." it would have been most unwise there without mbleataiion or fear. Tiie with me, at the time the and SES, Mad5aaq StrMt,;; those entered comes It Will be laden with blesa wha Ciow there is something moie policy to have done this, it would tween saying of fthe Havlor la xottsdlngly bill was being discussed J he remark than i plural before Into and have as of instead as and unsettled is. And so It will be a of Mr. marriage "1 us, attack have had Can ed; -He wherein Oceanian, marriage point applicable HTICAOKD 1 taught Hl those who entered into that state lngs and every week and every day! dlaciplea that aufilcUnt to the day non, to examine jatnoJicim and thatriaesltt the mina of mn in spending our time In raising the after 1882.V Until the law of a 1862 every year until we are ushered inf Mr. Haskell ex food necessary to sustain life ,we utne em thereof. If we .Latter' am somewhat familiar with, the Ro UJktnx about this. M. 8. VAJlDltTtWi, was Wfc. m was man would not mar been you shouJd nnderstand. to the f ullheal of glory of our God. have Catholic have paseed, the I It Batata not pressed it did plural prospecting organisation. day enjoy the present I have not had tbe opportunity and Bred ru anticipation of Ihe also paid some attention to the or riage alone that was in his mind mountains hunting tot the precious there was1 no .law of the United JOHN C HEEMES & C0M dreaded future. I Imagine that we aanlzatlou of your Churern. I think It la not plural marriage alone In metais. But wnen tne railroad was SUtes, no law of thl Territory, that before of f thanking you for your ahoold be It rery onhanpy people, It the stroucest and mess inairnln the mind of hundreds, and I may finished and It was then possible to made plural marriage a otime. Xoa faith and good feelings towards m MAKUFACTTUHrNtl t have while I have been gone. I can as for there toerer baa beea a day. or cent organization that exists at the aay tuousands. wno have examined obtain supplies from other places if ought to understand this,and.I at least a period In our hlatory present time m Christendom or thai question. There Is something we ran short, it. was even then im no doubt yon do nnderstand t- -e Ulf-- sure you, pay brethren and sisters, range of myt. knowledge more wan tuis; tnere is something politic for ns to take np mines from rerence between that which n a l hive appreciated tbem. Men when, eo far. as threats were con- - within the amt It?" and have said to me, in view of that behind this, something that is the fact that if we had obtained crime In and of itself, per mw1 vnn uva v HI VMi ow awe oerned, the future If we look at it -- trhM Is which crime no was that made Is a, we rich could admiration mines of not which we are passing through, and than and have men's that the fioni hoped greater this, it reeling naturally, standpoint not look forbidding. But we that prompted these remarks. He organisation of the" people, the to nave held them.tbey would have by statute. Plural marrlare ; is pot tne outer . reeling manireatea to 1 mm Kiwmr prar Tmrw. a marvel r.j did have proved that dreaded evils, followed them up by stating that unkm of the people, that which oeen coveted, ana in tne courts the a crime In and of Itself. It Is malm ward u How cheerful you seem winmn'oii! Than t r orrtlnary kluds, n can when met courageously and with an the time would come. If this legWa many men cail the theocracy of probabilities are we should not have prohibitum, made so by a law, and to bel I replied that I had cause to ' ' ttiww wwiMJi't rutnpntlrJna wtt IM nnltltudf undaunted these was, tlon did not answer, when the army this organisation. It was that which stood 'as good !a chance as ether tnat law was enacted in isoa.: now be1 cheerful; that I spirit, generally vanish. would wairbiotium or ptaoiltati ' not a jman on the unless, legislation ia made be brought to bear upon ua excited the mob. in the earliest People. ; floor; J are an We in excellent position SoW miy in earn. BOTAt Bauwq Pottdkj. Our Good r kept by Z. C. M. L Ita Brauofa facto, persons who married prior to of Congress that had more cause as we have been at many and our orgaiiisation would be wiped days of the organization. While If brethren yon and think, my nmam an rw-t, w York, KOra and Mlti fvuaritlijr In ttM Territory. ISM violated no uw; but the mies for cheerfulness than I had. Behind limes in the past, to have our faith out in blood, xou see the feeling at Far West, m Caldwell County, sisters, that we are to be unmolest as ! ,.' f in was one the of of he had the dread. General who to 1888,' they have been enforced exclude me stood no constituents In solid