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Show Superstition In Korea. No Korean couple would think of marrying without consulting the sags. This ho does limply by adding tho hrlde'i age to the bridegroom'!, and, after determining which star rule the destiny of their united ages, he decrees that the wedding shall taka place upon the day sacred to that tar. A World Wide Reputation. Wherever men. ere there will be Illness end wherever people ere 111. Dodds Kidney Pills will be found a blesslns. Solely on their merits have they pushed their way into almost every part of the civilised world. Their reputation as an honest medicine that can always be relied on has been built up by the grateful praise of those who have been cured. The two following letters Indicate Just how the reputation of this remedy knows no geographical bounds. The sick and suffering all over the world are asking for Dodds Kidney rills: Deer Sire: 1 have been sugaring from some months from a Kidney complaint. The doctor who allenik-i- l me has recommended me to take your J'ills, "Dodds Kidney fills.' After two bnxaa 1 got some relief. Hut unfortunately I have not been able to go on with the treatment, being unuble to find any Pills In The Chemist who sold me the Cairo. two boxes liae Informed me that he had sent sn order tor some, and has been keeping me welting fur mure than one month. This Is the reason why I am writing to you to request you to have the goodness to send me by return of post els boxee for which I will pay ae soon as 1 receive them from the post. Kindly let rne know at the same time where your hraiich agency in Kgypt la to be found. Thsnking you In anilrliuitlon. Inhumed Itached. TniuieuMes Libras de 1'Ktat," ottli-- . of the Minister of iinanc. Cairo, EHYJ-TDear Bln: 1 want to purchase els boxes of Dodd's Kidney J'ills, but 1 dont know exactly where to apply at Uuffalo or London. I suppose they enn be sent mall from either by express or rcRUiered place. Ilease advise me of how to proceed In order to set the pills without delay. Youre truly. 3. V. Hlmouaon, V, Mark. DENMARK. g. Taking Up Collections. Poet According to tho Yorkshire tho question of offertory bags or plates Ip receiving earnest consideration nniong church officers in that part of England. It aaya: The vicar, the Rev. J. L. Saywcll, presided at tha Easter vestry of St. Pauls church, Tho Btannlngley, held yesterday. vicar, after the officers bad been elected, expressed himself In favor of discarding the hags used for taking the offertories and the introduction of open dishes. Bags, he said, offered a trong temptation to some members of tho congregation to practice niggardliness." Old Bay State Towns Whose Citlf Won First Ba tie of the Revolution. "Tell your children of it, and let your children tell their children, and their children nnother generation," is an injunction honored by age, but which every true New Englander is prompted to obey on each anniversary of tho memorable battle of the opening or the revolution. A glimpse at the battle map gives the reader some intimation of the territory stirred to action and from which came the embattled farmers, and suggests the spirit of gratitude shnwu In bronze and granite set up by those who now consider that significant uprising In connection with Its consequences to the entire world. Although years have passed, evidence of the yeomens determination continue to accumulate. Of all the towns that responded to tbs Lexington alarm, none has a grander record than the town of Acton, and from the old Robbins garret In that territory has come this very spring a yellow manuscript which reads ns follows: "We, the subscribers, do solemnly agree and promise that ws will observe and conform to the association of the continental congress, and do horeby make It our own particular act and convcnnnt until we obtain an ample redress of our grievances, as Is specified In the said association, ns wltnqss our hand this fifth day of December, 1774. Of the twenty-seve- n signature! to this paper, one autograph most Impressive Is that of Isaac Davis, who fell nt Old North brldgo on the 9th of April. The alarm sounded by Paul Revere was carried on by courier to the borders of the county and beyond, while Ebenezer Dow, who left Boston about the same hour, disguised as a countryman on a marketing trip, gave the alarm to the towns In other directions. took place before the engagr nent: "I havent a man thats afraid to go," and the Acton minute men vjrt in the front In the opening fight Cnpt Davis and Abner Hoamer were killed and Ezekiel Dafrls was wounded wh.le pursuing tb enemy, and at Fisks hill James Hayfard was mortally