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Show . ; ' r ' i . , . BBsBBeBBBeBeBBBeBBBeBeBeBBeBBeBB Taste and Enterprise. The Dra matle Festival began at Cincinnati an Monday night honor the taste and enterprise of that city, which nobly nutates wllh rare public spirit the only grand encouragement of the arts ln this country, fhe play "Julius Caesar', with which the festlral was opened .alone cost $27,000 for properties, while on the ample stage appear 500 performers, as Roman citizens and old!ers, that have undergone a daily drill for the hut two weeks. McCullogh. Barrett, Murdoch, Louis James and Mias Forsyth appeared in this same afperforraarce. Tfces particulars ford an idea of the unbounded liberwhich ality and minute painstaking nave characterized the festival. One of the smokiest, dirtiest, hottest cities on the continent, Cincinnati shines pre cmlntnt for its devotion to artistic culture. It is triumph ef mind over mitUr;1 a couquet cf the body by the eU. Dttntit Free news by-en- Saturday, "1 auy is, isss. i FLO AT IK Q rAOMENTS. Jr Dal Dafis f J1 Opera la town. Thsy wert at Ben House last night, j prociif? baU? L faiiMl to to the penitentiary. reo a! ted to announce that w- - Methodist Sniseonal fThnreh. The Pastor, T. 6. ItiftY Breaches at 11 a. m., subject: Do the spirits of tne uepartea reel an interest in tne affairs of Earth?" At 7.45 p. to. subject: "The story of the Prodigal and its lessons to young men In this city." Beats free; visiting strangers made welcome. Young people's meeting at 7 p. m. A Dangerous Character.A few days ago we noted the fact that Forsgren, the fanatic, who lives in a tent on the bench, east suburb of the city, had been ahootlng at some boys. He appears to be a dangerous character. A report now reaches us to the fleet that he recently fired at a number of ladles. This man ought to be looked after and , takan care of before he does anyboly any seiloas hurt. AT TBI SrUDKRlKVB Central Branch House. Belt rVte City, you will find the flnett and best assarted stockslargest, of fine Bide- uggres, one Wde-sprl-ng Ba rise, flu. Platform BuggCe, Pacll uaggies, eouth End Buggies, fine Cne Elliptic iuoora moggies, Carts. WairahnettL. ways, Phsstons. Clevelanda. FTvi Packs. Corning Spar Buggies, WLite-ehapBuggiesv HunUng Spring Wagons, Trotttog W.gons, Travel wagons, Winsor Wag ing one. opring Jacobs' Buxsles. dans, Thorough brace Wagons, Park Wagons, Diamond Spring Wagons, Platform Spring Wagons, Prospeet! tog Spring Wagons, Delivery Spring ' wagons. Aurewprmi Four-sprin- g ; Wagons, ExcwskS oprmg wagons, Express Spring Wagons, Mail Spring Wagons, Buck Boards, Farm Wagons, Freight t fcuus, , wagons. uall and examine them.Beautiful skin, and fair complex ion, rebust health, and powers of endurance follow the use of Brown's lion Bitters. ' .11. . : ARE RECEIVING CONSTANT ADDITIONS OF THE Btnr-gles,T- ea el (WW, r TO THEIR IMMENSE STOCK OF - i Bfiks, Ottomans. Batins. BJuulamsa. Bnraria. Tybfna. ed Hatlta. KVmW Tappettaa, Brocades. GrOS-Graln- S. at Khxlaa. WnniiaMll WHOLESALE DEALERS it l lir - r- Vllll . Cim.. onw: - - Grenadines to latest de&bzns. etc. ate hMrpact the many Bargains we ofler In this department before sending w HiMiug mi; jwiuuwi ii iiu wu ere. saa-Lad- iaa ' j 3Mi v ' X2V : . I .. mM (0 1 OUR DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT evening. tha iHW War Ker.icMJtKlnrat 6.30- u cram full of Novelties In the best makes of Paris Caahmeres. Alba-una