see to year whether tested ed , appreare and the free from left proof, attack, you BRINCKERHOFP, TURNER & CO, we r theee headed came ;i! militia the of hension.... out Instead or this penp'efrom registration; tney eolump, giving me their support and that not. God ji viewing really have faith in deceiving yourselves. It Is not wrlt- exclude 109 DuaneSU NEW YORK, ' In its true even a wit whose buVaaud kind feelings and love. And I have under the' order of The Idea ten he or In In KITABLIMIIBl 18SO. I heavens the the exterminating organization among above, prevails generally right Mannf tetureia of and Dea1ra In OOT- took wives prior to 1862. Moat several times said, that from almost Governor as of plural an in his Missouri, looked of Boggs are evil not as mve thotte sure it w as nunuiar who we with upon SI earth engine TO NAIL TOK, Wood berry," Druid ' beneatn; just : . to to But 1 have every, habitation In Utah,, from address the "Mormon" us be would extraordinary our we that of and methods with people nave accomplish MI1H. likely preach shall and ortier teTorlta opposition, persecution been thankful ruling. Pclbnaki for it. & must "You scatter was Why? Be north to south, where Latter-da- y dreadful and live to In In all Boft that order and violence to contend with. God results, antag- said, Co., brands, auiBbvot HarMadlum and ing and teaching, that Palmer, to BOCKFDB QVEeALLS.BLQE.BBDWff.OR existing t institu tike Other people, and do without has stretohed forth His hand to es cause It pats ns all In the sums boat Saints dwell, I knew thst prayers gather the people together from the onism IXTBECBET. various nations the KJders of this tions, and I that . woold have your Bishops and your Prophet and tablish a power in the earth. That and did not divide ns. A better te Almighty God ascended morning . Wolmala Vaautaotimrfl o( OITON CANVAMSot all number"! oould not have been devised to and evening, not from men alone to be law such down 14 to ISO luchw wt. for Dock, Car, Truuk Church hold out extraordinary in by put . i.. 1KUIIIIIII1III L.' , as your leading men, and not listen to power nas excited antsgonism an plan 1 "C. . I. MW make us one than the ruling .they but from women and children, in and Waou UoveriDna, Machlua Aprona and ducements to their convex ta, tolling wt W I. H1BU JCglQ- - tneir counsel." This Is not the ex otnor urioaea, oouataotiy lu More ana nuuM tnem but theee are the day, and it will oontlnue to excite have mad In tesard to those "n my behalf. 1 1 knew that and it gave & tales about , tne Jife latlon failed, then by the a lions arm act language, natteringlead M omer. ' , Ideas. of words .you must antagonism to the end, nntll God the marriage relation." There are me great com fort. Yea, indescriba other use of wea lu the the military, by if they will only A (reirts for tT. B. Buntin Oo- that they will Standard we break cannot war of endure your reigns, and the Inhabitants of tbe hundreds of . people who can' take ble comfort. I thank yon for your and means up; of to the and br be Cwtorlm omut'tr. these PaK"Uooda pons shedding by Utah; gather can to obtained at EVTbea some is oiood. are successful the in That your organization, that coming to- earth bow to His sceptre. This book that oath thst If those words, were kind feelings, as I do all my breth feeling they beguiling the Stair Rdjllnff, BulunUr; Yew, JCte. and unsuspecting, Induc- men have concerning us, i In the gether and being united as you (the Bible) is full of predictions eon not In it could not take It. They n ren and sisters. ignorant because of these four words. I pray God to pour out His Holy ', BU5SELL & ERW1S MUSSFf.CTORIKB CO. ing them to forsake their homes and course of our conversation I f Invited are. We fear you will take pos oerning it. Alii the prophets who register III. j take and can our walk session of ''"Come and to out come him boldly td counties, up Spirit upoh you; to preserve you They those connections. who But have principal ever have Utah; Manufacturer of Hul'drra and other spoken concerning the that oath that Oar UondS at eoaatantly In Macfc by aone noth- from every evil; to keen you in the have Influence so will be said been know your of "and with what familiar the kpt political they God you foretold out,'' have! I, teachings that astdays ' to Salt Lak (her Dflra the Elders of the Church know that are talking about: you- - have ideas great that In time you will hold con would do a mighty work in the last ing of the kind "in the marriage re- truth; to cause you to lore It more IJmOt and MoukUnauT and UmUma. INCT,PrINO lation." lam thankful that Is the than any thing else In