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Show THE TOOELE COUNTY EUBLICAN WEEKLY STOCKTON. UTAH, SA TODAY, MAY 28. 1!)4 YOU IV. EDITORIAL 5 &nd Local DEPARTMENT. HOME FOR THE him. The firmer end land owners of the Great West are but carrying out the Nations destiny If they shall give unanimous consent to and cooperate In the government's plan for the reclamation of the arid regions of our land. If they should withhold that cooperation and consent, the work of reclamation must go on despite them. The Increasing congestion felt in the great cities of the east that breeds squalor, congestion misery and crime demands Immediate and adequate relief. We of the west know little or nothing of the awful conditions, the physical, mental and moral degeneracy that festers In well-nig- h hopeless corruption, In our great cities, where light and air are pregnant with the gloom and germ of certain death, and where tens of thousands are crowded together amidst awful horrors, In crime, misery and despair. "The Bitter Cry of Outcast London, Is not more bitter than the cry of the poor, hte hungry, the outcast of Chicago and New York. The lack of decent homes, profitable work and sufficient bread, if much more endured, or if not to some extent' Immediately relieved. In view of the amazing wealthy of the moneyed class, must some day send rivers of blood running through our streets. Pure air, light, warmth, work, profitable work and home will be the burden of the cry of want which, If not answered, will again bring about scenes such as those witnessed during the memorable riots of 18G3, when the streets of New York drew forth the awful occupants of the dens of beggary, drunkenness, lewdness and crime In fearful, terrifying array. The slums swarm with them still, and something must be done for Our their relief and reclamation. statesmen, therefore, look to the great unsettled regions of our land as offering a means of escape from the threatened uprising, and so the Reclamation service has been Instituted to secure needed water for the arid regions and to devise means for their colonisation from the overcrowded districts of our land. Hence all who can In any way assist or cooperate in nrmrJrH1 ... with the Government .reflife'siiffa as this for the poor, downtrodden and homeless of our own race will not only be accelerating the Nations destiny as the light and hope of the ages to the oppressed of every land, but will be benefiting themselves and doing Gods service also. Out. "A man living on a farm near here came in a abort time ago completely doubled up with rheumatism. I handed him a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and told him to uae It freely and If not satisfied after using it he need not pay a cent for it, pays C. P. Itay-de- r, A few of Pattens Mills, N. Y. as days later he walked into the store me a as handed a string and straight dollar saying, 'give me another bottle cf Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I want it in the house all the time for it cured me." For sale by Mercur Drag Co., Mercur, and M. E. Brown, Stockton. The pay roll of the nary Is a year. $20,000,-40- 0 Love Is blind, but marriage Is good eye doctor. county recorder of Tooele county. The wedding will take place June 1st and the young people will spend their honeymoon visiting the fair at I St Louis. mftetoon, and some Important a There are less than 6,000 Shetland ponies In the United States. There are in use In the United States 1,400,000 miles of telegraph wire. Grumbling, finding fault and telling hard luck stories never corrected an abuse or lighted a wrong. The easiest way to find out the sincerity of a womans religion la to consult the hired girl. The absence of pleasant smiles at home, no doubt has caused many a husband to seek them- In a saloon. - The difference between a hen and an author is that one hatches out a plot and the other plots out a hatch. A two dollar bill will go much far- ther towards rhnnglng some men's poll! Ira views than sound argument. 1 Some politicians speeches remind us of pounding on an empty kettle. They make a great deal of noise and that is all. certain class of men are very much like drums. From heads that bide a lot of emptiness great uproars come. A Cal dors Park Is being thoroughly advertised throughout this city. Decoration day will he a day of enjoyment for all people attending this popular resort. with Minn., after having spent over the best doctors for stomach trouble, ri wna advised by hip rug-gir- t. without relief, Mr. Alex Richard, to try a box of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. He did so. and Is a well man today. If troubled with Indigestion, bad taste in the mouth, lack of appetite or constipation, give these Tablets a trial, and you are certain to he more than pleased with the result. For sale at 25 centa per box by Mercur Drug Co., Mercur, and M. E. Brown, Stockton. A Sure Thing. that nothing la sure except death and taxes, but that ! not altoIt S. R Christensen, formerly tenner in Pleasant Grove, left for 6L --ouis Friday, to