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Show . ' $ -- CP PRESIDENCY Organized-Stake- " of ZtoiU LAU BEAK WM.; BUDQK, , s - s fr . . ia, James President, John L Hart, West weoer. THOMAS . . ITaory A. IjenriK, George Town. A mot K. Wright, Uemitoirtao. Chaa. V. Robtsoo, Mont pel Iter. John K lints, Brtlng, Ilerne. II. H. Halry-mrPreston. viw1n N. Austin, Liberty. ' Ovid. IHSfrJeaon, . B. Spencer, JM Ward, Pari. ' 44 Robert Price, M Witt. Huiroe, Blnomlnsrtnn. ' John A. Unit, M. CtarM. John Stock, Ptab Haven. ' fc ; J at . - lot Eisnops tCounaalorr. rff THOMAS' TXIBODOBX " TBIP 1 . iTiKB. - .Z if 1 nsrilk.ted.Bnd the i interest msoi among artieta fvBtexl 1 , tkn . w f J fLTt-ncav- 1 f ; La' - I ! . , ad-.uat- td -- a . , ,: 5 ILiadlies Km - If . - : i j l l . Itobert DayneB, Flrde park. O. U Farrell. Bnuthfleld. Win. L. Skldnsore, Klohmond. H. K liawn, Ozfrird. -- W. wASfS;"::::.: . Oaelda Camaty, IAah. Lewtetnv Wa R. Lawla, Lafayetts U Hatoh, Pranknn. Saaaaa Brsnops. . i ltaamua Raamt eu, Mink Creek. Kobert H. WUUana. Mound Valley Mel vta lm Onrwcll, Marsh Valley. JKprnvEcsk, Xtaiblrti Petar Heeoe. Illvnrd&l'w 1 bo. B. Bloks. Bannock, Bnake Bhier Valley Jaaaea Bowna, Almy. Martin anl James Brown, Jr., pr Bl Hagh uix rk siaja, Normon war. ; tbntr llan. BvaoaaDn. . ' John MoBr.de, Preaidlnr Uer, Rook Spntnge. I . WILLIAM B. SMITH, .......... i . .Praaldeot, wv Rbsb, Ooimwlort. t J on i Cauv... Ajraoer r":.iv..f BTSHOPS.1 - 'WwAlastoa I ' i Wm. Brown, South Baontlful. Wm 8. Mutr, Jun., Weet Bountiful Cheater Call, EaatDounttfut Nathan Cheney, CentervUla. i J. eort, Peter Barton, M. Farntlnrton. . Kaysvule. , , IXlrid St Vookr South Weben, M. Jl. Guliaam, South Hooper. r EBiBT STAKE. Presldast jOrakji Pmn.r ; ! 1 cooaaaloni Kaaery Caeiaity. . Bishops. ' 'j: Raadolph R. Btewart, Moan, .ae Cox, Htnxtoftoa. Heiinlov OJaen. Forron. Kobertaoa, llraocarUaV j J Caaly, r Joe, ' 5 Bobert Kneu, Pmeo. Mepfel R. Pawoett, Prtoe. Chaa N. Smith, Hockvllle. Martus Ensign, Santa Clara. Thoa. Judd, 1st Ward, St. George. Walter Granxer, Sd Ward, " Chaa. A. Terry, d Ward, Darld IL Caouon, Uh Ward, , Brtrwtrtn-atWas. A. TOquervlUe. John Parker, Vtrten City. Mansua Funk. Waahtnetieo. James Syrreeter, BeHerue, Presiding M Priest. David B. Ott, bunoen'e Hetreat, Oraoa B. Adams, - Jarr Harrhburr, . JUAB STAKE. .....Prealdent. - - PAXMAN Wlt'-IA- M ...... I Joax. Oiom, vaAaxas eramaT AsmUS ...si' r Caaaty. - BISHOPS, i ' Writ. H. Warfjer, Mt Ward, Kephi. TMIU ueau. sm wara, nepni. ltryi rwia Aagaara, ijeran. John aCllaws, hkva. HUOR & GOWANS KANAB STAKE. L. J. rtTTTALL, 4 BtIaXAJU STAKE. -- the following Boloistsv who repeataJlj appeared wtth MB THOMA? ha Symphony ConearU nd Great Festivals, - ' - Ward, Hiram ft. Bennett, Meadow fi ass Kimbau, g Jtaeoh 8. Btaok, l"vtoc AndorMo. Oak Creek. , .. 4 v aJ itr4i -- ABn ; iV Mmo Jdlle A : Castle and a young to have his doctor got permls-iobead, it w s a win iy night when the operation of lenaovtrg the head ras determined upon; but, habited in bis long cloak, then the fashion. and provl led with a blue bag, the ixtmparatlve anatomist soon had the bead ea'elr Ptowel away; As hs left the room la which the coffin liy. howsv t tiew'n l slammed the door; caught his uloak and nearly threw him upon his face. Attempt tng to recover himself he 1 1st bis bold of the bag, the head fell out, rolled with increaelng vollcity down a flight of steps, across a courtyard, and ee'uea ltteir upon the neck. with one eye open and the other shut, in a room where two women lo lge.1 j The professor ruahed wild ty After it, took no not lev of the women, se'ztd the skull, put It in his bsg ; again and ran from the f Liant-a-t-j- r ; ! : . eaot!e. Fonrorflve years afterward he r v7. .1 1, i,. 'INo. . - a" " jrki ' , llurbsMl Wire, 85.4. QUEIU SV Qluak.ea,aawhdah all the SULQIdTd and tae GRAND OROHKSTRA will rMrntTt the whole formme- the " - Grandest' Irtsrrnrame ever ofiered to the Musical. ' ' Pkiblle!M,. Ctaiiire" df ti.lTErY-Coscert"- . ; ftrfomiice'' at '- a-- 1 i. LTSTlf, I: . -- SR. .PUZZL ES iOF THE FOREST. What's the soeUble tree, and the dancing - I :o: No. Oal LBJIB1 SIERRA And the tiee thtt Is nearest to the sesf The most yielding Use, snd the busiest I. a. J. BBTvf J W. .BL K.HUUM, X UMB ER YJItn A XV FLAKING JU LI I Bait Laka.1 .vj ASS'S. . 