the earthand r opoci ppdoaikMi. the very opposite of 'this has been about ns which are entirely Incorrect. trol of this country; and we cannot day; and he Is doing it. IH09 03 BRASS. KSQD UB UUCBIIE SCBEWS. . I shsold feel extreme to follow It even to the end, which course and the style of the If you will travel through our val- endure It," and yon must go. Gov the tars one. "Uo a handful ly bad,Why? we were, re I ask In the name of Jeeus. Amen. I 43, 43 Jt 47 ChumlnTa 81. mini X md teaching adopted by those who have leys, as I will furnish you opportu- ernor iBogg's order said, If the peo of " Weil"like think, 7? to . revolu duced to the levelIf of those; you people 3 mmd US Head St., expect um .who not Htate tne come to of leave will Mis to nities if this I pie out, do, you .Gospel faithfully preached the earth and accomplish have violated the laws of God IN" 253 "W YOKIC. JIH HORSE MILS ! Will give you letters of introduction souri in a given period, they would tionize of the inhabitants From the earth. I results?" Yes. we expect l'J and of man. We have violated, "arlar'eo New Brltnto, Conn., TJ. 8. A. . we have been taught which will enable you to see our be exterminated. SO the people had these the COOPER DROTHEnS. we believe It with all our hearts: we some For Safe by Z. a M. I. and Branah to beginning our to flee In of us, the laws of man, but we of the and POLISHED OR BLUED 1 are at if to winter, and depth adherence this people their homes, expect that you StMea. chilto our we for labor It d teach It; ANP IOAR AQSTTTS, cross the Mississippi into the State not In our fail nru mess violated RBAI. TKTATB .to ac- of Gosp might oost us everything a fair man, a man disposed rnlbold a ahoa on Umfr than any dren. That would make this have fioath auet. In OrossbeokGod.1 We are sincere In Book. over tdlldlns Illinois. of laws the heard whoever own sen- Now, of near us was to evidence the dear and cept your upon that OUner. We Uuajnta ear Nalte lately oominied br Fosa peaceful, a delightful our belitf; and 1E0RGE H. CLARK & CO., the me a fanatic any sfBea, kav now fcr sale soso choto Inta of ' that Uod designed to have sea, you will change your views con- then of plural marriage? It was not country give i 10 Fqual ta guaUlty aad earth; to would for ' reside; that people aerate. A Me aareral plaoaa M faea. time in preference to a scoundrel.' I raal thought of. It was the organization place euccBSOaa TO a tried people, a people that should cerning the people I represent." I Durability to aaj mad, j Ke this union or whlob l have mere are men wno mace ; use or of the people that was objectionable; spoken possible in these .valays; and can tolerate a fanatic who does what ParUca daalrlrif to rrat or bxtf to Sorrow oa be tested to the very utmost, that CT.JLKK B O TITERS, Umfm from tbe Baat Harway he believes to be right; hut I have to gain favor with the! Ignorant andsoitwaa Afterwards i when w u tnese Should be felt after In the moat tryprinciples were extended no sympathy for a man oc woman were compelled to leave Nauvoo. : HAT ing manner, a people that wou)4 be and with those who have strong re-- The t drive, by tbe over earth, they would make the who commits anj act knowing, it to S. L IEIIEI, . sius mob burned , our houses and earththe sum, willing to pass through and endure gious prejudices and but little in the same condition. I thank be wrong. We have been excluded t24 BttOADWAr, eti, our killed and our most severe orueals. knowledge concerning nsl There cattle, destroyed faithfully the BltOl BOBSE I1IL tSMPill. ' God all my heart that there is from Attorney-jat-LaNotary Public. And up to the present time those are men who seek to gain ; popular grain, not because of any feature of suchwith registering became we have a work going on. When I done as were we tnis because but Kind, nave Wxio upon in and of enterea enjoined this instead who snis something approval way, Unurcn, CtECICAaO. hear of people coming from remote by the IxmtU; but men who hsve OrriCS NL 1H4 KIMBALL 'BLOCK, Co-- , have espoused the doctrine taught teiupg tne trutn, or Deingjwunng "Mormons," and believed In a form Iff. I. and ita G. K. SHERIDAN & lands. Impelled by their faith, who done,. things knowing them to le Fir Sate by X. beof not did or that religion All LABI OUT. . they Uod, have not that the truth should be itold and by the servants Branch ity have heard the preaching of tbe El Tltonana Klrfft, Nfw Tork, M, to acted have who in. So they were determined ders that been disappointed. contrary wrong, It Js true known; they are ever, willing to lieve we amir JU ktnita of Inol and Notarial BuaV have gone forth