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Show I ' ! -- .J I ... Hi i might be compared to the roar and rambling of a thousand "railroad trains; thundering over a bridge. The path of the storm Was a little over three miles long and perhaps a wide, in this terrt ?narter of a ismile not a building left standing; an, brick and frame alike, collapsed. Their sltei are marked only by heaps of debris. Many occupants of nooses escaped by seeking their cellars and other places of comparative safety, bnt the cy clone came with such lightthat many rapidity ning; were Killed before reaching tneir cellars. In only a few cases were houses moved from their foundations. Those in the Centre of the storm simply exploded and fell in rnins where they stood. Some nearer the circumference were turned around.and it is reported some light articles, such as wagons, were swept Into the . lake. "The whirling columns of air seemed like wreaths of smoke as they whirled orer the watery expanse, 'bearing with them columns of waterspouts. No ship that encountered' tbta monater of air could poavlbly escape destruo Ion. All the physicians of the crty res ponded nobly to the call for assistance, and did all they could to, alleviate the snSering of the wounded, who were at once transferred to St. Lake's and St. Mary's Hospitals, where tney will receive the best of care, inquests win , be neid row by the coroner. The list of casual ties, so far as they can be learned to night, is as follows: Fatally injur ed Mrs. Curtz, H. Kuhl, Mrs. Mc carty, A. KJner and wire, S Grse, son and daughter of F. Falk. Kttea Paul ahd Albert Kuhl, a daughter of Barney Witting, Infant son of August Kisener. Injured M.Levy, two uhlldren of Mrs. Barry Miller. EVENING NEWS.' lay ataraajr 19, 1S83. BY TEIjEGEjOPH AHEtJICAIT. ; " WaaJUaurtaau elated at It is WABmivGTOJfi 18. the White House ' that the to-d- ay President will appoint a Commie aloner of Internal BeYenue to-mo- r- ReferrisK to tba land (raat and indemnity , limits ' of tba Nortbern Pacinc, Becratary Taller aayaj ''Un '" "' 7 r der the grant Jn iraeation, JL mnat decllna to oomply wltn tne reqaeat of tbecompany to cause the with-drawof land-- within the Second Indemnitor llnilW In territories near eat tba line, or fifty mttee or farth eat aixty mliea dietant from tba Itae of road. Aa Lam at present ad t1t-etTun l don't think It probable tbe company will erer ha) obliged to resort to these limit lbf the .selection of lien lends, Mat ahottld such ba tbe El case, there will , doubtleea be aaffl-cleland left within sueh limits to eaable the eompanyi to aeeare tht-faamount of Its grant." ,! : - Tba Treasury Department y w porch ased 365,Q0O poncee of . fine ': slhrer for theJJnited SUtee minU at . M " " rnuaaeipnia, xnewiiJ'.;urieans ana oar-' son 'fi City. 1 At award contracts for Indiano. N. Crane, o( pbic-srBrandy A most Delightful Tonic, and Effective Remedy for Dipsomania supplies flrot the bontract tot store dIds and that for stores.; the alcohol habit), all forms of Malarial Diseases, Dyspepsia and Insom-ni- a Joints or tne uarrency Tne twuptrouer " has authorized tber Mecbanica' NaXileeplessness) j'f" tional Bank, Grhraell, Iowa, capital . iTo Greater Success has been recorded, and nothing ever , introduced $10,000 and the First National Bank, Babe tha, Kansas, capital Is pivlng sucJi unqualified Satisfaction Try it Once, and be convinced, For $50,003. ;J Inffereofi lran his address to the ale by Druggists and Wine Merchants Jury In tbe Star route trial , l'ne gOTernmen wotua nare me WILMDRDING C CO., iSan Francisco, Cal., lory beileye (hat Porsey told Moore he, jDorsey, was a rascal, tie told him that beoanse he was u Senator Agents for the Pacific Coast, be wanted It kept a profound secret. That .was what the' Government LOIIDOII BWK.OF.IIJAH, probably wanted. The Jury must not "belie re It" unless they became insane, and they might If tbe trial 22 GREAT WINCHESTER ST., LOSDOfI, continued longer, and after tbe ; of . Bliss.' the onlY corner ODB1 TJTJLEC. Salt Iake City, UUh. stone, the only pebble for a founda tion xor tne VroTernnoenm ease was AntaorlMd Oapttal, tT7S,a, tbe agreement to make oat neoee... 