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Show AMERICAN WIDOW HOME AFTER EXILE IN ITALY N I If FOMCi Julv :i The Porticos Port-icos of Rraganza, Muches of oporto, widow of the Puke of Oporto, heir to th crown of Portugal before the Re-I Re-I ubllrnn revolution there, arrived today to-day from Lisbon by way of Providence. It I . on the steamship BrlOanla. The dueh-ae, who formerly lived here, was met at the pier b Portugese Portu-gese royalists. Hhe Is the widow of Don UfonSO, brother of former King I'on 'aroloH of Portugal. She lived In virtu 1 .vile with her husband In ttal following the revolution up until un-til his death In Naples last Februar. Prior to her marriage to the duke she was the wife of I'hlllp Van Vol-kenburyb) Vol-kenburyb) whom she married In 1911 BbS vrus then the widow of William II. 'iiapmun. who died In 1907. at the ue;r vf 7 leaving her a large es-tale es-tale through which she been m e known as the "ten million dollnr widow." The Van Volkcnhurghs w ei . divorced divorc-ed In 1914 |