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Show t i j THE EVENING NEWS. Ih a letter from J ndge D. Tyler will m !1 :I if i i I. v ! May 19, IMS. SatafdAj, r I zditosUl gores. GenkrAl MoC'lallan. I it la aaM. ' in lUch rronl fair days ago for the IJfit time. . H started to snake this 'vhlt & 1S82, and ho been je&ra on th r o4. ,7 i Tfliit twenty-on- e ; (hat It would M jtor Harrard to grmoelal emplimwnt L . M J . uA I isaus. era i uegree Men give ''part&ineat made of apaperJs akin, taaneU under the administration of the moral and cultured classes of Massachusetts. no-rJt- 1 - 1 A I li 4 CASZ. be found eome account of the char acter and famllr connection of Belle Harris, who is now In the rttNTCo md rwustto iy penitentiary for refusinr to answer DESERET N E WS jcOM PAN Y. Improper que-- ) Hot' s put to .her by the Grand Jury of the Second Judi CHliLES W. PEXWJSZ, EDIT02. cial District. They were part Of a if! . "MXTXlt&i" I At tOVB O'CtPCE. -- 1. I : i : :; ? ,.if Japan claims to have the cheapeat ; pottage system . In the .world, the rite da. letters being: equal to one and ttvrivflftha cents. Bat allowing for ' the smaller value lor, money in the United States, and the greater die . tanoe, oar new postal' rate of two ' centa will be realty the cheapest evar r established. ''I'! : Nqt withstanding the decision by the Kned Ire's Judicial Committee In favor of the monopoly of the Sues programme arranged with a eptcial obiect In view. The extreme mea sures taken In bar case were the re suit of anger and vexvtlon at the turn given to the scheme by her (ft termination.- - She could not be badgered into reD'vins: nor friahten- ed by threat or fine and Imprison ment. She believed that she we in1 the right and the Grand Jury wrong, and had the grltto maittf her position. We hae no doubt of the correctness of her .views in this respect. At any rate the is prepared to stay where she Is a long as may be necessary to determine the Duint. And we are of the opinion that she will not answer . the Impertinent questions under any eiroumstanees; however, that remains to be seen. A We briefly pointed out last eve ning, the questions aaked ofT her wtre not lnj relation to any with crime, person charged nor ip any cjroum stance concerning anyone but herself. It waa her own social status that the Grand Jury was attemutlnr to in. quire Into, after compelling her at tendance. As pointed out by Judge Tyler, tfiat is very dlflerent to questions put to a witness who is voluntarily before ; a court giving evidence In favor of a chara-- she has pteerred. It was no busineea of the Orand Jury to Had out who-tner.she was married or sinirk: or If it was, that body had no right to compel her to Impart such inf prma Canal there can bet little doubt of the construction; of at least one uuif vwmi wuuMa fcie huiuiw uwt divides the Mediterranean from the ltsdBea. There Is more bnslness tbnij M de Ltwep'a tUtA. can accommodate, though It may be very tion concerning herself. We have not Imputed any inten. fairv drxxbted whether the promot er of anv new entarDrisa will be so tionally wrung action on the next oi fortunate as to obtain anything like J udge Twias, who sent the woman the favorable conditions extorted to the peultentlary for an Indefi 'from the Khedive by. Napoleon ILL nite period. But we think he erred. ; It Is not the first time that he and .v M There seems- - to lm no bottom and other J ndges.of District Courts have ; no limit to the moral degradation of ojuiidere-l- . rhey are not apt to err the repu Jiatlng States. A conU- - on the side of menrv In m. iim.. erable part of the great 'fund estab- mon," but are nervously anrloue to lished by Peabody to further the appear firm in- the enforcement of cause of