41.S7S Bubasrtbad sarypapers to carry out tbe dfnslon. What were tnese papers? eumpiy i Pbuvboktert Uabte fcr aoaoaot OnaalM on documents to enable parties to carry on the busmats of the routes falling DrsRa nayabla In Kcflanfl, flaotlaoi or aoM a low rata of utmumm. to their share. Tba cooTC Itself bad ljKiict a4hiid an crtdloatM ol Dapoatt. a aid these same orders would bare draoM mada and approrad notaa dla been mada If the transactions were at tow nuaa af mwrait. nerfectlr honest. JRemember his E. AUSTIN, text mat erery ao in tnrcnmstauai COMING SOUTH. j COINC WORTH. I;.. arldence most pptnt to the gqilt of 8TATIQ3. defendant that settled the papers. No question about that.' Adjourned. U. 8. DEPOSITOIIY, Ar MJOam Ar 7J pm SaltLako LT 7.10 am LAdjutant General .Oram ' received Wood1. Cr --j J0LT11.88" 121 1 tiS ptn " - iOi advices from yyWppW Barracks, Art DESEitT IIVHSHiL B1SL zGeneral jna, tula muruing. which state .nH-.Kay.T-7.o lift " W.56 Croek has with him 200 "4a ' " W.47 " 4 - 4.43 " - 8." JM CWk lit ti SAXtT, ZydJCM CITT. Apache scouts, 50 4valrymen and ' ' al 'i ?, nt ll ; to-m- or .: to-da- - - - M. " -- to-da- y, f- Dangerously wounded Mrs. Flanagan and three chileren. Hartford, 18. The Granite State was insured for $100,000 and distrib uted against quite a number of com paniee. Her cargo was valued at from 830,000 to $50,000, belonging - . : to-da- y. mostly to Hartford mechanics. It was shipped at sender's and con signee's risk. Tllloway, the clerk of the boat, when the whistle for land? ing at Goodspbed's was blown, proposed to send the shipping papers ashore, that belanged there. No passengers were to be landed, and but little freight. No fire jvas discovered until sbe was bnt a few feet off the dock. Tllloway hat tened to awake the passengers. In the mean time tne agent on shore bad bead lines fastened. and mid-sh- ip Augusta, 18. in a railroad col lision Chas. BmUl, engineer of the freight, was killed; fireman Geo. asebrook, of the special; en gine, killed, and engineer Kill more died shortly after. iTbe concussion was terrific, driving back the engine several yards,' tearing up the rails ana sleepers. Almost Immediately the boile of tbe freight engine ex ploded, the smokestack flying 61 rods.- - Tbe boiler head of the other engine was mown out and tbe en gine otherwise damaged; IS oars were wrecked. Loss on roliinir stock ITTAH CENTEAll EAILWAY. IQTEKi LINE , ; - - to-da- y, ' . Ira-lan-d. " j Hle 0 rt Ar g) ' Dylen. 87 j laiO X-- "I" S 200,000. PAID UP CAPITAL B Social atutaaa. Arrfra hi Qgdea (or Orden and tntcroMdlats Itoiu at wduoe tare ara iofcl tor ttaeaa ratoa. 8T AT IO NS. SO0T 3: COINQ SOUTH. EUtMM TJ LEI " 7.M " T.4 iffl 1 Lr 1.23 - " ti8 " t34 " &43 - 1 t.40 -- S.OO " M 100 8.40 "H 8J 8.60 - Jto M M 8.30 &40 M M - " C&i 40 "4.15 - M 4 " 4J0 " a.44 10 . n "11.80 "i'J 44 Ar.lS.06pu) Ar 4 0 44 " 17.06 f7J6 " 8115 a40 " "116 1I.4S" Vw , ! LIS Ar 1 43 a68 ate U20 M Lr raao " Laaa i t- - t: . ..JSpanteb Fork. Jfma.J ..XnimiotQQ..... ... . K!vrkK,.. ta(?1ai. mm . i W4 ijlnaaiiiiaaMlHDrJaVaaa . i.i A 6.38 8.80 8LA5 765 8.10 9.10 " " 44 44 " 44 4 " 6.C8 Lt 143)" 4J " f MS 180 12. rs 44 6.60 8.46 , M - tao "44 1 S.04 4 14 4.50 i JA ; 4.00 " " " 44 B.86 8.18 4 S.OO M6 44 JXO 44 1J0 44 ' ' CARBOLIC SALVE . Mll.5pm 1 Ar ffi.15 LT 4.00 ! JAM S3 SHARP, OairiFra1kt tad Paaa. Aral. AaVtOanlBapt. " Cu-fcoll- e mm, BCtlYV JOHN 8HARP, . loungers about tne place tne casual ties would hare been great. The damage will be repaired In a couple s 4CnnaMa BalTa 4C4urfc4ll SalT tni , baala Flmplaa. HKSKYS 4Carb4ll Salva enra .". pimm. HEART'S 4Dar4ll SalTa Lattla 4Cata. Aak Tor Henry", aad Take Tfa Otbar s Gaol Rupadntaodact . j - STA, a. 4V3 ( V WHO 13 UNACQUAINTED WITH THECEOORAPHY OP THIS COUNTRY, WILL EE BY aXAMININU Tnltj MAP, THAT THE j , . Tb TtAd nnd WertUIe4Ml i ' are nncrimilaMor enwnterfeiUd. Tbta la esppclallr true of a family mediriiw, ana It Is poeltire proof that the remedy imitated eoi tne biebeet ralae. Aa eoon aa it bad been teeted and prored by tba wbote World tha Hop Bittcrb wan tbe parent, beat and moat ralnaNe family medidae on earth, many imitations spranr bp aaa beran to aUaflbe notlcea In Wbicd tbe praea aad tba people of tbe country1 bad expreiaed the merits of HJ B- - aad la erery way trylag to Induce aufferlnc to' tallda to ue their stuff instead, expecUnr to make money on tbe credit and good name r.f H. B. Many otbora atarUd nortruma put up In similar etyle to IL , with rariouely deriard aasaea la wstaeh tbe word "Hop" or "Hope" were ' used ia V way to lr dace peo, le to bellere they were tbe same as Hop Bitters. All soeh pretended remcdirs ft enw, bo matter w nat tnetr stylo or nam and Mpeeial-l- y those with the word Uop' or 4iIopa' in 4Deir name or in any way coanectea with then or their name,' ere Imitations or counterfeits. Beware of them. Touch none of them. Use not blur bat censine Hop Bitters, with a bunch or cluster of green Hops on tbe white label. Trust are aad dealers nothing else.. Druggieta IA . J warucu m B-- l, . 