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Show TICKLE GRASS BY BYBCN WILLIAMS The Reason Why. I see a fellow la writing a book on 'How to live on $500 a year! " Yea." The Idea! Now. 1 couldn't live an entire year on $300!" Oh, yes, you could." No, 1 couldn't. It's out of the question! I couldn't get the $500." The fruit crop le in little danger are this spring the newspapers pretty well occupied In handling the war news. Be loyal to. your party when tha policy of that party pricks not yonr conscience. Otherwise disloyalty Is honor to thyself. The eurest way to get a girl to marry you is to Infer by your actions that you don't care a tlnkera darn whether she wants to or not. A Wisconsin man having married his mother-in-lathe Olathe Mirror says there are no braver men In the world than those raised In tbe tangled pineries of Wisconsin. rA prominent club woman, Mrs. Dan-fortof St Joseph, Mich., tells how she was cured of falling of the womb and its accompanying pains and miseiy by Lydia R Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, h, ! Weather Report. ws aland around and ahake; Our nose la blue with chill. At night wa put a planter on And take a quinine pill! To-da- y has lwen years sine v other medicine than yours. I atn afraid of drugs, and although 1 have beensiek many times 1 have taken only your medidui-s- . They are wonderful lndei-d- . In Socloty. We have a very largo house and enterA woman in society is obliged to keep tain a great deal and 1 do ull my own late hours, hhe must attend receptions Mrs. J. V work, thanks to leruna. and balls. She seldom allows herself a Reynolds. at home. Her whole Suiet isevening Free Treatment for Women. taken up In keeping engagements or entertaining in her own home. Any woman wishing to 1st placed on lier system becomes completely run tlio list of lr. Hartman's patients for down as a consequence. IShe soon finds free home treatment nnd advice should herself in a condition known as sys- immediately send name and symptoms, and treatment temic catarrh. This has also been called duration of catarrhal nervousness. already tried. Directions for tlio first Irs treatment wifi he promptly If every society woman could know the value of reruns at such a time, if mailed five of charge. No free nicdi-they coulil realize tlio invigorating, cine will be supplied by tha doctor, all necessary directions will ha strengthening effect that l'eruna would but have, how much misery could he furnished. Read what the above ladies have to avoided. Letters from society women all over aay of leruna as a cure for these cases. Address Dr. Hartman, President of the United States testify to the fact Tlio llartman Sanitarium, Columbus. that Feruna lathe tonic for S Dead Mbs. Pixkham: Ufa looks dark indeed when a woman feels that her strength is fading away and she has no hopes of ever being restored. Such was my feeling a few months ago when I was : advised that my poor health was caused by prolapsus or falling of the womb. The words sounded like a knell to me, I fejt that my sun had : set; but Lydia Ik Pinkliams Vegetable Compound came to me as an elixir of life ; it restored the lost forces and built me up until my good health returned to me. For four months I took the medicine I am so thankful for daily Mbs. Flobskcs Daxtobth, the help I obtained through its use. ! 1007 Miles Ave., St Joseph, Midi. A medicine that lias restored so many women to health and can produce proof of the fact must be regarded with respect This Is the record of Lydia 13. lMnkhams Vegetable Compound, which cannot be equalled by any other medicine the world has ever produced. Here is another cose: Dear Mbs. Pinkham: For years I was troubled with falling of the womb, irregular and painful menstruation, lcucorrlioea, bearing, down pains, backache, headache, dizzy and fainting spoils, and stomach trouble. I doctored for about five years but did not seem to improve. I began tbe use of your mpriinine, and nave taken seven bottles of Lydia Ik Pinkhams Vegetable Compound, three of Blood Purifier, and also used the Sanative Wash and. liver ITUs, and am now enjoying good health, and have gained in flesh. I thank you very much for what you have done for me, and heartily recommend your medicine to all suffering Miss Euu Shtdxb, 218 East women Center St, dlsi-as- tells the following An old story of modern surgery: lady, who went to tbe city to visit her daughter, was met at the door by a servant who said that the daughter had gone down town to have a kimo-ncut out. The old lady sank fainting into the nearest chair and tear fully asked- - what hospital she had been taken to. An exchange Marian, Ohio. FREE MEDICAL ADVICE TO