tdncaliou In' the Soulhhas the law on the other side, In any been lost by investment in the ca-- e thai bears the remotest relation ' boatis of Btatea which are mean to The Judge ad polygamy. that enough to want to'ateal the money mitted the ladirent belilnging ta their; ,own children. wa appealable. An appeal was Thj bonJs lasued bjf Virginia to pay taken and he refused to admit for he erection of aj statue to Wash-lnjEto- the defendant to ball, although any have bean Dartlalrv remidlat- - amount was tendered. It la nro-d, and it la now announced that Wed In section 1053, Complied uiat rrom indictments In anv Association have ten lost In the but capital cases, appeal may be same way. made by the defendant lno bonds In such sum as the Oie of the most Ingenious adspta-.tlonli.- may ueiermine, eonditloned toJud&e abide electricity, recently intro- me juogmentof the Su Dre me Court. duced, Is that by uhlch machinery We think the Court erred In ralin wh4n In motion may be Instantly that the questions were proper, in atopped-- as in the case of an engine. we that the witness juagment A wire rope, coiled Jaround the stem should be imprisoned of the throttle valve of the engine, well as Uned, and in indeflnitlvad-refusing her earrjies a wtlght which la held in mission to ball. plaije by a rest, andj the whole we think this Is a r la tuch that the. passing seal asalnst txhnmV. misplaced of an electric current along .a wire We are sure that it will not havthA releases this real and cause the aealred effect. will not Intimf. It We'iffht tn fill. Th lanalnn thn date the so harshly trtated. lady thrp wn upon the wire rope acta upon nor others from whom It be .the throttle valve,! cut of the sup thought desirable to extort might Informa of team ; i .f - -- n r 1 t . F ' I of f t s " m. ill: M 'llh . . M , sLturday .. i mm tr d d. - : urw-x- -- j vou-nlea- . ae Bvlns T racedieriQ. . JANAUSCHEK. a eompaay of kiooemparabls esoolieao, beaded by Supported by MR. CEO. D. CHAPLIN t3f CMAXGE OI" JSILI. JfTOXTTXr.- Moedey, May 14th Mary Ptoart MAito Aetome.ie Tuejdar, May 15tb WtA Btoak Hooae Wettoaetey. May Mother aad Bon Taiinday, May 17ih Zllla FrtdayTMay Mih BatuiOay, Mat istb, at Stelook, Grand .Janoaosobsk Watines Saturday, Eventa-- May l.MMaebsth t Bacerred Seats eau be sseuiedon and after Thumlay. tH iota a 10 o'clock: a. a. AaasaeioB 91 uu, too. ana wa. cw in mill Butm, tio. extra. Seaaoa Tteketa. SS. loeloil. toe Itswrred Beats aw the 8u HWbta. : NATS. CHILTH. ManaMr. L A. M0B0KN8TFHN, e I Bnaneai Ketafemiinre; a V. I CLOTH INQ AND SHOR .T Z. acnrtes,sverslactlva and reapsota to katra bustasss. bis boys, 15 jsari of APT J to UUMXgtt, . k OKUAIW, KepaaerB VIOLINS OUITAud. and ACCOBDKON4, au Kinds 01 jHunoai iiMtrameots. Good WdrlnnaDsliloaiauaQtoed. Ret erauoe, Di u. Calder. dUOlm W LOST. rkBTWBBNTHK Cm RALL ANDTnR D tiat Ward, a told obain and looket. Tb flDdAr wlU pisaae ieavs theia at tbl offise aw on iiw uiruor. t MMMIM WARMING M nT. a.444. : '4 4- ! n-t- A- i -:- .--?- ; I ! " ha Bold by ill j TEIUUIIS " A BTBCIALTT. SALT LA KB t HAS. ! N, (SaooasaorstoMATLOtt akk --A Divf . rAt..aii la HABDWOOD, WAOON mA rmr V4 avaiartal w , EMlmatej alven oa saorteat Satlifaeilua mrAnteA rM. attended to aeMphons at oflke, f "v f 1220 Second South Street, AND AT BESTDKNOm. MATKKIAL. Ba. .: TBOl ami Farnitoi Vehicle itopoa aU Icfnds ImpiemaiU. Uone Shoeing n Speclnlfy 4I.4. ... Cml ww ! mnA jee fin. .vai44 a . 