wounded. The heaviest fighting of the day waa on Lincoln soil In the Lfteraoon lde Od Lexington. b ' mojzicmerz I L when on the retreat. Here companies from more distant towns met the enemy and gave fight Tea of the British fell and several of thoSAmerlcana were engaged near Fishs hllL The kings forces were so hotly, pursued that their dead lay unburieu until the next day, when the bodies of the enemy were given Christian burial by the people of Lincoln. Three found graves by the side of the kings highway, and two in a field near where they died. Five were taken up and EAgliah with others from a distance who had arrived, entered a walled lnclosure and piled up bundles of shingles for a breastwork, but It proved to be their pen of slaughter. The retreats lng enemy came down the main road and the watchers were surprised by a flanking party of Irritated British, who wreaked their vengeance on the provincials. Not less than 22 Americans fell on that April afternoon In Menotomy (Cambridge), and fully twice as many of the enemy perished. Many of the dead were carried back to the towns whence they came In the early morning. So urgent were their countrys needs that the villagers had no time for funeral rites and the carpenters were too busy to make the coffins, so that these martyrs were committed to a common grave with their clothes for shrouds. Lynn, In Essex county, responded' with a will. Many men went In hot haste In answer to the early warning. Four were killed, as the immortal croll bears testimony. One, Abed-neg- o Ramsdell, ran tn hia stocking feet from the marsh, where he was gunning, all the way to Saugus, got to Lexington at noon, faced the British In the middle of the road, fired ones and fell riddled with bullets. No more pretentious monument is needed than the simple gravestone set up to Townsends memory. Charlestown, although only across the river Charles, saw none of the fighting until the return of the enemy, yet her men were out In pursuit of the British, with whom they were familiar. James Miller was killed and a son of Capt William Barber, 11 years old, lost his life. It was at Phipps farm, Cambridge, that the enemy landed In the morning when starting on their excursion, and there n. Large Hands at a Premium. At the famous Russian fair at NIJnl Novgorod a curious method of selling turquoise gems Is sometimes practiced. On payment of a fixed sum a person is allowed to plunge hla hand Into a bag filled with the stones, and becomes the possessor of as many as ho can clutch. MgaMliM Straighten Up main nauculw eupporta cf body weaken and let so under The ; THE TOWNS SHADED WERE THE CONTRIBUTORS TO THE FORCE tun St. Jacobs Oil Price 25c. and 50c. ffflTMTTVfTIfffTfmmi mmuuiiimuuuuuuuuuiuuiiuuiiiB A. RICHTER Hence It Is that more than thirty towns are found represented on the roll of honor of April 19, 1775. Lexington was on the line of march of the kings army, hence here occurred the. first clash of arms. Here, too, were peacefully sleeping In the .parsonage John Hancock and Samuel Adams, whose capture was greatly desired by the enemy, and whose doom was fixed. Other guests at Parson Clark'a that night were Mme. Lydia Hancock, aunt of the patriot, and Dorothy Quincy, his betrothed, i The alarm brought to Concord by Dr. Samuel Prescott, who had been nt Lexington paying court to his loved one, was quickly passed along to Ac-- i ton. A horseman galloped to the home of Capt. Joseph Robbins and at the house, without dismounting cried out: "Capt Robbins! Capt. Robbins; the regulars are coming." ! SALT LAKE CITY REAL ESTATE lfore homes bought, mors homes sold through my ayooi-- than any other la Salt Lake City. It you wiah to aril or If you desire to buy, don't fall to eall or writ y 19 W. A. RICHTER Pint South,. Salt Lake City- - ALFALFA SEED A SONS E. Sacred Smith SL. Salt Lsks City sre headquarters for the bent quality Alfalfe Reeds: also Oran and Oanlen reda, Urain Bay. ete. In (red hulneu M yean. Mall ardsn siren epecinl attention. 1 RELIABLE ASSAYS. I foM Lead - Prompt return i Hold and lUlrar.uoid. Kiif'r. Coe- .. LM on wall umpire Olden Assay Co. R. H. OFFICER & CO., ASSAYERS AND CHEMISTS fcmp'm bv ire ncmtrt prenyl nMnboo. red eed Sail Lake Cilj, TiA Howard E. Burton. Speelmenprlrw.Hold.SllTer.lred.il. ii'i .1 stiver, Tte j Unld. (de: Zlnr or Cuppnr 1 i nnl . i,.i-Ullfia a. Maillaa enrelopre and f nil pro ii will mi Control and l.'mplra woik Weliml. i ll.ink. Colo. Mcfarence. Carlunatn ,t mi Via NEW PENSION LAWS rsirT"- - Waa bins too, U. V. Whan Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention Thla Paper. 1778. by the house of correction la the tablet that tells of the fact On Burial hill, Charlestown, are gravestones broken by the bullets of the enemy on that day. Newton, the southern extreme of Middlesex county, sent out 218 men. A veteran of 76 years, Noah Wiswall, was In the company. He went he said, to see What his three sons and were doing. He waa wounded In tho hand, but bound it up with his handkerchief and went home with a gun captured from the enemy. There were four companies from the towns of Groton and Pepperell. Tha women were on duty at home, under command of Mrs. David Wright They captured Capt Leonard Whiting, of Hollis, a friend of the enemy, who was bearing treasonable dispatches from Canada to Boston. son-in-la- 5 BimimmnmffmmimmTfmimimmTD BAILEY carried In an ox cart to tho burial yard of the town and given a common grave. Lincoln has erected a memorial stone over the resting place of the unknown foes. Cltclmsford, a mother town, was incorporated in 1G55, and at the time the provinces shook off the yoke of oppression D eluded the present city of I.owell, then East Chelmsford. There were brave, determired men here from the days of King Philip's war, and there was bold action here In 1775. They agreed upon a great stone near the center of the town as the rallying point, and when the news from Concord reached them they made haste to the place of duty. The Wcstford men were among the first at the bridge. Tho company reached Concord just as the firing began, and joined In the pursuit Capt Bates was mortally wounded. The old town of Billerica had a score to settle against the kings troops, for during the winter of 1771-one of the men cf tho town had been seized in Boston and treated to a coat of tar and feathers. Hence they had sharpened their bayonets and loaded tbelr muskets to bo ready at a moment's notice. They received word by way of Woburn and the Minute men wore at Lexington ready to balance accounts with the regulars as they retreated. The militia company Intercepted the enemy at Merriams corner, under Col. Wil.hin Thompson. Nathaniel Wyman was killed. Although claimed by Billerica he is recorded in Lexington. John Xicklcn and Timowere thy Blanchard of Billerica wounded. In Arlington, once Cambridge, stands a stone on which Is the following: At this srwit. April .9. 1775, The ulil mm of Mrvotomy Csntureit a ronvny of r..'h:oon soldiers 8 OF 19th OF APRIL, hU, n. Monument cSudbury J The Acton companies were not long in assembling and wore soon on the road to Old North Bridge, leaving the women to prepare food which the boys were to bring on when ready. The minute men took up the line of march to the stirring cotes of the "White Cockade." Luther Blanchard was fifer, and Francis Barker drummer. Both companies from Acton were at the bridge and had a prominent place In the engagement Capt Davis had said In the hasty discussion that with riip im on li wuy to Join The Ilrlt'Kli nt Lexington. This was the first rmccrted action on the part of the Caml. ridge men and by those who wore ton old to do full duty. They were headed by Rev. Mr. Pason, of Chelsea, it Is thought, and David I.amson, of Cambridge, took a leading part The figb was about 5 In the afternoon. The Cambridge men, Drew do you Thousands think of patenting a holeT said a New York man tho other day, "and making thousands of dollars on It? Simply a hole, and thats all. That Is what was dons by tho manufacturers of a certain style of toothbrush which has a wide sale. Tha hole was drilled In the handle of the brash near the end, and with each brush was given a little hook, with instructions to hang the brash on the book by nse of the hole. The thing was widely advertised, with the result that millions of the brushes were sold at prices much higher than others Just as good. The patented hole and tha advertising did (he trick. The patent expired a few months ago, however, and now any manufacturer of tooth brushes can sell holes with his goods." MHAWW To restore, xtrenetbaa backache makes housework a burden; rest is Impossible; sleep fitful; appetite gives out and you are tired all the time. Cant be well until the kidneys are welL Use Doan's Kidney Pills, which have restored thousands of suffering women to health and vigor. Mrs. William Wallace, of IS Capttol St. Concord, N. H., says: 1 was in the early stages of Bright's Disease, and were it not for Doans Kidney Pills, I would not be living i'aln in the hack was so intense that at night I had to get out of bed uutli the paroxysm of pain passed away. I was languid and tired and hadnt the strength to lift a kettle of water I could not work, but a few doses of Doan's Kidney Pills relieved me, and two boxes absolutely cured me. A FREE TRIAL of this great kidney medicine