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Show EVENINGTEWS cHamUri 'W the gria. pyramid Tne firBt Is, that Jew, though nrve rroiaimajf , Woe unfo Itral, who watch upon the .boujw-to(Every aoond Is aTolce thif ia gone, he has the wealthevery Itothsohil a of UUt aUiS 'tOU)gi Da shall swell the the touch ' of ' aninem," aay loaf anlshed fiann learns a .trade or profession. ' and J, Is oome to revsa, and for " and i'How baautiful upon the mouna'ns C - hasever eryacene a phantom- Ifke the therefore able to subsist wtthout always thsa been aie tne reet or them itxe ''ahadow ah pea of memory.". Every doing unlawful deeds. The seoimd Pifefved-:- f glad warning Tad such been the IkJlnra." Then ahal the Prte- -t a- form cryataljzed with ageanddaai, 1B their, extreme clannish nees, of psj?sU6iorx-.orFfirtnin . s I anycther, peopia i vnoe from the Temple, ahdjasthe' l r j 1 the. aooamalatfaam of nmltlpllad which we have spoken: a feelinx of Ji jr. "JFATailK, TAKE IIX HAID.,, cdntarka CTB lie upon Ita re xrda, while true of a touch cf feel leg circuit the winds aud utterly on- - ois cenwr aaa chant: para, f SYMPTOMS OF A'-- 'H tm way is r i, var rihr. iCIOOdODI olood its very nerei are uoary with a that sympathy, makes the whole race kin. And tuovn. in is itipy-itav- e accomLlieh redeemed IsratJ, Joined"Holy, U ita Qod naoelea anUqoitv. Bat of Israe It is a : pity that there Is not more ear vny y tne m ms luoDoro numi for ia caibr c tuoklr Cer my heJ,anl loud And j as T the Heavams gjrjca they tcame Tba tbaDdeia roar Abvo ma. Sea 1 aud as ciannishness or the same kind with tenance of tbehr convictions, and In hnldever." their tbm people shall breath, Lom ef Ajroatlta, Bewals Mtir, ' Like oze bw Ati41 FatberL Ukm BtAod a took themwfreethe nation the balance of the world. In prao tnu uwauueas nevouon to their nrm respond in revsrtnee:., tipon hand. sin la tha Haedwit a dalf an-aattaj PIGJRO!l. VHoly,'hory, ; . SPLICE; charset eristics of 'The ticai Wandering anon and drawn haw 4An4Uuouffc tba f loom ia the Uck cart. Fain ander It ciplas cnanty ,lhem they philanthrophy, we Jew.V tmt honlder fnnn a; weu ; for the Christian sejveaijwneeaikms more harrlbio ileaven and earth a-- fall of His after blade, 4t design Baying little, would jlead taiclr bona a dialnoHnatioa ke exwill regard them as they hare been world tobe, aatin, ofwith Imbibe a few lessons from than th'.'ee of tl Jhf uisiUon. dan- EL ertion body or nund, Irritability f t,;f':. Binoe men. iH' klnd hat never Ptieo able to fathom it the lorty cerotion f tamper, Low aplrite, with, a f their Jewish of, Ike -f ud lb day Fmlber, ray nrs. nht ine In iacc mat auikea ua : '1 h :, ( or appreciate their: devotion to their having neglected eomedaty, i la rc V MMrinMs drAwlog darkly down. My aaltbleaa aU being peculiar; about them ia how neighbors. TOlsr.inaa, KlottaHn. at naa com a iew raitn; t.ba, tnrougn. 0 every storm fine upon passion tha haart, LoU beura th.a Vfcloui-fcara, Ecccbotttr . fotral baal, nearly th aaaae has been their no suffering brother and ow Bkin, Ueadaena nnwJf over have ( pavsed Eucompaca m. o, Father, tAka say bAnd, merioal atreDgth in every aie. To mm the part of a good Samaritan, tbey the right j.IUauDMt, with fit- avifieranea lr ttie Ladce cf all tot i And from the nlgbt f dreams, hbjbly colored Uria, I; .'..-day, if eatlmatear be time, they nam waum it is orien too true tnat there their race,'' nnui "the patence of a fBRAT'd "flBBiT KXrt7BLlCl Lead up to bht A D H. V ad jut seven minions, or aoeord mainder of the . work! act toward J ew has become a proverb, 1 ,Thy iCa ' .." ' W. Ami P. ANFORTn, Prket. Q. BROWN. OkN'i Aa w '""! ThyobUd. SimtX Piicllo, Colorado:' ing to an estimate that I have now their brethren the part of the Le wait and watch forth time when Diwer. Colorado. . vurxeetea before me, about the' earn e aa they vi te, and as a general dd ikimi. imtmI ,i not only tbey ahall again be ,(,. .... Biue-ma- n bo way bj loor, my Father, And my aoul thing, I or tne world. 'Tha.fin.at In did me the te sneb iOf time of caaae, theae deae f. L'ttg for thi reit and .lasted a Withnn ;Dvhl.t nut imin tne ancient look their lor. spun py ouier ard aide, tba of foal. about nve muiiona are in EaroDe. the other way it keep from seeing shlna with their old glory; The mp ever eOeTed at the .m. IS DO. 4toal7W tha raft'rtr. f V"nf M ifvi'i a 1 with a large hand book. 200 "na. Jiuruey tbr jugb tbla waary lAad, two hundred thoaaaml in Tb loereMt Ua A PMtlU.UI aaaaa one rear or World has persecuted tbtm without Atla, them, for naving their habit d!20 Keep me from wAuderL)r- - Jatber, ta'ie iuy uuuurwa , vaouaanu . an immense: amount of W Wasatch Iu!Uing, H dt Lake City, .tJUh. . And ual tranquility disturbed, as it were. amy rear i ror tney wuMJumg in tnl tr UmI Toal Arrica, f ra wemrlaWaa, retrieuuon, o ;, lniormatkm thrown. g aa I)1,mUt br.t Action ' a about million and a half in Amer the' Jews have always been nave always known that behind j Quokly aid athtiabt ara produced.6iiu, Again, Joseph Hyrum Pasbv. lea. 