1 luutmtione .vKuiwt uuvuaf; ; , CHicAcbRocic Island Sl Pacific R' y Batn tba Great Oratral Ltna, aflOrdt to tiara larvby reatoa of Itt tmrtva'ed tba Eaat, Ncita4at nod Soutnaaat, and taa lo4Uoh,taa taortaataod btvtroata bata-aaI j Nortawaat and SoathwaaLj at, I n mar ally and atriattr troa, taat tta oaanaaUom an all or tha prtnolpa itnatof pama . wmtbaAttaUoaodtfaaPadaa, j, , if , ; 1' By tta jaMta Boa aod braoobas It raaobaa Cbtoaro, Jcllas Paorla, Ottawa, La Fafla, Ganaaaa, MoOna and Hook , Iiland, In ni!oo4t; Daren rort, Maaoattoa, WaablDrton, Keok&k, KnoaTffla, Cakakxaa. ralrfteld, pea Motoet, Wrct UbartyL Iowa Ctty, Atlantlo. Atom, Audubon, Bar'an, Qatliria Center and Conned Blafla, In Iowa; OaUalln. Trenton. Camaron ansaa cuy, la Mteeonri, oA Laaranwertk and Atcataon In Kacaas, aod tta fcundrad or eum, van anJ Uwd4) Intermedia. Tha I rTphlca' u ... 1 "GFEAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, offrd to tb 99 Aa it tantfflarly aalM, A trarelarB HI taa adratitaaea and tmafcrti Incident nMot track, aafa brtdaaa, Unloa Dapota at atf erninaollm-- potutts. raat Xxpreaa Traloa, eoaaowdot COMMODIOC5, WELL VEHTIL ATED, WKLL BR ATCD, FINTLT tJPBOL-8TRRK- D aod ILIOANT DAY Q0ACHB9; Una of taa MOST M AOWnCKNT BOtttON RtCUinNO CHAIH CABS arar built: PTJLLMAK'8 Mieat dealroad and handaOixeet PALACB SLrtPINO CABS, and DISINO CARS t are aekncrtirJ by prea )uid "people to ba OmTJIKST BtJN UPON AKT ROAD IN TH 4X)UNTKT, aod In wilca aarioraaaali are aarrad to trarama at tba tow rata of 8KTENTT-FTV-B CENTS KAChJ THBXB TBAIN3 eaeh way batweeo CHICAGO and tba MIOCBI RTYKR." wsy imwwa uawAuum mia KArviLAs ana o PACITS iojma K i"u LEA ROUTE. ALBERT a aad Kanfcake, oMitou 1 aew Mm wfll be opened, Tla l Jaxjmrj 1 MB, Newport rewe, Moaaaona, ciDctenaii iamanapana and L rayetta, and CoosoO ' BlnCa, 8L Paul, ; . . . r IDDBeapoaB aod tDarmad!ata potnta. ' AM Tbroatb Paannnta en raat frraai Traloa. 4 aard r roraiora detailed tnonaUJQ aea Mapt and Toldem, wWoh maybe obtained, aa wall aa r Tiokata, at all prtoatpal Ttaket Offlcaa la the United Stateaaod Canada, orof : f ..mm tsm AU 4k. 434ml Tlahot rmaa, A Tl4.Ira4r.aaMI 4341 ti 1 ! 1 .r- ln r !4nl il mt 1 m li. li" J v. 1! I ' jurortoiviai its ncroimtBa r CO fiUPTURE! - 4 At 7 o'clock this afternoon a heavy jthnnder storm accompanied by a, strong wind passed over this city.! It was particularly severe in the southern portion of the city; but did noespa-da-l damage, except to treesji sThls storm was the edge of a tornado that swept through"1 the j country two miles soutn, veermg to the northeast and destroying a; large amouut of property. Places where the storm struck are not connected with by telegraph or telephone, and details are pot known, bnt those in the city who saw the funnel-shape- d cloud passing over the country and heard the rombllng and crashing if the storm are certain particulars will show a vast amount of damage to persons and property Lincoln, Nab., 18. The storm that oocurrea near Valparaiso yesterday was not as bad , as reparted. Eight, bufldings: were demolished, including two scnooi nooses. Mrs. Latton had an arm and leg broken: her infant was seriously hurt on the head by flying timber. Damages wm not exoeea uu,uuo. The tornado was about 150 feet wide; followed a ridge, aad extended about eight , X miles. Tr St. IiOuls,18. A. heavy rain storm The passed over this city high winds created a goad deal lot apprehension. Up to a late hour no been re ported. r Meagre damage nad from Iniormatkm Mitchell, Til.,' says the wind was heavy there and did I some damage. I At Warrenton, Mo., all telegraph inforpoks were blown down. No i mation Is obtainable. Bpringfleld, IDs., 18. , to-nigh-t. , At MatMon, in., the bridge on tba Indianapolis A Ski Louis Ilall- i road was blown down, taklrg with ii anu auumg an engmeer. j j JladicallyCuiydina Week Galena ts. tne tram over tne vnicago, division of the NorthwesSaTnua or Other Mechanical Ap- - tern, which arrived brings ' ' puance used. meagre parucaiars 1or tne cyclone near Harvard, Ills. Shortly before Hetaadl Abaaiately tafc.Pataleiaa aaMI S O'clock fcdarkelOOd Was Sean hane. liieodleM Tbe Urea teat ar all lag over Chemung, a small Tillage Mextera Beleaitlfl Dteeererlea near Harvard. A roaring was heard far Mm Kellef af Hafierlar and Cysuddenly a funbeJ-shapHaaaaalty. '- f t, " ed WIlliahtodd: PIITSICIAK m., In. tJ., ate taa Oradamta from ; 8TJIM3EON, of a Cnlrerstty Knab, MadloaJ r rwrr,4jrmany, i vvura PraW U j ii TT4j Wblte naaaa, taldes LP T .a. fteULak, city, av aa. Se llaara t lal4a, f. aavU ; Li i . 