attend the Fair. The Mitchener house was sold this week by J. P. Mitchener to R. M any people are taking advantage for a consideration Edmunds of T tiie excursh-Tuesday to Salt $1,200. By this transaction Mr. Ed- lake, to attend the play, "The Lit tie munds acquires title to four lots, a 1 inlster. house and furnishings, and a large Tke funeral of Mrs. Dick was held Some people advance an Idea that barn. the souls of men progress even after fpB10 the City Hall Sunday morning oclock. The funeral was largely Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Mitchener are death. If they didn't it would seem useless for some men to die. visiting their son, W. P. Mitchener, a Haded, and many friends followed They will leave soon for San Diego, tie remains to their last resting The stroke of a lions paw la the Cal., where Mr. Mitchener hopes to Ii see. third strongest force in the animal recover good health. The best wishes world. The first Is a blow of a of a host of friends for the realiza- tHie farewell given In honor of the t ra missionaries, Mr. Joppa Wilson whale's tail, the second the kick of a tion of their hopes go with them. s id Andrew F. Sunhcrg. who are soon girafie. t depart for the old world, Too Great a Risk. proved to It would be funuy if we could see In almost every neighborhood some- bf a success, both financially and soourselves as ethers see us. but it one has died from an attack of colic or cially. A fine programme was rendered. would not be funny If we knew half cholera norbus, often before medicine WIDE INN ACCOMMODATIONS. as much about ourselves as some of could be procured or a physician summoned. A reliable remedy for these our neighbors seem to knuw. disc uses should be kept at hand. The V is Can Live at This Hotel and 8eo The man who advertises one time rink In too great for anyone to take. fix Worlds Fair as Many Days and Cholera Colic, end then pronounces advertising a Chamberlain' Dlurrhoen Remedy has undoubtedly as You Like Without Leaving failure is like the Indlnn who tried saved the liven of more people and reGrounds. to sleep on a single feather and then lieved more pain and suffering than any other medicine in use. It can always be proncunced a feather bed a failure. MODEST. depended upon. For sale by Mercur Tf you could look into human hearts Drug Co., Mercur, and M. E. Brown, The of the unique privileges to be you would be surprised at the faces Stockton. of World's eqrgyed by thousands they enshrine there, because beauty The Mining Review says: At the ir guests Is that of living at a of rpirlt Is more than beauty of face Stockton mine in Soldier the grounds during their Bridge canor form, and remarkable Intellectual thy at the Exposition. No other 700-foon work the yon, Stockton, qualities are not to be compared with level is showing up has afforded such a privilege. larger bodies and unaffected human goodness and a higher grade of ore than have been ITto hotel, aptly named The Inside disclosed on any of the upper levels. Ihh, has a capacity of 8,000 guests. On the 700, from two to four feet of Itf enormous size, attracts great atarto soon will make be time It clean ore la run on that will go tention. It Is located near the south-ener- n rangements for the proper observance about $40 to being corner of the grounds, close the and a shipment ton, of Memorial Day. It will not do to this portion of the mine will to;an Intramural railway station, and let a year go by without suitable ser- from lngasy walking distance of the main vices In memory of the soldiers, who soon be in the market. Outsiders bring picture of the Fair. of another Important strike reports counto best their their gave years In this property, but this has not tThe Inside Inn la to be conducted now Jourtrys service and who have been substantiated as yet by Super- under the supervision of the World's neyed to the great beyond. Fair officials, who fix the prices for intendent Alex Maze. accommodations rooms, meals, etc. A nervous. Impatient or cowardly man had better let the colt breaking LOWER BERTHS AT HALF RATES. Thus It may be seen that there can be tut extortion whatever. Every guest Job out to some quiet, courageous felTourist Sleeper Salt Lake registering at the hotel will know exlow who is not a bit afraid, and who. to Special St. Louis without via D. it actly what price he must pay per day withal, has had some experience along R. G. and Rock change Island System. for his room or rooms and for his that line. The colt will nearly always Leaves 8:05 p. m. Tele- inals. The guest pays his way Into May 30th. partake of the characteristics of the phone 245 or write Rock Island office, tht World's Fair grounds fifty cents. roan who trains and handles him. If 100 West Second South for If ie stops at the Inside Inn the hotel street, rattleto see a want nervous, you Berth rate only half of rafes Include the dally price of adbrained horse, put the colt into the reservations. Pullman rates. regular mission. hands of that kind of a man to break. There Is great demand for rooms at Good horse sense in the man is one LOCAL3. i Inside Inn, the bookings having of the essentials in training colts to " " " I in progress for several months, make good, reliable, safe horses. County Courant, Bingham Junction. are 2,257 rooms; they range In The Rehekaha, the ladles branch of ppa;from $1.50 to $2.50 per day, LOCAL8. Odd Fellows, are expecting to organise ims with bath costing from $3.50 to Ail these rates include the price B. D. Boalen went to Idaho last a new lodge in this town in the near $$ future.