veiling, uaenme-- e uoure President Joieepu IF. Bmlth and Satin Bouleil, French and, American, BaTteena to Fancy, and AnnatU AltrB ( '.arrlBston left this pete, wu w rnsuo, xoy-uxrices are always as low as the LOWEST. n.rninr i for I M fewa. City, to attend take.foiiferiie. i The Revenues cf the; 21-- t Warn OUR WHITE GOODS DEPARTMENT A Good Road iMaier. The road hold their regular monthly mating j Bhows an elegant Hue of French Nainsooks, Lawns, Organdies, Planes, next Mondavi bveninir. at 7.30, at Ifie., maker Imported by the Driving The Thomas Mask! Festival is n num tJL r. Plain anl Vimnui.. rnii T . nu It Win. ttandeis. the Park Association B. II. Festival I through i. Dramatic Bridal Cradle Quilts, etc, etc, at most Popular Prices. a iar with the L Qullta, ' fi ; . , li:jih.. mt rrinclnnatl. and on the Clawson, mentioned fn last even An entertafunuini, for the benefit the renf th''1ct Ward Habbatn acnooi same was Goods Among tried Just Spring yesterday af ground, the fact that the great tog's ksne, will be tlven Iy hej member of tbe musician ternoon on the drive inside of .Lib ceived at DoHKUSoN Bbob. can be OUR TABLE CLOTH. NAPKIN AND TOWEL DEFT does here will appear rum found Dress Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Monday school, one Wk honor to the. taste and enterprise of erty Park. It worked to a charm, mu., I next. Hsadauartera for Housekeepers aud Hotelkestwrs. 1 ot only for this f ans, laoe Neck Is thebat rarasoji, the level smooth making ware, Lake. Salt etc ground for snrroanding Cities end Terrltotiee. We impurt moat of the etc, In City tbe trade t afilvejyj Trire market. Jfome iiroducU Si if Goods for this department from the best looms in Germany, Ireland and and solid. For that kind of work It vegetable 'N uo Globe the for to ooouano. your Bakery to I hi the excellent Cummin " line does in mat Death of James W. Implement. It cegne poyriunr and Jii. where CAKES, Confectionery settkwork of a whole squad of men they are to be had pure and whole city from the surrounding f hosts of friends of Elder Jas I Wt'Jh''''' OUR LADIES' CORSET AND UNDERWEAR DEP T H. Asmoux W. Cummings, of the Fourteenth "d In much Jess time. The D. P. some. d6 Tba resrularanontbly meeting of Ward, will be surprised and nalned I A. are entitled to credit for their Is oompleU in all its details. Bby and Wedding Outfits a specialty, the 11th Quorum of Elder will take 0 learn of his deatb,wblch occurred I enterprise In having it brought A11 of the Latest . Styles of Hats plaoa on Monday evening next, In t ten minutes to three o'clock this 1 along. 0 SX (i l M lllsQi at DumvokdIb. Wti at the 21ft Ward meet f LADIES' LACE AND EMBROIDERY DEPT OUR 7.30 o'clock, J W. P. A CXbUK, morning. The eauee of his demise BUIUIIIO SABD. President was heart disease, aooompanled by Juecture on .London. we are re s mcreased business.; The only reason we out give is the a doing largely Good Screened Band for Brick, i to taste announce of our European Bayer. and . that quested experience Rock or Plastering delivered or at "Is the bowling of a dog 'always complications. was 63 years evening, at the Congregational the bank. Five or six loads can be Brother Cumo-lngfoil .wed by death?" asked a little girl of her father. MNot always, my Old on the 10th of last March, a na Church, Rev. F. T. Lee will give a hauled in a day; For full partiou- HO RE NOVELTIES! E. MORKXa. Uea; sometimes the man tbt shoots tive if the BUte of Maine, and a second