In their the laws of God ana or m&n, men should leave there. MOUNT VEKA'OUT that in many rsspects the faith have every kind of story propagated that Mat promptly aUmdmHo. I dllSlsi t in and weakness, many instances, can women take the oath ful people, of God have had a much however false it may be. Will there both, And that reminds me of another yes, in the most of tnstanoe, I In and ii WORLD-WI; RENOWR OF :i. ' ,i, Al MTICLE belter time, nave enjoyed circum be any change ua bJ rawpeot? we falsehood that went the rounds , In heir scholastic Ignorance, to proclaim and retrlster. JM. JlOCKBIA9f, am glad of II; I am glad I I stances that have been more plea- hava been looking for it fori the past those days to Justify the outrages tne Well, see uospei-wn- en wonderful the l am not do In not that sant and prosperous than theywere 62 years, ever since the Church was against us. . All manner of stories results of their preaching, All Widths Cotton Canvass. calegwrv; i Saraeee.Oealtataad rbysteiaeaee men aad want to be In that crowd. I want HllllltS. FOR HEF1HEB LIHI. led to expect; but tnis nas neen be- organized, but that chang has not were circulated conoernlnc our women from Aerlat. lands the with foreign to be able to ssy, as I can say. that cause they have had ihe faith to come.. As. I have, said, as soon thieving; It was eald that we were testimony of God in their hearts BATES, REED S COOLET, overlook because my religion because of OVTTCB IW HILL'S BTJILPINO, epOnsIt the evils by which they as one slander has been disproved, a band of thieves and robbers; that that . this Is His work, Which they my doingof that Offlaa hnura fm I believe I aodflo I DlIK.Heuae. . no Nauvoo near attached been threatened.'and were another has circulation. AJTO OV the and IMTORTBBa in people put JOHM along have received through repentance should be damnedwhich j Healdeoaa 4th Raat. hmm. tArnX not do If did I I not no to mere al did u tnere and of the the will neitner upper 'part them, Mhrsfsaippl, and end, Ooueultatloa hi Uennaa and kMi-aby a man having have been disfranchised. I believe Sd South. atvl Fancy Dry Goods Importance low them to disturb tneir peace or be to the falsehoods that .will be through all tnat region ' of - country, tne being baptized Taiepbooe at office and leahlaooa. eacn man testifyautnonty, a God with all my heart that to annoy them in any manner. For told and circulated concerning us. It were' living in a state of terror, so it gave Inotodlnt' a' full and ooaialaat Hne atf in his own language the Scan' command of .that kind, and It restnot been for faith, the faith may be asked. Why Is this? For was alleged, because of the prox ing if had it the the and German, Domeatia, dinavlan, Prints, QiEghams, with such power upon me that I that God planted In the hearts of the best of all reasons, that when unity of the "Mormons," and it the British, the people of French, "F?. RAT.TT! far off ed SU M&. 847 Bmatway, f8, ts, and t4 Laonart believed I would be damned if I did those who espoused the , truth,' it ever God has attempted to do any would be a great blessing to drive Afiioa of sea. of t and islands the the ' would have been impossible f for thing upon the earth, from the days Lhemont, for they .were outlaws.! Bo and the various countries where our not obey it. Now, I am willing to GOOD FAB AND TOWN FBOPEBTT A for sale. of eon- take of mob iTweotrtown the that: consequences to with deemed would Adam lots, put the down themselves Father Justifi- Ciders have gone, ail flocking to thehave endured; they them through tanasaoaaaef Dhi rooms. aood huaiud -- those to on t; level would a hate be ed I their intervened for so in have centuries that been , that have put outrages they frightened like doves td their master's with onthonsas. Good pasture Dear caalderea. DUNHAM, BUCKLEY & CO., never could have remained faithful til to day. all hell has been aroused and public opinion was created gether every adulterer and seducer in itfteen arasa of farauns' hutd adiointna (ha of them never hav Om windows, many Mwnyi desired in (A JWr, tow am ns and not the I those most work the which sustained them in ing seen an Eider, from Utah, but plot. land; by ruling Twentr-avand; against t this werk. And one"of the against against that IMPORTERS AND JOBBRBS OF s or aeriHi Is a thfrty-tou- r rarialag SUM with engaged in it.