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Show ARCHBISHOP Tfl DEFY BRITISH; SAJLSSATURDAY j Government Declares Mannix Cannot Enter Because of Speech on Irish Question SINN FEI.MERS ARE , OPPOSED TO COMPROMISE Unionist Workers Modify At-' titude Taken Toward Men of Catholic Faith NEW YORK, July 29 Plans of Archbishop Daniel J M.--nni, of Mel- j bourne, Australia, to leave here next. Saturday on the steamship Baltic are unchanged by formal notification j from the British government that he will not be allowed to enter Ireland Ire-land because of his lecent utterances on the Irish question, the American commission on Irish independence announec'd today "Despite Lloyd George's ukase," the announcement said, 'Archbishop Mannix will sail on Saturday noon " I Tlie Baltic stops at both Queens-I town and Liverpool. The commts slon did not state at which port tho prelate plann"d to h.nd ATTITUDE CHANGES DUBLIN. July 28 Renewed activity ac-tivity is apparent in Irish political circles favoring dominion home rule as a satisfactory settlement In addition ad-dition to Sir Horace Plunkett's dominion do-minion league, which makes a new appeal for funds, many Irishmen are prompted by Premier Lloyd George's .announcement to press forward a plan differing from the dominion leagues by agreeing to allow the Ulster counties to vote themselves out. Nationalists who hitherto violently imposed this course as being a partition par-tition of Ireland, have come round to favor it and hao the support of the Freemans Journal which in recent months under a new proprietorship could not be distinguished from the Sinn Fein organs. In agreeing to accept county option op-tion for Ulster, important groups have met both of the premier's in-dlspenM.ibl' in-dlspenM.ibl' inmlltions The crux of the situation Is the attitude of the Sinn Fein leaders who continue to repudiate all compromises But the story circulated privately that Eamonn DeValera has sent word that a dominion settlement should be accepted and that several leading Sinn Feiners believe this to be the best policy, though not generally gen-erally credited is responsible ;o some extent for the more sanguine outlook. out-look. To all activities, Binn Fein leaders present a front of unchanging differ ence and dlstain. The only terms on which they are willing to meet him to negotiate a treaty of peace between England and Ireland. Powerful influence on the Sinn Fein policy Is exercised bv the republican re-publican army which numbers more than 200,000 and has been described a occupying townrrl the Dall Eireann tho same relations as Cromwell s Ironsides did to the commonwealth parliament PREPARE FOR MANNIX DUBLIN. July 2S A requisition has been signed requiring the lord mayor to summon a special meeting of tho Dublin corporation to confer con-fer the freedom of the city on Archbishop Arch-bishop Munnlx. APPEAL FOR FOOD BELFAST, July 28 (By The As soclaled Press.) Donegal today was making frantic appeals to Loudon derry for food, which. however, could not be delivered because train crews refused to move trains with military on board. , Tho train Stopped at Lctterkenny Monday by Sinn Feiners because it was transporting troops, 'was still there today with tho military guarding guard-ing it. Masked armed men early today-held today-held up the BelfastfDublln train at Newry and took away the malls. CONSTABLE KILLED CORK. July 2. Constable Murray Mur-ray was shot dead in the main street of Clonakllty last night MODIFY ATTITUDE BELFAST, July 28 (By Tho As soclated Press.) The Unionist workers work-ers today at Baubrldge, County Down, (Continued on Page Two.) Archbishop to Defy British; Sails Saturday I oBiiDasJd i ram Pafa one decided, following an appeal from the clergy, to modify the attitude they had taken regarding Catholic work era. Banbrldge was the native town of Colonel Smyth, whore assassins tlon In Cork resulted In serious trouble trou-ble between I'nolnlsts and Sinn I-Ylnen in lianbridge. The I'nionlst workers passed a resolution that well known members of the Sinn Keln should be excluded from all works, but that Roman Catholics who signed a declaration that they were not affiliated with the society would be allowed to resume work. |