and concluding lecture on lars call on waa the at tbe dog sobees jblm," JSHa na "London." Kid include will It Gloves, Bilk Mitts and Ladies Neck Parasols, neal deeeendant from the Pilgrim descrip', Jos received. A RfB OBI A Dstre OTOBC rent'a reply ..CT... :.n fathers.: He had been connected tion of Westminister Abbey,Parlla-meNever was such a rush made! for we are requested to announce with the'Church over forty a Palace and Houses, Crystal any Dog Store as Is now at Zj C year, that EI Jer J. ftlchohiou wUI preach Was full of xeal and OUR LADIES' SUIT DEPARTMENT 'MM ML I. Drug Store for a tr al Bottle of Integrity for the concert held there with chorus of Dr In tbe Twelfth Ward New Con frr an voices Discovery m mancemenca Klng'r and of aadlanoe 4,000 tne of c speouu Jaiett Cloth Ottomaus, Oros Grain night. Hubject "1'ue Inspiration work, and greatly reap ted. by the and Colds All uatri and Diagonal Dolmans, Raglans, Basques,Htyles end Cassimere Jackets of tbe Book of Mormon." Bervlees oommuni'y, among whom be has over 20,000, tbe Dore gallery of re sumption, affected personswith tbnuu A of and Jersey's the Latest Spring Shades; Black Cachmere and ''D'jbege r mm t. ...pi, Ugln at 6 80 o'clock.! a at Spurligious Paintings, Sunday warm I'.X'J'j'lnlHrVyi. friends, .Bronchitis, Howeneu. Beverc ouih, wjstera, eic, shj. 10 vve nave some mngie uarmenta mi this many i or Beats of afleotl.n etc Coatellol ''." con-a the we tB which are 1 Tabernacle, any free, Coughs : be 1' gtsa1 at E. one of , the parties In The funeral services will 'I 'ffff I? ,"in wi 50 Cento on tbe Dollar! department, offering Throat and Lungs, can get a Trial jured Dy me isuiag of tbe tree tie In ducted at toe Fourteenth. Ward and the public Invited. of Bottle this great remedy yVee, by Montana, Dy tne .hurricane, died on Assembly Rooms at' 1 o'clock p.m. mlllng at above Drug Store. Kejru weuneeasy. j rne other iuiured to morrow, Friends of the' OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. A A gentleman sign lar siae 1.00 Warning. men are, aa a "whole, stlil in a pre-family :: Mm name of the sends the Burnes, lng are hivited. Both Wholesale and KeUtI, carries a larger and choicer stock tbsh ever tar lous oondi (Ion. STOP, PAVSB AHD COSSIDSCB. wlfflM& 1 issmiiimi ii' following from Elko, Nevada,' under Send soventy-fiv- e cents and get before, our styles are the most popular and oar PRICES the LO WEST ro-aThere will be a five-miIn the 17th: of City., In new date Views j Case Suicide cf book, my May fully Utah, Thursday race at Catder' on Deco at North Jordan,, a woman I think it my duty to warn the approved by the press and public rtUu Dy. )AU entries mutt be Uat, people of Utah, as well as lbs people umy 7d cents. Mailed tree. OUR . SHOE DEPARTMENT made on or Mfure the 28th. Entries named BatUr field, aged; about 40 or il -- jr. si.' J. it. HAviuli F "fflSil'.: 1 Hevaaa, against a swindle in the for the other fare can be made on years, wife of. Jaoob Butter field, J Art Bazar, Bait Lake City. S too well known to require self praise. of a victor Mowing Machine None are best bat makes the shape oommitted suicide by jumping Co.. manufacturer la Ban Fran- - ai3&Aswim Si handled by us. We warrant every pair we sell, and our PRICES are aa 1S1 ii LOW ae the LOWEST. , The AfilieXlal Stvrtt April S3tb down a well. It appears, that the cIhoo. In the first place the ma BtKDVOUlO PStlOKS. announo a the arrival at Liverpool deceased had been demented for