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Show i County's Light Case Before Commission A formal hearing may rrsult on action ac-tion taken b) Ye?, r county reeter j day In referring to the public ut III On commission of Utah a question of its contract with the Utah Powrr Light eotafaajr. 1'ndcr an uM contracl with the Utah Light Railway company, Weber county waj to receive powr at i cents a kilowatt hour for lighting light-ing purpose and at 2 cents per kilo wntt hour for power purpone? Hm cunty has teen paving 5. 1 2 rent. The V.rbcr county board of coram I Moner nuked for n refund, bu' I'tah I'uwrr & Light company, as ssiccessir to the t't.ih Light A Hall tpe present rate Is for power on f"jlowntrem" side of the trans i jMWtlB. while tie 4-cent rat was L fpr that on the "high tension' side, nnd e oa so imcrp. ted t former koards of commlaaioncrs. |