1.. BDIBDIBS aiS HAHPACTDBKRS ; WHOCMALB AND RETAIL DEALERS in COHTRACTORS, , ; . ! C Ill a. AV ;T eg, . - . , ' ; - e . ":,.: .. 0LABA tlSTTK&M. ; ', ESTIMATES GITXN AND CWTaACTS MADE FOR ALL KINDS Of B0ILDQIOS Wood , New York Stata. no. St. b lakes. rThe word i required fof the flra't bUnk New York State ha a tenth of all the American people, an eighth of ia a part of each word required in thr all the whites, and. nearly a fourth other blank. f' .i.'. of all the city or urban people. It is The resultof John's work was the the second agricultural ritate, or of aseuis. One day he got a hurt whlrh only second to Illinois 1 1 far to pro caused eenslderabte L- - 4 of blood Th. dusts, leading Ohio $20,000,000 nrgeon the treated wound first with an New York farms yield S 10 an acre, of water, and afterward with an Illinois S It is the Second bailey ?T or herbs. Both ' these were ta e, the third oats and rye state, ap. the first buckwheat and hay state, Piled with great . At last the snr- one-fifth tlees and it r of all the no geon resorted to from hi- tatos and four-fiftof all the hope. to those of hU patient. When the h It raises; of all the waa accomplished, alight tinned one third of all ths cheese,fruit, the sick man's cheek. In the reltem.i of all the butter. It H the and-- f ' 0f manufacturing ritate in the Ualon, mind. istress he snffored ranch , more than a fifth of toe to niimv I IS. aaasbsJB. i..,..n Bylng Its manufactures as sregnts. nearry Bi.iuu.uoo.OOO. No. S8 CHAEADK It I s. still leads in . and I T "na mf iast each two words I owns a third of our marine. It holds a intra or the registered national I bonds. It produ-e- s a sixth of the I of iwu,Pi Ptable shape bat diminutive size . ar BriBVaiaw . aaava lUIBISUlBil J LI I I BUS Sta " " - arTa Jt 01 7Z"?A . Ul Of all th. hxkarv r.H I tviii Of the '"men's clothine--. and Uke IXTT nUy thirds of the women's ctothloVIWL fifth of the foundry and manblna I n e on hop products, one-f- l th of , the far. '. Jr. u nitare,oce-nftho- f the hosiery and i ' b being onesnd : knit goods, a quarter of the Jewelry, one third of the beer and ale, into type Is ssceessfully srved half of In sold wmii.. anon Id never the millinery and laoe goods, two-- Uy br inirusw me pwuoe, one naif of the larvsd. W. h. yaoKAita. ' I paints, nair tne perfumery and os- f: . ' ; - ' ' Tanks 'of ati pes&ripttons JLfpds to Order, A SPECIALTYi-p- . STAIR BUILDING I' l e 1 , IHGTURIl CO. EXCELSIOR 1. wmt-- hs I 6ne-eLxt- ote-seven- th " ' ' r ST r J ,gr t- a. f , BSSSaBl SSTB t. a SSW ' SSb EttZE one-eixt- h lf r. ..mm i ... . - V m ...J(.... ( BnU " m--A rvTi "' Jbt uit 1 !?,-- s -'s t sblp-bulldln- . . S 1 . til nnf -, ,E"t. CI ",rc,,wrA-- ! ' . UU STiyPtO mil PUTUHEET , .- s STO V I CS i . , No. 88. A. I am composed of four letters: 1. Is half of an InterJ eUon. 2. I half f .n InterjecUoo. 3. ---I half of aa Interjection. 4. Ia hair of aa Interjection mij wuiue was ibe wife of n wit I ! Jt r ,k,. (; ih v 1 , mn ; . M ft . r I am eomposed of Eight letters : . . u said to be miHti. .... ...... . ; a .v JalM 612-1- 8 jVr. Si by f. 5f., .- -- T TISBEBS'TJOli' Isouis, Mo 8 1 to ran awsv or to , 5. 6. 7j . Aty wbol was ths wlte OeneraL who aiad himself wi roy. . 1 l 1 t i -- a, '"' f mi ," K- T.A ,' .juris. , uu v " klnV.tJ sjaia. n- -i. &,. . - . . . . , in"': wnrers 'to ' 12th ; May . V' ' iaiDa.: ieM .1 j - povio, beavar, ape. asal zebs, ' """,:, once, 9n,cer; .Btn I iLSB rat, ' rat, stand! aa.ehlB.wgpIU.oribLdlngo.eoachla; Vl r - Ll iS8Maaaaerlp'. 23 1. Those- ki t. v. aL WUUL Dina, ewe. weasel. JckaL - Ciiy. CAmr. ANSWERS. t . f " r:w or xuuuieAsxCT ofa like ' BUBhasd. PLORENqE KNTTTING SILK ' " ' ; tits ' - i , nEINO SMOOTH; AND. J,,' Mnt, . , fX.)tiA ; J t; , STllOfi f P n fl ' ' . ( CO s jt !, , -- .. . L ,.f r .k. .. ';-- . : m . j Oa--- - - - ! Sole Agents inJSalt ; Ii 1 "J Z. C. M. , , u-- N0.33-- B, ! jg m, ? from Bee. Boreo, Weber, Bkwtrt,'aTen4elasoba, Wagner, " . t i.