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Show THE WEEKLY SENTINEL (MY JAXBMAK, TOCKTO. HMbkM lost 15,000 men killed or wound and that the Russians had lost 3, men, Is true, but as nothing confi LOSE THEIR LIVES has lfen received from IN PAYETTE RIVER. other source the report is not gl credence. The consul. In his telegr was obta Attempted to 8hoot the Rapids In a said his information Boat, Which Was Overturned, from the Chinese. The war office Throwing the Men Into Ragcotblng to confirm bis report ing Torrent. JAPS LOSE SUPPLIES. UTAH STATE NEWS. i c sen-atlon- al log-drive- Jap-anes- t sober-minde- d . one-hal- Mrs. May Burns of Salt Lake City, becoming despondent over business reverses, attempted aulcldo, taking about fifty grains of morphine, but the prompt arrival of medical assistance saved the woman's life. The body of Richard Bassett, who was drowned at' Hamilton bridge, near Colllnaton, May 9, was recor- - . tinues until June 18. Garland Is growing rapidly and new families are moving In dally. The sugar company has built twenty cottages, which It Is selling to Its employees at but a little r.bove cost cn long-tim- e installments. Around each cottage the company has also plants a small orchard and shade trees- - IUlph Wilder A 8L Petersburg Dispatch Says That the Japs Have Turned Up "At Six Different New Places." WILL COST MANY LIVES. Japs Will Attempt to Take Port thur by Milk Used to Put Out Fire. Ar- Assault A special from Tokio says: Port Arthur is to be taken by Storm the moment proper preparations have been completed. Siege guns have yet to be placed in position and the land forces appointed for the assault have to be strengthened. The unexpected loss of two fighting vessels has emphasized the Insecurity of sea power and the authorities feel that no chances must be taken that would encourage Russia to send out the Baltic fleet counting on finding a harbor or refuge In Port Arthur. It Is realized that the storming of the fortress will Inevitably cost many lives, but It Is said that the waters where the Japanese ships are forced to maneuver are becoming so dangerous because of floating mines that heroic measures are imperative. . Great Battle Expected. The London Dally Telegraphs New Chwaqg correspondent declares that General Kuropatkln Is determined to check the Japanese at Liao Yang, where probably the greatest battle of the war will be fought. He adds that the Japanese land operations against Port Arthur are meeting with little success, and that General Stoessel and Major General Fock continue to make well directed Prince Pu Lnn and party were taken to Lafayette, Ind., from Indianapolis, Tuesday, In automobiles. Thirty machines started. Before starting the machine wbteh was to cajry Prince Pu Lun took fire and there was great excitement. The fire was put out with milk taken from a passing milk wagon. In the meantime the fire department had been called and the arrival of the apparatus added, to the confusion. The machine scheduled to go in advance of the party and mark the roads was wrecked a few minutes before the start by an accident to the steering gear. Built Fences Around Train. After building a fence around an entire train on the Pere Marquette near Kalkaska, Mich., John Brown defied the train officials, emphasized his remarks by arming himself with a rifle and compelled the train crew to camp out In the woods Inside the fence during the night The trouble arises out of a dispute over the right of way. Brown has been placed under bonds to keep the peace and the trouble will be settled In the courts. Prisoners Well Treated. A very brief cablegram came to the state department at Washington from Consul Gu mm ere at Tangier, Morocco, which confirmed the press reports that Ion Perdlcaris and Cromwell Variey but desperate sorties against the ad- were being well treated by the Moorish vance of the Japanese, who are fight- brigands by whom they were kiding with stubborn determination al- napped. The amhorities. according to most unequalled In history. Several the dispatch, are In communication hundred Japanese reinforcements with the bandits regarding the two are arriving dally from Iitsewo and men, and It Is expected the terms of Polandicn. ransom are the subject of negotiations. CONSPIRATORS BANISHED. Rumors From the East. . - It la rumored from Brussels that of Sultan of Turkey Sent Russian government Is making the Into Exile. efforts to buy thirty large great Kernel Fasha, the sultan's steamers from Belgium and Hctland and other high officials have been to accompany the Baltic fleet as colarrested and sent Into exllo in con- liers. Included In a score of rumors sequence of the discovery of a secret Is one sent by the Shanghai Kernel between Pasha correspondence of the Morning Post to the and Princess . Khadldje, daughter