- Even when men killing the Prophet Joseph Smith having heard i men who had the of the commissioners. There striking evidences that this people wa n rwK. ua of well line defined demarca shootof and his in offer and world of rum, brother, had have to aorea the. My Tbtatesn the meadow land. only partial trutn, divinity to teach, this. Gospel ail sharp, D RY r. i. jmrwanw. this work, which the world oppro have attempted to reform existing ing President Taylor, and In- killing authority c mlng from the various points of tion drawn oetween tne Ltatter-oaOxeaav Hannitta Ooaatv. rftak. Fmntaln womenwho men and Is the errors, they havt, had : this! opposi other And call Saints, practice marrisgs public "Alormonism," plural brlously d the compass, testlfyma in all humil because of their religion, and the Ira , 3sroo?Toasrs, fact that in the midst of the most tion to contend witn to a greater or opinion was created as unfavorable ity and in the name of Jesus, that ? Mormons' For Bala by S. C. V. I. and ttr Brtaok surto no has and other the that reform and severe extent; trials gteat people God has given unto them a know adulterer and seducer. persecutions, WHITE GOODS, Etc. rounded circumstances Bouaat aad jpaaterf Generally. that in ever been effected upon this earth thought, "Well they are a bad jot; by I see the hand or th e Lord In It all. HAYJMES tSc dim It of tbe troth when I see H; S4 Bra4way, IEW T0IK. eeme respects have been the most without costing the best blond of the they deserve1 extirpation; we are ledge and I acknowledge i It. God Is overtamaa theee filled Jieart with is my, It. MtADLWY. ly threatening In their character, the generation in which the reform was sorry to see the laws trampled upon gladness and I.thank ruling and will overrule these things is no and violence resetted to, but some- God that my thanksgiving. ST. .OtTIS 'TIlAIE. 'will test people of God hare remained true attempted, Our generation He has lot been tn for our good. .He united and undis exception hi this reSpeot.- Evert la thing must be done with these these valleys. I thank GoJ .cast ana rf tnere is a weak faithful, will us, mv prove for THOS. H. ARGALL & CO., and u; this land, under our glorious form of Mormons.'" "W must get rid of children, that their, lot has been oast spot in us that is not seen He will turbed, j .1 are one the most glorious ever them In some way; and If the law ra these valleys: that we live In a find it out. We expect to attain to un iiaTnicans, falsehoods One that the HAVXTFAI government, OF by Totoco Bi, Linetl ?i DroDasaterk concerning us are ex framed by man, under which the cannot reach them,"as was remarkwhen God is doing so mighty a the glory that Christ, out JVord and M AHTTTi ed ly (he mob, - when Joseph had day ts MENS' AND DOY3'nosed. The Idea has been industri argest amount of liberty is to be QITI XR8 OF TB f when He Is gathering UN- - Redeemer .has attained to. We pray work; even under It, the blood of been tried and acquitted for treason, people together: and pub da. we we for for striven have circulated, printed that ously it, Is it, SALT ULU OTT, P.O. when He pour Box, I nahed-th- at J S(at, - J4, iSIedge, CJlipper, I ! I .11 Deonle . throuahout Pronhets and Aooatles ; has been "powder and ball wtu" i fi j ' 'I1 iJtheITta.h be counted, worthy to 'alt . out tnem V- -r might J-- a. the I upon A. X a jsL . ing spirit! nt Manl J stained and shed the ba and hld Vonifr Stone, earth; Th same process Is now going on anion, ror tnat js tne spirit or the down at the right hand of God, our I oea bhuauwai. ANB OTHRB BRANDS OF Fiy together by the strength of super we, because of our religion, were What is it that produces theoondl Gospel.' Jeeus In His last prayer Eternal Father; be counted worthy prstltion and delusion; that the few obliged to flee from our homes and tlon of affairs that exists here 33M. --A- .CJ o! m to Jesoa with dwell ITCEJ-the. eternal said: "Neither? for I these wmm mtrAMJLMTMxn pray j For Bala b; Z. C L and Bmneh 8tora. cunning men who had succeeded take refuge in theee mountain wilds t la a pubiio opinion that is adverse sbne, but for them also which shall worlds, and with the holy ones who mm. x. wwua homes build order in and iiew in gaining power and place up and hostile to ns which justifies the neueve on me through their word; have gone before, with men whose among them, by tneir snrewunoas tLat we might live in pesoH and in outrage and Illiberal acts to which that they all mav be' me. aa Thmi. blood has been shed, who have not la thia which Father, art tn me, and I In Thee, counted their ' Uvea dear because of we are It by their cunning arts, had suc quiet,ua.unmolested ; by those who HAMLIN & CO. and eotyeoted. . ' HEMPHILL, - actuates men to trample upon the tnat ceeded in duping me peopieana hate & BroL, tney also may be one m us; their rellaloo we expect to be with hold tna them together. I do not This la not a new thing m