'And at all times their numbers a! talented people. Many of the thin people there was no powerful Lead to Bearra'a cata Book and- - Maws - denot. below ., i been have approximately' the same, government- of the rorkl have been government to protect its remotest a by cbUd. And a.thougha. in all reepecta tbeV served by tb?m in the most august Cftiz9na rrom tnsul. and lnlory; and KAIR BYE. TbapatbtaroufWinyFAtbeE. . . i Many attorn uatw wen me wonaer or tiw'ory nndj tolls of State. In olden Umei It was knowing that i tfac'. -- h r. AvaaJLkciE, a a to aai Haiba oa Olooct --sv vi ibexn Wair (hurt rr . . . of tbla Dra. It' Baa pie rood me; and my wejuy teat, Ail tora have flUed a large and t. honored the Custom of eastern monarchs to cowardly feucv b, anuria' acpUoatloa i to take advantage enough U bfaedinAT. And to AUImu4Hi attention tba aoeathen asaik Yat adyertaaevl wayJi m in Thy a a tbie cbronlcJes tbe of make avui of tximw He their courtiers ly. t or by space I'ruralitta, nations, young heresyr that ment, aud prom ke "flit, proclaiming j' . . S 1 .60. mAnd polite aatentien tbey are to - day the a aae . peculiar btew captives, both for fidelity and fmlgh maki b rlgb t."-- - To the ana aa m curat bt.1 sr. t. Bida ma preja fjrward.' FWtbar. tako" 1 uwest to rt-all rrics. their prices my people they ware three thousand capacity. Such an one was Daniel, Jews have been dealed n )lltical and rbns. iirUKTlKM.WbnMiM m ,. , s .. . M .n 1 CifciKm Sii W aili aIUa falS J f'-'no had voice mo. have h the i. f and year king's rights. Hexeklab, als) dyii They J i f f . ' "ii r "lj 1 A ltf '.. M Tbeo taTa and bkai, and many others. ' This f jt mi vie govern uien' whose laws tbey t Though proselyting batteries have i been AiaTSf asi .i evaa.ai.j, l, (:..., Leadui to rest turned upon them and the would be more conspicuous were It were to otv. They have been so Oae new medtaaa Brick Howelabt a or panecation opened not true that they were foroed not Cdtlly o tracked' unless i they Would ' They; have Pwm ofuynwinwy,wiwii-Tba throua; is enrnt. my Fa'.ber. Many a they are lhe same in habits ni only to suppress, and In many eases give op their religion m religion, but to discard been deuied tbe rights of inteUigent thought, mind,, person aad feellag abjure their doubt 1 front 45alSU eonto savour of r u. t '.. Israel tblnk and their tbe had beings j lot.r; tnaiw iney, nve ever. teen and.! all that speak Aod taar aind dnrer oompaM ma About, one building 27il81.1 Also, thento foroed victims. times been have came oft is very about Js the the world them, They and over, . :' Audueaopprtiaimaaora. I oaonot staod .yi. v.vi... nit-'names. And in later times among lite in garrets and ceibtrr; to leav j Abo two other building loUc.i72 ft saving idm 1 do not tay Jt as it Or to Atou. O, Father, Ute buy bind. lz. 18t and 112; T'.'l of the world many ftelr dead nutmrled h O.'t have Jn a ssually aldas reproachj.but quite the distinguished And tbr.jOA-- tbo New with tlustc tionselned the reverse, for ft only shows liow Jews ihave stood foremost. Hal easlHe hi 1 ked the only dirges that II tm w t a. an true they have sbeen to tbe faith France ever a greater Marshal Wer roundrd over ' their desolate etc. orni ana o staueu eisnie, - Ask far tba . iwTby ebBd. j ., wol res howled and their a Maseena? ?' than only greater graves, England they profess. Cerrw gated Slav to oommence at 2 pvin., M rhich common idea of the Jew la Premier than JJiaraehi.7 .Did matter requiem. Yet, in au tneir distress, 24! Bale188S. S'lae Llbew. it My eras ia bcAry, FAtbtr. I bare borne First We. t let i a b, was Ark nen nets sucn nana their one. mistaken ever tsrma In general only pavll very magw bear M. Let my worn tqucn wiin rte tb Beat Btt- - ItAndtoo. As4 atld do rkte 1 lfth and Sixth Routh street, r 'r 14 when as tbose of birds mono of chorda ion; as the a man can who raven?, land blest slumbering to tb a pe regarued j it aptr feJutipf wlthOulcfc Pafea. Has actor ever gloom, were croaking their most Wbera crowua Are given. Father, take my rame hU face for all occasions; who does llubenstein? "i j" I", ; y t f t hi j cau act wuu uapii uty, and at the played upon the soul's passl n like j qismAi not; a hen owls f the night kaud, UAoftb Storm. PBSTB EXCIBISN Tal BcreBmed their dooai; when bore ume time assure you thu he is an fJerDhardLor philosopher gone deep And rcAcli'ug- do ra T arone or ror : me ever: er tne g As itseir a seemei into for bonestmaa. fit trea, row a man, mysteries Jearniog 14 toThytbachild. sons, stratagems, and spoils; the than Spinet 7 And among modern like a tush ing wavo, and Its last low On .Wednesday, May Orh, ati motion of wnoee nuit isv dull as educators a Jew tn 'Charge of the notes waaaereur in rrob en aocen ta durskm wiU leave W e Utah Oatrkf Cwnaumptioii (ttu Be tr urod i .". vfLi;i.