1 , bPICIA1.TY t 1 i- - St. cr4 by a new mvtaod, wbwb k aaa; 5"P,re, tal4ae ant Blaadlsaa, and vnknow I tO e:t the Kavdtem au. han. The arakx tba Meainal ad are tamed 10 an eaily Oobaoltatloa, (tieaj aatbe DottenareaMaaa ai i usury pre: a rery axiaodaA atay. Haoanakobe oofeuttea by letter, oara of White House. Pirn-aa- il of atandlna eared br PIt,as)euass wltaoat counuemnnM Toaaisja w Hmnereoee wits mnal w toe Dr f rSAHIfc tTlRBII ililail tea Mill sav aaareoempfainia L5i."SCT,,i - cntlflaafly treaanl. M - iTlBTJUOFUMifJf of Iff a, pbyidolaas Je,tbaamlat1caad take pisasiua ta sutter tbu we hare Cbics-ra,ir- intimately aeqnaautad whw Pr WilMintoaa .aonwrry of taJs ptaea, now of taaaa- a - i rajahawd a eavyaaafir am hant aoaliOoattea, tiaaoaa iiwiaaitii alaaaiaii W ni Bare aim capable of siBrc any portion In the PiraXaaitMi wah wbieVbe Wasamat! !44TOw,-Ba- clone formed and swooped down on the place ?with fearful rapidity. Houses wre blown o pieces like $ ; cardboard and whirled through the air. Ijarge buildings were lereled in an Instant. No definite detaili are hsd,rbut II Is tradexatonda number of persans are Ulled, iui at least 20 wounded. Passing to tha skat thastorm struck Balvldere, doing eonsMerable damage. Here ,'the WirAT changed totha northweet and was a mil wkfa. Xawrenoe, six miles north of , Harvard, was badly damaged, and the: country t desdlat-ed- ; ,No more particulars are D-- Jlaata3tjrktSl.tPalUt4lLi ent incumbents, Gen. Fayette Hewitt for auditor, Jas. W. ,Tate for treasurer. i For superintendent of public instru ction, J. D. Ethan Pickett .was renominated "on the Orat ballot. The convention is now of the land for the regUtex balloting ' offloe. ' '.' .. M 18 The Pa., Harrisburg, prohibitory, liquor amendment was defeatfix ed tbe State rjenata .lacktwo-thir- d tote, which stood SI ing a 19 yeas, nays. .Jjexlngton, Mo., 18. J. C. Jones, wife murderer, was, hanged ' in , the. pretence. ,of an Immense crowd of people, many co ming a distance of sixty, miles. Jones attempted suicide yesterday by opening the reins of his arm, and was only discovered when he had lost about a T gallon af.blood. , This morning the prisoner becomings stronger, the governor telegraphed the sheriff to proceed with tbe execution.' Jones asserted the only reason why he killed his .wife waa , he .loved her. The feeling against him ' was rery bitter and It was thought he would be lynched if not executed by law. The gallows was erected within a mile of the court house, in a field. The prisoner was taken from the Jail at 1 o'clock;, and was escorted ' by a guard to tbe galiowa.' He went to the scaffold with great; talking with the reporter ixmese, all the way from the Jail, At the scaffald he explained that ha thought it no crime to take his own life In order to prevent death on the scaffold. After prayer by Bar.',, Gibson, the ' black f cap was drawn orer bis face, the drop fell at half past two, and ; he died with only ft. few- straggles.-His : neck .was broken. J '!,"'"--- ' 18 i;New York, Captain Williams captured Patrick Ryan alias O. B. King, a deik aged 22, and Jacob Harrison, traveling nUesman, who It 'la alleged t have for a long time been swindling actors and actresses by representing themselves as reporters, n J collecting snbecrlp. tlona for sntferera by Wee tern floods. Between $30,000 aod $4(1,000 hare been collected. Among tba Tlctlma are Mrs, Liangtry," Mary Anderson, Kmma Thuraby, Wm. J. Florence and others. - On the way to the afa tkm house, Harris tore np - a'- sob to-da-y, to-d- ay , Uons of tbe oeiense proceeded bis wonted composure returned, and at tbe conclusion he was calm as be and fore. The J ory retired as the Judge tort coors wiia lnstruo-tkto send for him as soon as the an agree Jury agreed. About 8 pjn, r atuva iua ment Waa BilUWiuueu,came at 8.50 He Jodge sent for. t once - filed In and a Jury-athe and ,14l. namonstrations by his friends were snbdoed in the court room,but when they reached the outside they gave free rent to their feelings. Dunn, with his friends, went to a near saloon, and from there to Clayton's place, In which Elliott waited for him a few days before the shooting. The news spread rapidly In every direction. Dunn's friends running through the streets, Bhoutlng the result. . At Clay ton's a large crowd gathered In a tew minutes and Dunn and friends stepped quickly out the back way to avoid the throng, and disappeared, p ms 4 .i-K.li.- Is Sole. Agent for the Garry hon flng. DAVID JAIV1ES la Bole Agent for the iiaxton, H. B. Srilth and W. H. Warner Bltau Heating Apparatus. ., . . The Mexican bond the proposed scheme for the conversion of the debt of Mexico; '., Dublin. 