the Constitution and all the institutions that the world may believe that them. Can you lxnacine, then, for JOHN PETEROON. C JLIt suppose that any single idea: nas ear th, the antsgonism bet ween j er of the government, It is this which Thoahast sent! me," He prated one moment tnat we can attain on U FLDQ1 ilil CUTIS ESCSbLTS HITS till been more widely circulated con ror and truth, between wrong and permits the tight,, or representauon er them all. that they might be one to that gloryso unices we. like them, 1 3J do not and I iof than OBtumf I XTnT DFCBtFTTOR Of followers him this; to be ktflcken down and ;cantes a with Him as He was one with the are wining cnaure au wings ror between the oernmgni right, S4SS44 BKOADWAY, . Is more , idea other of sake that f the is .a the wtoo to Governor of who aay suppose eeeke Gospel?., iu Territory, us.rp uomraion upon Father; that the same union, the earl h, and the follower of tbe cullty of the most outrageous acts of that the same love might be in the world tlilnka this Is a their BiB, PHTE A SHEET IBOB. IV Our 0xva are kept by Z. C M. Iaod Wklejy Deiievea aoout ofus tnan uua. Now, The great malorlty Saints are very strange practice for a religtou; people who Son of God. That antagonism bas tyrany, to be austalnea , by three haaxta. The latter-da- y ita Braocb Htorea, do not understand by actual eon. been a perpetual one, an undying ad minis Vrauons,ana a voice aoaroeiy an unlettered people, far from being they wonder at It; they cannot uniMAWTjrACTVRKfbB OT with ns, or .sao take no pains one. At oost toe mooa oc tne nest heard In protest agatnst it republi wnat we nope tney . wui be; pui derstand it. Yet, let any man look & CO. tact our doctrines, imag Being that ever trod the earth .even can government stricken down ana they are an honest ceople. honest abroad in the earth and see the flood- to CORRUGATED S1ISET IRON JPCC1 Investigate , if , i i Is ia j by this . means that the Bon of God Himself, and ail His the people or these mountains.witn- - enough" to embrace the truth wbeu tide of .corruption, the evils under aturOTAorrmsaaor ine that it ' ALL KINDS OF , Latter-da- y Saints have been Apostles and all the prophets they out 'exception the best and moat they y, bear it; honest enough to for- which mankind groan In the "varithe CIS STBS. FOB VITE1 ISS1 PliTEl I 1 liiSS Mtherad tosceiher and held In these ail, with few exceptions laid down quiet people to ne rouna witnm tne sake houses and lands and homes ous nations of Christendom, as also 5TEIECOTTlI5IU0KlIITiLCE, Rooffitff , and Siding ' monntalna. Why, It is not 20 years- their ttvee for the truth. And yet eohflnee of the republic, deprived of and everything that men hold dear the division and ; strife that exist in JOBBERS IN ': tP.Ow most fre- we talk about our ervllisaUon, the tne right or representation. Jiuildings. aeo in tnis we, ror tne sake or toe Gos all religious matters.! ; Marriage and w that one of the stories ? Lll.L t-Iluhtber8 Materials: nineteenth auu to n 1 century, as morals believe enlightened to religi belong It reauires allude it. puouww this, though laarjo- pel they I rightfully it quentiy.circuiteut (levnit nrwin. nnoa uia uuuuu uiu and we say as did the generation In tlcal matter, as it comes" appropri moral courage to be a "Mormon,? to and are part of If . Go out into the T3 BKKKMAN BTHRBT. L fl. RUMSEY H'FG. CO. I we BO ; Which Savior bad the lived, "if of re in the nublia DTesS. Wat that within the llse of i my ire-- take urxtn them: the' ODnrobriam of world and ask the ministers 3srE3"Wof our fathers, ately ' nr woman COUld leave Utah the lived in man k no w that it may eost luttont "What shall 1 do to be eav- days to ItT cause tbe of Maitiifietaraia an4 Joobats of 4s What marks. world, the It so Dsrid Jam, rW Baft by permhatoa the Pro is, as I have said, because God has tbem tneir Jives before they get eu?" One will tell you one thing without the consent of nesiaent we would not have slain been , Bait Lake CttJ. - stretched 'forth .h not or have would we man no gullLake .City, A pro SSta,18S3. another thmgaoh man that young; phets, & . a FIRE a a asrSA. His hand to do a throuxhor wtth it, and it redulres the and another 1.1 EHGIHE5, Brlgham PUMPS p Bait own his uoa ce congretn to road, woman could write a letter from ty or sneaamg tneir wjuuw. every men,, and witn work In the earth, and the devil is power walking W.JONX8 BX3afA8 18 THB DOLT POWDER! ntah Territory without it being was the cry 01 tne generation! in determined that it shall notbedotuv wsmen to enable them to do this. gation divided from Its j fellow !P. HAZARD mtmm riaiaaien ate4 ItMal Msnsrsr