-fTil 2 ANSWER. i on tbe air and died to on eoho,larael, Depot at 7 a m for Provo. . J'jre foi nul.f,tJ ir.t ;t' j eight, and whoa, affections dark as greatest Turkish university is ' fore- - conrldeut of lo tore brightness, has die round trip. $1 7ClehiMrvn Under I be way fa dare my ebslJ, but JeadJ to I'.rbt Erebus, or a he ia described In the mo3t. Ana not only is it true tnat ever Bung; 'If I! forget thee, O 12, half fare,,rwlth, the privilege of I won d not alwaya hsra taee w: by ahti lofty words of Antonio: "I pray you these great lights of latter days bare ,(,: think you a lestion With ths Jew. been Jews, but It Is also true that Jernsale u, m y my right hand for stopplaav off at i any JaUrmediaba My deaUiui bow tbou aunt not uodersuai. Yoa may as. well go stand upon the many others distinguished, though get her cunning, v With a past bo point.' 'Tickets; good for return "on meant Hao; but I will take thy hiod, eaca ana Did toe ma'n nxd bate not so prominent, in every Ksonoas, weira, ana tragioai, Israel any tran on May 80 Ja or 8 1st; Ann tbrojca taa gxnna i roecure your tickets before noon of bis usual height. Vou.mav as well In life, nave had the blood of Israel most 1 ve and return t Zl m. litoly Avmb ese question wuu tbe wolf why in their veins..1 While upon the i Prentice tell Ua that in the hnaii- - May 2ftth. at Bavarels Art Baaar. MycbUd. With or WAbout be hath made tbe ewe bleat for the commerce of the wot II the Jews, In tlful drama of Eon; the hope of lm D. O. Calder'a and Day oes A Coal 'XyATVU attAchments, are without Tba day aoea fait, my eblld. Bui to tba lamb. . You rs Musks Stores, or Z C. MM. may as well forbid the proportion to numbsrs, wield an in mortality so freuuently uttered tby Ctraf ConaaraptJoB, CoMa, PaenncBlA, iv; lr Jv;excepUoh th. i Ufeek. find deep ftig Store, td mountain pines to wag their high flaence greater than all others. the laflaeaxa, Broaeblal U.moaJUea, fcroncbi-tl- Darker to ' ? tbea d than y Ia me la Y.gW In Haraaeeaa, Athta&. Creop,; Whoop no and of wealth rival in make soul response them dome the noise tops when titer evety thoughtful e & iag Coagh, and all Uitrtw of tJa Breatb-lu- x Keep elaaa to m And ever ipeotral baod fretted with the gusts of heaven. fabul mis treasures of Crosius, and When aoout to yield nit existence a chick saiara ruNa. OfKaaa It aootbea and baU tba orfearasbill vaoteb. I will take thr b tud. to sacrifice wen as fate. Oilmen of tbia asked to mind you the do most tblnir may any splendid days one bring ot Brothers have a Aieu.Lcie the Luuga, luflaaied aud good And tbroucb tba nt(U nsra as try to sorien . tnat. than Florence, when the magnificent and if they Khonld ever i meet' again, to orYoung doora south of sale chean I Two poisoned by the diaraar-- , and jretenU tb to LAd up tUt he which what's harder his Jewish beneficent Uoamo ana Xiorensi loe which fP'replied. I have asked It. v. M. 1. nlgbt awrata Atd tb Ugb'eaa Arroaa tba WhlrA aeeompaat li, CONSUMPMy ootid. heart."' But such descriptions are Medici were ruling there. And It 1b that dreadful question: of the hills ebt TION U not an Inearabl jutaladv. Tbe way Ulmimy child. But It shall be ' m n represent uions. sail that In Europe tbe Rotheohlkl that looked eternal,r of the' ' clear Puny; weaki s'cklv ehiliren. heed UI core yon. evaa RALLfS BALSAM Aud is as the Jew decide! whether there shall be war streams that flaw forever, of the Browne Iron Bi ters he Not oua ta tor only appears knavr It will atap thee; j lhn taoagt prufaaalaoAl aid XaUa. nni we see Jews are bright stars among whose fields of strengthen and Invigorate them. And tbovi ebaH know. At jlast. wben tbou ta ms enemiesr xt were as lost, to or peace, ' take a briefless barrister and call still illustrious In commerce, Mters, as are my raised spirit has walked in f V-dost atanl .a Deen glory; ail were dumb, but a I gass 4- ; htm lawyer. To take a man who art ana BOience,na nave trniy Sato on tbe coal, bow 1 did take thy baud, never rramea a law a and call him talented upon that there cifeel REFRIGERATORS And qutak aud atratght people. thylivingf : I ! U .m.htalAi ant Af Y.nww statesman. Call him a scholar who w l.wl.h v. w n OW U VWKUII, is something which mantles throarh i"w UK).'.. Lead to baaveu's gate' r never to read, as to say nolably Brbbt Iucht, in a recent its b&auty whch cannot periBh. learned ha i AT Bi BntWOODBYU m child. I a w a ii. we Buon is tue jsw. rueet divides tnat Into shall you it three mnit lecture, great Clementhia, again." Tba path la . rough, my child. But obi bow look below the surface to - find the era, each marked Thi . Prnvn (Wnnlnn ' Mills' are by tbe advent of So It Is with Israel, when they have T iaJ i ' weet true Jew. Jf you would know him. a Moses. First eame that Egyptian been far from the Chores' of any Bending tip to their agent' John 6t AMD , Will be tbe rest, for weary ptlgrloia meet. to to thote who have sat at the feet of prince and Hebrew Mo land,' where the lights of hope were Cutler, Old Constitution Building-SalWhen tbou sbalt roach tb) borders of that some uamaiwl and received know see of Sinai, who having led his peo burntng, and have seen no sign of Lake City, lots of- - new UOods; itn: 1 lndi hose desiring good, all wool Flan-el- s. ledge; those who are familiar with ple ine rorty long years or their Eromlse about them, the (I i. I To wb'cb I lead tbse, as I take thy band, tbe splendid theology and ethics of wanderings, Derore he left them ror-their destlDy and past has Yarns, Cloth and other: wool-4And safe and blest 1 l'-"TTEr7?