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Show CI SHEWN IN SCHQQL CENSUS Local Enumerators Find Increase In-crease of 20 Per Cent in Work So Far Thus far the five census workers on the ogden city school census have reported an Increase of nearly 20 per nt oer the 1919 registration, according ac-cording to Information given out today to-day by officials of the school astern. The census taking will te completed , next Saturday and the returns rtad for publication the following Saturday. ; It is said The great Increase noted Ihus far j Is In the grade school students. The regular weekly meeting of the I board of education will bo held to-1 1 morrow evening nnd bids for the construction con-struction of the manual training building will be opened. It Is ep . '-, '-, ed that the athletic situation nt the ' high school mill also be discussed. I I me of the board members are said : to be In favor of purchasing an ath-letk ath-letk field for the students, but Just what action Is contemplated was not I made public. |