of Murad. effect that the Russians hnve been the imprisoned Kernel Iasha, who is a son of tbe defeated near Yin Kau, abandoning late Osman Ghaza Pasha, Is a general fifty guna, and that General Kuropatp kln haa been advised by Viceroy In the Turkish army and Alexlcff to retreat to Harbin- to the sultan. Son-In-La- w son-in-la- corre-sponde- aide-de-cam- THOUSAND .TAPS SLAIN? rater. RUSSIANS MAKE 8UCCESFUL SORr TIE FROM PORT ARTHUR. Troops Routed the Japanese and Drove Thom a Considerable Distance, According to the Report News has been received In SL Petersburg confirming the rumors In that General Stoessel had made a successful sortie from Port Arthur, resulting in the defeat of the JapChefoo, saying that the Japanese anese with a loss of more than 1.000 have made a land attack on Port Arkilled or wounded. The Russian looses thur and that In doing so they lost were 116 killed or wounded. 15,000 men killed or wounded. The The movement was carried out by a Russian loss la placed at 3,000 men with a train bringing In combination The ultimate outcome of the fighting war munitions and supplies and GenIs not stated. communications Tbe SL Petersburg correspondent eral Stoessels force, maintained by wireless telegof the Paris Matin says: It Is per- being raphy. sistently rumored that the VladivosThe Japanese barred the route betok squadron has captured three tween tbe train and General Stceasela cruisers bought by Japan from Chilei the Russians attackBUTCHERED BY MOROS. Outlaws Slaughter Innocent Filipinos, Not Sparing Women and Children. A report has been received at Mar nils from Camp Overton, on the Island of Mindanao, dated May 15, stating that a massacre had taken place on the 12th Inst, near Malabang, on the southern coast of Mindanao. Forty-thre- e Filipino men, women and children, the families of employes of the United States military government at Malabang, were surprised at midnight while asleep by Datto Alls Mo'ros from the Rio Grande valley and were slaughtered. The chief and his followers escaped before the alarm could be given.' WILL SETTLE OWN TROUBLES. Russia Will Treat With the Mikado, But Not With Europe. Considerable irritation Is manifested by the Russian papers over the suggestion made by M. Dubail, the French minister at Peking, that a congress of the powers be held for the purpose of effecting a conclusion of the war. The Kovoe Vremya says: The war Is, Russias personal afand she asks no one's assistance fair small locomotives. About 4 p. m. General Inside Pore-- ' When It Is ended she will negotiate man Golden and fifty miners boarded a with the mikado, but not with Euloaded trip which was about to be rope. Therefore, we regret that the hauled from Bear valley to Wllllams-tow- representative of Russias ally should to utter the word conEverything went all right until be the" first gress. about half of the Journey was made, when some of the men attracted the IN HANDS OF BANDITS. tention of the engineer, who at once toppok, and jwas founds that nearly American. Resident of .Tanaler. Held ivery Jinan in "the party on t&e cars for RanBom. had been overcome by the gas and The state department has received sulphur which emanated from the en- the following cablegram from United gine and floated back over them. States Consul Gummere, dated at Tbe engineer at once crowded on 19: all steam possible, and the uncon- Tangier, May Mr. Perdlcaris, a prominent Amscious men were hurried to the erican citizen, long a resident of Tanend of the tunneL Help and rich and well known, and was st once summoned here and the gier, step-soMr. Variey, a British his men taken to the surface, where a corps of physicians made every effort subject, were carried off last night to resuscitate them, but aid came too from their country house, three illes late to Foreman Golden and the other from Tangier, by a large band of navictims. tive brigands, headed by Kaisuly, roe bandit who carried off Mr. Harris BLOODY FIGHT REPORTED. last year. The Perdicarls nouse was Battle in Which Japanese Are Said broken Into about half past eight last to Have Been Defeated. evening while the family were in the According to the latest Information drawing room, and the two men were obtainable, the Japanese have re- carried away. sumed tbelr forward movement. SevMr. Gummere and the British mineral columns are advancing, though ister are acting with energy in the the bulk of the Invading army Is still matter. They have sent a special carnear Feng Wang Cheng. rier to the court to Inform the suThere are persistent reports of a ltans deputy to comply with all rebloody battle having taken place be- quests they make In this matter and tween the Japanese army advancing to Insist that the terms demanded by along the railroad from Pulantien and Ralsuly shall be granted In order to the Russians, near