chine is worthless In heavy grass, Owing to several carloads arriving and tous the company deal with about two days previous of the oompany 4ome the same tlme,I will sell sprhig before once and made time, OUR CARPET, LINOLEUM AND CURTAIN DEPARTMENT of mlssloDar!s who )f t this city on will sell a ma- Wagons They purchasers. for the next thirty days at an Bhe had li'e. upon or aa direct for attempt chine and from New agent hep through croad April 10th, reduoed prices. Now Is the s steadily Increasing Its sales and the number of Its d natrons. York on the i. 8. Wisconsin. Mk) made aa attempt to throw a nine months, hi about three months greatly to We b Dim best class time the neatest first and newest g and get Wagons only qualities bring J patterns, prefer comes who an i 1 reprealong agent ' We received a Dleasant call to eh lid down the well in which she sents the company, whom you have cheaper than ever. log to pay a little more for such goods, to buying old Stock at low prior ; warrant The stock la complete, of great every Carpet we sell. 1 day from 11. iJibson.Esu., of Omba, herself was drowned. sty We seen before; he asks you to t !fi! are all standard work cue of the prprIetM of tbe Omaha The well la only about 11 inches never 'V my variety, a note, at the same time tries and give warranted. ' eetee-neone or fully tbe moat to can all before collect from he jjercua,our deoeaaed and othe you r ( -: gathon or address oun. GENTS' and BOYS CLOTITIIVG DEPARTMENT, eohancee. Mr. Uibson wide, among telling you that the Call clashes ab nit It Is due, and Howard kbbkb. has been to Ban Ffancbjoo, and Is eied . her x ; ; stud BOYS GENTS' HAT Is rich and will not push. DEPARTMENT, Bain Wagon Depot, Bait Lake City her aud m feet company now on his way home. tumped But on the day after your note la dswSOd GENTS' OUR BOYS' BOOT and and SHOE DEFT, . Ogden. first, with her handa raised over her j due, a lawyer la at your heels and sund BOYS' FtJItXISIII.VU GOODS Dcp OCU A story comes from Cheyenne 'of neaa. vvnen Ukea oat she was hhs aJraekiy your property. we Mucuon irom ine patus or vircoal t sesvcrios Contain tuns but the beat qualities and newest etyle of Well Kitm ' Tun oompttny may chanae the tue of a young girl at Cheyenne, hy quite dead. An Inquest was held name Goods. Oar PRICES are the LOWEST in this city. Rock We warrant of ton, the firm after they learn I by Springs, per er the remains by Justice Web am a harness maker at that town. The article we sell, and make every etfort to please oar customers.; S6.00. Car load. every are not them but up, showing debased scoundrel who perpetrated ster and a verdict- - given In accord Bock Springs, per ton, at --:o:likely to change the name of the the wickedneM left Cheyenne and is anoewith the facts. The funeral machine. SO.1 . . . be Yard, farmers should All said to have cbme onto Ugden. Rock Springs, per ton, deware of their agents, or they will NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. WHOLESALE BUY took place yesterdayj T.00. .I livered, . ,. . like I ER will find all the above Departments fully represented to our IM bit did. get There will be an excursion to Og-d- en Red Canyon, per ton, by MEN BE JOBBING STOCK.' Oar Prices commie with any market on Decoration pay, the train Janaus-- ! . . Madam Janauschek. Carload,; We Intend to retain all our old customers and earn as many new ones as n Millenni A Good Tbiiuj.--Ithe, leaving at 7. 