--i-oome ahoull examine call 1 fburn-and like , the invisible tueir religion, tneir past bItorv. ever, brought down from the r.t of goods 1 With ine shall test and who appreciate aod glory In ng mountain the laws which have light, and whea they have'spirit ,fiirUfvf"' stock, LealSQhaa an assortment "looked ishome-madHlf HUH UST II I PIT. e trunks for Bale.'. their lineage; those wh 3 hold high always governed them, and save and there was none to help," and f My eblld. v ;,,; f V i.i t it ifvii Tbe throng to great, my child. But at tby Communion with the learned Rab them their first code. Then, after "wondered that there was none to ki tidjiimmr-h bis, the sages of their people; those tne lapse or many csnturies. wben uphold," they1 have beard these side; Who have drunk deen and often at Israel was succumbing, to the uni wo-d- s o' the prophet, "Ia all their for for Lake Salt Anth City be not tbea Lamberi terrided, Thy Fatbar walks; Ik the fouut of knowledge a its redan- - versal tendency of all bodies civil afnct'Oo He was affl toted, and &gent and Pleasant Valley Cuals For I am with tb se will thy foes dommand streams have poured from the and ecclesiastical; that tendency to the angel of His" I presence saved 'he Anthracite equals In all rex dint ! To taee will let take pass; froely band, 8Mb, thy (T. , Taimno; tnose wno Know that the tecnmcai, subservience Whicn has them," He bore them and carried pects the best f Pennsylvanut Coal, And through the throng fight of Mendelssohn was aa it has blighted the usefulness of more In them all the days of old. In their rhla coal la the chcaroest fuel in wBe. Lead aata along Xlonldlnim, been described: "Mild aud warm In stltutlons than all their enemies! past they tee the ' OST ECONOMICAL AND promise of nation n ordinary stoves It will go twice i l r ' My child. v- the .synagogue freeing the truth "when in the Middle Ages this al perpetuity. " Myiterlous voices it, and la hard coal stoves three L Celling, The crossj is bsavy, child. Yet there was One from the frosts which ages had iced dangerous kind of mysticism had tell them that Israel and her alary ImsaalAr juJkny.aQft coal Never V " ? ' Around It, giving birth to a spring taken root in the minds of the peo-pie- ; shall meat again. And they have ilajkaMUkd y Who btrei a heavier for Boa, Flooring', nitlnnt " 11 a mysticism clinging with dan felt that though they were then un ooc, smoae,'husoIiitelyTej! weU Ua belored. bear tbuiaAnd vhoni KAamlnor lira For My oust ana uiru tn ' men seen to Go such It will and be , state, Ko wantedgerous tenacity to the word and der shadows, tbe time . was coming pHae Hani ware. nustlej la comas not he is With Hint at last; Aud from thy Fatberls that the' Jew neglecting the spirit of the: law, when the clouds would 'be liftedt and o. i, iadarad i to. rurpaces and L i Maoufactored In ENtLK,4ei V A.RIET Y. saltaWe for the Smallest or twg, t'H: '"'f monly represented, and that Shy-lic--k there arose one who to the Jewish artAttrert arge cannon s tove:rio; baud, was to the i Israel, and her persecutions, has urgcataaus utujaiyvaIia Luther "v is noi a representative Jew. worliwas what, cross laid down, Tby V of the sublimes t acta O. O, VI DIIUTW U( IMIKOl cooaing jperiorlty J $ The bad qualities, euch as cupidi- Christian.' lie ' was In truth tbe furnished some some , Beoeive a erowa i J most of and small the ad and of was heating This Jtoyes; N extreme history; and Luther. Jewish the great clanalshness,wnlch ty My child. ao lenities oi' national Jut. f Jbee CLnrnra;JN o. ;6, or 41 JRUU rtrmpily S&eat ire usually attributed to the . Jews, Moses Maimonldes, of whom it mlrabls char have been "directly, caused by the was ''written, "from Mosas of life. If love of country, reverence mall JSut, same aa jno. 4 heroes and traditions, ji-non- e ' ' ' "rl persecutions they have suffered. It SluaT ,i to ij Mom h Ma'monldee, i for her TUB JEWS. 4 j.. a RXHOVBb. n Ihred like Moses fact that forages Then again lousy of her honorohd glory, be ad- Is a are the Jews pre-enaiEls. unnniH ui ciiiJinmu Jiaa tAttsL,? If Ullnar. . BY J. E M ABIIEN. persecution of the Jews was consid- When the waves which had been mlrable, then vvaai peo removed one aoer west --or i.iJ xneatre. ered God's eervloe, although, hap- raised by ' the power of this great inently dlstinguisnea. t " ana ner mem' 1st south tttreet.