Kin Chou, Liao obtain the release of the captives. Tung peninsula, resulting in the deFATAL EXPLOSION. feat of the Japanese with great loss. Small parties of Japanese scouts Firs Works Factory Blown Up and have been seen northeast of Mukden, One Man and Two Boys Killed. at a considerable distance, but no ImOne man and two boys were killed portant body of the enemy has been and six men and two girls seriously located In this vicinity. St PetersInjured by an explosion In the fireburg says General Kuropatkln has cut works of Jose Scalona, on the the land communications between the outskirtsfactory of Camden, N. J. Four armies of General Kurokl and General small buildings were wrecked. Joseph Oku. Scalona, the proprietor, was subsequently arrested and held pending an TRAGEDY IN PRISON. Investigation as to the cause of the explosion, which Is said to have ocConvict Wounds Three Guards and curred in the mixing room. Then 8ulcldes. Russiana Will Frank Green, a convict at the Ohio Chinese Fear That Burn Mukden and Liao Yang. penitentiary, is dead, Henry Gebhart, The correspondent of the London a guard, Is dying, and Albert Hubler, another guard. Is suffering severe In- Standard at Shanghai says report Mukden that juries as the result of a tragedy at have been received from bealarmed are Chinese there the the prison. The shooting was all done by Green, who shot the guards, cause of threats made by the Russiana then committed suicide. Green was a that they will burn Liao Yang and before retiring to Harbin. desperate character, haring been sent Mukden adds that the The correspondent up for participation In a bank rob- Tartar viceroy at Mukden has ordered bery. No one knows the rause of the a brigade of Chinese troops to occupy tragedy or where Green procured the that place immediately after the Rusrevolver. He lay in wait for the men sians retire. and without a word began to fire. Crew Blown Into the Water. Tcrnado In Kansas. schooner Fanny The three-masteA tornado struck seven miles northAdele, laden with coal oil, gasoline west of Augusta, Kan., wrecking eight and general merchandise, for Nome, houses and accompanying hall did Alaska, was set on fire in the harbor much damago to crops. What ap- at San Francisco by an explosion peared like a cyclone tore up an or- which occurred in the hold, and Is a chard and destroyed a barn at Valley Center. In Sedgewlrk county. A tor- total loss. The four men on board at nado unroofed several buildings at tbe time narrowly escaped with tbelr Marquette and Falum. A water spout lives, one of them being badly burned. In Saline rcunty caused the streams Tbe Sixteenth street wharf, at which Do overflow. Missouri Pacific trains the vessel was lying, was partly 1 earing Salina have been annulled, burned. The total loss will approxiowing to the tracks being under mate $100,000. n. ' LOSSES. Reported to Hava Lost EXECUTE lUSSIANS PEOPLE 15,000 Men and Russiana 3,000. WITHOUT CIVIL TRIAL. According to reports which have reached the Russian headquarters at iftdles of Those Who Are Hanged for Liao Yang from Chinese sources, the In Various Cities Disturbances Japanese have made a land attack on Buried Secretly, In the Dead Port Arthur, but have been repulsed of Night with heavy loss. The truth of the report Is questioned in BL PetersTbe Lqndon Standard publishes a burg. It Is reported that Foreign Mlpla-te- r llspatch from a Russian correspond-n- t Lamsdorff has received a mesIn whom the paper says It places sage from the Russian consul at treat confidence, containing most Utah lioi one of tbe most conspicuous exhibits at the Louisians PurA Payette, Idaho, special says: A Cossacks Said to Have Captured TjV chase exposition at 8L Louis. terrible tragedy occurred near Gar Transport Columns. t j Joseph Bohne, who has teen on den valley Tuesday morning. In which of Londw the The correspondent M. of for Manli murder at the (rial four men lost tbelr lives by drowning. Morning Post at Mukden, under dap lDmpey at Moab, was acquitted by a statements regarding the John Bedon, John of The dead: May 24, says It Is believed the: Jury. ilarmlng condition of Russia as a reMcDonald. Bowen, John Conley, that General Rennenkamplfs Mt. PI feasant is threatened with an sult of the war. The correspondent The four men were a portion of a sacks captured two Japanese trans- 'asserts that disturbances In cases numerous crew of various who were running rpidemlc of smallpox, e port columns, thus leaving the cities have been followed by wholebeing reported, and exposures without a big drive down the middle fork of difarmy without supplies lu a sale executions, number having been made. without any civil the Payette and had gotten their tim- ficult country. GOO trial. said It is was that Into stream. fork of an ber north persons have the tbe Davis, Ogden