-- and Agricultural Implements. ' 3 S Wire, A OKDERS BY MAIL FILLED PROMPTLY AT LOWEST MARKET! RATES.1 into lis com ponents yon may flad the vessel which contains it and aa answer to the qies tlon whether yon drink It or not TJacta Cx. atjtjh. ;- TJcLle,v F?Be ' AS .1.. wn ecparaung a 'Slueverare tree,'- nna, ri-hi- ng IVnlla, : nt I ' . ,v' j s to ttvm v;"7 - ! - , init 't tr v- J ...v. I D . voices. This Society n organ-iasti- m The Mlatakes of .Bewipapersv of comparatively recent dafe haa hitherto barn very aueeeeaf.L . The number of type use I in an and mush of thai result, aa well as ordinary ciuutry newspaper Is about the impulse thtt renders the festi 601,000; that Is the actual number 1 assured an val suooees, due to the oi dub or meui arranged for, each and aMllty cftfn Its secretary. newspaper In trerarins energy a nnvman.. r. I t..i t-r w lh. a of that size for tha nn . w. ay ue rr ijbfw, r.sq. Af Wgle eonce-- t at Naahville, the or-- 1 pose few people think of the rrint-saw "t w iw Cinoln ins: iraue as one or tne most natl for a performance of Gounod's aud partioultr handlcrats; batexaot le after r, which a In uisaiaK type, v aria 1 10ns It Hedemptlon, that tram r Will take the untoi special naest mawoo Id r nder type useless troupe to Bt.lVralSji where 'a fee chinerywuiuwwiauit tfral trill be givsn on May 18, 19 It is very that tj pe furnleh and 20. On evening will be devot- ed by rarely wo ; separate t r foundries ed to "The Redemption,? another to can be without a together electlora from "The Messiah" and deal of trouble, een thoueh thstv there will be a mat! should try ti) make It after the tend' "Elijah," and masks on euudsy, in ara. 4 a reau vui e a wo lie of a nee of sacred jn "JSrotCA" the cluding Symphony wonderfnl piece of ra)lo-- t or mcra'c selections. A and other large body wotE containing ten. t wen tr . or so of local singers will form the chorus, 000 pieces, the maker of which "has and It Is hoped that this event will spent rmnth or even years of labor lend a new Impetus to musical mat. in .proaoont; snd the pe ple go ters in that city. Flrst-cl-is- s muale to tee It as a curl elty. B it thw most al organisations have of .late years elaborate and carefuuy. fitted ' piece had more or less came to fight shy or wore, or irus xna ever made of 8t. Lonls; to Mfssrs. lletbudy does not compare tot . minuteness of and Kknelhorst. who In the first In- detail and accuracy of flU'ng with ' -. ' Jobbers of ITardwftre, iCnflerr, Tin rIat, Tiuner's Stock, . tll , Xllve-Kln- p. win d. -- vC!vr' sk,f! teB-tal- 250 I - 33 jLAKG STREET,- CIIICAGO. - And the tree where the ships may be? was attending a dying woman, who called loudly for a clergyman, to What'a the e tree, the chronolog- whom she had something to tell '; lets tree,. ' to doctor her The htm, ' begged as no clergyman was nemr enough to And the tree that la trarmtv e'adf be called in time. At length she The schoolboy's rest rain t.tbe boasemald's tree, j (;r poke. "Oh, sir, ( had a husband, who was a negro, and, 1 fear, a bad j And the tree that leaves me sad? man. He dted, sir, in Lancaster The respeeUb'e tree, an 4 the miner's tree. Castle; and, oh, sir, I was standing Ana in tree that might shake yon r one day In the rooms when , my ' $ ; husband's bead came out of the , t hand? floor and seemed to ask me to help Th dandy tree, and the nen est tree. tr toat gives wod of eomhim. And then, Blr, the devil came ' An4 through the door, snatched up the .: i ' 'mand?; head, put It into a bag and diap wnai-eiDtree that neither warms nor I peaied before could do anything. i And I have never done anything lights yon, The tree that yonr wants wonld annnivtl Oh, Blr, what can I do for my poor trr-- j . i Afercu Tuu . rre ...... busbaod's soull, ' Liverpool mat 10 invel Invite ' yon. .U nr. adu toe tree thtt forbids yoo to die. 1 ( I" Thoogh even before ere Uon It held an ample sway,! Lo l frail as a glistening dewdrop. It dies at th dswn of day. It relgBs a grim old kaooareh, A nd ever from death revives; Wth dim and Spectral mystery It shadows half onr lives. 1 !,;T'' ;'J j V A'BPhtAWTi , :a chime , personally guaranteed d e every day. The the what the SUBSCRIPTION SHEETS stance rp" of this festival man woo noes toe n ret is loosed on vUlo.. m i !r "7T. Orianclal secnrlty ; WTLLABD G. EXTTH, KKPf OPEN "UNTIt 8ATUR- - and to who na tiring energy and as a marvel of skill, and if iqi of hw , Correct solatia . RxoaaaD rar........ I ( . r' . f ' t- - m t ... Men re. wks nag . i aue sne race r,nat tne nnai i pieces are pit in wrong side np or &usax. Faawcm, aouity Si; sucoee is already no longer a matter I turned around It Is not noticed la the I 34 Ward, I WAJSATCH STAKE Karsaai Cawaty. or qnasuon, as wen as to frofwwor I general eflct; but if a printer, in 1 ri . -- i?........ ..: r I U1UDK WU tuuen Bl many pecee IO' I ABaAMFLiTX....... ..frerttoot t ..: tj issnops, vuuuuvwi w ua nt, REHKRVKO EEAT8, to Bubacrib- John ITcckin, CrOTden. ... : I H nnlv. arlBlttlns iursjuselorr. j H. S, Aiaxnsav Wa B. ParsJnson, North Morgan. LI I the wrong way. ever; 1 I " V aspect of aOalrs i av au ;tA . i " ahlnh Charles Turner, South Morgan, mi a VXJUIWIS. mrlll. ia It IA.UU. hitnal , ' mi a bil uv . .c niiu 10 uivftM r Albert D. pSnksonvKkthvllla. , . . ,Waaaeai Csssly ItE8EBVKD! BEATS, (In , Central gHram musical revivaL leesneis of those IX and tw wast Seotlorj , C. t taken Kaoea The featlval at Iaarvua Hajeaet garter, City the caobov. Wl Whttoar, Milton. Bubaerirj ThornaaRaeband, Eastnebee: Hlngle Uoncert One next in order will . consist of four ; u WBUaa rorraan. West Hebeaj J. b luUL Enterprise, l n. rerson, sj3.vo. . performance, llay 21st, 22d and f rmvldVM Wagoner, Midway. ' , Jama OsAigaa, Iawsoo. j RESERVED SEATS fn Side Sec 23d, and will embrace pottlma of W. B.Wor Nymphns a Murdoch, Charteaenv W. OU& JUUDLK L"0i. i Was. B NuttaU. Waltaharav twos A ol U.aod tMlirn a?. Iobengrln, Ell ah, The MeMiah and j. awotra Centre. Cluff, ' The Damnation of Faost,' liMLt. This departoaent wlJ! on lain once rAjratJi-rcx- r STAKE.i; ft Benjamin BmgwOineefO,iePWa&n,91so; Henry Mono. Woodland. ana omer selectiozw. a Prod. G. Wlllliama, Preai lmg Elder, Inehna. UlfXi fRAU ADJII33ION, t3t.OO. sympnonies -, -; JESSE W. CEOS ST, Jsvv-- week original puzz'es far the yoang eonecrloetc The origin arias, L : Kxacarn M. Braaus, I embraced bat-- three folka. ' The anawers will ' be , given !; .1 ' BTJOCESaOBS TO" ' ' ; i'''i programme Datip CAMgamt,..! TarUes foml Jereeolah natch. Ashler. City, the de- the' fjUowlng week." Oar Juvenile STBWAJtTBjioS. Co by SpeeUI Train oorxcrrts for.K0 19"secure Thomas Binghaa, Mountain Den. mar SEATd for mand for ; rests, however, was bo friends are Invited i to send the soj&eskkyed teao'uiheutiera or and Dealers , , kf A a, V JSINGLK DONCERTi at $1.00 each by great that the accommodation i' l,(4 of lutions. All who forward correct L 1,1 D. to O. CaL uoAteB" oommoajoua and elegant makiag early apfllcatloa C-- Davls. 1st Ward, Paosttea, ear's Maaie Store, Salt Lake- Uilv. atthar Opera House : WXBIB STAKE. were found insuScient answers will reoelv due credit and Joseph & ....... " tnd or Ward, Hiram Churc, by mall lelegrapavv asMi a, fourth concert was added. names will bs printed in' the a . . w. .. Beth Johotto, KJ President lewo raruBTLirr,. Bar Slyet onea for the Bescri stlon This festival will be under the ana. their, , . A-- P. tar fwjsuaata. ' laSWS, itet 9ii 4,.,-lot SXA90H, TICKETS, to oahsertbsn rJcav of the Kantas City Phllhar-mrml- c Ir B. Elmer, CsononviDa, JUOWlors, K. C. JTLTOABB. "nVi NO. Vrjlam jrxi JLaston, Plot County, j to oly, oa Moaday, May SSlh, at 10 aan at SSPnTSIOLOQICAL Boelety, and sJraady book L: IX. O. Caldera, East Tempi Street, sad i -k , , .j.. ,r ed for a grand en roe . wUI remain for subscribers It open onty.anUl 4 , The whole, containing EisnorsL tB, .SAErETE STAKX '" ntarusyaveainsfaae.c ee I a quotation from Shakespeare, recoe Q. B. Owjimar a " 'ekwr, 1st waruVOadea Cay. and Oenta nrta a- rv XTand Fin) Eheet'oseia Box the Reservation for RT ai7- - Tiw" mrr u AltanSfW. CANUTE ETEK30N Bowed ward, nee Llachine Cocts im and to life the of a on porta same At oa oi auuag and certain Discs, single ticketa. WtnsJow s arr, Bd ward, ' naamv'BaAr. i Cioef , Counaslor. Iclaaiof organa say, bbs su, at iv a,m. Edwu otratlbrd, tth ward, lsaSi cm Juaa B. aUiasN, - Sc ) . a ft I - one-ha- saw f01?1 rat SfOKOAJI STAKE. 22, 21, 20, 28 - .. MrJ'Frainx Ifemmeriz, ' ' " BASS. - JJavid B. Stcvana, j, Wis F- - siAT-G- : ; . mTtrvti Ifr, FreJ Harvey, Jawipb 8. Tanner. Parnrv itpsoshaw, rreskihigEUer.SnrhuT Lake George)Halllday, Pantaquw. m rrut. uasnen. . Benneti, Cedar 5 IThomas X R Cutler, Leht . . ' Thomas J. MoQjlkaigh, Alpins. ; Leonard E. Harrtogtoo,, Amerkan Pork. John Brown. Pleasant Grove. 'i David wuoaasa, Fneekllogr Elder, Val ay, Emery Co, ; , UN. Caaubn, leammgtna. Thomas r aea, 8olr3k llokasn. : . ' ... , liI te:Of.300iYoices! t3rtx B. Horxh, th Ward. Peter Madsm Mb Ward, NeuM Paokard. George D Boell, Spanfah Char fee D. Bvans. atem. ' s , i BB4ED, SPENCER, BARTLETT & Ca, - ; j : 'oa John 1 FRESH BUTTER M EGGS, pf Snppl t- - ILH.Cixrr,-.......