which cured Mrs. Wallace will be mailed to any part of the United States. Address Foster-Mll-burCo., Buffalo, N. Y. Sold by all cealers. Price BO cents per box. to-da- n Superstitions In Africa. A Pondo chief la A writer says: very olden days on accession to the throne would kill one of his brothers and wash in his blood to strengthen himself and then would keep his medicines In the skull of the dead brother a practice which raised the power of the medicine to the nth, as mathematicians would say. If a warrior of conspicuous bravery is killed in war his body is made into medicine and administered to the young men to make them brave a practice which may well have been the basis of cannibalism." A Farmer Found It. Mount Pleasant, Utah, May 23. To find a medicine that will cure every ailment due to diseased or disordered Kidneys has been the aim of many physicians and chemists. Mr. C. E. Peterson, a farmer of thla place says he has found such a remedy and that he haa tried it with sue-ees-a in his own case. Mr. Peterson says the remedy Is Dodds Kidney Pills, a medicine Introduced here I tm sure Plus's Cure for Conimmptlon sarad about seven months ago. nfy life three years sto Mrs. Taos. BonniWb "I am glad to be allowed to testify Maple Streep Norwich, N. V, ITeb. IT, 1900L to what good things Dodds Kidney Discomforts of the Submarine. Pills have done for me. I used this An English sailor says that, while remedy for Kidney trouble and It the motions of a submarine boat are cured me completely. "I can heartily recommend Dodds not perceptible to those In It, tho Kidney Pills to all who suffer with crew are apt to he terribly seasick because of the foul odors that soon any kind of Kidney trouble." Mr. Petersons case Is only one of develop. many just as convincing that have Beware of Ointments for Catarrh been reported recently. Thla new remthat Contain Mercury, -man edy seems to have conquered Rheu- re mercury will diruj the mm of matism completely, not a single case and completely inretjr donum Um whole ytem whoa tlio iliRUKh muraii earnce. Such it having been reported where Dodds entering article itumld never he nwl except on preecrlp-thKre uie duum ibay to failed (rein curs Pills have pbydeUui, reputable perKidney will do la ten (Old to the quid ym can pueelbly derive from them. Hall' Ctnxnt Cure, inenufketnred fectly and permanently. A Co., Toledo, O., contain no m ev byF.J.andCheney 1 taken Internally, fan tine directly npon MADE MONEY FROM A HOLE. enly, the hlood end niueoue uirfacre of in yum. In bnylng lie II' Cntarrh Cure be mre you ni tho genuine. It I token interim!; end mud In Toledo Simple Patent From Which New York- Ohio, by r. J. Cheney On TeetlmneUle free. er re and atrelchtm up, the kidneys Kidney U 'tftritUhiM - arLimbeeo. urn-tur- n nrg-lectl- rg ' "What Backache Shot by Lord Chief Justice Hsukrord of England, who lived in a former century, notwithstanding his high position, became so tired of life that he determined to shuffle off this mortal coll. But he feared to commit suicide, because at the time a verdict of felo de ae followed aa a matter of oourse, and the body of the suicide with was buried at four cross-road- s take thrust through It. Further, he had to avert the consequences to bis relatives of forfeiture of his goods, which was also one of the penalties for He adopted a novel expedient Several of his deer having been stolen, he gave orders to hla keepers to shoot any person they met In or near the park at night who did not immediately stand when challenged. , Then on a dark night he threw himself In the path of the keepers and, not answering the challenge, waa shot dead on the spot The stump of an old oak under which he fell still marks the scene of the tragedy and goes to this day by the name of Hankford's oak. Valuable Saucer. Only a saucer remains of the porcelain set presented In 1783 to Martha Washington. This Is carefully preserved In the Smithsonian Institution at Washington. In the center appears the monogram of "M. W., for Martha Washington, and about the edge Is the name of every state which was then In the Union. Mrs. Window's Soothing Syraw. rnliwt tw Per children temhlng, utlmt the iMiihi. ! wins trim, steabottla. f ii.y ; Had Himself His Ca, ckeepers. Jurist TIRED, SUFFERING WOMEN. Women run down and endure daily through The men of Shirley were equally determined. Old "Will, the Miller,' who was bowed and crippled from age, declared ho would go when tho company started off for Concord, saying: True, I cannot handle a musket hut I will fight s redcoats with my two canes, which he brandished iu the sir. Appendicitis Is Contagious. Dr. C. C. Sheldon, one of the leading