WOMEN." Women would save time and much slckness if they would Write to Mrs. Pinkham for advice as soon as any distressing symptoms appear. It is free, and has put thousands of women on the right road to recovery. Mrs. Iinkliain never violates the confidence thus entrusted to of testimonials from her, and although she publishes thousandsadvice and medicine, women who have been benefited by her never in all lier experience has she published such a letter without the full consent, and often by Hiwcial request of the writer. forthwith prodnee tha original latter and signatures od FORFEIT M we sn:.nt ahioluti fenuinantn. vliich villnii 1 Mill III itMivi Jfi. Mam, Kudklua A-h- a An Illinois editor complains that the boys of his town eat jieanuts in church. Many a present-da- y preacher would be mightily pleased If he could induce their fathers to attend church by walylng this point of etiquette. Editors should not be too fine haired. AA UuUUJ Lytiih rhikluiu Ohio. down, depleted nervous system. JIMMIE. And yet ws know that spring has eoms Her vernal scenes to make. For yesterday our Jimmie went In swimming In the lake I Co., Ljbd, Instead of the American expression, cast-of-f clothing, the English use lefl-of- f clothing. In an English newspaper an advertisement states that: "Mr. and Mrs. Brown have left off clothing of every description, and Invite your careful Inspection." FREE to WOMEN The Incentive. Why Is the telegram like a satchet bag? I dunno. Why?" Has to be scent, doesnt it?" It was at this Juncture that Philander threw the brick. Libbys Natural Flavor Foods art U. 8. Government Inspected, perfectly packed canned foods, and are ready to serve st a moment's notice. pddrtqg'yp1 to prove ttuTvS Antiseptic PuxtityeToiletPsztlse Is la powder feral to dissolve la water md Mr superior to liquid antiseptics containing alcohol which IrrltaUe Inflamed surfaces, and hove no cleansing properties. The contents of every box makes mors Antiseptic Solution loots longer goes furthor hoe more uses In the family and does more good thanony antiseptic prepare Uoa yon can buy. The formula of a noted Boston physician, and used with great sums as a Vagina Wash, for Leucorrhau, Pa vie Catarrh, Nasal Catarrh, Sore Throat, Sort Eyes, Cuts, and all soreness of mucus membrane. In local treatment of fcanalo ill Paxiine la invaluable. Used as a Vaginal tVu-- h wo challungo tbe world to produce it equal for in clean-duthoroughness. Ittean-vnlalioand healing power; it kills all germs which cause iulUminalion anil disRhargoa All ksilingdrugglsts keep Putina; price, Me. S box; It vnursdoesnnt.scnd to In.u't take a sulnliluta tliore is noth Ing like J'axtino. Write (ortho Free Box nf Faxtlne : Scad far aar boaklat ; OGDENS -- PHOENIX HIGH HAS NEN ADVERTISED AND 30&) FOR A QUAETEB OF A CENIUtt PATENT LIKE ALL v iS.WATWOF MADE BY OGDEN cum MILLING & ELEVATOR Cu. It is ludc of the best rdtenal. in black or yclow. fuHjr ouneUci sad salt bjr OGDEN, UTAH. rdaNc dalcn cvcpwlicrc. STICK TO THI When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Psper. W. N. U., Salt rSui so gaJ Laka-N- s c o. 5IGN OF THE FISH. wsareSd6- 1- ta atagnant. What will ba tha next movement! Up or down? Up, sura as you are a foot high. Buy now. while cloche are on the bottom. Head (or our Apoee-la'Ubook of Information and Dally Markal Lattar, mailed free upon application. . Writ fa D.W. WALK EH 1 n. Than why not kaap In view tha fact that the farming landa of Western Canada Motadteeaaa-breedlng.ou- hot-wat- ara auBcienl la auupart a pooslaliaa of 58.000. 000 or over? Tha iniunsralioo (or ibc pax six yean hap boea phenomenal. FREE Homistaad Linda aaaily aeeaauble. while other lands wise bo par chued from Ksilwsy end Land Companies. Tha (rain and erasing lands of Wman Canada ara lha beat on tbe romincnL piodncing the best grain, and eattln (fed oa grass sioael ready (ur tusrkaL Markets, Kvhoola, Railways ami all other conditions Biaka VtValero spot for tbo Millar. Canada an eavl-ab- la Write to Snperintmideiit Immigration. Ottawa Caw ads. (nr a desrriptiva Alisa, and olharinformafifia. or to the authorised Canadian Government Agent ItRNJ. DAVIES. ROOM A DUNN BLOCK, CENTRAL AVENUE- - GREAT PALLS. MOI'TANA. To the man who wants to regain hta youth, who wants to feel Ilka ha did whoa bo wag budding Into manhood, I offer a book which will show him the road to happiness a booh which will give him euuruge and enlighten him aa to the estura and cure (or bla troubles. It will point out the pltslla and gulda him lafaly to a future of strength and manhood. It It beautifully Illustrated. It tolls what other mes have suffered and bow they have cured theuy selves. Ills free. I will send It, closely