4p a.m". j Those who go ehek treated an Immense audience Red Canyon, pet ton, at tow Prices, Liberal; Terms and Honorable Treatment will bring us. wUJ bav thefprivllege of returning of la conclud al Star April 80th the S.0O. URE, Yard, v? . ; . on the same or the j following day, last evening at the Opera House to deof a Bed excellent ton, per very ing paper Canyon, portion and of stopping oyer at intermediate another exhibition of her marvel. .. . C50. livered, . wm. mm For information about ous powers as a deliehator of human from the pen of Elder Ben. E w. m rinnv snnrii nt e I SIT v points. Jfe are Never Undersold, Established 1864. Car ton, Weber, ' per by son of C. C. Rich. win. ntiii mw si. ). see It Rich, Apostle advt. tickets, etc, A.BA. . , I load, T :. passion and interne emotion. The is to the form of a dialogue, purporti ii Weber, per ton, at Yard, t 'jUow do ypu like my plh?" said Jewish mother, robbed of her infant M to be "Between a 'Mormon' El " delivered, .00. ing off. young Browd, spenkfng to his most for her child, then searching a Parson and a Traveler, at a der, A. Onoxik, 343 oberlahed girl, and referring t- - a new camro soarf pin. i ,jO," taid she, spring through the world under the Temperance Hotel, in the presence WITH OBISt FOStTITODK "la It a pint I noticed It but I the guite of Rudlg4 the Sorceress, of a number of other gentlemen." nanaeona mmei tatna. You will Like fliniiirfit t mLa m Mt nf B&laif lrnn. but to find her darling, 'grown to The writer has shown up the' prin suffer pain, ' neglect your business, ped on your tie, and I was going to womanhood .firmly attached to the of the Gospel ofChxistts under-stoo- d and pay a huge doctor's bill this call your attention to it." scenes and persons of her .childhood, ciples Saints, in a summer, If you neglect now to take by the Latter-da- y A aaim t.ltmAn tavw ofw war til ISa was impersonated in a ; thrilling remarkably clear, pointed and Inge a bottle of Saraaparilla, Dandelion tbes 17th Ward Assembly manner and with a fidelity to nature with loawe or .rotas slum," the best ftven Inon Friday evening. May 25, only possible in a thorough artist. nious manner, and they are given Blood Purify er and remedy for rheu1 more than usual perspicuity and matism and kidney diseases on the tendered by the officers aud tech era of the Bund ay school to Elder D. Ijt was another triumph for the great force, by comparison! with the sec globe The Brown Medicine Co. r . i i i v v. 3 F. Davis, assistant superintendent, actress that has heldj Immense au- tarian standpoints, on the various make it and every eeneibM dragnet Don't neglect this safeprevious to his departure on a mis- diences rpall-bou- nd every night this principles and doctrines elucidated. keeps ait.moment sion to the Northwestern States, longer. guard week. The support! was excel lei ' "I ! f j: "1; Appended to this paper, at Its con Did ydu eter notice how the fane WHY BIT is the clusion, following testimony a of child bflg" tens: op when you will close the most bililiant er gage-j ,; dUKS)T Of Its author:. begin to tell;Bome of jits quaint say- men t ever had In the Because are and beat. purest they House. Opera "And now, kind reader, as the "Brown's Liver Pills" are used al ings or cunning capers? Well that Mormon' Elder 'here represented, I ways, by those who try them once, ktaie is nni ina nnti.i nvar nnu my testimony to you, for constipation, biliousness and siok grows, but 1 tf strengthens with his Changed his