- .. ! . Ass feted by 1. tjaaai Ceasisy. N IRA NiJ HINCKLEY, residoat. I Bisnors. Joa V. Boaiaus,.: JCounsetora.) , P. John R. 1st Ward, Provo Oty. Johoaon, ." w. unveKes n, ward, f ' XlUarel Coasicy. M Mrron Tarmnr. Sri Wai-- 'isiinops. j Joseph D. Smith, FTflmors THEfl. i Fnll j , GO TO G: W. DAVIS. s . :y" 1 nt .he other performances, a single concert will be givan at Bradford on Under the Personal Direction of. May S, and three festival peform-ance- a at Buffalo on May 4 and 5 Three festival performance folTow at Cleveland on May 7 Tth and 8h wrtv a vtfiuuiuuruu III VUX BQd 10thf for which large subacr'pMona Jlad ha unrivBlle By na phony Orohastrt of have been eeenred. and amtw aerie of featlva' oono-r- t at Iioula ville. Ky.. if arranged for the llth anu ism, in wuicn tuty me eubsciin a a v'jj i is. r illlasCreak.U I'll 3 , composed of the Plttsbasr .Musii Union and a vocal society from the aeigb boring town of! Be wick "The Redemption" will be givenley. on me evening, and portions of The Messiah and "Elljahf and mlscel-lacna eelecUina will be given at ; t : V Friday Hve. and Saturday Afternoon and JZve., - ;.. Item-mertHarvey, , tenor; Mr. Franz Madame Rive-Kins- ', ba: 1010 pianist. 1 n wur win open at on. April 26. Baltimore In a festival 27 and 28. , The-- e will be four concerts, three evening and on matinee. For these a guarantee of $3,000 haa hsMtn mado. Tha faatlnl iit I oe given nnder the the t awplces of w li.wi " U.I Chorus B4.t., of 400 voices will take pvt. ' The flret n'ght will be devoted to the "The lledemptkra," the second to"El Jh," an 1 the third and matinee w Jl consist of miscellaneous jrcheatral and solo selections. From Bait! more they go direct ' to Pittsburg, where s second festival Ul be given on. April so and May 1 and Z, eoneiating of three evening conoert and a matinee, for ahioh a fund of 16,010 baa been raised. There will be a chorus of 800 vol.. .i r if - CHEAPEST DRY GOODS, f Yoi Want Ife - - ' ! d . ; the amount off f iWaSf. of the raflnsid lue Mempnis festival, which ia in aBAr and of the molsees, foil w after fjo'ilevilje, will be given Miss .Emma C.' Thnrsb ana tobacco unewmg Ptetj w.. on and 14th and r b jpb ro. smoKing the and 15th, will con , of the cigars. It atst of two evening concerts and a snuff, and j Mrs.r EJ ITumphrey Allen, matinee. The guarantee here ia al has the wort city governments, io the meanest legislatures, and the ;,'soihANa ' jr Will be the worst festival This 1,000. :i of I uetlce in the I Tninn STAJCX.' am ever neia in a southern city, Georffecourts Mri. Annie Ifartdesen, u and Alred Toumtend, will be under the autploes or .......President ' ft I . ' the Memphis Moaart Society, which Krs? ncllc Cole. ' furnianet a nueiy trainea chorui of : Thmnaa Atkln, Jr, KdwarS Hunter, Jr- Uranbmua. William r. Mass, K T City. t n aiarun, uwrrew. ' Imnmem W. Burrldge, 6t. Johnl O. Sharp, Varuoo.i rraoots uest jeor, Clover. Wm. JX Johnson, Jan., RAnab. Ileury B. M. JoUer, hit. Cannot ThouMia Chamber kin, OrdervlUs. anyal JOuSJaraatdala. Thomas W. timith, Patareah. Johnaoav asu.jjL Johnson, r. i ; ; ' THREE; GRAND :i! Tooele CHv. liaSBOPS.k - . E BSa? :::.t J .Hsat Ceaaty. j; i n n n ht i Salt Lakd City. Teeale Ceaaty. - Emma C. rburaby, poprano; Mrs. Humphrey Allen, of Boston, snd Mrs. Annie riortdesreo, of New York, eopranr-- ; Mrs. Bells Uo'e, contralto; Mr.Fred. LSiity.HwiaEvl ueinvorta, eanngaaie. lAsseafta Caeiaty, Hevada. Bdward Banker, Jr BunkerTlfla. wnvibttraaon, jr oa.jteequx. ; Miaon L. Lee. Paoai aw, vjutttt t rnwus Ub,n John B. BsmmonS, Eale Vaile, Artemua sUUat, Bering- Vallej, Kquim j MUa .1 Thomas Hooper, MlddlMoa.. Jorxea O. Pearrseo. Mountain rail Oliver OeaUll, Sboaceburg, ,. uaorgaj hanmnio PERFORHANCES! AlnaoH. KoeseU. Grafton, Georaea Hott, Hamb!bi, , ; wl'l oonalst of Mr. Thomaa and his. orchestra of 1zty men, selected from the Phil B ni n iillililtiVilljL m Coaneek)r. BISHOPS. Josepe 8. Hmitsman, GorJook, w. IX race, lUrinooy. Thoa. 8. Terry, Hebron. Geo. H. Crosby, Leeds. Kmi'k W. Ptoe Valley. t aveling forc ,::, -- i i , us DAVIS. Icilam the Bsst GROCERIES. au hmv OSlGO TO.G. W. DAVIS. If - : 1 . i