boy, Dnnny Four Japanese cruisers and a fleet been In Warsaw alone, and Near Garden valley the river gorges of hanged thrown from a horse under a street detorpedo boats and torpedo-boathat been have others crushed was and so occur. of many arm a his When car and series hanged in badly rapids are reported to have passed Cronstadt Moscow. At tbe latter and this point was reached the four men stroyers between that amputation will be necessary. Port Arthur and the midway the troops burled eighty cofCompany A, Utah national guard, attempted to shoot the rapids, a feat Mlao Tao Islands at 4 o'clock this place fins with a containing the bodies of those great deal (Wednesday) morning, but no sounds la to erect an armory at Nephl which always accompanied who had been hanged. Tbe bodies of lost control of when will danger, they will cost (6,000. The structure of firing have yet been heard. were buried secretly. In the dead of were the which boat seated in of constructed they and 100x60 feet be night, presumably in the woods. and the frail craft struck a rock and JUMPED INTO WELL. brick. This correspondent asserts that the was men tbe overturned, throwing Aa a result of the reckless handling Mothers Unavailing Effort to Save war has resulted In the utter paralyat into which the the river, place of a loaded pistol In the hands of JoChild From Drowning. sis of all business, and says that even named has a remarkable swift curseph Andersen, Peter Andersen of a the most of wife Michael Mrs. Byrnes, are drawing men were down carried rent, and the Spring City was accidentally shot In at ominous conclusions from the signifiStandard Oil company engineer stream and drowned. the foot visited Professor cant fact that regiments stationed in Pa., Kneppers, It Is reported that a number of LACKS CONFIRMATION. Funk's family at Mont Alto Tuesday. European Russia have been retained counterfeit 1 10 bills have been circuHer son Andrew, aged 5 years, lu In their places and that only reserves lated about Ogden. A certain shover Report of Big Battle Between Japs playing around the yard removed tbs have been mobilized for the fronL and Russians Not Given Credence. of the queer from California Is "suscover of a well forty feet deep and The report cabled that tbe Russian fell Into It. Ills mother saw him faH,i( MEET DEATH IN MINE TUNNEL, pected of the work. office bad received a telegram Ogden merchants have signed an foreign and, running to the well, Jumped la Miners Are Caught Like Rats in a from Russian consul at Chefoo re- after the the boy into eight feet of water. agreement to do away with trading Trap and Suffocated. had made a Both were gotten out, but the boy stamps, which have been a feature to porting that the Japanese Ten were suffocated by gas miners was dead. land had atack.on Port Arthur and be reckoned with In tbe retail trade and sulphur fumes from a locomotive of the city for more than a year. In the workings of the Summit Branch THE JAP - IN - TH While the mineral exhibits at the Coal company at Willlamstown, Pa. St Louis exposition of other states The tunnel In which the disaster ocin the west may have a greater Incurred is one mile In length and Is trinsic value,. Utah leads them all in used by the coal company to convey the character and extent of her exthe coal mined in the workings in tht hibit Bear valley to the breaker In WilAbout 40,000 sheep bare been shorn liams valley. Tbe men employed lu In Saupete county. The estimated the Bear valley who reside In weight of the clip Is plared at six and have made a practice for f to seven pounds per head, years of riding to and from their with prices ranging from 13 4 cents to work on tbe trips of cars, that are 14 rents per pound. hauled between the two valleys by time, Is still In Bear river. Mrs. A1 Blood, who lived on Lost . Creek, is dead under circumstances that would Indicate suicide. Mrs. Blood had threatened to end her life and it Is believed she .took a dose of strychnine with that intent some straggling herds Counting from the Paro wan country, which were shorn at Milfurd, In Beaver county, 'It Is safe to say that the number of sheep from Iron rounty shorn this season will approximate 120,000 head. What seems to be an epidemic Is prevalent among the children of Spring City. Some older persons are also attacked with the disease. The symptoms of the disease are attended with a high fever and gfvere coughing. The coal display made by Utah at the St. Louis exposition contains a single piece of coal which weighs many hundred pounds. Its size Is what attracts attention. The same holds true relative to Utah's marble, stone and granite exhibits. One-dollsliver certificates raised to (10 by means of a paster bearing the figures 10, are said to be In circulation In Balt Lake. They are a poor Imitation of the