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Show I NORTHWEST NEWS SUMMARY. MEMORIAL DAT. NOTES. Arranged by Pass mpoicd by a R. IL EDMUNDS. Pnoe. AJodrrat Policeman Fred Seaman of Havre, Mont., was mortally shot by a burglar whom he was attempting to arrest Seaman rsugbt the man in the act of robbing a saloon. Firat-Clsa- a Beal U this Settle. rare. Jack Ilarkett was instantly killed STOCKTON. at Harlein. Mont., by Howard Isbell. 3 a NEXT TO POSTOFFICE, Isbell fired at a lamp, when the bulnr let glanced and struck Hackett in the head, killing him instantly. The Urns in the Grand Encampment, Wyn., smelters have been started after being Idle for several months, and It Is expected that work will continue permanently. J. F. Bobanuan, an eastern sporting man, went bunting on Mount Evans and Twin peaks, near Chase, Colo., and has completely disappeared. It is feared he was killed by a bear. It is now known that there were three victims of tbe flood at Cheyenne, tho three Clayton children, two of whom were drowned and the third died in the hospital from exposure. LlfllscE Butte Miners' union, 13.0UO strong, has sent a delegation to Governor Peabody of Colorado, appealing for the release from Jail of Charles Moyer, president of the Western Federation of Miners. ygKBMfft The deed whirh conveys tbe Hearst free library from Mrs. Phoebe Hearst to tbe people of Anaconda has been filed. The library, which cost about $75,000, was accepted by tbe people -- L. last April, at the municipal eleetion. fc V. Salvador Navarro, formerly of "0 Ida., was crushed to death while loading logs at a sawmill four strife. Oh, weep!" said the An - gel of Life A huge miles from Divide, Mont. breath, Theyre mine!" said the An - gel of Death.. broth - er meet broth - er in peace. cease, And piece of timber rolled back and before "Here's a tnea - sage O broth - er for you: Blue, Sflit! Meat Navarro could get out of tbe way it And L heav'n and lead the way.1. . . point to pray, over him. threw him down and passed -- 5 jSooelo County J Bonjamin Wills (white), a well known young man of Lewiston, Mont., blew his brains out because a disrepa Copyright, MOi, by Dr. F. P. Duffy. utable negro woman of Butte refused to marry him. Wills baa been enamMr. Ryder la the author of the Fourth of July waltzes which appeared in the July number of tho Ladles Home Journal, ored of the woman for some time, and Hear. Ye the Voices," "The Celestial City," etc. his rash deed followed an attempt to kill the woman. SouthEight miles of the Colorado ern, including two bridges north of Cheyenne, Is a total wreck, as a result of the recent flood. At Carra, thirty miles south of Cheyenne, a second bridge bss gone out. Tbe damage to Ihe railroads in the vicinity of CheyIt was close and sultry; no breath the soul of devotion, I shall be delightenne Is estimated at $150,000. of air atirred the pines, and the mullein- ed any afternoon in the future to go beside the roadway were through the Inquisition again for the Idaho will be represented at the -stalks sake of the reward of a similar note, to earth. flat drooped at American Lake in encampment Thomas Morley Even telling me yon are riding with this Lieutenant July by twelve companies of about methodi- latest arrival In town. sat as he very smoking Gray, ili sixty men each. The government cally aa he did THOMAS M. GRAY." alljhlnga upon the , sziisttu(A.olAlk, t0p:ntrvtx"tme,iau wne tetidf Tin Itteraoos, as Gray wit ili encampment, wblch la a new innova- the roadway, appeared aa utterly ig- (getting his men In order for a threat- ili tion and an Incentive for the guards- norant that two great armies In blue ened attack of the "rehi," Billy again ili men to perfect themselves in army and gray were doggedly facing each came trotting up with the violet enm tactics. other in serried ranks not more than velope attached to hia collar. In the shade of some sumach bushes Gray Three miners had a narrow escape three miles sway, notwithstanding be himself wore a uniform whose, snatched time to read the contents. that &hlch from death in a fire destroyed color belied his name. Your latest outburst duly received, ili the shaft house and all the maWhen an hour had passed a long, per Billy, Mr. Tommy Green-Eyeili chinery of the Evolution mine at Os- dragging hour, during which he had Pray dont subject yourself io heat born, causing a loss of $4,000. The alternately fanned himself with his and mosquitoes on my account." Of men were saved by the heroic action hat and waged unequal combat with The note Billy carried back read aa ili of Engineer Hooper, who brought the the mosquitoes, which, despite the follows: Thanks. moke, had declared hostilities Gray men to the surface while the flames I had no intention of ili ili T. M. G." put on hia hat with a determined air doing so. were surrounding him. and slid down from the fence. As he Then for a week there waa alienee Oi Kid Trailer, a member of the fa- did so he saw a cloud of dust moving between them. LEADIKS DRY GOODS STORE GF ISERCUR Gray in hia anger ili mous Jones gang of outlaws, was along the roadway in his direction. cursed the Confederates for lying on taken prisoner by a deputy sheriff aild Then out of the dust-clouemerged a their arms Instead of making things so ili is In Jail at Culbertson, Mont Trail- yellow dog, trotting along heavily with lively that he would have a chance to ili cool his rage on them in battle. Bat er is the man whom