-- " What ia wealth or memo- pily, such fanaticism is now only man had been soothed to slumber Die love tbeir country Taflor, Roiniiej & iKiiioiii riesIaraei! they do? r The Impulsive roil in upon the mind at men- known to history Thus they came by tbe siren voice of time, when, to ories as ose the beautiful words of Leucht, Irish,' when an exile from. the Em r tion of this historical name; imaga (9 regard all men as their enemies rrJ2 Jr7i rjr- I of stagnation was lam erald Isle, sings of the shamrock to was The their band ra)Oa world spirit a till only up-rprotection itself V4 ' image, p'les if Li i sighs for Erin.! The Soot weeps of picture fill the imagination, and themselves together. All the sym- tag the wings of the genius of pro and Whan he hears in aisiant lands 'iiv there had not existed all the; galleries of memory Beem pathy that they ever received was greser not that t hitl.:t;Ai)M W.vl COALeiL sounds that remind him of hi Hih-gloom- y a but men all at this and from times, with enlightened among themelve, 'glowing cauvatt huug jwlth 1 German 'At Durst an4 Trimble's. ft. penlBtenee of the masses in I land home. The stolid the xf trajal of the affairs of this fact, together: wltht their peculiar 411 THE UOST DURABLE er be the thinks of sussongs when halo a sighs the clanniahneia caused and all that antiquity bo having past, have who prominplayed people; a part of around- its moldermg brow had that noat on tne uanune at cioee or ent a! part in tbe concerns of the picion of otht-r- to become as are Stayed the cause of a religious ad dar. but all of these forget their na for nations their we nature, them as brood Very rth. And upon aewaew w of vanoe;w and here, for the third time, tiviliesj'and their children are never and collections tut of Individuals,' . I. wH w wI 1! not only does the ttereoptloan :,t ,rvBftaalaalppl lis the f Moses came to tne rescue, v moses aliens to the lands of their adoption. la riald Aereea :XO iaX3XV-X30Ulstor cause brllllf.nt scenes to pass Buoh would have been the effect upTlXia are all citi with the Jews Bat banner the held they aa ia Mendelssohn evidenced on h'gu individuals, by tiow. before, our mental vision, but Bigns Cenvfaetrrg Converse ana rrom century e a of menj upon1 which was inscribed, "No bar zens or .Jerusalem, and symbols ..centuries old, and the :.character wmaows I to stand no ons their open was the effect upon them, "or rier to Bflienuno resesren; offfas letters century iletfyoti sir that 'tbey are Hongs mellow with a multitude of such our Uvea make a moral tradi muss be forged around the tn in king toward tne iioiy .uiiy, ana to uiem beataat eombmatlons aver prodnded, aad my U HY truly ' intervening years pass before us. i I- i .'t itDtf)HThese am the It is more sacred than; the shrines af bsnerlenoa of thAt aort of tblmt Wlilt Israel! We speak the ptma and go tion for our individual eelves, as the faculty of man. a nrtBaa ' remedy for 8orofn! ' ' or Moslem. . Mecca to the tra tnree great luminaries tnejewisn makes a, moral, Jt4aeiia B welll a the twilight of history, life of mankind fafm.--I !; "1, Csnr," Kryalaa, Uont, bak ' Men have .always been taught to jwldeenoucb Baeetalejny Judgniant Cbruf.lV Soma, Tueaora, CarlshIia, Salt when jto Ita dition for the rAoa." The one great heavensand like the greatest men first nation this taking 4 wsj Rhea re Malaria, Bllloae CoinplaliiU. and tJaoe avmong the peoples of the desire of the world Is for sympathy. of other nations, have arisen wben admire and Venerate' that nation Oa,t dWl know, responded tba 'Brat emers-euclof the times de which said It would never submit to peakerafdeod, wltk aittde yawnM though those he alt dlacaaoa UillcaUn aa Iutpaie Cos earth to men will and: cling, the always articulate We Israel! tba Blood, Liver; 8tdinach, KJd ditlu'of from whom they receive It." Such manded them. In the history t of tyranny so long, as a male oh lid was is didn't takS much batereai b tbasubieoL 8k Ini ebs. This Q rand sound and seem to hear the "load Is aya, I bowels, emergency born In all Ita borders.' Then how T have never baea BJMS tl lee thuoh differ the concurrent- - testimony of all the4 world ' evsry great a Coiuituuad of vegetable ex- timbrel" m H sounrte "o'er Kypt's Hdathelm ebk-some mammoth much more should we admirer the to has con tract Jews and the light in f of which are gARSAFA .J dark brought aud history, ia tboae tb)ags.r,Xbey Are alt niettf trartai Moses, Jpraetl, again, M." of with it; Jews who, .though th ey hid na grappling which, thee capable KIUL.A and sin.tinuia. genius judgkui habits, tba aame al, Aud aaade of about ba, future tbat im ages Ing rly. little with tbount ctferVid by SCOVILLH BUHM) AND would decree that his words were from tbe common' standpoint, are for- great oorasiona ana neceasnies country, aave ureservea inviolate LIVE AVkLF are abaoluta, and theli as but 'Judging 'from' their own davelon latent passive "powera into their raitn ana "rerosea to surrender Tba talk, of whip