genuine, but it is believed a number of them have been passed. Amasa M. Clayton, the Cache county deputy treasurer who was convicted of embezzlement, has been sentenced to eighteen months In the penitentiary. Clayton was convicted of embezzling moneys of the county to the amount of $637,, Crop conditions are favorable In Sanpete this season. The recent storms and cold weather have held the snow back lu the mountains, thereby Insuring a good supply of water for Irrigation later In the season. Grain never looked better at this time of the year. Nephl was visited by one of .the worst electrical storms on the 14th that has ever been experienced In this locality. Thomas Bowles, with his horse and buggy, was struck and the Mr. Bowles horse instantly killed. luckily was only stunned and will rea cover. State Superintendent of Public Instruction A. C. Nelson Is sending out notices to all school trustees throughout the state to the effect that they can attend the annual state normal summer Institute at the university, for nothing. It opens June 6, and con- OF HEAVY Japanese LOG-DRIVE- STAB RUMORS fIX HUNDRED HANDED FOUR MEN DROWNED force, whereupon ed and routed the Japanese. After the engagement General Btoessels force, together with the train, returned to Port Arthur. The current account! of the Port Arthur sortie are somewhat conflicting and there Is some doubt as to whether the version mentioning the train Is correct But the operation la described as having been brilliantly carried out by the Russians. General Stoessel, It Is said, made a new distribution, of hla guns before taking part In tbe sortie. The Russian troops fought with great bravery, breaking tbe Japanese line and carrying the enemy for a considerable distance. INNING FOR THE JAP& Little Brown Men Take Kal Chou From the Russians. Although It has not been officially reported, it Is said on good authority that the Japanese forces captured Kal Chou, driving the Russians back to g, Tashl Chi in tbe direction of and preventing the advance of the Russian troops at Newchwang In tbe direction of Kal Chon. The bombardment ly tbe Japanese of the vicinity of Kal Chou recently was probably In preparation for the landing of forces in tbe northwest corner of tbe Lalo Tung peninsula for the purpose of capturing Newchwang and cooperating with the other armies In the march on Liao Young. Kew-chwan- SHELL STRIKE8 JAPANESE VES- SEL Men Aro Twenty-fou- r Killed. During the reconnalsance of Pert Arthur made by Vice Admiral Togo on Friday of last week, a shell hit the torpedo beat destroyer Akatsukl, killmen. ing one officer and twenty-fou- r One Officer and Cowboy Had Nerve. John McDonald, better known as Reddy, the Cowbcy, fell from his horse while riding for cattle some miles from Oreana, Nevada. In falling his right leg was fractured below the knee. Hla horse ran away and he found himself helpless and alone In the hills and far from help. Instead of giving up he start'd to crawl on hla bands, reaching Oreana with the skis and flesh worn from his limbs and suffering untold agony, but still game. There Is no physician and cnly a few section men In Oreana, hut the railroad men hastily put a band car and carried the Injured man to Lovelock, where his Injuries were dressed. He will recover. Another Ruselan Battleship 8lnks. t The battleship Orel, which to Cronstadt some days ago to receive her main battery and to be given the finishing touches before going Into commission, suddenly sank at her anchorage on the night of May 20, Vice Admiral Rojeetvensky, of the Baltic squadron, was Instantly called from 8L Petersburg, and under his supervision l of pumping out and raising was begun. The ship was raised and was found to be undamaged, save that her Interior was filled with dirty alt water. Some one had opened the Kingston valves, permitting the water to rush In. was-brough- the-wor- k the-Ore- Disastrous Flood in Colorado. flood In the Cache La Poudre-valleIn Colorado, caused by the water spout in the foothills Friday afternoon, reached Its height at Greeley between 9 and 11 o'clock Saturday morning. The only life lost, so far as yet known. Is Robert Strauss, who was drowned near Tlngmath. A number of people are missing, and owing to condition of the roads and washing out of bridges. It Is Impossible as yet to ascertain whether or not they lost their lives. The y Ito Points Out Duty of Japan. The London Standard's correspondent at Tokio, telegraphing under date of May 21, soya: Addressing a. meeting of financiers today on the Importance of securing the sympathy of the civilised world in the present momentous crisis, Marquis Ito strongly urged the Importance of Japan being, contented to enforce her legitimate claims, never for a moment wavering In a recognition of claims and Interests of other nations. broad-minde- d |