0 . ; LUTUI80LWL1 HD TLOOR 0L 31 TuOte Oltyj! JAM, ;OatS.;T. a J: TBOMSon ' - CLOTHS- - LADIES" ADD MISSES SHOES IH GREAT VARIETY. ' ! HOUES anfl FARUS : Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Shirls lies, uoiiars, Handkerchiets and Underwear for Men' and Boys. Stiest, bPtweea 1st and tnd South ' - .V 9 fci. Bv kakn. 8a kr at - Fsed Cutters, Chilled plows. Harrows, ami. and a otook of JBAuas far th3 same. . Jobbius Work a Specikltj. . Are Couatsmllw- Replenished with NEW GOOD, iJiLP SPBICS W b3.5 ; H1TEBS. ruuairs OOfirl 3TAKDASD BKIP2B3 AO eraad Detour Sulky and Hand Plos, . QoreesA Saedais and rnirivators. Grain and 4red Drl K ' ; mm 86 and 88 East Temple St., SALT LAKE CITY. CMABHATBU FBE:E3T BE0B1TE riFEBS, F13U. PLUMBERS, r..r. BKBT.ua. THOS. wj JENNIIMCS, . AOSNT8 FOB I ALSO, LIOBKSED ft nuaaa tkttt D..7ii7.Tr BBOSLt' pBt.nLXnDEl4ES. A FINE STOCK OF GAS Is THE LOW AT ItETAIL AlfD WHOLESALE. aeaDiftio Am.r h' :S PIIICES ISAYLOR A Calcisinen. Etc. HID : . W NEWEST PATTERNS. KTC. ji: PSW AND NOBBY STYLES. - PA11MTERS. rim boaui oi iHtti, OALT LAKE CITY 1DGLEYIS01 II1LL. EEIU1E ft ETO, hs' i CITr. saa rraoeiaoo, OuV tW" Orders rroeired by Telephone and ruauui a jjy nunuio. Paper-Hauler- s, ?3D CAPS, BOOTS JTJD SHOES, it Gents' Furnishing Goods. ta u, st salt lake city. P. MAUGETTS, KIOHARIMa j a sstttfaotory UililEE miTIIS aa A FINK PTOCK OF -- BUCKSMITHIHG WORK wa ivwvia'na HATS Troco'1 j YOU CA.N FIN OXiOTEEIliTa-- , OF KIND! Of Carrlnfj, ina riaar sooth ! ,- MANCFAOTTRAa , XMt, sJ iotro-dnoed- TT- ; I . i delink rr W euarant tb Grftd of this Tea to be belter than has bssu rsosially JOSEPH WALKER. this ony., Fold m auy quanitty (tor vauiiomia wm uepot, StAta Rotd, ThrM-fouTt,iiu.uv 4,. of Block i' . , ' w ikavner ffull tub wawaf . Ta.4a.uA pa nted CUP aud BAU0BB of bandaom nTsaei VHfiRB (Laej aYaiMssr ty Dtmrtt Carvidgs eed WevoaOa) Domd Bewfih ikiai WALKER JOSEPH UNCOLORED JAPAN ' ' -- EW SHOPS ! end A.ront, Strength j At a.jXtavor, .LAKE OliY. BAX.jp J ALL JNeW Or i T-- ;.' OARRIAGEO SAUCER SPRING WAGONS, O-- e-, , H. B. C LAVSON, dl32 LANS AND ESTIMATES rURN.SHKD. Jobbiug- - promptly attend i to. Black airiui naweia, tuuiutera una Balls kept m Btallr. Shop South sids North Tempi (Jordan) ret. lMtifbJouk west ol West Temple treat. P. O. B ox SSi. dUSlm AND OF- - ; t&" A Thermometer fumtehed with each Churn. ' Fat Bale by L ?: . r Minutes. & CO.; Carpenters, Builders & Stair Builders COP J Store alf va t. roaix. Arena, WM. ASPER .' h BUTTER Made in from, to three one-and-a-h- City Marshal. . I i. HEt1 Ali--i .. im - wm. -- : ' - The Breakwater Cinrn I - lt ':..- THE F.AMOUS Ttr 44 4 t4. miinN!l 14 dtoidv U . 4.F 44 " any ed atralast dumping rubof speoies bish .or tilth of an; offensive: or unbealthfol ahaiaAter nnnn An nf ih. mm. I. thim and any peraon auod eidUy of the same will od ynjMWMjMvau uuqer 4 no orojoanos OX I' eul mluliw tn Milunm.. Notice is also siven that all parsons ass prohibited from throwta- any aibe, sarfaa. dross, cinders, shells, straw, barlo, dirt or to m"J, KJUU wamm id any a Croat, aiaewaiK .anon, sine, auey or puDUa phms la thiSOItT ,'exospt at such plaoa as ssaubsaes. tmnAtaS It th. 8tM4 fliiiMwImw niuiw - tw at SJlflae fiir eaah olhnM. Anoaxw Bxrar, T.r. a4 hw Mi tt ontaxa 10x20 rods, ooroar of Sixth Vast aud Twirian k a Hotitbstreeta, one block nnrth of eetimtMoo rws, ma .iwimu oroeeni umir of nearly KX) rrult trees, of rood quanty. ail baariaf abundantly; pteoty of a(nail fruit, 441 1L4U47I U, 414. 