tea foregoing is a rrag- prophetic as historical, Is saying, vices, la doddered by uauro. for it is the came senti- active, positive fore?; great events their national character Isiic r If eut, look 'place w-- uBauaMstatwurl, jbt rroorital are virtue, Iwr " "Ye snail love iue.vv by alt Urafrrtata. f iaea to overoome iha Dutch be ad third ble because as trev.a.r.n ment ago, in tba song offios of Dr. M. r. Fow- patriotism jwlth other ma- - reaulre" alien hAvs ye been iu the land of. thev orjen dykes1 and flood their mace ' tbem:-ooe-onave a luaai law a great tba laaduur bbysMani of tbsBuUa, 'great tioue, symgreat iUna5' iiwtuwrp-Aionly .! obeyed thereby mouloaung Egypt;" Ay-- ' jf j than subinittd 'fie ., no foliovrea op ue vabi lo" whfob bk bad m men, end "The hour must have its country rather wumi uw wonu of human nature. Were such, Jthat pAtny ror ovoajra eo more now is Is niuca trio ao invader, Their persecutions uoed It auhatanuaPr In thoaa wordat mn."i wuat rat has never awe rded hts people. they open every dyke of Wawaanan tbai ike Haaeata of a boy are in toe from a people devoted to agricultu- these ghat nmM formt Moees of rael, when for Israel, asain. and wewildt-rnessake7 We . I ek. f r Malmonldes and Mose. oppression Moses a become opinion's have ral of a mast wb asuaar aoeTnt know Sinai, has rather they." The pursuibs, land ol promise. or Til c FiftM or understand how it Is that can tne Btana .XBoaa tblaea so bo in easily of Mendeiesoncr aara Anaa'nt much wbat.baAafA' nation tradesmen, xney ana beeri left benina and rprgwieu, a': and fire I'WithSut-Iteservoir.aiiJew is a sort of heavens of Jewish thought, not aa men ahould defend home von ebU them. A: tu AC ttoarabt U st eventide In the beautiful Valley that an agriou'ltnral sue tnev side: tnat tne or snouia nut last to" revolvintr planets flnl sars, nm at from areen Sbesw. how, Itnlmants curiosity. t The. wonder j Vchem, whfcn the hllle are) purp natural I & Co. ling a constellation, or, seir pimmous drop of their blood upon their" coun-SJidisntMisaiiaarsseryttM UtsaOat with the ifgut or.aymg uay; me Is,' not that the Jews are clandewas sacrifice to if the . altar wnna. their tl'LT people have graaranteelng try'sf but that they tor tba reuef et aabr or inflammation. lllJSIIISn E5LlLIlI..railTt'iCl., when thi streaks in the rEast seem nlah and shrewd,rrom me eaxtn at light ror. an coming time; ana to tne mended., We oah understand that. been blottea like ti Upes .tties woven ty angels - kit. pot hd but they still live. , Mys Hebrew" student tney are tne roam for . there5 Is something tangible a nation, ' l'-- i..r,. ( , ... i ,lu "i finger to nang auout mau uw wuo vu Wajwayaout of all light and knowledge; a auou a, wi tain of tmrnoTtality'-havashes whan they are teriousrevA seem UTAH: OF IT tne gwrmua PEOPLE when cjouus ' TO i HE 4-tlor; -; must be f a . how the his fatore rglory; appreciate deep !ede for, people's1 throne a the dark i .For I. ianl;'iiU'iii"'Braicto. eneugh to be golden thrones upon nmerved them raoagnrar "The (partnership b 'ttween T. Q arhlon aroh.atiBels ait and sing their eat age's not only of their own, but n violate as the band of celestial oonvietionBWnirrtwno,aurn-nueW4aiaiiirioaVsitrla . ... rov . . rrom llliiaWy-Tadaum. nn the Fur heavens win nauvny. they promise spanning to tiod, and when the seraphs the world's : m iuu w raa a wretenes worll aoyBowna nwmw ,. Pih. VL B. Fish and jj. C Hrjo- - praise ever, and judging ther, tne jews navs tne Dest oiaima upiuiuu a " U are lightning the candelabra, of: the are as vigorous as trast. en. anu of Is other no to f .a! f nation. oil is ui aoy uiwuiiR'ni i a av u nun wm, aawami the aristocracy uiiuoua bv tere future the 'hioense bum the people firmament, believe aside from their splendid heritage of beinr: but Bach has been thehhv ; chaut the praises of Jehovah.. reason whywillwebeshould not nlBtlnot r(A. & Co., expired by lUnilation on and being a Deoulltr people; eacn Jew- tory of this race, and we Bay 'amen & I preserved . and tne narp 01 that tbey Israel, again, A PMNB3V?LhB! back to the Patii- la the writer who says: "if there be n N I or .? time. v. fI 4 f tf I traces bis lineageand uniii the end a tried mYTJattente,aod I tava January 1st, 1883.; Althat daie,J David gives forth ita varied sounds have I 1b entiif suffer Israel undoubt artad tt ee snyaaatontJSMm ranks in lineage ing, that the Arabs arch Abraham, Macaulay relatea aaaak.ee aiiamsiua, a sung of JuhUe,then a wall have 1 Con: to the entitled to men eminence and C iluQGJxa retired from ihe,Jirm- of now ties pre distinction, surely edly the oaars .When trad this u and Ja all .say imiowew. jeistf now an antuem,- caugnc 3 agon n ror of ramens a a Iortr-The arlstoerarT hi be hev few Jews It. ir to S. nation there Si three , " 'The old ira . flood covered tba earth;' great Lyon pur- up jvotceu by an entire people, then naat D. J. Morey and is honored, ana tne what shall we aay of one was but one thing that survived Its the Old World ut --Ijl&tui hii interest. ' attTs '2t'iii f ' ' or tne followers or tragedies, ' In tht re or-- Ui slow ana meaeurtu nuuuuai lookfirst ." since whose entire it , descendants life, the asewmatlsm. that great .and Laiaibago, own kit NeuraJffia, destruction, ur bathing an agony - ed un at the stars of Egypt,has been reuuttod action of tba Kldoeis, al--- conization of the new firm of Fish dirge, people .have William the Conqueror and Uhariepyramid. , 80 this, mutations onry to men of such grandeur of stood one continuous deepening and inbeoaue are of honored, doubly I ' magne throe eh all the " ww um ? 1 i y Brot. & CU which then took place, snul as uavw, anu nny those established S.' forefathera Of floods creasing their tragedy. all withstood g the timet eaxse-iixe contain Psalter asmany TJLih trade was thoroughly du osatarsl OaifewSlnB a COT tba word norance and Burerstltlon. and like dynat1e;. whose histories ate so . And we do not beirere tbey nave n aIqoithe C.1 1 lu aire as carola.? more an )' ' mucn been now. bat fowls to their following maintained determined fatmtt, we nambrilliant, "men, the give great pyramid, cyidedand Israel, again, and prophets to entitled be na tme . Ume Hebrews Come when will the should the rub been the have noeiUon. or They the fires inspiration thelVtah trade that attention in Jur ing with aristooracy wno, ror tion, so long - bereft- - of national J.i of vision "Olymp- leeta of every government,- have the ntalmi ofof uon ttsnd peaks ' which was years were the nobia- - istene, shall be which U deserves, and srjoken tba rangrtagd of the land of thousands us high," look down the, centuries conserva as been a were have Else why nation tv of the Almighty; they who should be- - the their adopOon, but their: thoughts, and tell of Him to some extent, ncgieaea tn 100-4- . so mtnralouaiy preserved in their mo TH . have al- - tory of the world's. enlightenment. msDuationa or TBI feelinssvand whose j ph Aa R SOt, rrEKg aad of a'l desire nations, came mean Htm giI Pbaunt the ami Com MOT. tl and SL S. Xyon. one of 'the new mem whom from what , among v j FTahreW. Integrity rava han name should be called WondertuL i Off n on nf auaeuuar. ua lamM worm gantic schemes of colon rsatlon which when i'mlitfesa of , the whose ralhrlon the Uhrtatiea SbaeL aad tbadlBBMtea- Israel, stain, and the peals of re-- Borne, ber of thifirm, who hhd been iii the f ef land, pat $iM adore self ft te whose been and hslievea. have protected ln'reapom folcUag aralying away, tbe knell of world, had. Jews among her. people, "A ..krii2a-- e to tnm aismio- - tne great mi voiced th robbings or the ncauay. Way , IntA, ,la now. due. aae wis P"-eniploy of the old, firm many years, departing They are entiuea glory is sounding, and as yet they were not Itomans, nor did tlon. Frews and the reason why they do imlveral' Jewish 'heart? Then the BBOouie oaooqxeaa sa'eays wL Mu Lowell tbe sceptre aspens iromja ian ume they become barbarians 'when the nnt rAAetve it la be?aue of an un- - tw Its men of the Prophet MshaU tppti several'weU overran hordes am J09LafeN08BCrBY,iPw that north some as proud a tolls reqntem tnoagn reasonable ostracism tbe world onrclIi.g to the skirts 'Of u Jew. Jer at Salt Lake last tau. ana gave Wight planet were extbugnjehed and city, but were always Jews. CTJ B. MeawlirriVdrivaC I T.asvfwit.. 1 tllmnm mmttmn Iha Mntnl ann nf f mkiomI BnOTl tbelBU BUd Which tUH malem willno longer" ait solitary: aUila.a .w lie iv.-- i wamieaea aarstmt; ux tne moonless M.p44 aaeniion'tDaseeridinmg rVi of v. the the shall flag aowu green come her Prophet had when uia like stream toe the of Jaws, air. learning, yef alt defects and all n eeded improve- HnrkrrThen, solenoid temnlea Mountains Whton flows for lustre grew dim with age her Jews Intolerance whicn aniigntenea men be torn down:bidthe rnmniii - ..jj-- ...' .aa ii. MaiaWliiM ai ar fires rekindled, a. rebuilt; the m'enU in the Fish Wagon, to keep leagues and loses itself tn the great were the same.1 Thus, tnoogn tney " ia Kinfih tn: own. . t ' itnlVJua.'' .V RiKurU. tn tals history or civiiwaimto, ana in, the transepts avreoied mar aw, of been sublects the have gov every the arter tne of ake israav west,' tiiH ih fure,a inlpwit years, IlcCarmlck Iran Frame Front Cut. MoWCTvH til M for a long time down the ern teen t. they have failed to amal tells us that In proportion aa nations tyrs shall alt. The Holy Land shall then sound and resound with or oLvniim Wagon of.- Utah and Bowing again wanderlogr nomadic are glad Combined PJelf Ilnttea find proppaiwxiSlnsle-Iaiora- ; blf tory of the work!, suddenly lost gamate with any other naonle. . ..i fA tha duaira for the olive and vine once more CH the waters a . then la race of like a man since na and The the liiidlThomaa Uay JU&t H ita identity, HolIinE,TSwartIi, aiioinina Terrxloriesl . 'J, mnm avaa nH I uava Mbitlrana la tha standard Of pro- air with their fragrance. When the r the iniA srewsa a u.. chronicles la.aai aav bv a v sw u.. go on!) had in bo 'yf,-i-" n has il, ty ria'ai a awiijaior TUwerw and n.A ac.ft iaji,,!?.l aa.. Ht,( ft.!fiHfyi (Calt on The John W. Lowell far as they nave been connaeted ocean mm ocean and their waters I gresai bat thin -- universal tenueooy Illustrious day shall ' I dawn, what, a X.T. Caae Jlendera; aviMmfrtaui: hntrKiwaiah thaaM enn. I a Madnflfl flM DsMtl OOTKI H9lWU JJ spectacle will tha holy angels be tyaaHlury Powcrii nnd examine this with those or 010 era. t .i .Hr.:Y.s ran. Satw KtlU Wagon Company and luT iva lUUirWMlw Jvsip called upon tn Wltnost! sin tmilVtilrtai nrVbfl " IkU U ttaai eawsAlvi&Iw7 IV Ills glisa awl I r aaaa ... .N;:Cta,fcaleji ;t: FUh The the 8uppoMs eoenei th uu ca ana an naveanowu BLream wuik6 ia ships tne irnir i tr wnat tnev Wagmffor lnnaDitant of wkw ai ina Qnnwaa yjaV. Plane. Jr. CuKIvtof; Seed Drill,' rid Horse Hoe;jRcibo Grtadsrs; which have Balled from the forts of I W (SB " LA - - - - snaajLASBj IWUBUir 1 r. IIPV UBf U WVU awa - ajt' i u tAfraB,ark . anjtta BArb Fence Wlrf; Fish UTTJ: , nf every MaMw tSHiWd'yot. it wM be!found .i -the world have reached Palestine; t; .j: l Kallytel and Boggles Jtuftr J world Top Open w mono. the la i tne Spring dawn Imve the J gray . WXOON to upon when he I pas are mankind. The Jews have I tempest; proclaimed B CTTE ,THA f would hW wonder grow Vinw Avverf Coihblaed Gang aa4 Bulky , , ri sWm . . WUO I Bay SQail and and imnntra. hfcl the vapours fcTe'ntrng Amm W.Wt llln. u. tkn tains, Wo e TABr'BfeFOKEl and Walking Plows; is PlowsCsee BleiUBasun toterT jijjiwimti same aa A litila retro- -i .w.. tk. af .r.ilar.1 of their ClVlliaVr- - rrom tne vaxieyr; a mighty vaanlti the muv is govexaunanc, us any .t ouuiw kiovw mvf-iChlllea Bteel nating 3t"Kw; and Woodbesm lis-apd I Jutirig hlirnl HUDDOea a proiH tude, which no man eaau number. mi haf all tha mystic chuu cf spect will show. Few Jews break- ln la notthia Harnetr: and Team' ; Bogy oentcrlea I trttnir with twenty riowi; their Ibwb all rejoicing for cf perched ? the tha of in Upou' pristhe In y, land, ' nedal paint in manufacturing treat pei'ulr. iha of d anners, is passing toward the i IHtU, "'"'l.,(if,'.,;1.l a itt a .71 City i... "l4 lierJkrmv aJmoat .tiftknosnt; ago; suppose he hadkJ th tsatrUarawlt 'thahMtcrr in w f In . traae. otros Lu ei tt- tbhl DbODIS are lUUUU JJtoA AWfaa Ha tne at take the .Mom frV CttVby wr ft wo fat l deep, ,a atwwa,aiJ f ?d?ond a4,a. of the wood, yea, the very ruasner spire 'tney- caaat ine 1 a t. nass o glory aud grandeur of wk J per, pensioners Upon the bounty or beasta SLCVaaatlJ AMOse, and rulers, have or Jer;Wa shall' xuBBniei'iai air Insects, rivnwra uona'.i . .'t "1 a LOU fELL VJAGU w v. Iiawat JOIKI-L- X Tf.AH .a. and ilom. nL. THE moun au wniiB'ouier the ' ween. never ntiwm love la Man O pah i.vaua ir befar r!Saa ai.I tongue. I j nnara CO. & with tansei Dut eloquent itaU rate! frost ttha lyre, cf Al4 Leawta FISH BROS. a , uw. at1 'nttimttas. It tbe bv$ art-pe- ct ft fciat. kou a f eriHcrlsf. rh.t SALT lEEi OTXAKO oapicw, uttu, u.ls.na, T fcJtTe' .cociB. tsiTsai Ttsnj tSita Bonl gtJrrlrj rtrslss.tii-- f rr . Aa iim Sml Trjtactltyperi Una. tts tiOlt cf c: , t- -t iakU JhW.M a.. Uirttbxjvcut ' JiBweWf w4W t ' k. UrA tt ta f volsa ofaUmiaklni .rcsU Iht 7 ci'as( Ith Ijkomaa from: two. axcsl.'snt ..cusej. Uon Is iuV yaserab: diaisawtms sl f HE (MOHAilO i X-r- ael - 3 TORPID LIVER eelf-exil- Meronanwiar e. un f a i , a. - ft, k ' with-pa'Jenc- acts-toward-s ir e, ALWOJICI). ili tome.EanSteerRail, BABS;:SWrajaJD Mono, Aim ciuw uttK cork AS ArJD( BLACfC SMITH ,CPAL. ? . . i,. . i Jt-ala- jf - 4 , .r 1 wnraoiiE, Ar.T, i , - TUW8 n n m . ir-T-T -- 1 S-- re-f- I j .... 4 1 i . - -- . 1 cap-beare- r, ; - ; j 1 jod-get- , J ee i .Itjl BJockaV; j 1 t.. - b 1 t"i. Wa " : : ; a a . 8, i SALtlilttaiD'OfiDEit.! 1 , - - j . wMrHALL ; ! S bals&i m. ON! RANGES d -- tlOi J 1 a, death-devote- d JvJ o st Du ra aod S6m esst a-- e, . ' , bt - a i ; .a. a LUMBER. YARD h j s jj ! I 1 ! a. a m 1 .r- - ! law-Rive- r, Planing-MU- i n 1 j rtv. i . i ii a , i '- 1 : Frame,' rickrU, PERFECT I "A ' ra tbee-t-m- P??fr or-ler- sg, " -- . -- i: m 1 1 'in 3 : : - ) a - BFYnrinTHERIUFR.I . as i ll It aw - ae. m ap a jj ! mam C00KlliC:'HJ!3L I Blood & Livet ( It j s 'i7 hiiiilitmm- j well-know- a ew : II - T j self-mad- , ( ?'' 5 , - .T.-- t : - . e i i - 1 - .. B , A. f ' ' j i ON a With" or Fill Brptos; Closet s frn - ? S A e 4 r no y, i WtEMsm 1 M.t ,1:04-:iiM.- I I i -- 'c - , s Mu-cut- ar : -.'f Ldiik" J 'agsV -ii- " uf-a- I X" - 5 - ,','7? 1 fU '" .... 4- tr ! "! ' View-larke-tto- " . l-a- . '. f ..-- M i- - flt ; .- emaaBAi $ WASUrSBl W BAB BMBBl B WAT SKASBI -r- .Uyin r.rtkM.ll. -- SVA ? fevVl v .WAT SB JBW BBVBB a B .M.Ir B f - BBS flk tajlor - - ' wat 1 1 i -- , L'ui ri f5,r.,P. . ' -- - : t-- ttsi JtraIyi'elertJ. 1 four-ho- t s- . I aaav. ak att r - , . at.-ac- i .wn I J C0.1PY, , i 1" 7 |