Jones rescued hia tongue lolling from his mouth. WE ARE SELLING to pat instead he was obliged to sit inactive said stooping Gray, "Billy," from deputies, putting two of them to the panting beast, "good old Billy. in esmp and dally watch Helen Den- III flight, about three months ago. Jones What what the he broke off sud- nison and Hammett, the foppish civil- ili was shot shortly afterwards in a denly in surprise, for tied to the dogs ian, go trotting along the Confederate ili pitched battle. collar was a violet envelope of small front on horseback. No wonder he ili on fumed. A special from Miles City, Mont., dimensions and the superscription was his own name. Gray snatched it But one evening when the whole ili of efforts all the physicians the says that and tore it open. was in a ferment over the well ili town envelope to make the unknown man placed "Dear old Tommy," he read. authenticated rumor of long impendili under arrest there on suspicion of "Humph," he interpolated. "I know ing battle to come on the morrow. ili having engaged in an $8,000 diamond these dear old Tommies' trouble." Gray heard a mighty yelping and steal at Billings last week to dis- Ha again turned to the note. in the road aa he was skirting ili "I cant read Chaucer beneath the the camp on a final round of Inspec- ili gorge a large diamond which he swallowed while wrestling with the off- big pine tree with you this afternoon tion. He turned back to find Billy ili because Im going out riding with Mr. and a brlndle bull terrier hard at it icers have failed. Excuse haste and brevity, With Judicious kicks he managed to ili Bennett The discovery of a skeleton on the but he Is waiting for me now. I shall get them apart, and then his heart ili show Billy your gauntlets here and came into hia throat, for attached to ranch, near Philllpsburg. Merllng ili Mont, leads 'the officers to believe tell him to find you, which I'm sure he Billya collar waa a bit of violet en- ift will be Now don't da angry and velope. Gray snatched it eagerly. It cnat a murder haa been revealed. me call you Tommy Green-Eyehad been sadly mutilated in the fray. Mrs. Merllng, owner of the property, make TELEPPOiNES 24 again. 25 "I'm In terror over what might hap- ili is now ronflned in an insane asylum, I was just trying to Billy may find yon soon, "Trusting pen where she went following the mystert HELEN." make yon Jealous, he read, and In ili ous murder of John Conn and h.v Gray surveyed the cloudless sky for another place he made out, Im lone- t mother, of which crime the woman several tumultuous moments. some for you, you foolish ili was accused by the officers. "Now, wouldn't that" he began. e ili The sentence died in an inane gurgle, Miss Helen Dennison, sitting on the During a row at Mesderville, Mont., while Grays face grew ili wrathfuily broad veranda of the cottage, saw a Learry Connlrh, an Austrian, fatally red and great beads of perspiration strange outfit trotting sedately acyoss ili wounded bis brother. Joe Connich. stood on hia forehead. Then he tore the lawn. .It was -a wreath of ili Billy GET THE HABIT AND TRADE AT kicking the latter's face into an un- a leaf from his notebook, hastily oak leaves about hia neck, and tied to The two men scrawled a few words and tied it to hia tail a small silk flag which flub recognizable pulp. were wrangling over family differ- Billy's collar, where the other note tered bravely In the breeze. Prominent on the oak wreath waa an enences. squared off In a saloon and, had reposed. He arose, and. followed by the dog, velope addressed to herself: during an exchange of blows. Joe Contalked down the road. When they she read, and My dear Helen, nich was knocked down, when his came to the fork Gray pointed down laughed softly; I received but the brother jumped on his face, crushing the mail and said, sternly, merest fragments of your note, for Bilhis countenance with the hob nalis on "Home, Billy. Home, sir." After he ly tried conclusions with a bull terrier the heavy snlea commonly worn by had watched the dog trut off dejected- with disastrous results. Nevertheless For the Cheapest Line of Good miners. ly into the dust he himself went slowenough remained to give me considWhile driving to their home near ly up the other road to sneak his way erable enlightenment. Billy's appeal-am-back to hia company's bivouac. when he reaches you if he Ariola, Coin., Mrs. C. V. Herman and Late that evening Billy scrambled doesn't get into other difficulties on her son. Frank Ingles, were shot and into the hammock where his mistress the way ia the result of my poor atkilled by Marshal Humphreys, who lay. She saw the note and in the tempt to express my state of mind. rode into town and surrendered himdim light from the window beside her Wed better make It as early as posself to the sheriff. There had been a read these words: sible and spend our honeymoon before feud between the two families. "My dear Helen: your reba get me." "I trust you'll hare a pleasant aftere T. Clowes Miles, one of the best And Lieut. Thomas Morley Gray, known pioneers of Montana, passed noon. Undoubtedly It will be much sway on his lanch near Silver llow, preferable to Chaucer beneath the who strode up the gravel walk at that as the result of an attack of pneu- pine. Billy reached me after I had moment, behold Billy struggling from Wm. BILLIR6S, Prep, Kali Strut, Mireur. monia. Miles came to Montana forty waited several hours for you. The tha