444J Ml elll V J 1' mi The watve Is under tbe albaet eulttratioa a good well ako on the premises, a substsn- iwi hiu hwhi wvm jxppiy uu lai J. T. WILSON. Bait Lake City, April S3, 1883. Rlg-bt- i. v SALE. JLTOR nnrran rrsjerr a D. Wa wa x Yyi ) ytC vs4 City, - i no, a. nja. u. IF YOUR ORGANS a ant or Tora musical instbu menu are out of raoatr. take them to WJUnKs U1CIN, Mf uommereiAl m, r't of Utah. Lake : . a, III I j - MR. ALEX H. STUART. ' 1 14th. XoMstmnt ertraardiiiary otntbe a tea test . ? IVXatixxoe. i MJvatTmAY f f i FOR SIX NIGHTS . ... BY TELEGRAPH. : iiaVEbly's OPERl UOHSG. WiLPR i men-tioAe- d. i j i ( and opnseqaantly Btopa tion not otherwise attainable. It is the wrong age In which inMtnn an Inquisition. And the eeniten- wary Will not work In the dlmati. souRht, any more than did the thumbscrew and the rack, and other rt memoes to compel desired tenti. buttons can be placed In every mony in medTse val times. Due care room, or several of jthem la a large win be taken,too, that the infamous I as mav room, - - w be reaulred. DANIKX TYXaER. r Should-- tactics vainly resorted t in th ; . , to be caught by the cunton aflalr, In order to happen any.one .I I 1X3 3D uie Minpie pxiwaing or m mmuij ne squeaJe3," will"squeeae xuyiimerj, not be BaowxiNO-ToNaAIn Luton the inoa distant part of repeated in this Instance W. On Msy 13ta, 1883, by Bst. J. V. Knewles. Wm. James Browolor th4 factory will quickly atop the' of the opinion that in this and other aod Him Yirctoia Coorad, bothat Bait lake vaioe cases that may be " ' . City. attempted, it will be found that It I vain to strive to A IX E 11 1 C AWCJJBST BELICS UT 'fiOSTB stay or sua the stubborn tori en t of a ' CAKOIISA. woman's will; -. ... Jack. At AX p. sa. oa liar 12Uu 18KL ran see win sba win. Terrible Celene. County in North Qaro jv of Henry W laaurt son of Sarah . Til- ta. a. bemuie link has contributed quiet recently aad u she wont sb wont, so Umts's I. cy a. poMimoaJa, f1tm 4.U o., in wooas aaa uenry Jack. 1 year, aa clone viujitvfl. over this vicinity last DMotbs and says, ,. ena wrw 'some valaable.rellca to the ethnolof . passed j: night, doing an Immense amount of Funeral from first Ward Asssmblv Booms gfciil treasures of the Bmltnsonlan damage to property and killing sev am a, ca Sunday snornln. f rlanda are lutitltution. . A party of investigv The wind took a L IMeUoUy tavttsd. j: .r SISBUSSEmNT OF THE eral. tioin had been eent to that region, in course and followed up southeasterly Bait Crek. ' SCHOOL TAX. in wis county, on wnion line many eoasequenoe of , khe finding of. a Vfood cup" in a locality where Wb have received the annexed nii'Ju houses were utterly destroyed. About six miles south of Clinton COUNTY TAX SA1E! otier relic had been dlaoovereot munlcaUon on a which we the wind tore down a hcuse, killing subject The party cam across several preU supposed was by this Urn thoromrh Peter Clifton, hi wife and an eas a aa blstorks mound icontainlng a large ly understaod; but It TIE1B TKRRTTOHI AL, oi-- i anu wj aringeight an W wrf aaugnier appears that In year A child. other Ben named family o me instance oi eiiaea. Hakeri inrilM elth r the law Is io.ito were Injured seriously, and fmu a.im vms, amonntina; to Xalrtssn iyf formed heals, some burled In mlsappreliended, or it is wilfully ig- nison mere DMlsjs,ieiBloimpsia. or .otner lamuies less. many stone eepuijlirej, encased around nored; Names could not be secured. Dam fait Lake Oouaty, by vtrta at UN aotbor-- . with h rock, without any aooompanyvested tn na btite nMWnu.1 a. ages very great. ' IsOQAK, Cache County, - L A 4. damaa-19. ox toe rrrtto The Sprlncfiekl. ituioe, mw ohuers oejng eut-f Mig ITtah. 4tJ.4 aeranoiT a.4. p May 18th 18S3. la caused by the eye' one storm which of rounded by pipes,' tomahawk9tshelii, Editort tfaa TBrrttorr of ntma thm kv ' vUUed this section of the State last dim Dttertt Hew: , ; CXwntlM Uamnf." ihimih uri moio, mma a tarn erewnqptouis caweto. hare night was more wppalling than at IsviBd Will, von (have th Vhln. upon tas toilowlaa; namsd property, tc first form the supposed. Assuming state whether it is lawful to tnm aoy of a Of south of AH this Just balloon, W TaflL In nirwilr rv44 -l the huge many, con; Hurbiua or use territorial jVithout noticing to It appropriathe northeast with swept bbk city, riuA of lmi city or ftlnlloolisA wise the tion for nw mln4i. -' rent, nr oat win be sold, or se moea thereof survey, t Jecfurea as may terrific velocity, followed by the which oth r than the Us Tan 1? of aad Ooms, at of the teachers? two race the payment jaay oerning originj Jil08"? usual of vividness electricity. It Puouo AuovkJQ. la rroat at the Ckktint rvm thia represented, we will merely ap- and soblige' a1 fla.lt lAk. dm. nn .k4 .WtJ struck the ground on Blilah lies " rJOHOoi. Tbustxk. I 4W M M uous hi. farm, south of Junction 'and laid pend an account of the most curi- - The revenue ' ' QetX CBISMON, OoDsetor. law nrovldea that waste hree dwelling houses and Oenftmm t ous bf the relioi tiiua unearthed.! j maw. rw.nwn. . barns outhouses. at and Mr. Lake many on the dollar ahsll be WtaTiaii' aia7 T two-stoc7, ry 4fVhree ,jitUd"stoneUbcat three millsaaseesed r bouse, a large brick eesst upon all taxable buttling, was entirely demolished, three feet by one and a half, oblong, annualry rouskded on the edges, and having in property In this Territory for the and a mile further to the northeast the centre, on um top surface, tenant of dUtriot aehoola. Also the house of Mr. ISnglish waa ruth DENVER AM RIO GRAHDE ruond depcaidu large lessxy torn to pieces, everything enoughoor--to that the tax shall be dteburaed ac-- snout nold avhen'a egg. These etonee dethe 1 place being entirely respond with the specimens des- oordlny to the provielans of the stroyed. Mr. English waa crushed school cribed in the third volume! of law. It is provided therein and wangled by the falling timbers. M .North' American Ethnology . and that all moneya thus After Demolishing Mr. English's THE K1W accruing shall home, i art) auppoaed by the learned in soon hurricane seem to have the oe to trustees the of mawters to have fbeen paij therespetv raised and rushed onward over three F0F3U1 BOQTE aa ' Indian emplya cr lalar-- t Uve districts traeording to the schoo or four miles too high f to do mneh sepulture m a kind ' or lsow ait sob tribal badge to indicate eonaanxnla-li- y population thereoT. and It then struck the earth damage. between tribes living in localities "aid moneva ahall he' not that : roar: east miles of agam the k. where city ' remote from each other. Becoud the trustees fat Darin c school the little settlement of Round Four "food intact and cups, la situated end rla- ed havoa . eutire a ' very rare find,) as ers during the year following the frame ' Uvea with and property of the OOJDJEX, SALT LAKE, one In which It4wa aeaeseed and farmers in that there axe probably not over one rmn. vidnlVy. The first LEADVILL.E, dred perfect specimen in the Unit. collated . (See Laws of 1880 -farm In the track of the storm was p, tttatet. These were ed Itel cut. Mountnln, Gunnison. of Wm. that Contrail. placed waa Bee v 84, 19)J. It Is clear. then, that It - at the mouth of the dead himm if, wle and a hired brave, after the territorial school copied by SAN JUAW 1HNIHQ . DISTHICTS, tax can be man. xney saw the fearful he was interred, filled with foo4 lex engine hi nee in hie Journey to the happy lawfnlly need only for the payment of destruction approaching and took hunting grounds. Third Three or of teachers. But to put the matter refuge In the cellar. Here thv Asd aBpotots en taa eatit system la fear large conch ehells, veritable sea beyond dispute it is further weathered the storm hi safety whlie providthe noose, v barn, trophies, the concave surfaces of the Dtah, Colondo ind Hew Meiico. i leave of which were entirely flUsd ed in the same section that Mnch fences and stock were oVatxoverf ZZ ' ' j with moneya shall not be need or dis- killed. The buildings of the Hon. B. supposed to W AMD Aim the history