ST. OEOBIQE STAKE. .i.PreaMettf. .D.T. MeAXXJSTEB,.... RrnvBT BTBrao, . Hajx a. McAsraniR,. (, i s, STAKE. AT1 ; Th Ceaaty 1 Char lea Blebena, Henneferrlile. KOaa Aapar, Bcbo, Kobert Halmon, CoaMIle. Joba Clark, Upton. Aionao wmtera, Bortsruw Jared C. lkMndy, Waoahtp , John M. Malm, HoekporU" tMepben watker, reoa. B V. Atwoad, Kamaa. George M. Face, Parley Park. John Holm berg, PreaKUng Kider, Park City. : I SUBMIT STAKE. I .President W.CIJJtT. : Harvey Dbaon, CBfion. John Jardtae, Cttrlgtorr'' Wm. P. RhrbyfNewtoo. .Alma Harris, Bonaon. Henry Hnghra, Mendon. , William H Maairhan, WeDarffla. Oraon Smith, Paradise. rV hW Moieo,' Hynwa. rienrte Ok Pttkkt, Mlllvflle. Milton M. Hamraoqd, ProrWenoa. John C Lsraao Jr. Corerllle. plree. ; and so natural, gradual, ,and perfect are its effects, that ft is impossible to detect tits application, j If You Want the Best CQ F GO TO G.V. - , wsll n)gh In ghe grand fm ewnnls that Bisnopa. , u rmi,c Oedar fjxy. J. Arthur, Urals or iosi ana 100. Ckrhopfar Huh, mmortu ntire the for tour, reeponelbfjitv WuSmO. MitSSl, lat War, PttrowBO. whton is : Dorne vj aox. a ue juum KASTKKH ABISOHA BTTAKK John B. Dalley, ffcdWard, Thomai who baa given his person v JKSSB N. 6 imH. ........... .,.JrealdW al at ration to every one of the in WaUaoa W. iouiaymnarra,waBmi R A. Wilms- - IMIniaml numerable detail connected with tr (ootnMtort. Daniel Lao, acting;, Soda Spring, Oneda Co, the Drenaration of programme, re ' . BAXT XJLK . I Ca ArlMaui. hearsal. ta ia fairly equalled in PreaUara that involved in the AW308 M. pAHiTOW,t impoitance bybosineeB Robert Gaidar. Garden City. r and management Datid inoeptlon Ira Nebeker, Lain Town. i Japan C Owens, Waodrnft. ' . i ( scheme of J of what may be called Jrvenh Klrnbal), Meadowvffis. John Hunt, BDOwflaka. A. oKioaon. Randolph, xnaznltuda. Concerta the Juba H. Htandlflrd, Taylor. greatest W. II. Lea, Woodruff. 9. B. Johoaoo, Eraatua. that are to be even artlstl jally buo OaTtd K. UdaO, 8t John. ' r BisnoFs. v oeeafu mast! be made ito pay; . Chrfc toptoirranti. Oner. P. J. must be make comfort Vt Ward, flak Laka artists Warborton, 4 mm N. Hoklen, Amity. Joaph BIATZK ITAKI. " Baaiael Pama, tod Wara, IUmM A-- Kohte. ttiah VaIT. able if they are to be Jioked Sooorro Jacob Waller, MWij MoLeUan. Waw ti Fleaaanton, C. to for the beet efJort; lor g; distances lVesldeot Harrkm Brerry, h Ward. T . Jiew Merao. , "t traversed without unnecesa-- y Joes Hksfaard Bnmtoy, ftth Ward, irwtnk ic. RnMra. Bmhhvird. GrarAm Jora Ash woeTHy. ...... I rvJv K.vU BBBTOBan, ...... tOh 9m. EUawcna, PfeaidlnB Blder, yoreat Dale. of time or fatigue to the' company WlUtam Thprno, th ward, difference bet ween lira! cUtae or! Jo Fiyah r. Bbeeta, ath Ward, 'i teWve Ceaaty. eat manasementa hartnoniz sd. And SaimxH A. Wooiley, tth Ward, 4 BISHOP nVITBB-- AOIKTA Bianorsvjh. Adam Bplera, XKh ward, . the thoaeand and one minor details Alenode? MoBaa, 11th Ward, Beer Lake C. involved in the successful manage CharVa B. White, 1st Ward, Dasrar. Osncood, Bloomlneion, decrg llttH Bu Waaav Blraia John X. 8mtb, M Coo, ugao, uaeee uo. ; ment of concerts and festivals so VKh Ward, t, fiewoa. MlUen At wood, . Mchov, Jamea MeKnlirbt, Brirbam, Box KWer Ce. MhtersrlDa., Ward?Uth Thomas Taytorf that the wheel of the" entire S Weber Jua. H. Jrwpto, Adamarllka. J. Co, Taylor, Ogden, ISch Ward, Joaeph Potlhrd, Mth Co. and move Tur:er, Morgsn Morgan City, Qiartee Hejjjjjjntn IJlleywhtt, GreenTfltaV machinery mothly Ward, rradarlok hjeakir. W. McMlUan, K llfccd. Arthur Siamer. rarmli;arton. Darla On. of towards s result peruolseleeBiy John Tlnirey, nth Ward, 8d ward Hunter Jun., Granrarllle, Tooele Co. Oraon P. Whttsey, lath Ward, fect artistic a well a executive re-Alma tsmita, coaivuie. summit vo. Jamea Wataon, 19th Ward, Co. Wm. Porman, Heher. Waeatoh sllaitlon. When it is lemembere 1 John Sharp, nth Ward, BOX iELAKK Band Utah John, Proro, that on this Brand concert tour Mr I Hat Ward, Andrew Burt,RiiMr Mnunfl. m. Paxman, NepbJ, Juab Oo. , A (i. imm. 1.4 OLTVEH KffOtT, ritomas brings with; Mm his entire KtmbaJfc Fillmore, Millard Co. A. A. Ward. Kawwrt" Lew H. Moosley, orchestra of Sixty musician, F. picked Mill Creek. Geo. yaroworth, Mt. Pieasaqt, Bans ete Co. Rich HIIL Proil llfir Alex. Priest, Counselor. Wm. FtotherlDgham, Beaver, Beaver Co. J. Ifc