sealed, without marks. If you will fiend this ad. If yes ara not tha man you ought to be. aaad tat II today. Dr. McLaughlins miyglQ 6,000 Electric Belt builds up broken-dowmen, restores youth and manhood aad makes men look and feel strong. It will euro every ease of Rheumatism, Weak Stomach, Kidney and Uver Troubles, Lanas Back, Sciatica, and every evldenoe of weakness In men and women. It will not fall It aaaaot (all, as It infuses la tha weak sued nerves Oi force of llfo sad strength. n "FlMIOHa Oitt, Utxb. I have worn your Ib-- for tbe past moalh and it has given entire satlsfuoiu I of age. j can do a good day's ucvraty to walk ten and from six sinus miles, work, home at night fueling well and fresh. I wUl JES&B TTK." gladly rceumiuetid your lleiC FREE BOOK-Wr- ite today for my beau fully Illustrated book. Sent sealed, free. lt yi-s- Dr. M. L. McLaughlin 831 Sixteenth Stmt, Denver, Cola COPIES COPIES ipuaipald) tl.OO. Rend today far. Alai trim- - Pf Stine 4ln-c-t fmin bargains In nnivua A Nig aarluc in Wrlie ai nnra fur rataksine and prlraa. Mandtw Italen Una, Guitars, Hiring anil killings. waive poa cavaLoaua THE McKANNON BROS. MUSIC CO. San SOUTH AND MAIN. SALT LAICS CITV I2B3 Washington Avo. Ogdon. Utah. IO KXi'i.CHivn at a Home? Looking for e Warwick Phots Supply Ca. BUTTING THE SOUTHEAST CORNER. And now the festive Willlam-goWill roam the village streets. And butt the southeast corner part Of everyone he muete! Blob SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH nVubo&VEtt Successor Is YOUTH RESTORED. BROKERS Yaifc Slack! and Conbnuou. OhsMmns aa N Cheaps Grain. lake Ste.k and Mining Eictung' Manta ol The Sanitary Wall Coaling germs and venule. Ksver rolls nr Kales. You raa apply It- - mis will I raid water. BeaotlfUl enema In while anil I i lellcaw tint. Male gloe preparation. Hurl In Mb. paekagea- pnipcrlr la f Alaheatlae , I ml COMMISSION CO. ur a.k ai.L free aarnpla cant Bald Ikreafkeat Ik earti. (fetlcara Aaap.Ma. OMS, Mh HnatnaL Ida (la fana el Chaaslaisbaaaad fllla, Me. par .lal a Ml. boiai laadaa, JT Ctoaa Au. da le MUMgf.iJ-atji.Amiss. UT Calami Iw An. PMurDrag a Ck.Pali, UafniHam aw Sod tar "Hsais Cm. Carp., UUgaifap Tstlariag, knurl trm Irtaarr la Aga." CUMMINGS Alabaatlno dealer for SALT LAKE PHOTO SUPPLY CO. rknlcjn-Ji'ki- ji-- c Little John was partially right, at least, when he answered his mother's question as to where sugar comes from, by replying, We borrow It from the neighbor next door!" iMsssLi it Japan and Russia are not the only that can boast n war. There 22, 1904. Demand the Utah Hand Made Harsa countries Is the Chicago billboard war, for In Collar from stance. your doalar r parUcn'ari and 8END FOR FREE SAMPLE. M0UNTAII TEA MEDICINE CO., 272 Ninth Street, San Francisco, CaL POMMEL SLICKER AN! $500 A positive cure for catarrh, eold In tbe hay (ever, headache and nil L oachlal affection. TktfimiK TOWERS BEST ygSSSSSESa Given Away MICROTINE. ' a known fact to everyone that uoourlilaa have declined from Twenty to Fifty Dollar per share In the past twalva months. Tha market bow Mua ; Libby. McNeill & Libby, Chicago FLOUR H. PAXTOlf CO., 8 Pop Bldg., Boston. ut paint, hardware and drug dralara Hint, so Daoorailtic." and our Anl-ta- 'I Idea. I me. gURienHCBimdBaflta,Slak..l win trarSi. 1. V. How ta Maka Goad Thiaia ta Bat. la uaf-irl- - Veal Leaf, Vienna Sanage, Nam Leaf, Beneless Chicken, Ox Tongues Aik Yssr firscer far Then. In JkMsg tbs Maty Texptle UscIwm Meats. It gllt-edga- d g iMlk-il- Spring. Nows the time ToBay" stocks" A Large Trial Box and book of in' Btructlo absolutely Free and Post to-da-y. I'm ole en po' But dls inr prayer terday: Gimme no mo Den I kin tote away." Atlanta Constitution. e Every child born into ths world with an inherited or early developed tendency to torturing, disfiguring humors of the Skin and Scalp, becomes an object of the most tender solicitude, not only because of its suffering, but because of the dreadful fear that the disfiguration is to be lifelong and mar its future happiness and pros perity. Hence it becomes the duty of mothers of such afflicted children to acquaint themselves with the best, the purest, snd most effective trestment available, viz. : the CUTICURA Treatment, consisting of warm baths with CUTICURA Soap, and gentla anointings with CUTICURA Ointment, the great Skin Cura. Cures made in childhood ara . . apeedy permaaant -- aad nomical. COL. ta Urne. Arid hy dnisyWla. flavor have trouble with Buparlor to tha machine made You will hsmt hold The principal difference between the rich man and the poor man difference In the price of their la the BETTER OVERALLS CAN'T BE MADE YOUR LOCAL STORES SHOULD HAVE THEM. Ki . MADE BY Z. C. M. I. i |