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Show NATIONAL SCHOOL LUNCH WEEK Jay Mills gets ready for school lunch. Lunch ladies are Norma Bills, Joann Nickels, Jessie Penrod, Leslee Blatter. National School Lunch Week Held by Schools Pleasant Grove High School salutes National School Lunch Week this week. Norma Bills, lunch manager at the high school, notes that this week schools across the nation will be serving the same lunch. For example, Wednesday Wednes-day the menu will consist con-sist of pizza, green beans, Italian Salad, apple ap-ple crisps and 2 milk. Schools have been authorized to try new menu pattern designed to offer more flexibility and choice to suit local area taste. What makes this possible is that there is now a much expanded ex-panded list of food items that can be included in the Type A school lunch menu. (Type A school lunch provides lA of the recomended daily allowance for a school age child.) For instance, rice, a food thats popular in many areas of the country coun-try is now included. So are dried beans and whole wheat flour. These additions make it possible to serve more regionally preferred foods. The government also tries to anticipate the needs of the schools in advance to that it can buy a reasonable price both what the schools like and what is available. A form is sent every year to schools asking how much they expect they'll need of certain foods such as instant in-stant mashed potatoes, ground beef, fruit, etc. The Government tries to purchase things that are most desirable in quantity. For example, the local school lunch people love to have chicken cut-up, and breaded, ready to bake in the oven. The individual in-dividual schools then contract for certain items such as pizza. To give people an idea of the scope of the program, the federal government bought 100,000,000 pounds of ground beef last year. What the Government buys is effected by price and availability. Ground beef is more expensive this year so more pork and chicken will be used in the school lunches. School lunches through out the country are providing students with well balanced and nutritious meals. |