aaS Ajrtof to Oar- anectad by him: that .ws lived here which the Savior lived, yet that He Is determined , to shed the blood And I thank G d that He nas foend congregation strife and confusion of tbla eomrle Mock crucified in Gmmmm, Beta Constantly rtt bnd l ltUn Braaa a': oc rame Him; those amoncst kind a of here there few, few. terror and a generation ta condition of every man oonnacted with It. and such,' profi every impoawu up wt41 knows and Jueu eek ura.ea ; mm ataols Lead Works, and the offlea of.the Cots-.a. H exiu ua oy rreaiaent ne puts it lata. tne nearts. or toe in toe various , nauona wnere tne tnr to ba the , followers of Ja laf,BM mm rxklif. laang 3X3 3Fk.t on ! o those that were lm oMdlatery is7nw. It has been said to as and children of men-thate the troth Elders have gone they, have foend Christ.' But I have often thought. ssny atXtaksi at ts naoktag uoossof T. JILASTISO, KKNTVCKT KIFLX, man If a and with times that. 1GH1GULTUR dated him; I bow to tell Who and teach it. Vet luiui), uuu. uun,H hitihi au uranii when I have been traveling In the R. Jonas sndCei st Ul Mala Strcst, Sail Uks cannot many hate those , JAIK LAW If, nVCK, t es- 'Mor-nvm- t' leave woman or ,to world and seen the spirit that Is attempted are It toM there a "if been JiLKCTHICJPVSlS. great yooi hsve people who ana tney come; ana tneir emit! many ' or she had leittns win Inherit the earth, and they no other Ctty..,l'.at with he if do that If away God no Is would no Dedally and devil. WVXpm WTBt, BARRTO VlRB, there manifested, only ay) SO W. Z. For I. sod fete br the C XTBBf followed by des- - some of your doctrines that are so I oe S,l.i'J Would ana be rjr which hone seel all than heoome that I he win fXC1NO, BtO,BI. tney faith, mteuigent why tka Sad Stnre la wonkl.ikthiia:Mexplain by Ttfritcrr, principal would not care to have . that if he a For and I we trovlns will navev we around Aeuos- as great people. posme, angels, aoS wny sneered have they ;.Tke. U;S CUWMR, Afmt, caned at aU.it wookt:.be f at trouble.' I have had men speak to It Is that a "people who, were' it not sess all the virtues which constitute a family, I would not care to have Ill ISlTff SECSI1 ST ST. LBBIJ.JI a. ,5, iisn , . the ; risk of hk ' life for. their, rellglen, ought, to be ap true greatness among men. , I have children, there would be ae little to In this strain whose opinion me rerv hlehiy. wno nrobabry the entire lose of all mind for this live for; men peekmg to take advan plauded for what We have done in no fears In my Idea Mnant who were ' When I have been spoken tage or their feuow men in every had thla as 80 CiBELL'S EaTlIiB EBUSL owned. are we be disposed, treated, firmly people. these kindly mountains, friendly, .tm obtained poseesalon or many" minus who were anxious to are treated. . i When . we. nad the to as to the eOeot of, this legislation, possible way; men seeking to des- , it forms we staple of rimiHaa aettled. and to have us. e - control of .these .yalleys, from, tone I have remarked that such a .people troy their fellow men; profeasors of thator y two three dramas thai are played end of the land to the other, from as are In Utah Territory cannot he rellglou having none of the spirit pe the evils with which they be- north to south, drunkenness Iras crushed oat by adverse tegtelatlon. that the Elule teaches us is the pan the stage and that receive jwn- - nevea we wt TAKXW TTnt BDMWsaB OF MB. stderabie patronage east ana west. Twrhan be overwhelmed. It unknown;. an woman might then Ihey win moore an ? immense Spirit of G d. I never go from home UaaeO, aei S smr nipaw to mm 1lav since a prominent have, traveled, our, streets and tour amount. . You take, a v people frho without turning l my face towards HAS When . Albert Bktney v Johnson uraaw are Can to even "the are and of Mr, to whe 1847-- 8, most these remote the united; to came " 1 here: mduatiious,who me, hlgbwsys, valleys, the people said with "Why, in man army i" I i parte 'of our "Territory, and never are rrugai,. who are acquainted t with these mountains, without a prnfound HOT DINNIRS FROM 12 to 2 the DODUlar Idea was. that as non, tbere are nrty miuawe BamNkat'llM Mat AXK fa tke i r areonnosed to you4 stow near a word of disrespect, never wit-- hardship who have endured perse- feeling of thankfulness to Uod that 1 1 Beery' day, asatusles ef Suadara ;pja. nn kuiLXauuw reacnea in is vaiiey tnere that anf troops the nees a gestore Uiat would caoee her cution in the past and are familiar my lot bas been cast among this rerldT Aak fea K. C llaawai EXEI would be a complete ootburat on the cannot yon waive some of ywtis I to blush- - the could travel