BUT,.... well as seven f o'o artists, besides H Jean Man. icaat miu um. vy m, H. Duma, Parowan, Iron Co. n. R. Rrlnton. Blr Oottonwood. Che w. Jesce large stan r quire for the busl croaby, Jun , P tnguitoh, Iron Co. J. & Eawttna, South Cottonwood. aess Co. Kane John U Nuttall, Kwnb, management, librarian and r DoVm. maet Phillips, BISflOPS: j Gro. W. Been, Rlerifield. Per Co. enormous musical 1 brary required t , xnon X Detnam, Oranflt . tM. CO. tarueaG. Uluak, George, WAShlngton 1or the grand conceits and festivals, WlltowiJreeic turapevv; Waxd, Bnrhsm Oty. ITenry Tiuircy , t. M. atewmrt, ftotrth uu. Laraea, tjaate-miefmeryvo. Wilnam A. Bllhu Booth Jordan. it Han Juan Co. U. Lrnari. Bluff City. will be seen at once th Mr. Platte A. Madna, . Bil Jamea Crane, Herrtman. Stlae 8. Bmtth, Mkaaeya, Conejgoa Cow,Cal the chief in com John Welch, '1 th Locke, general Oris A. PBcry,Threa Iffle. Creak. Baaaoel Bennton, North Joraao, ouand, ha In designing this remark v GorHa FMjer, WD lard Ctty Frederick Bchoenfcld, Brlgnton, march of hi musical fores able S Mantoav PttarC Jecaon, w Hntman. fiandr. ikM Thorn M Harper, North Wari. front the Atlantic to the Paclflo laid W. B. HArdy, MounUla Dell Abraham Hunaaker, Hon7TtUa. ut for himself a problem Of no UM.Uainan,Pleaaaat Green. ..5 John C Dvwer, Hewtij tllta. nean magnitude, and ithe Buooe tioBKina, rwcaira. ul accomplishment of which wil Carl JanaoBmr Hirer CUT. BETIKB , STAKE. him amongst the foremost jlace K. rx Maaau Park VaHey manaserla talent of the wrlJ. i . Jpresldett 0. Kimb r, OrotM Crek. i Thus the fullest susces of this eU 1. lx ZuodeJ, fTMhakla. A. K. THTJBBDI, Couneeloraassur rantlc W. H. Saatueifxjm,- undertaking is already Oatehta County, loabax I ed snd a doubt, beyond striking j evtar CaaiBiCy; Geo. Stuart, Malad City. tfibute to Mr, xnomas's ratinna' BISHOPS, J. U Jonta. Cbfctry Crook. that In none of Ithe cities puation RlohOeld. Paul Poutoon. let Ward, Jonah Frans. FatnarU. to I be has there been the visited t a 2d so, ;ing Complexion Joa. & Home, Ward, HotioQ d Haigbt, Oakley, caaua uu d'fflo ilty la Securing the Barnard H. Oroenwo a, inveritry. tlightest Haffan's few of applications Joshua W. Sylvester, Eteluore. i atoeesary guarantee. Mr.Lonke saye MAGNOLIA BALM will gratGideon A. Murdock, Joseph. tnat oouki run; dv obtained K STAKE. crH Peter OottfredKon, venniiuoo. to your heart's con Joublenethe atnormt aked la everv yon! ify Baluuw Jeoe Jenaen, s WM. B. PRISON, .PrMldaU. Jabs Durtea, Aurora. does way with Sal case. In many c'tl s there itent. It was great ' I . M. W. MrHRi IX,. John Johoaan. Bedmond. .local lowness. among competition Redness,; managers Pimples. BurlTCla. William H, Clowerd i t for the privilege of buying the conDenmeon L Harria, Monroe. .Blotches, and all diseases and certs, I ' Archibald X. Okbroyd, G ten wood. there being in some instances Caaka Cauatx. skin. of the Ito is many Greeawtoh. imperfections Geo. Hatoh, p. as nine separate a; plicaBISHOP3.M' overcomes the Unshed appear-anc- tion. The . guarantee fund range j Plate Coaaty. rienjnmln M. IjenfM, 1st Ward, Lofma City. And exof "rom 1150 for heat, fatigue single oonoert to M Henry Italia rd, Joseph H. Wrfrht, Oraaa Valley. Bobert Darfcteoiv a makes of citement. .8d The Bums were rala 125,00(1. It lady larger Ella H. Bavokburn, Preemoat. . IVmiaa X. Smith, 4th iTHIBTY appear but TWEN-,T- Y ed by the citizens of; ths .various George Brtakeahoff Ihurber. WHUam Hrde. 6th Ma -- " ACROSS In referring: to this enterprtee, which la charaeterizBd by the New York World ag "The rrmtMl mnsi csl anfertBklTJK of ths Bg," the tcnaofths enura Hew xotbwwb bo on of tlmpla msy: eBBU to enonnoos bcbIb on miMmrnt: the aa veusiu wtiic.ri it la eoncervea most Incredible lab-i- r of preparation ha volved are conceded to be trn-- Larl M. flaTace, 8nnaet. Joaeph H-- Ulchards, SU Joseph. A. U Paroaworth, Moao Coppy. KfcU Allen, Tonto Bala. J. J. Adama, Prealdlcw Elder, Brtchaov 5 Kz-.- GO TO..G. Wi DAVIS. mm . TEA, If:You .Want: the1 Best" ! TUB COimUBBIT." Arts ma. AawelM C ; S6. 48, 9, ST la' a hams. ' The for Soxxvi and Sealdi. es r AiGRlAT COUCEET TOTJll. sscrm-::.;.-:;...-..-..- ...