Appearance This wishtoto bear so and doing I thoroughly under headache. years, and wouki oontmue snouiu afternoon we were accosted by They never fail. he live to beiaa old as Metbuselah. stand that at some future day I Will on and had It the street, gentleman r stand befoie the Judgment seat of BStOWHS rscraiVTOBioh Take fine pal honey fonr onrrri, lot been for his familiar voice my Maker, and will have to answer Is the sovereign remedy of the glyosrme one ounce; mix with a should not nave recognised him aa fer the deeds done in. my body .there aire for .Dyspepsia and Indigestion. -- :o:alcofore I have no desire to testify of A sour stomach or distress gentle beat, and when cold add reason from Calder. Brother The George hol one ounce, 6a&ence o: amtiergrla not do do know. this But I I la corrected at once. From six drops; citric acid three drachms. for this was that be Is lost conva things and bear testimony to you enttng Minnesota to Texas all unite m T3ST BABO-AIWThis is Intended to remove dlsoolor-atlon- s lescent from an attack of rheumatic know, in the name of Jesus Christ, that praise of "Brown's Pepsin Tonic " imas auk fieckles, as well to fever, which lasted fourteen weeks. Joseph Smith was and Is a Prophet Sold for fifty cents only. prove the genet al : appearance of the In addition to the attenuation of his of uod. ana waa an instrument in We keep In stock all of Brown's ' i' I Ir.f ! , '..v ; skin. I . the hands of the Almighty of Medicines: Z. CM. I., valuable j he I by protracted illness, physique Church the His upon A Godbe Pitts A Co., A. O Bmlth "Goods ti half nrlee," said the IMS allowed hi beard to grow, his tabiishlng was ordained and blessed aud A A earth, Moore Stewart Allen Co., ign. "How much Is that teapot? :o?t-the ubpeusauon or the Cc, Beman, fcloyer unisiett. also tunes. I that testify T 7 tracted byi the announoemer.l W. " w uitujug miiuxii w I Brlii was bis legal suc- ha in' Fifty centv mum.M I ge?s I'l! duy accosting his old friends and ao- - oeseor, andYoung that after the ueath of !! in; Ukeir, thep,M she said, throwing d'laintances and eojoying their ef this servant ui uju, Jomi Taylor be 1 down twenty fire cent. The dealer VVMesale Brother George came the Prophet, Seer and Revelalet her have the teapot, but took forts at reoosoUion.! tor of Church this Christ's will and upon a frame has still left, goodly in bis sign btjr re another oustomar Is right man In the "ITT ILL POSITIVELY ODRB BHKTJtf A-shouLl eomi In. probably soon obtain another coat-to- earth, who tothereceive ruvelationa vv ttem. Kerer and Acue. DvsMDSia, puce, right to reolaoe the reductions made from God for the furtherance s of His Khlner aod Ltver OomDSUnts. remale weak- Received on a potal card by Rev. II! recent lllnrss, and will get ready woik." And this Gospel of tbe king dsm. General ete , Prise $10. ete., Barg-ainDebUlty, by Newton R. lieber and "A signed ow au w to in . .I.II...M! ..T I says ... Ml euies aibo, KUPiutti 14 r is dom being pleached t in ft rw m Tiiim .UUV 4 V. UV tm. Wl.nMU Ui. of Maoitrio Klastio Trow Bk. word the fulfilment of Bavt Cxx, rot see. Bob tngeroll,! Htniy Ward sVason, wblch has about set in. oar Savior for a witness, that the SMrtmrwo bc. Ban rrsuauu, jm. Beecher and lieber Newton dangl- MS by Joba tteess. Ho ISMS 1st eod may come I do know that 8ouA 8tFor(KiisbaB same BXock Bait Laks CUf. j from the there If rope. lng TO CLOSE THEM OUT WE OFFEB Is as the called " it Mor monism" Yesterday, by