In perfect with It and expect It, yon tike such a people, with all their faults, and that will yon or say lisritiea. If you i part the people; tall wey Trrxua MEAtZpI C8f 'ETC. Use yea waal nail with unbounded joy the pres will do this this year, erniiiyw, peace and safety throughout all our peopla, having In their hearts the they are numerous, and with all my HOT Tra-ra- l tare. Vm iwb. Mkrtaln period, while I cities and settlements. Bobbery Vas kve Of God and the love of each faults, and they are numerous, j We ret ence of the stars and tripes la their OgAK naalT! Aak . far HIM for are tthe an beUevlne eaon exana nam to other. wre a ror, nave best lire otner anq speaa that .the women by nixnoreas z!z not authorised tnat KirrrKsi unknown, arstiae and asch midst, dodils otaaW mm tat PrHeaa, I flea aay there cred.. Ba,' with tax perty.' r PobUt mmii -v J preeekm thy can give ef the love of atrtvlnar So oranoma our fault SUad would leave the bondage tn which af-Aisrisaa totlricoa,Xca-nahBa' which Is ta God love love about yeur as in eur boraers., We. look cultivate to their that belongs reigned were neishbo to he aeel supposed they living. .ThabaaaelM eel BHOTSLS aroiaptr auatided s la a back to ft now I do, I look back to themselves; a people of, that krad to the gospel of Jesus Christ, ; ttjka All ardors one BPAWBS are aw Now, as 1 have said, one-by- t by BISHeBS sad on teasooabis atsnnar tnoee not a sinele doubt Jn cayt and contrast tcria with cannbe crushed. They are bound No y, 1st us be patient. As I skid attaSMory we have proved the falsity of th BiiDWAii co.t sir. LOVIS. i sake aukdet order. and the ask to How thousands met the earth the in, present, atrog to some friends whom I yester- ;WsfoUer Uvenpon myself, statements. , But does this misrep my mmd that there are mi f-- trrtr-- rtw " saam Deat fall Se lean fia aieektea" condition of thlnsr to gle for existence; bound - to. have- - day, I never felt happier to myKto H .11 mantn? who ktnsr &r this j I tjeople, i slander Mailt s resentation and i coaveemlng " scTraa eonUnoe? Truev "locsssk wiiDaayAataST 'WetxioJd leave our doors thelr place among, mankind; they than I do at th present time. i. iiw a mmm na enloy peace in leswfe In The 1 ta t the ifist afpVPKStlOBl omockea; no one theughtof thieves. I hay had to . endure domestic and enjoy that, land, mannfaetnre still continues. Every thwLTw emilev.tmmm, t at3 so Virtue was cherished, and a men ctrof gle ox any condiUpn that may fliction, which bas made rnesorrow-ftt- i. Wlalmed Is conceivable slander msiitifao tared j n who would be guilty of un virtuous be brought upon theia.j HATCBXTS mm 4br Yet I am gladdsnsd .byand peI and pot m circulation. Ho sooner is much toll and tacriEcw IJKI IIS, act was m.And ucuncrxL ssch Tweua. POCKKT KITK future, for the in. to want onisaue for this Jsgfdailesia I As nndistnrbed tsJ .Tnea. one lie ntflti to the than FOB SALVE AT as we rjractlssd and it la no sav te you, that in somf respects I caTtrulytay I -- ZZ aiaaoax aa4 starisr Thrt fTrmtv bellsTe ,taa dastry. another J started gnd pssscor-ren-t, wah Doasusc to say so was cntmraavll am thankful for is. JLjmt paraeco tlon among our people X. X3 Xs If O XV TT J?Jm until there are many peopis this Is attsmable have- - a .rood effect: Is peace; GodfcV with us, Hta mnU dwelt !Vfe m r,t Mir herein' will if it land puna peace, BT whe scarcely know What to think, i, have are around about ey earth ansrerated There never was a lfFJ?5 ester r i"f iroax Tanoai miuona. speajC' And as far the' roles rahlch they ... havin z rp"?. have bxa I3S39.17 the Comniis-tacr- a rriri$ is wase Peaisvs of tQHWmi utrer stactt kisas ccacenusstha ptepls p(n ItriiiJ 1 aUkd-iays-elf X,' Territory, varkma 1 1 pet know that we C9 tzU c&i. f pecsn l3Tf . v w tyw tnytoy. OIIICAOO TRAIW , - , " - ; ir. , a. a. B M . a Ja ! i I , I . : to-da- y. to-da- to-mor- row , - 4 to-d- ay i 4" - I tnnu . 1 : i , CfllECTIfllEltS Absolutely Pure. ; tm 1 CHICAGO. 1 1 t , I to-da- -r- tr f , . 1 : . , Fuller J . - A SashI)obrs MM. Blinds, 1 1 . - c-- 1 -- ClICAGO, - 1J- , ".I -- . L OS ; ; - . 1 WAREHOUSE i , j v. w ft 11 ? : . COTTON DUCK. DE I IIt. I j iul , ; 1 rea-son- . IT, - ! v GOODS, , - y ;t -- ' SON, u, -- vm, kiwi Mp en-oy- ed HI s O T u.ll. TOSE W ts, B all to-da-j? ; KE.Smitar 3 ixt P E TING, ton. , I i - BBOS. J ..--, ( " 'FOB' . ( 1 I ; a. -- . m mmmm,Si sroiis: - - ; - . , .a. M , I AU-ttort- V A ! ! ' essaianenaa I-n- t 4 - - Z'l to-da- HARDWARE 1 u" ""TTiVi E.IMEWBERY -- s m '.i'-''.'- : iit m . 4 nnf saMsar. ? ; ! rr ErrtrTtbii $111 &QW- d 1 . SPOOL COTTO! inilU, - ai 1 tjTr t O r"rJ -- - Jr;Ui,d tis f0? flfjfjlt ! I |