--. The RebekaA. branch of Wednesday. . miMlwt iHjl Miss Solverson is visiting her cous- Schuyler Coifax in 1851. Its memberSingle meals at the now In States is over Ini.Lfr thegate. the United Lee. W. Mrs. J. .cost as follows: Breakfast, ship in, cf1. luncheon, 50 centa; eveu- 800,000. 50 Miss May Martin of Tooele spent 75 cents. There Is also ituer, last week with friends here. Through some misunderstanding, service a la carte at very reasonconferthe report of the Jordan stake 's rates. Guests who desire to obence did not reach this paper In time, tain accommodations on the AmeriQuick Arrest. J. A. Gulledge of Verbena, Ala., was for publication last week. A repre- can plan may do so, at fixed rates, twice in the hospital from a severe case sentative of the Courant was present according to location of room. of piles causing 24 tumors. After doc- at all meetings, but the copy must have Every convenience usually found at tors and all remedies failed. Bucklen's been miscarried through the malls. a first class hotel Is to be provided at Arnica Salve quickly arrested further Inside Inn, and those who stay inflammation and cured him. It conOne of the most interesting base- the there quers aches and kills pain. 25c at all ball during their visit will have the one games of the season was the of barber shop, druggists. bath, played by the Bingham Junction and advantage rooms, parlors, cool veranStill a great demand for houses to the Highland Bov teams last Saturday lounging das and other privileges. rent and prospects for the erection of evening, on the Highland Bey grounds. 6 12 of to in the score stood favor In The some the near future. AMERICAN FORK. Highland Iloy team. The local boys Work on all mines steadily progres- claim, however, that this has been Mr. C. G. Patterson, who recently sing, which Is much better for the their first playing In this season, while moved to Taylorsville, Salt Lake counthe other team have been practicing camp than a sky rocket boom. ty, is spending a few days in American very heavily for the past month. Conrk. The water which pours from the sidering all the clrcumstancea, the loHonorlne drain tunnel has formed a cal hoys did their part well, and may The of the First ward are regood sized lake on the flat below the look for better success In the future. joicing people over the fact that thy arc new mill. aide to hold meetings in tbeir new A very party was given at house. Mrs. H. A. Lane has recovered so the home pleasant of Mr. and Mrs. A. Walker far as to be able to leave the hospital last. Sunday afternoon In honor of Mrs. The Chlpman Mercantile company of which fact her many friends here Dr. Stewart, of Sugar House. The time is In the foundation for a large putting will be pleased to learn. was enjoyably spent in singing and warehouse and storage building, which other amusements, and in partaking is to be erected near their switch on Made Young Again. rf the good things of life which were One of Dr. King's New Life Pills there found In plenty. During the af- the San Pedro line. each night for two weeks has put me in ternoon all went down and took a Prof. J. E. Hickman of the Brigham my teenk1 again writes D. H. Turner thorough examination of the U. S. Young University will speak to the of Dempieytown, Pa. Theyre the best smelter. Those present were Mr. and people of American Fork on Sunday in the world for Liver. Stomach and Mrs. Harry Stag. Mr. and Mrs. C. A next at 2 p. m., on some subject apBowels. Purely vegetable. Never gripe. Stain. Mr. and Mrs. A. Walker, John propriate for Memorial services. MeetOnly 25c at all druggists. Frock. Edwin Rickerd and the guest ing will be held In the Science hall. When you want a pleasant physic try of the evening, Mrs. Dr. Stewart. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are easy to take and pleasBingham Junction is coming to the ant in effect. For sale by Mercur Drug front; the streets are in good condition Co., Mercur, and 51. E. Brown, end new residences are being erected. It Is understood that Dahl Brothers il A transaction took place this week have recently sold their farm, which between R. M. Edmunds and Camp- fronts Main street, and extends to the bell Bros., whereby the latter secure U. S. and Bingham smelters, to Mrs. control of the livery business of the E. L. Rrlntori. Those contemplating AND THE town. buying building lots would do well to see Mr. rBinton, as it Is understood The recent .rains were very wel- that he will sell; also that he intends VIA come, but twas no cold Wednesday huilding from twenty to thirty resiwe would not have been surprised dences on his newly acquired ground to see the beautiful on the ground in the near future. It Is quite noticeThursday morning. able that the smoke and flue dust does not affect the houses near the Rush Lake, below Stockton, Is high- smelters as much as it does those RAILWAY er this year than for many years, In houses more distant. A large number fact there has been no lake for several of business houses are being erected, years, but the lake bottom la now cov- among them one on Main street This THROUGH SCENIC ered by several inches of water. Is being built by Mr. Dan Fielding, and Invitations have been Issued to the will contain four large stores, large for any kind of business. wedding of Miss Margaret James of enough Tooele and F. W. Frallcy, at present KANSAS MISSOURI PLEA8ANT GROVE. PULLMAN GREATLY ALARMED Dr. Vance was a visitor to Salt SLEEPING CARS. OBSERVATION By a Persistent Cough, but Perma- Lake Thursday. DINING CARS. nency Cured by Chamberlains Electric Lights, Cough Remedy. Guy Robinson Is In town, visiting electric Fans. Mr. II. P. Burbage, a student at law. his family for a few days. troubhd In Greenville, fi. C. had bti-Chair cars. Reclining for four or five years with a continuous (stars rasa), Mr. L. Blackhurst spent Friday and alarmed Day Coaches. cough which he siys. "greatly In Salt Lake, visiting relaSaturday In was I me to that me, cauring Ftr rths, Ttckits, Filtfin, itc., iMnn the Inst stages of consumption." Mr. tives and friends. Burbage, having roen Chamberlain's Miss Mand Brings has returned Cough Remedy advertised, concluded to try It. Now read what he says of from Idaho, where she has been It: I soon felt a remarkable change H. C. TOWNSEND, and after using two bottles of the twenty-f- teaching school the past year. ive cent size, was permanently The Alumni association held ancured. Fold by Mercur Drug Co., Merother Interesting meeting yesterday cur, and M. E. Brown, Stockton. . tthe la said gether true. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption is a aura cure fur all lung and throat troubles. Thou wand can teatlfy to that. Mr. C. H. Van Metre of Shepherdtown, W. Ya., says I had a severe case of Bronchitis and for a year tried everything I heard of, but got no relief. One bottle of lr. King's New Discovery then cured me abMluteljr." Ii's Infallible for Croup, Whooping Cough, drip. Pneumonia and Consumption. Try it. It's guaranteed by all druggist. STOCKTON TOWN OFFICIALS. TRUSTEES George Braude, president; W. H. Booth, Charles Denton, Henry Thomas, Jams Kelley. CLERK A. G. Frazer. TREASURER James G. Brown. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND NOTARY Richard Gundry. W. H. PECKHAM, OOT AND DHOI MAKSN I A. M. :U0 Leave Salt Lake City, Ar. ' Tooele Stockton Tlntlc Jum-t- . Mammoth Junc-Kurr-k- t t SADDLE HORSES OR LIVERY RIGS I MityisiiUWiLJTerg Itauie. Mammoth Ar. Silver City. Leavi - . Trains at Belt Lake make direct connection for all points north and eaat. S. W. GILLETT, Ooneral Fuangtc Agent. J. L. MOORlfi, Commercial Agent. ho-Insl- THE STOCKTON CLUB t t Main 0 0 Stockton 0 Street. tf tf tf tf tf ii 0 tf Are you going to the Worlds Fair? so, you undoubtedly want to get there ae quickly aa possible. ..If , 1 1 J tf In connection with the tf UNION tf to to to to to to to to tfi tf PACIFIC RAILROAD, la the short, fast route to 8L Louie. AND ALL POINT8 EA8T. Ask Short Line Agents about Excursion Rates. ape-cl- to m to to to al T. M. Schumacher, Traffic Mgn. D. E. Burley, G. P A T. A. D 8. Spencer, A. G. P. & T. A Salt Lake City to to m to to CHEAP $12.50 St. Louis and $47.50 RATES $50.00 Three trains dally. Elegant service. Dost dining cars. 50c luncheons. Observation sleepers. , Write or telephone us. 'Phone 245. E. DRAKE, D. P. A. ROCK ISLAND SYSTEM. G. A. BIBLE, T. P. A. Salt Lake 100 West Second South, City, Utah. CHAS. B. SLOAT, j- Gen'l Agt, Denver, Coltk EAST Through Sleeper Salt Lake to St. Louis Missouri Pacific COLORADO Oof I! If Chi- Liberal stopovers and limits In each direction. and Chicago. ST. LOUIS return. Chicago and return. St. Louis and return via cago. To St. Louis Through Service . Mr. Joseph Pnminville of Stillwater. Irnsl-weww- transacted. i( We noticed a young gentleman and a young lady emerge from a parlor the other day and one side of his nose was powdered and one side of her's was not. What was that a sign of? HOMELE86. A Farmer Straightened A St Louis woman refused to marry a man until she knew that be was saved. Most girls consider a man well enough saved when they get NO. 40. Burlington rente Pullman, so It's i.ho one yr.u want. St. Louis at 7:10 a. m.. saving y u ;i night's hotel bill, and giving i.ii tin- advantage of an early lmirtiing i:i:t t: your friend's house, to the i:pusitii.n, or to wherever else you N!i In go. cne-ha.- r Six hours (4:00 p. m. In 1: ::: p. m.l, ill which to kco Denver. en route. Tin re is more to tell and I will tell il if y ri will give me your address. a ioii:.-:- d Send in - a iMistal. to-da- . R. F. NESLEN, General 79 West Second South Salt Lake City. Agent Street, |