physicians, of Wisconsin, maintains that appendicitis Is contagions Bold by DnweUta. Take Bell' Family Uric. 73c. per bottle. lor cuoxilpetlon. Peculiarity of 8cala Opera Housa, The Gcals opera boused Milan one of the few theatei vtriyIa which women do not wear their hats -- lRw.iAr Having a Pic-nlare never complete without sandwiches, sweet white bread with a generous layer of meat between. Libby's canned meats are ideal for s and outings. The cans are so easily opened and the contents so la fresh and palatable that no pte-nl- c a success without Libbys "Natural Flavor" Food Products. c. Pic-Nlc- s plc-nlc- Didnt Think Tims Had Corns. Remember the old saying about creaky doors and long hinges. I had an aunt who was over seventy, andj because she had soma liver trouble shs was continually praying out loudl Intoxicated Wasps. a have fondness for that she might never live long enough! great Wasps overripe fruit, especially pears, plums to be a nuisance to anybody. But B and sweet apples. The sugar of these noticed one day when she got a sudfruits has a tendency to pus Into a den ache she upset her prayer stool kind of alcohol In the ordinary In a rush to .the medicine closet process of rotting, and after Imbibing Joshua Larrabee In Boston Herald. large quantities of this liquid the Important to Mothers. wasps become outrageously intoxicatof CA8TOUIA. ed. They crawl away In the grass in WvntM carefully tvnyforbottle Infants and children a safe sod sore remedy condition and reand ere that it main till the effects have passed off. when they will go at it again. It Is Ben tho while In this condition that they do Signature of their worst stinging. A person receivUao For Over 30 Yearn ing a sting from one of these IntoxiTbs Kind Yoa Bare Always fioagbd cated wasps will suffer severely from Official Dog Whlppers. serve poisoning for days. An old church official in England WHAT THE KING EATS. was tha dog whipper, who was employed In driving or removing dogs Whats Fit for Him. from the various churches and who la A Mass, lady who baa been through often alluded to In vestry accounts, as, the mill with the trials of the usual for example, paid the dog whipper 10 housekeeper and mother relates an hillings;" "to Wlddow Sandys the Interesting Incident that occurred not year's sallery for (dog) whipping 5 long ago. She says: Implements known as dog shillings. "I can with all truthfulness say that tongs were also used by these dog Is the most beneficial of Grape-Nut- s whlppers, many of them being spiked all cereal foods In my family, young nt the end and capable of giving a us well ns old. It la food and medi- cruel grip; they are still preserved la cine both to us. A few mornings ago some of the old churches. at breakfast my little boy said: " Mamma, does the King eat Grape-Nut- s Excellent Opportunity to Arrange for Your Reception at St Louis, During every morning? "I smiled and told him I did not the Fair, Free. know, hut that I thought Grape-Nut- s Intend If going to the Louisiana you certainly made a delicious dish, fit for Purchase St. Louis, MisExposition, of the a that fact King a King. (Its Roost, velt President souri, by opened England and the German Emperor April 30th, 1904, It will be very much both eat Grapo-Nuts.- ) to your advantage to correspond with "I find that by the constant use of Mr. F. H. Worsley. No. 411 Dooley not only ns a morning ce- block, Salt Lake City, Utah. Grape-Nut- s Mr. Worsley haa arranged to have an real but also in puddings, salads, etc., made after the delicious recipes found hla parties met at the St. Louis depot In the little book In each package It and escorted to their lodgings, which la proving to be a great nerve food will be reserved In advance. Information relative to rassenger for me besides having completely ticket limits, betel rates, case of Indigesa cured long standing and nil other necessary Informa rates Co Foitum tion." Name given by tton asked for will be cheerfully given Battle Creek, Mich. free of charge. This wlTi especially Is the be of benefit to these desiring to travel There la no doubt Grape-Nut- s most scientific food In the world. with Utah parties or In parlies of four Ten days trial of this proper food or five. School teachers will also In place iff Improper food will show In hear something to their interests by steady, stronger nerves, sharper brain writing above party. and the power to go" longer and Japanese Railroads. further and accomplish more. Theres Japan has 6,(15 miles of railroads, a reason. Look la each pkg. for ths famous Amerlea has furnished ths country; Utils book, Ths Road to WsUtIIIsl" 300 locomotives. seml-somnole- b stop-over- s, |