of eome chief or bursed for any other purpose than wm. iMosirand. Mr. McVeasb, UONDAY MAY 214. I of tribe. beads that for which foxth Stringa Henry HoghetL Bamoel Aahu.n they are paid In. a Jas. and copper, ' composed of eea shell Trotter, Bay, Henry .The object of adding this clause ruTte-- , HanryGeorge Falrbeok and Sam. upon strmgm.J Heneaih waa to out of A" was It akeieton'fl head the were torn down and great Dv fM SiTal of tou. fwwZr I jT.ti7,; Grubb found a lawful pow use put beads in a most wonderful er of the trustees to withhold cash damage done thetr other proDertv. aulngof state of preservation. Thla country from the teachers, paying them in nwuwa, AJie., ia.A o'clock "22u5 last night a tornado which raused has been settled for orex one nan some other and the way thxee using about mile east of and within here and dred that fifty years, demolished IJvlncstone II betotally xjewtime no Indian i buriala nave ten money for Ughtr, fuel tralldtnf trm wbloaod T'neiiw i ulaia i known here. JNow, beneath ; the any other purpose whatever, thus residence, edangetoaely- - miurtns: skull of this Indian were found a securing to the teachers a certain Mr. Livingston, other buildings In trmi Pml44 TWh. f? the Obd- the vicinity were dtatrod u3 considerable number of beads, copper amount of money for their serrlcea. chard injured. Of a construction antl shell, and several pieces of cop mean are needed for the build. crew, composing about twenty-fiv- e If per The copper had caostd the " a bring upon which the beads Wire Ing or repair of school houses, or the or roe Bpringneja ana couth Eastern ViUsatSrlfpTaa. 6jrins ' near Mra. mm ttmn uwe un ror. . ai. mmam B1ds Company attached to corrode, and 'there thev support of district schools, or any 4fkRailway . aa a & Atttx aa m a nmi... f "". am- uunvv " nouee, .were still stxurg together upon it school purposes, the law provides large barn, ail wereajecping be to seriously Injured wot neck! around the Beneau and Oaal Mine, leave 'ami ' hung redy ' ' TLi tax cot exceeding two and two Instantly klUed. j. striag, unJecajed as J zaodar-atxl- y that . .... m Jacksonville, Illinois, if.Morgan mm to t a rzadacf per" centJvper ;annnn may seecl tiros, ' Ooonty experienced last evening tbe two stranda cf. popkr tcilr. rrd was be .aatesasd, bj j . tvo-thirdisastrous wind storm ever "doubled and twisted as c as a , vote of the property tax-majority In her history; In the .city BESSY WOOD, known : thread mill ccuJd Co lU Together cavers present at a meetmg called there was ; asrt A. X LaxZZZT conalderahle wind and M was found about with it fien--l -rwTl'i tiandiul HZa no but of destruction some-and 1 rain, 4 la . But it for that rjurpna.,cf hnman hair.' ply ui maoninry. JButtons, witn wire connections, ara placed indifferent parts of the work, and on pressing any one 6rtheee the passage of an elekrlc corn nt acta as above In any factory, these eleo-t- Sr t nrorertv. On Grass v Prairie. miles south, farm houses were destroyed, a man, a boy and two children killed, and others injured. Southeast of the city, along the line of the Jacksonville and southeastern Miieav. mnffl damasw m leponeu. Km v Franklin the storm was fear At FiBgah tb fully destructive. Ox hcUH, barn and orchard ofwife jJaa. and lev war swept away, his . .klMra mrnnl-- inlared. . At VUU4UVI4 WoodIawn,where mere was erawv severe tornado inreo years gy, the railroad depot was destroed and mm Klram rrnm the traCK aUU Into atoms, the track being paruany torn up. The worst or tne ci cioue, was some nine ever north of here on the Peoria D...k null"" ih. w.huh. ne siorm waa in the shape of a column and struck the south part of the town at the southern edge going northeast, m h ujpwj mnmam the Lnainess reel-. dence portion ox toe puww fOUr Stores, W ling AiTmt Mnalf ahnns and 18 dwell ings, Usides injuring much other At mxs. uauuii property. h.M im mm and one daurh- Another in tared. were Anodaughter, aged 22, wasw kUled. that of her ther ruined dwelling -aafe. son Dr. b. uman, wno, wij i. - hm Mtv noanltal here. fatally interandboth are THE CASE AND CHASACTES nally injured.probably HI seven months old dauahter waa killed Jme OF BELLE HARRIS. Stephenson's house was destroyed his wife killed. Mr. and Mrs Salt Lake City, 1883. and r TTnlWtrt. an and COJDle. l.Sl w. May 190i, their liv. tin thetr wrecked home, ; Editor Dferet JV 'eunt m akin ? five dead m the town and Three 100 injured. I have irreat pleasure In answer probably ing the question: "Who tKu. will nrnnaliWr diev is Belle UarrW" JOelle Xiarriii la xtAOUia, wis., w. 4Bramw daughter of Charles Harris, son of tkia ninmlnv nnlv Bfrrvea to BWell mer Harris, brother to the list of casualties and make rhon- the late Martin Harris, one of the three weeping the destruction occasionea witnesses to the Buk of Mormon. hv tK4 n.MAna Inst niirhL. It 1 POW SS were killed and Her parent are early and highly re known that fully1&0 houeea Cemol-ieheenacted citizens of Utah The char 100 injured and Had the cyclone struck the acter Of the family la beyond suspicion for virtue and Integrity, and business centre the damage woumj I devoted to their religion as juaiter- rtnt Mtllv have t.Mn calculable. At seven Union Western all were the believe Junction, they day Saints. I born in the Church. Belie is and miles wet of Racine, many houses the- were carried away and one young always was a firm believer inMarman killed. testimony of her great Uncle t.u LLt.tr la. and la ae voted' lu all of the doctrines of the Church of which she has always been a highly aXCVKSlOH , TO OOnES, DEO DBA "li TlOX SAT. esteemed and respected member. 8he is Intelligent and industrious An excursion wlUleave the Utah The present unhallowed persecu Puntr.1 ni.nnt nn WMlUfiMIV MAT 7 1(1 a. m. Tickets tion is t e only intimation l ever 5tnth ira. i u return on anv train mav sum heard of her reputation being ques tioned. As to ner marriage rela or 81st with the privelege of laying tions I need not Inquire, nor would over at any of the lniermedlate it reflect any credit to me aa a law stations. Fair for round trip 81.60 4nnM ttnketa before 8 o'clock nJ m. yer to entertain the remotest doubt Mtxtt sfl.h at C K. Bavace. J.I H. m to whether her answer to the D. O. Cal question a to whether she was Pmm. rtavnai A Coaluur. married or single was a privileged der, 8. P. Teaadel, Auerbach A Bro. olo. it matters not whether she is (spencer XUmDaii or waiaex jpxoe. viewed a a plural wife, prostitute, a sec single wire, or no wire. l nave ai ue.is.TOD.rLiAiiN OKaTlOBI AT, ready stated that her character is beyond reproacn and that point All entries for the five mile go-a- s most not be.forgotten. race on Deoorati. n Day B.lle HarriN stands upon a higher at Calder'a must be made by the L. 1 plane, and In keeping with her high- 28th. er nature, and as any virtuous lady a for any of the other races Entrk should da, says to the Jury and the can be made on the 80th, on the Court: ''Gentlemen, you have no grounds. legal right to ask thia question and f decline to answer It." The quesACID PHSSPHATS tion Is an insult and vile insinua- KOI rOBBfi eSe. Ia PeeeeaieVeMey. tion of departel virtue; and yet O. Dr. W. 8. Defianoe, Powell, were she a public prostitute no such satis used It have with says: 'I or question j eithtr single conglomer- Cactory results hi drape tic ailments ated as hers waa would ever be associated with great mental depres asked. Whoever knew in a single sion or deaponuenoy." deod court