Alleged Kobbe'jv were fewer "Christian-.of thai nor lees more la world been nothing kind In the woilli Bb Icgersoll Wiilhuu Murphy, who had of Jesus Christ THE . HOUSEKEEPER'S A would starve to death fx want of worklnsf for the D. A R. U. was than tbe Gospel unto $L00 God of the salvation, and power FRIEND ! auditors, j around filling himself up with beer. tost tbe signs which Jesus 1 u promised i L35 O MORB WASHIHO IfiCHIHIS. NO An ' exchange says: A way to la the evening, after dark, he wan would follow true believers are to be More Hard BnbMnr. Mo More Xa Jesus of Church the lailroad with of found has to nuisance tbe encore; dered the the W j Sbreakup vicinity athloc ssailv dans wkh AT'S OO IBalnts. And POUND BAbt gop,aokD0wlsdfed totwby been discovered. - J ust as the peo dspot, and claims that In ; that Christ or Latter-da- y iha BKST SOAP ever msnufBfltaraA. pie who want five times the worth teighborbovd he was set upon as a servant of God who has been Sufemur rlfiM to make tMs Bosp,wUA U of their money an applauolng the ant into the World to preach thts loudest an Usher rushes In from the by fa couple of men, by whom Gospel, I now call upon you by for Tmrwm apply to our del aetaot lass front and f yells. . A. crasy man on bs was knockcld down written wora to nave iaiin in , II eta Waco, San Lake City, Utah. ; the street- is giving peanuts and robbed. Last iilght he said the God and Ills Bon Jesus Christ, to re p.aBOKjSSi. sUlla J be enoore of a and folks sausages The your baptlxea by pent slis, ay.'' front him was 1275, immersion ror tne remission oi tne From 7 up the doot ani the I lmount taken If lnstnt.y rush foe uo. . or the an reduced . ana two later he hour BY RAIL goea , tne The nuiaauce YACHTS snail receive STEAM same, periocmnoe yoa is so greatin this locality mi to call sum to $250, and this morning, in NEW PRINTS, 5 Cents Up. by the laving on or lloiy unosi for that some olb.ee ellecUve rem-- answer to will which bands, give you a knowl IHAVXSXVBRAL VFRY FIHa, BHIUi . '.bow all the New Stjlv s. Addition we direct questions pat to In ' "AGENTS ' DElIORESrS aod seaworthy, from of this work, that you may E him, he made a still more sweeping edge to SMS la Meeta, sor sina a now for youreeir whether it i be be sea al tor boskMss surposss, which reduction, getting It down to 918. fiom God or man. Whether yoa re deUvered BZLIABLS PATTEEUS. cheap. I make a marked SPKtfattr i LOCAL AND OTHER MATTERS. Perhaps by . there may ceive er bobs, ana wui this testimony or not, there or whs Kind an others. be a further decline until tbe sum will come a day when every knee - BBNNKTT DOBHIW8. BOYS' -BARGfllflS con will bow and cC3 every tongue BcMrPeoaa. to THE IFS1SIDESTS OF SEV- reaches the nominal figure of fifteen fess that Jesus is the Christ, and at or r E3TIEJ. twenty cents. that time, If not before, you will i a of know this the that testimony Thote presidents of Seventies' ' ; Toes Amputated. ;. Oar readers Mormon boy is true." BOYS' ! FLAMIL T7AIST3 $175 ' i BXH K. RICH. $250 Quorums Who reside In Bait Lake will probably remember an account I It I o March Manchester. 