18. Daniel Cnrley, the second man convicted of the mufder of Cavendish aad Burke, was hanged this morning at K'lmatnbam Jail at 8 o'clock. The fail was guarded by a force or. military simitar t? that on tbe occasion of the hanging of Brady on Monday last. After the priests praytd prlvatly with the con. ) I damned man in his celL mass wag performed in the prison chapel in the presence of the governor ana wardens, where Curley received the sacrament, Meanwhile a group of women which had gathered outside the prison were on their knees say ing the litany for the dying. When the black flag announcing that the execution had taken place was hoist ed over tbe every man in the a a a a a sprison, crawua unwuB iwruca namosnaj a thousand) uncovered ibis head and murmured sympathy wlthCurleywaa ottered. A man was then made by the crowd jfor a garden near by, where Curley's relations i hsxl assembled, and where his father was kneeling and praying for the repose of his son. The people soon dispersed quietly. Curley walked to the scaffold with little aa istanoe, and seemed to be reeianad to his fate, butto1 Was hardly firm. He 'make auy statements touching his connection with the crime for which be was executed. D ath was Instantaneous. In the letter which Curley wrote, to hie wife he said, I will take my secrets to the grave with me, and leave thaee who are at freedom to enjoy lt.i I die in peace, forgiving my enemies." . Before Curley retired last night he wrote a letter to his wire, In which be said; ri win ate as 1 uv ed;' faithful to mv Inrincloles and my country's cause, I will do as all Jtvone--t men should do, bring my secrets to the grave with me, and leave those , that -are at freedom to ' ,r r enjoy'lt DaVltt Michael lh a letter for warding his subscription to the fund being raised for Perael, says: 'The papal circular to the4 clergy fs pre judiced, ..unjust and mnet evoke strongly painful resentment on the part of the people. "L Hesly, mem ber of parliament, for Wexford, m senamg nis ruoecnpiion to tne fund said. "Ireland will neither take re ligion from Krrlngton nor gratitude . i . a , DAVID Is Sole Agent for the Hartford 1. Cke-et- Keeps In stock tbe latest improved Pramber's Msterkls to ts found in! the Eastern Marke'a DAVID JAMES stock the latest dt signs of Gas Fixtures, selected personally while In the att the past winter. Haej In DAVID JAMES Has' in stock a large supply of Iron Hose and Lead Pipe, Pumps and Fittings. m DAVID JAMES Has In stock a large Know Has a large force of First Claw Plumbers, 8 team and Gas Fitter, and is prepared to do Plumtlo and Bteam Fitting on the f try la est Improved plans as adopted bv Eastern Cities, and solicits tba con tinned patronage, of the clU- -- m 44.4- 14.. ssuvt wllnl4 ' Ut Uiia liis Will insure a hearty appetite and increased digestion. ' , " " Is also prepared to lay Water ripet from the Water Mains on short notice. fjgr Ordere received phfyie at Office and taeaaea . WATSON BROS., STONECUTTERS tifiQlLDCHS. mabsls TOanffroirss, atortoaf aiTTfi, M A N T B L 8, rsrsN ' MAITTL.M, avew.a Taeatpta asw aeata etas af Msate Wmmt mt Kaaiaa tBaea. Will infuse with new life the weakest invalid. 1 j j ' i i ' I I HEALTH IS VJEAtTHI St., Baltimore, Deci 1881. yean I have been a great ufterer from tiood Disease,; Xy- pepsia,andCoiistipation,andlecam ao debilitated thai I Could not retain anything on my stomach, irj (act, 37 Wallcer For si life hcT almost burden. become Finally, when hope had almost 'eft j tne, my husband Serinj Kkoww's ' lnoa BrrmBS advertised in the induced ane to it ar triaL faper, now cakinr thagive third bottle and have not felt so well in .ia lm. year. aa I do at tha toreent tim- Airs. L. . OarfFiit. Will have ,a a. better tonic effect upon any one who needs " bracing up," tlian any medicine made, - ism .awblanud tur.wrlneu auw--i -- tee to refund pnauanaaf lb" mnney tf tba ttraitaeat a awtaa dea b X.tfot a eure. Onaraote Q. at L Ivaa-- taore, bait lata, I mly by fl) tja,b. , - , tc-nlg- ht BRIEF TELEGRAMS. di Twenty-fiv- e Chattanooga, 18. persons were poisoned at a church reauvai last night. ; All are reoover- , i j j j -- Taa r H x ed.t , ..!! lttJX:aTVTL. The general Philadelphia, 18. MtrW tanas Shfnt mm synod of tha Reformed Presbyterian isae rtm Church of N rth America resumed Dealer In all kinds of M r A Tta seaon Its session tOKiay. , Meat oraerea 4- - a 1a a 1. ; t8.A I WU pas ad the IlChicagol linois Hoi mo to dayjj requiring railroad . to badd atatlon houses at ail points along their fine where United States mall is deliv. . by laiepboos wiu reesiva praempi atowma to taa aatartwataaa of pa trans. AU Woes of ' i 1 n avi Ti ' sy m tsv ' ' g area. ' The moderator of Saratoga, 18 the Presbyteriaa General Assembly announeed the standing