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Show Ir KVEaisdMAR8Ifl)lIFEl Irj. the noted author Idah MgCHone Gibson 8 a, . f A i'M WITH ELIZABETH! MOKL- I I l IH For a moment I was too astonished B to bo angry whan I saw Elizabeth H Mor-land through the window. B "Welcome home, Katherlne, " she HB- called. In her high hard voice. "Come BH out as soon as you can, I am all attn- HlB gle to see John's baby He has told QH. mc so much about her.' HrH I eras putting on little Mary's hood H as she spoke and for a moment I fear- H ed that MUM Parker would notice with B what deliberation I proceeded. It HH s emed to me that 1 could not possibly B" greet that woman. I could not under- H Stand why John Gordon, knowing how H i felt about her. should put this lax Pl upon kH As It was. I let SfiBS Parker precede FH me with the baby In her arms and I s came In the rear of sundry "Red e'aps" 9 IsbbbW burdened with all our packages and Jt baby paraphernalia! Just In time to TaH hear her say, 'Here nurse, let me take MLH little Mary Flizabcth. Come to aHl auntie, darling." K Itsl KNOWS BESI Kfl "I do not think you better take Blary." I ald coldly "The nurse knows WA in a rrj her if jon want MflB to help. Elizabeth, take this," 1 thrust bbbbbbbH an unjr.Vnlv package of baby cushions and trailing blankets Into her arms. I knekv she was furious for I am sure that it n the first time n all her life t h ' Elizabeth Moroland had ever carried car-ried a package of any kind. I knew she expected me to inquire v, about John but I would not do It I would not give her the satisfaction of asking !f my motor was there, espe-J espe-J daily as my eye had caught the tall slA i rm "f Charles, my chauffeur. In the m distana hi n t i, ired him, he came .jVB' UP lo iri "Mrs. Gordon, Mr Gordon f jsw ; wished me to say to you that h- had flfff1 been unavoidably called out of town wJ', end has asked me to sec that ou are ML "yea." broke in Elllzabeth. "I told MJ; :. Charles this morning that I would WrJml come down to meet you." fS Where are vou going, Charier," I ' Jm asji -.i polltel , 'Bcl "' li I'm so s'.rr; , Katherlne." in-' v terruptcd Elizabeth. "I did not know that yon were coming so soon an.d as ir apartment ivaa so hot I moved mk o er lnt-j your roms. Of course 1'k.new, ,MlM tnal 1 was to have thm eventually and lm. liko the advertisement, I said to my- J"U self. 'W'hy not now nB "Are you trying to tell me, Elizabeth J3BB that you have taken all my furniture IPJPJ out of my rooms and put your own in? BBB You must have known that I would re- Nl turn 3ome time and would have to stay gB somewhere until the new house was H made ready for us " Whv didn't John tell you that I had 'moved In"" she asked with an air of Ir.nocense. RkVSOX TOR TELEGRAM AP-I'FARs AP-I'FARs "John told me that you were going to move in." I said with emphasis as the reason for that frantic telegram to Kllzabeth Moroland burst upon me. '"But when he intimated that you might move Into my rooms until I va-Icated va-Icated them, I seriously objected " I "Oh, dear, Oh, dear. I didn't dream you would hae any feeling about the matter. I simply put all your belongings belong-ings in that big attic room on the third floor and when John told me yesterday that you were coming, It seemed fool-Ush fool-Ush to mc to move out of the place, arranged completely to m satisfaction, satisfac-tion, for the week or two that you would be there, and so I had your beds sot up In the attic. I thought possibly John might go to the club and you would be able to get along. You nee 1 did not know that you were going to bring a nurse along with you ' I laughed. It was too funny. I understood un-derstood perfectly why John did oot meet me at the train. Poor old chap, he would never hae the courage toi face me with a thing like this. The , enormity oi me oiiense was surn tnai 'if I had not seen the humor of it I think I would have struck Elizabeth i Moreland "Charles." I wild when I could speak without laughing, you may drive to .the hotel." Again I laughed for I realised 'hat phe too had probably learned John's 'miserliness where his women were concerned, and she know that he wouki op iunous at ine expense inis time she understood that he would place the blame where It belonged. "WHAT WOULD PEOPLE BAY?" "Oh Katherlne, if you feel this wav I think ou had better take your obi rooms. of course have them all f'irnlshed up for one person Instead of i jfour, but I couldn't think of allowing you to go to a hotel W hat would peo-.ple peo-.ple say'.'" I M dear, you have nothing to say about It." 1 answered sweetly ' As long as John Is away I feel that I am the only one to manage my affairs." I happened to be looking straight at Charles, although Ik was not looking at mo. I could hradly believe my eyes but I was sure that I saw one of his eyelids drop down over his eyes and I sild to myself. "Is it possible that there is one ma$ in the world, even If he Is a servant, who has, as perhaps ! he himself would say, 'Elizabeth More-land More-land s number,' " Tomorrow Elizabeth Subdued |