of free America, such a quesAsw. tion to be put to a femalel who was court without her into dragged A CAEJU. oonsenir xono answers, wnor' Hlaatemeai te the Fro. The court records may be; searched M. Barlow Pioneer Dentist of Ja. will in vain, except hi some of the fanat- Utah give a full set of plain ical courts of Utah.' ror teetn case an unmarried recta nta. io or gum teeth I admit that in Fm-(jaii and see mm woman has illegitimate Issue from mediately. claims and support her sedu'er, such question would be i. 1 BCBTDRIKS. legally proper and would be aeked We have best .furni stock the of as a . her necessary by attorney, foundation to the establishment of ture in the city, also refrigerators the plaintiff 'm claim, but who and baby oarilagee, " which we will ever knew of a Court dragging such warrant. BaKRATT-Baoea woman before him and compelling her to convict even her paramour Stetson's Fine Hats Sorely consistency la a Jewel. The object of this communication at DUKTOKD'S. Is not to question the sincerity of Judge Twias. I em not yet con " trtasi mm taw verted to the belief that he Is design at taw -- ntmm ita reesle,n edJy wrong, notwithstanding our Oesite a Ceey. wide legal difference on this point, but must set bis action down as one For Furniture of all kinds go to of those errors he so sincerely and W. JVLADHONTi la to. liable often has stated be times difficult or Inconvenient to assess a tax for the small expenses Incidental to the management of schools, and as in most cases a tui tion fee Is ceoeesary to make up the full amount required ,for the pay ment of teachers, hi addition to the sum received from the territorial tax, it la customary in many dis tricts to have the tuition fee cover those little expenditures, a full ao- oount of receipts and disbursement being rendered by the trustees at the annual school meeting held on . the second Monday of July, But it should be thoroughly un- deraiood by all trustees that they are not at liberty to use the proportion of the territorial school tax which comes Into their hands for any other purpose whatever than the payment of school teachers, and that it must be so paid during the year following the one in which the tax was assessed and collected. Any departure from or evasion of the law in this respect If improper and on FULL STOCK OF OVERSHOES, GOOD & CHEAP. - rt. .1 .f 4 . TIIIS-C01TIIEIT- FOR SALE f 1 I 1L n 1 NI(m H0U8K ""y.." OF TWO a e, ebnos fruit immmiWs Sslf. y ts. , A Oflfl -- wv? a rwans eauoaJS Street, T , 3 PEIJI1I0, IENVEir, tern. out-tmildin- a i t. ae-clar- e ng . in ImSL ; 1 rr 111 - 1 . 2 ""V?" I ' sat.. j . i ds 4 uen-ittar- t. f . - - - f 4- $150 ArffwDBN I 4 at mt. vea , t - 4 .. i.e.. titFrZ?or " . ."V Mixed I4lutA4, mtUle lo - feu. iuui. ibju. t ,i ? Prepared from the choicest S500 Imt Orehard, all hj Fruits, without coloHna. noU aajantt a AJQtRr bnaw Ws B aJUnea, gonous oils, acids, or artificial ampls wata UaaC Etvtenrcs. Alwjty uniform in $2500 An5K;. "E .42 strength, without any lui-terrttumA or impurities. Have gained their reputation from. thetr perjert pttrtr?. tttrtwfew strrrtfth tintl ttttntittf. AximU-WMB1 imimiWmmmVSt ted by uU vho hnvo ttsed th em mo aetieate, grateful as and tontnral flavor for cakes. te fmddinffnf creamsTetCm llanujucturea by lixi itiisTs .. ; . , . PniCEa . Cs SL Louis, 2Z&. Chicago j Jlldi IXaiers ef XatpuXia Teast Oems, ur. rxw"Dr. wh Aasxmj iowa Frioes TJmme ?re &r, asd C2EZZJ K3ZZCGZ2 W Wa ihjTTsNaa iftL 9, J?1 west of the titm.tZ 1 m mm D - wavlnsaBAi 4 ... mm e w erv aww mm, m CSJLZ$ J - . HtUt IslL. EJkTRAiDTSl I ( raiBmai. A HtW ADOB1B HOD8K OF aaa PUUeu.eoAl mtmrnm - -- DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, ETC. I aaaaaeaaaeaaae 9 - 3 ; , : $ r - e f |