28, to a, England. are! t OJ HH City, especially requested In of News the Bishop Jasper . . I, meet in the Council House (upper given Robertson and two other brethren room) on Sunday. May 27 th, at 10 being caught in a terrible storm In d R 9 BAEGALN8 X2V 8IL1Z WRAPS. it SPECIAL HJSINE33 K0TICH' the mountains while on their way rr. . Pres!dehtsof Seventies residing BARGAINS CASHMERE WRAPS. IN ,from toOracgevIlle, Emery County ' Gents Furnishing Goods ' elsewhere who desire to attend are this Conference. after shortly city, ' DuiuraRD'a. at . also invited. NO VELTIES JERSEY WRAPS had his .feet badly fro-The In behalf of the Council of the san. Bishop . He came to town few days Cahh paid for food sound onions. Fust Presidents of the Seventies. go for treatment ; at the Deeeret J, W. B3XKSJU A. ' UOHAOsi S. ElJKETXIK, toes of his several To day hospital. : DIPHTHUIU, j; v Presiding. : j aOASHJCT, KTUL r j m & were amputated at that Institution f " ? " " .i $3.76 each. Worth $7.60 eaeh.T t ? ' k CVx. Corner of ' the operation being performed by A. C Bmlth 4 ' i.y, - i Second Main and South I Streets. ? A ServicesHiramw Rsllglous roctors Anderson and Hughes." KeligiQus Wholesale and Retail Dra&siata. are O 03 . 1 If DAY m O O . ww wie vuunui w for sole Tonlo my Heeperfcmn ajents i There and other Christ ot'Latusr-da- i Saints at the I Ward Entertainment. remediea. The trade rap- A, , CD AQEIT'i'O i abernaeie, tomorrow afternoon, waa a variety concert at the 5th paea as wnojeaaje ana retain f M wri-F- i TVT17T.R Ds. J. W. BoBatBTSJ.' Travelhw uaoa SALT kajcb crrr. Ward school house , last night, for d712m Beginning at 2 o'clock. ' ... am Bar GOOD $1.25 Worth each, ICSOAPI iDoUas $2.00. to to 2 i ... the benefit of the building fund, .1 sKsbTjb?sb Y'VsbbV OUA8TINC ) POWDER. AND - t S7." O . 'f Immigrants. By1 telegram from pay for new saatW After the t .J Furniture from the Co-oFornl- H. Barnett, Bah Franelaen. to eal exerdsea 'Handy ; Andy", was tnre AQsr leoklox around at last sactslms, Uompany, oomer ct rionth and Try our Rectangular Churn XV '1 ... II Ec. PER i,ooo , President John Taylor, ditted last pUrd, Mr. F. Btanley'k acting of, West Temple Streets. onnoslU Bait I HATB 7CTJKJ B fa 1 and Gilt Edge Butter Malter. nignt, W!e lsarn that a company of the tlUe role fceinf spedaHy food; LmXMB juBBsnuny xiau. t k & 'GiBLPaTo SOBMSSn -o: I ft t mm a OX lor n f. f X Full Una of Misses' and Child unmigranU from tbe I akO that saiss umwj, "ii. f" t. Mr i " v e i Sake Australian Mission,! kit that mint I Nance." The house was well filled ren's Fine Shoes and Slipper t 0 1 at Dun josirfs I1 ' tx Ogden yestsxdsy refilng, . . with an Interested audience, o ro-Ueno- e . r jn nT icTS'o" ar .Ta"' - 1 1 : !' ... CITY. XAJKJE -- r.i. i-T- he Ms ' log-hous- xr; MlM't4pljj) s I ' nt (ubs mm mm mm ' fi. II: Mi'Mrm mm. lit . le s- i -r-- mm you-pUaa- e mm' K'l j I I kmrnm well-nlese- , ,$m W'm tW'- na .f5 M.J ym 4.1 , . 5 ; . d - ! -- ovn rr 1 i u , , wflilPAPER, ctnPEL FURNlt . '.I i : n. uiiawuuutT l I i m I m j . i 0)0)0. LfaL2)LU, "4:-'- Mail j ! ; and m, liiam i I -- -- Spet. Dry i G. F. CULCilER & BROS. S ! BOOTS AND SHOES j ; . I. I. , Fine Cloths Wholesale in CARPETS Wholesale Wholesale Wholesale -- Bargains j GROCERIES, WINDOW GtiASS, PAINTS and CROCKERY, GROCERY. GLASSWARE, - c. 1- - nf. tr " I ; j Line of Tapestry Brussels at yd. at yd. Body at L05yd fThree;Plys : Extra Supers jat 95oyd at 155 yd. Velvets .at 155 Moguettes : I 1 - 1 m IMmctDieriH.SHpWi C. F. OULUER a BROO. NEW DRESS GOOD Cnts ! 3. S : bQi j Flil SUITSl M ;'orl' a. f:M ft : , H -- -- I IN : I i . LADIES' VJALIUHC JACttETO, - i I ! f ' ? -- . mSSES GINffHAli- DESSES, rr - , , p. FURrJITUtlE, " pieces choice PRnrrs , -- I yaed; -- ly-eig- M, i i I VAIIKER BROTHERS. they the best in the market. |