committee In the Probate Oovrt, in and for this morning. The usual reports Salt JLake County. Territarv of ! wen then submitted.; ' i OtahJ Ban Francisoo, 18-- Sabscrlptlone so far to the Roman! Catholla Cath- lit THB MATTBR OP THk R8TATS t? ; : . ti 4 "V edral, $53,000. i The, Archbishop refuses t0 4nunance Its CJns true tlon until the svbscriptkwM cover the coat r: of Aba land. ;u-j 18 The morning see ''Milwaukee, sion of the National Committee of Yeong Men's Chrhtian AssooiatVn was taken npby the report of the J h ELIJAH . CA TO )N, PEC K A 8 EfX n Art ORDTR .f A ' a wim ' 5 . anr , 1 s Jector Jarrard 'a defalcation 4s $23u- -- ithg ; j j7 r -- to-da- - . vn..jbjf a.m . , : wm ins TIT I" ErRaOArTT fnr Pa It IkaJ County. sow t 1 ta sww etriita-at lamh. tw. . . martn. not Viawwih day tbe tstb day of Hay, A. D ls3, at 10 am-- at tbe offiee of Hon. Pita ptnHb, Jn4a cf said Court, at ba reekieooe ra NunhTaot. west Temple and rirtt ymmieea, r j scrlptlon Iiatr Lake City, aaa avW. boena ap. ' eommft'ee to whom waa referred ajaaieeas, Jaan aa.st A 3?ew;york,? asBaa,M av t gam annual tbe taterna-tkmal ta toto cf A. Mtieon Mueser, W biers and lottery dealers pleaded the report of ! .aalot Oourt, praytoe; lot tbe ma OommHtee. , m genet-a-l .session, guilty to-d; charged! with g&mmg and selling be tbe wtU rirpDrtii!. Bpringfleld, O., 18. The proceed. tberewtth aron, oeeeaaelt lottery policies; eight were sentenor Ings CLlrTirr . y in -i the w. Er angelica Gen- .wu yium h"tw ajs, pBisnna aesretteil,.t ed to a penalty from 10 ts SO dya. era! were in fBrthar consider-- : Synod and to pay. floes ranging from $f to aU'm ot I be (rranUaw of toners mission , fields and la will, or oppnee the, av xain eutnc were nnaaaiuu aaeir. lasa.iiieiy piaietl ftMt babalf aaore of intimate relatione of ' New' Brunswick; N. Y 18. Tha the maaalon. . VtJi. and adacalional works total amount missing. lhroogh With eUtac '' ' . , Jdise. it Sait Lake city.Kay fitslT Postmaster Cox and County Ool- , lT.-Sevesi- bjan Praii fa. Bitters Brown's .Iron L iv wssra ' Naur a fnr U rsaATwairr. a saarasteed term, D tineas, Cunruialnre,.ptk) Iterreu ewrttsBa, .Fieartavte. Her eons Proatrataa eataViS by tbe use of aievbtM m ttlosa, PortealM WaitefttlrMNM, feotal Si rrat-W-y of tbe Bralu In tnrai-nsnf lesyMni aVeay aod iteatb. premature v tonaery, irs. Bnooe4s, U)4 f pnwer eaw4 aj" lb Ix.'ii. K.ioh bos re I rtimj nrrf h; a m m.i'h. trcattueot. luH a bm, t 1z b lor fa.00, setu oy aus'l 4paM a .r- eelrt of trev p ' W. sBt'AHARrra'ac 1X fMXCS i TP Mrs svy eaan. With aswjb nrfter rerelva . pa er e'a btwea, aeantai anted wlih f I he . RHAKTB rTOHWL OSATXS 4. A. v 4--h S NewYhrk, isU The esUteof I, O.. Hammenty, varued at $8,000,000, - 1 ; ? f J?. et. : -- 1 grWlat t I'." '. JSgl??0 SwS sod-touche- thy found, tho meetisg arid Dunn, 4 was plan- primer thowed cx zurrctri-- IS SaSlSStrfcoSMs ned by.thelatter they mast rcXarn averfi'ct of gnUty If thei baeved wm. t . 4 . rr m. from the evidence the matrrfj eras accidental and that the first hostua movement was rnide by Elliott they tttJiV fwmlt. Q Tha v folrtiirtano of New We tho. Cmted States LAtiUsntTwere son, Yerciia. 1 Wfrom-- thT read rst and Curin? thm readlr the1 'I d ed if e OR RKelDENCK. Overcomes weakncss,$ake-- , fulncss,and lack ofeiicrgy piT all chills, fevers, Keeps I and other malarial poison. - by TV Workth'ft, No. 69 MAIN ST., - Strengthens the muscles;and nerves,enriches the blood. 18. . DAVID JAMES . I iivuii;, T Cures general debility, iand gives a new lese of life. Dispels nervous depression and low spirits. Restores an exhausted nursing nether to full strength and gives abundant jsus-tcnance for her child,! ; ! 1 StoTa DAVID JAMES That BRpwN'slRON Bitters will cure the worst case l of dyspepsia! 1 W of an J Plate, Sheet Iron Roofing is and pre. Galvanized Bbeet Iron, pred to do all kinde of Tin, tJop. . . In the Chamber of Paris, Deputies, Wsldek, ( Minister of the Uaterlor; repTymg to a question regarding tothe. circular sent prefects relative, the nsnie amonr dAnnni. tors of the SavingsiBankr, said the circa lar was simply intended to persons interested in Savings .hanks. Tlrard, ( Minister of Finance) explained that the State would actually profit by the diminution of deposits In banks, for It could obtain money at..two ,rjer f cent. . interest, While they paid depositors four per cent. T Those who desired to withdraw their money could obtain it with difficulty. j. Berlin. IS. Mackey, of Nevada, has started for Moscow to attend tbe coronation of the Csar as a mem her of the "American mission. Mrs. Mackey, who accompanies her hus court dresses. band, Inas ,fifteen .I mm uie sacuoa at Dsrtmund to-tday for member', of Raichs tag. Iuwnann, Progress ft, was "succesi. fu"defeating the National Liberal candidate by 2,000 votes. , , Rome, lS.Tne Pope of the hearing meetings in Xhiblin In which his recent aotlon was condemned, sent for Cardinals Jaoobinl and Simon, and insisted that his letter to the Irish Btohpp shall be strictly obeyed. itswwtTO-- nt Tiia per and Sheet Iron Work. Ftirniture a speaialty. . . s, DAVID JAMES a ! ; Q!u, Water Closet, and keeps in af this Hellyer, HygtU, Zanet, niogs and White's Sanitirj all of which are first cJaat. de-clln- !TAm Raima JAEV1ES s -- MIU4JWI t ttJ ; Btock'I. BeTaa yaana mm, sn? aasswia i3BlA.Ti:TXB,T7Xa m-- wwejMi Sana, . -J ' "... . ' . . : lillooev, by Mesars. MorrlO - aod aodtuf AprU or " ., :. 'tif l ' wmvT TMMttM ST Two MILKS MotrrB jhb? rKarrxaf i assart aad agasers are loTiaad ae eaS and aa tba borea, aod Jode a twaairea. j ' , I aat prepared to past are snares oa reaeonsbai aarnav'.,- - jA ;i t : 1 ,f shw lawtstif, twq Btawaaja, sjwm mmnr9 be by Loea Kaaol.oa. - Hat dam blf7, from Lout hapolefla rtsnd aired faiSmi rsandaaa,byBe waa baported I. iStt) dlreet f ' ef ' TtU 'i toa borss will stand re sasana, eonmsoohti 1 i. DAVID JAMES j British Brtefa. 18 HUant Gas Engine. , fOBBICB, London. DAVID JAMES ts Sole Agent for the Otto ! '.'' holders la Bole Agent for the Jackson Van. ( tllatlng Grate and Fire on tha J Hearth Grates,8tores ahd Mantles l, ; JAB DAVID members of the Stock Exchange Show cause why Hutchison ! should not be restored to his seat and meantime grants tertrporarj. Injunction, restraining the Exchange and of ncers rrom interference with bis " J righ t as such member. Memnhisi 18. Daring the cast three days there ha been quite a newspaper war conducted between Gen. James D. Chalmers of fMissls-slppand Col. McG alia way senior editor of the Memnhla Avveal. Each has denounced the other In unmeasured terms, but sdfarno duel is considered Imminent. The friends of Col. MoGallaway insist, as he gave the first offense by denouncing Chalmers, the challenge, If any, must come from Chalmers. On the btbeT hand, Chalmers' let ters and telegrams, which are published in the Avalanche, Indicate that he is of the opinion that Col. Uallaway should be the challenging ; j party. Chicago,! 18. Trouble between the east bound trunk lines and the board of trade on account of which tbe former withdrew their latent from the floor of the exchange and from solicitation of business from grain and provision sbl&pers has finally been settled. The agents are again on tbe board. The particulars of the terms of the compromise are ', unknown. TItusville, Pa., 18. People In the oil region are greatly excited and indignant orer the proposed petrole-ror. Ieum oil tax at narrieoqrg. cir mal remonstrance was to-d-ay culated and signed by leading oltl- sens Irrespective of parly, and beaded by promient eltiaens, setting forth that ttiey are alrea ly paying their full shre of State, county and municipal taxes,? in private aodexcor-a- porate capacity, and that this t ordlnary special tax is 1 contrary to the spirit of American 1nstitutions, and in the depressed condition of the oil regions and forced competl tlon with other oil localities, i would entail Injury and ruin opin the interests of this State by the Impetus lt gives the oil producing Interests of New York, Virginia and abroad. The remonstrance has been forw,ard-d- j to the representa tives of tbe oil region at t larr sbur?, who are sturdily fighting against the measure. I 17 i 800. wV Chicago, 18 State's Attorney lbuMUiad to his widow. If Ills began his closing tpdecty hV ti Francisco, 18. FUherty, bus-ban-d tbe prosecution of Jen Dunn, for ths woman killed h the murder of Elliot, this morning, and Narvaadeof the Riook leTator,.a4aea tba a lt is thought will conchKleby p NaTada Bank for $100,000. . . m., when the case will be given to l 7 the fury. ' M exloo,Oi--Privat- e The case of Dunn, murderer of from London . announce telegram that 0 par Elliot, the pugilist, was given to been Issued rorhalf . the Jury at 4 this afternoon 4 j the 6MS per cent, Ractoe, Wis., IS. The first cy- f Mr. Mills concluded his argument holdsrs tdYnske-the-n- ew debt, loS of clone In car history struck Racine at 1 pnu and Judge Smith proceedpar at, seven o'clock, ttvnfeht, passing ed to charge the Jury. AU . Instruct the custom were submitted by ittorneys thrjoosh the extremsf tic rth west of tlons the citydemolishmgSOriouwB and for tbe State and, the deresas land hams a causing a loss of ll!a of given to tha Jury, except s40e minabout 20 besides 100! more or (less or