- mkK. ll 18S3. Bfay gTen to a teeth j part bffce Pura,, Dr. Bearlea, of Warsaw, Wtacon-Aedie- al Tae 84, nart of the.. eye. 1- ai' sin. says. v In he Juntcago a - . a Examiner. dome few years since I Th 2, 47, a, T, Bl, , a is a none 01 of the am. ' - !' accidentally found that a poultice 5 U artery of tenvleaves, applied 'to email barns Ths , 29, Us and seal ts, afforded Immediate relief, a mon The and I determined 10 grve 9, 48, 27, 15, 17 U the trank or the extensive trial when opportunity arterUa j soon systsuu r occmred. should present which BL 13. 5,! 41, 25. 10 U 2 18, The SI, Zi, reonesn or a onua case the It v ia old. I take nam for the a examination leading from general months Upon found the anterior portion of the the stooaaetu hndv. arm, and lees blistered and Tb8,lS,4S,60 Is the portion of th deeply burned from a kettle of hot body which possesses the chief organs of water wmcn xne cnua nau uyae senaatlon. ; uie The upon itse,if. Tne case, 10 say nc26, 34, 36, 19 saay hs Seen apon the least, was unfavorable for the ..' V faee.SE a or 1 eeas preparea .any remeay. The 27, 43, 7, 2$, 17, 43 Is a nerve of large poultice, softening the leaves with hot water, and,: while yet tacarna. .: I The SO. 21. 53. SSL 16 are Important aids quite warm; applied It upon cot enure rarneu to the digestive aysterai ton wool, over "Almost like magi 1 tt e The 42. surface, for the 46, S7, 23, 20 U a ecflerlDg abated, and without tne iatrodtfetloa of food. r ' cavity chilJ use of any other anodyne the The 81, 2t, 46. S7, 4S. 50, S5, 27. 26, 43. sxnk fell lot? a quiet Kep, and in a 9, 49, 41 Is the bone of th shot.lsler. ' 1 tne removed hours few; application neThe was 32, 4 27. 39. and the 45, S3, 30 are and reaDnlied it where it the parts dis- abnormal growths npoB the an- rises of the necessary, I colored and apparently tanned. The body. ,. ; acute sensibility and tenderness had The 40. S3, 9. Si, S3 Is the motor of the little circulatory sysem. Uscts Ulatjdb. nearly disappeared, and thesecond patient pas ed through the more ; and .third stages under far Vo. 31 RIDDLE. clrcumatanceB "(symp favorable tnmei than wss at first anticipated. .It Is like the wing of, a ravtn, . mak tag; a recovery . In about t wo And the banners of theskles; It la hks the eyes of a maiden "Since U ten, on several occasions Wbea the lo ve light In there lie; f have bad occMion to recommend Is hke the dim feeeeses It tea leaves, till I have come to prefer Of woods where the mosses grow. Wa In the it above all other remd It thrills with terror many a heart first at ace o' burns and scald. I A a it voices come and so. think it must recommend Itself to Jiei nrofession. not only o- hocount It is found In tbie midst of the desert And on the mountain side. rf its intrinsic value, but also by reason of its great convenience, be And In the tanrky midnight .i ing so readily obtained." Hangs o'er old ocesn'e tide. Far over many sathina Ila banners are nnfarledt She Thought She Saw the Devil. Its footstep leave no t races Thonjh It travels roind the world. A negro died In the penitentiary tea-Lear- Ms-W- W4wazdW. Wade, pieasnnt View, UTXXK COLOBADO PAtTOWr-.- .. Bataraay, . , Uta J. JOMBSV.. ........ . FsnrABD ct? t : t Gilbert Belnap, Hoorjotv iTerd&Io. Hartford Binvbanu P. O. Taylor. HarrtnrlUa. , JOhn rarreu, Koeo. Brtaham H. Blnaham. wiMn. Haatad Dye and Bob art Oeia. ' P1BOWAI Hear La. Ceeaty leahe. m bishops. I . -- Daatai r. Thomaa, uran. ' A. Alfred, Spring Ctty JohaB. Eess, wales. Evening news. - Thomai ITaJlaoa, North drden. V. A. HAmroond, HurtsTjin Oaorta W. BramwHl. JcHTIala City. John A. A Urea, Hatemuer-- . ' ' DaTtd Moore, fekaaid fftort. 8oh STAKE.; .4.... J I E. W. Aflred, Chester. ; W L b. Anderson, Kphraim, North Tint Uartaa, F.peralra, Boats aQM. Ameae Tucker, raimew. Joka BarthoieeDew. Parens. i K.I Johnson. Fountain Ureeo. GnonJson. Ml . A. dawn, C v Jotm ppeoeer, wmaooHi O. aofcen. W field. . TV wru. wortn Was, Hatd, MaoU, Rua Smhh. Mantt. South ., t ; IJohn W. Irons. Moroni. -i R. P. Madam, Uu PteaitA wrtL Wm. S rfeetoy, MfcPteaaant, BISHOPS. AND lor m I j! Sanpete Caty. s ; bishops. ... BRU!SHES ;. ' rWisAii4-.in,W- r k;:tr;U:.'&i vranas iof silk. J1 rV i 1 GRIIITE ffiOIWARE; 3X For . BROILING, BAKING..1 i BOILING, PBESERVINGr. , acr titiUti 3IIT Tfl 1 ,f 111 fifty-4wo'leUe- rs, tian?" L-v- - . r 4A iJv.-- rri'l tit. - OTiii'rf:! 4xZjo ;fJGcl UOHT, HANDSOME, J..V 'hi.', WHOLESOME, DURABLE. X7nrc Undo for the Xlilclicn, |