embrace of a young woman, who years ago, and was one of the first time passed very pleasantly, thanks to blushed furiously as she saw him miners in the rich gold placers of the villainous heat and swarms of standing there. Barry Paine in Baa fkmlns-strJnkethe famous Alder gulrh. mosquitoes. Being Francisco Call. Rev F. F. Duffv. More than 600 Armenian families have taken refuse in Mush, a town of Bltlla. At Maaon, Mich., Lewla Oliver baa been sentenced to imprisonment for life for stealing $3 and two hats. Tbe National Editorial association baa appropriated $100 to tbe fund for a monument over the grave of Bill Nye. Tbe English newspapers express the greatest regret and sympathy at Japans 111 luck in losing two warships. The carpenters strike at Dea Moines, Iowa, has been settled. Seven hundred men have been out since May 1. Advices from San Domingo announce severe fighting at Navarto The government May 14. troops were defeated. According to a dispatch from the Vail of BHUs, Asiatic Turkey, seventeen villages have been destroyed by Armenian Insurgents in the district of Saeasun. William Ilederman, aged 19, shot and seriously injured his mother at East Chester, N. Y., because she refused to give him money with which to buy whisky. An accident to a train from Port Arthur to Harbin occurred near Tie-linThirty passengers were killed and fifty injured and tho permanent way was greatly damaged. During the reconnaissance of Port Arthur made by Vice Admiral Togo on " Friday of last week, a shell hit the torpedo boat destroyer Akatsukl, killing one officer and twenty-fou- r men. Tbe report that Russia may shortly proclaim all the ports of the Siberian coast, including Vladivostok, to be free, thus permitting unrestricted commerce, is confirmed. John II. Wood, former president of the First National bank of Matthews, Ind., has been arrested on tbe charge of having embezzled the funds of tbe bank to the extent of several thousand dollars. From Chinese sources it is rumored that 2,000 Russians have reoccupled Hal Cossacks have been seen near Kaollman and thirteen miles tweet, but none have been observed on the main road to Uao Yang. While fording tbe Chlckaaka river at Milan, Kane., a wagon containing W. Hanlan, wife and five children, was overturned. The woman and three children were drowned. Mr. JilBjlgstWMWd two cWUns, after hours Jfy 'After repeated conferences effort-'-- - between the bankers, the ministers and the elder statesmen of Japan, the bankers have accepted the terms of the new popular loan of $50,000,000. It will be Issued at 93, bear 5 per cent Interest and run for seven years. A trustworthy report has been received at Japanese headquarters that the Russian cruiser Bogatyr ran ashore outside of Vladivostok in a heavy fog and was destroyed. This is the first ship of the Vladivostok squadron to be destroyed. Nearly all the striking miners, In number, who were seventy-nin- e driven from Ludlow to ' Trinidad, Colo., a distance of twenty miles, by have been cavalry troops recently released after having been registered by the military aulhorities. The placer mining regulations of the Yukon have been amended to give latitude to the Yukon commissioner, who hnay, in his discretion, cause the mining property of any deceased or insane person to be worked as the necessity of the case may demand. The town of Bonesteel, in Gregory county, South Dakota, has grown in less than a month from a village of 200 to a city of 2,000. Bonesteel Is located at the edge of the Rosebud reservation, which the government is preparing to open to homesteaders. A Tokio dispatch says it is absolutely certain that the battleship Hatsuse was sunk by a Russian mine ten miles off the coast The position of these mines makes navigation dangerous for neutral vessels, and a protest from foreign governments Is expected. It is said the authorities contemplate destroying all Armenian villages in the 6assun district of Asia Minor, in order to prevent the concentration of insurgents in the mountains and the installation of the villagers on the plain where they may be better supervised. Alfred Morgan, aged 75 years, said to be a relative of J. P. Morgan, was burned to death at his home in Vine-lanN. J., Sunday. His house was discovered on fire and an attempt was made to rescue him, but the flames spread so rapidly that this was impossible. For one hour William Jackson, who was convicted of forgery, hung in the stocks In Dover, Dels., while the sheriff watched to see that he did not Meanwhile village boys struggle. hurled sticks and clods at the unfortunate. It was the first case there in ten years. Eight cases brought by the state against Mrs. Sophia Wdnxelrl, on a charge of bringing girls from Germany to 8L Louis for improper purposes were dismissed in the criminal court at St Louis, Judge McDonald stating that the evidence was insufficient to .prove the state's case. d. L. U ITbe flMtcbener 'Bouse. Ml up elm cm ' a Catapidt GROCERIES AND HEATS fum e, r r m A nr U4 Of Street, Stockier e T!is issqt 4 Largest D 1 .FfesTi ''Meats BEET, J 't ietf ini P1K, VEAL! gTBlNMANS-DRY GOODS COMPANY.... d $ Clothing, s' mui left-han- d m I ft ft ft ft ft ft ft m ft ft Dry Goods & Shoes S j I STEINMAINS Na ft $ ft ft ft ft ft ft & ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 4m4444444444444m4444ft ft ft ft ft BOLDER BUTE n ft ft ft ft t ft ft t C1S1 STORE. ft ftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftft |