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Show oo E1ETT HERE FOR INSPECTION Ogden Man Who Is Assistant U. S. Game Warden Returns Home Irving C. Kmmett. assistant United States game warden with headquarters at Washington. 1 C. has returned to Ogden for a abort inspection tour of, the proposed migratory bird site, near the Bear river outlet. Kmmett depart-! ed early today for north, rn I'tah to Inspect the northern end of the pi posed site. He Is accompanied by two other government men Kmmett entered his present position posi-tion last fall. He was formerly district dis-trict t olled States game warden, having hav-ing Jurisdiction over several western George Lawyer. present Cnlted States game warden, with headquarters headquar-ters In the east, has tenrferrd his resignation resig-nation to take effsei October 1 , cording to Information received her I-awyer has r.ern in his present post, tion for a number of years and knows ' every angle of the fish and game bus.- Wbtle no successor has ss ret ben ent fan warden ss |