ones, which were covereda there 2d) PetiTMaS seriously Injured. The day (was lihportant lnstrnetionaf Tk'clitvrs pr2Tl .fiiiaoeordlng tdOhe asbered m bright and 43001, witb gave tha uenal deQnl tlons ef murder on the question of rreah, wind tslowtng from the east, v and About 4 afock a sharp electric They.mre Instruct- storm prevailed, although hut little fell. The sun again came oat rain awcandiaioaasT !. ad,wh i 1 rtpne W.H. Bytard, A. K. BL -D--, Prof. for about an hoar. During the after. Ob fU noon Chlomye Mad. OolietrF L0WTN3 OtMr4lea, the temperature was about 70 B TO PAINTERS' GOD. TARNTSTT, RoJer, M, IX, sua Med. Dfreeuor icth A. C aK uoMt-twaae Hooee ato, rnrntiiinir and at S.83 o'clock, when K M. Du N. Ptaa. V a Pratv degrees, aad Darts, X; CUoar0 4VCDiWci C. CMk, Hat, Tooth, NatW ato. hfaoL4Ka rbTa4o. Tollat Goode-H-air, I. Criers, heavy massea; t2bt&wti!cb; taizl aHklnda of Rroahoi nad uianVsIbtoHalr, Dadrw. Baar, Pltea, andone 9. Marine HoaoaaL Chiuaae; bocee In a. any Al M.I)L,8iiaU. Mraea 8na A. M- - at . , Pro. Smw aaah gmtharad in the west, the' air.was oppressively warm. The cyclone was Met. Cotter; Pa Laaaia MlOer, M. TJw announced by tba break is v cltXviA. esev, amaa ateo. iwam j. ijwieuue aWlX. AUeav U U IW Prat Prao. Which took a whirling motion I ana OO.e 33. OXAXIJ'X,4CrX itnic the earth wllh a noiaeThich 1 ?iT this afternoon, about 400 feet in length and 60 feat in width. Tbe building for covering exposition rail way appliances was. blown down. Four workmen were ml urer; one had a leg broken and was scalped. The most Powerful Healing Ointment erer DiBCOTerd. But for the fact, that the police bad BalTa can nst driven away a large number of HISUTV M HENRY'S FBANCI3 O0PB, ff at. tub u 8 8.48 44 4 4 6J Ar (.06 tX)i Cen f rt4-c-t; to pubKahcd TVJoet Bate vCZ b eoQeeted tohen Fan it or whic a Drawback CTlecJc p f4tnied, rtdtcmahU al any UJk tytlM ran, J. . Pionitv-- o paid 4i aa peatMaaallaa; -- 408M 803 M - 7.6 lo.j 1L7S Lt MO tin IAr8.aO M "" 68 .1 100 JoabJ M t.tt 8.25 1 in . " " " 128 Lt Ar 4.16 . 8.07 u 7.40 1 7.S8 17.05 XW 8.M) . . JDcflGroca B.SO 1.80 H 1.66 ... ... ...Neph . .15 0 1.50 1.66 .eantaqcu ...MC 106 114 130" 148 J6T 178 " 1.G0 Vlaw. . . .Bw 0.07 8l19 JO American Fbrfc. .Plaaaant Orora,-- 11 S3 91 220 .TO 44 8t " 1' 81 84 . 87 : ex-sheri- hr8t .8S andjr - j LataJ jQuettoa- .- New Oblkaks, 18. Timet Demo- Winds orat Enterprise, Miss., special: Dr wraaa, Plsaatsr-Terri- fle ' at Crfa The Catalacae I" , M. Byre shot and killed Capt. W. ChicAOo; 18. It is learned here M. Brame, of Jasper H. S. KI.DRTX1B, Prtaidaot. y that a cyclone passed north of Ba- - (bounty, In the' streets of WM. J KrTWTWQlS cine. Wteoonsm. about' 8 30 o'clock Pauling. They began firing almost rEBAMOBS LtTTLB, JOHN BAHP. f" : locaacrroita. ibis evaning, ana that a nambax of simultaneously . at four yards apart, wm. w.Bitak, ba iaings were destroyed. .No par- - and advanced close enough for, I H. HILtX Caahlar, uoulaisare available as the tele--i orame to a truce a buck, bow JAB. T. LllTLX, AatL Oualar. graph: wires irent; down, jand all men exhausted their pistols. Brame commnnication northward and bet died almost instantly from a shot In ucEifis .KPniunuii li iehaii. r ween, tma cixyianct auj waur.ee an the right side. Byrd was uninjured Paul dt. hour, 1 only by a blow from a stick. A feud isjout qC At this je4l aalla ,4Nch4na Haw o'clock, an- - unusually: Ray. mm eavere win has exlstei for some time. . Tbe dif-- i Y.rk, rrtatfjet, CblMr, at. and rain storm, accom Denied b though . not. unexpected, is 43mh4k, L4b41b, M4l rlnl thunder and lightning, la peeraillnji acuity, Inla, deplored on account of the greatly pal CaatlfMBtal 3llaa. here, signs .pejng wnvsaea jrr and prominence of the parties, t General clattei trevaJling about the St. Louis, is Latest advices from a treats. Fears are entertained that IJOdge Uity, Kansna, are to .the ef some frail, wooden buildings In tba fect anas tna siiuauon Abere , la un L outakfrtawlll be j blown down and changed. the shipping ouUdtle j will be driven ,Jjouisville, Ky., 18 The Demoacross to . tha. east iiahore Jof ,Xake cratic Convention this morning re? Michigan. A squall struck the city nominated by acclamation, tiie pres. Ytaa-Pia- No. 8. ) No. 4. PAafooKm rimniora ArKUOam Ar 8.30 pax 647 iLt 0 44 4 Morfranj 154,0M. ' to-da- COMING NORTH. rranokijn. Germanls M44fH 18 17 M 8.BS ft.07 It ' t7 t M M 4.M (.20 " " 11.07 : rnvmrrxm. KM ( ..Balt laka..... pm juts at 1U0 a.m. and 6pdrilians; at any time during the ages. Tbe Supreme court nas ortrial. Ai the reading of the Inatrao- - dered the president, officers and to ness than iff , .. |