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Show 7 Stockton Subscriptions: Om year V xionths months T Mrs. W. N. (Sundry... T. Jakeman..... Joins. AT PUBLISHED GUO No. 1. Thence south 23 deg. 34 mi feet to corner No. 3 o conda No. 3. Thence north 9 deg. 41 ml 1.490 feet to corner No. 4 o conda No. 3. Thence south 33 deg. 34 mil 794.5 feet to corner No. 1 of Anaeonda ....Editor .Manager APPLICATION FOR PATENT. Phoenix Indemnity Company, $2.50 OP AMERICA. Incurs yonnelf arainit ciekneu snd Shoe No. 3. M. A. No. 3795. NOTICE: During our absence any business transacted with Mrs. W. N. (Sundry The lady will will be O. K. fur money due the office, will take orders for Job printing, etc. James T. Jakeman, Manager. SWV1VWVWWVWWV4WVW BtelEiT I 306.5 , ) Shoes for Men Thence north 41 deg. 28 nii fuel to corner No. 4 of Ai tkm of the stomach. I had often found Electric Kilters exi t lit nt for acute stomach and liver trouble so I them. The patient gained from .Utah the first, and has not had sn attack In 14 months. Electric Hitters are posi12.00 Indiltysfit-psia2.25 tively guaranteed for trouIS gestion, Constipation and Kidney Me at all bles. Try them. Only STOCKTON SENTINEL Thence south 9 deg. 41 min United States Land Office, Salt Iak 1.490 feet to corner No. 2 of An City, March 14, 1904. No. 3. A. K. Is hereby given that Notice Thence south 33 deg. 34 mlfi. east , whone place of businebM and 399 feet to corner No. 1 of An iconda are Salt City, address pOKtnfflre No. 1. Unita for made has application Utah, Thence south 41 deg. 38 m!i west ed States patent for the Ited Metal lode mining claim, situate in the Dug-wa- 238.4 feet to corner No. 4 of ( HintscL Thence south 35 deg. 4 ml(i. east Mining District, Tooele County, Utah, consisting of 1264 linear feet on 1.500 feet to comer No. 1 of ( outset, If those having friends or relatives in the ms shown lode, and surface ground No. 4 ol York, the iuImUoiisi y in any part of the United in the fold notes and plat of the offl. identical with corner Thence south 42 deg. 11 m i. east Stiles will glvs us tlulr address we will clal survey filed herein, being mineral be pleased to send a copy of this paper survey No. 50K5, and described in said 1.490 feet to comer No. 1 of York, to them during their absence, complifield notea and plat on file in this of- the place of beginning, contai ning a mentary. If the missionary Is in for with magnetic variation at 14 deg. net area of 118..484 acres, the will fice, eign I'tndii, the Mine proposition fortluded: 30 min. east, as follows, to wit; Ing conflicts having been hold good, with exception of extra sslil Snow Bird, Survey 3423, of 0.221 BBADLEY & METCALF Commencing at corner No. 1 of Seceign postage. claim, from which the corner of acres; Black Maria, Survey :: 229, of tions 3 and townships 10 and 0.- 049 acres; Good Luck, Sum 3224, me 12 Lake 9 south, range west, Balt MILWAUKEE. -0.002 acres; of Golconda, Survey 15 east 45 min. south APPLICATION FOR PATENT. deg ridian, bears No. and Golcor da 0.077 of acres, 3572, from &4K.7 FOR BALE BY thence running fret distant; M. A. No. 3810. The said corner No. 1 south 64 dig. .02 min. 1, survey 4355, of 0.358 seres United Btates Land Office, BtUton (Miss Oale west 612 feet to corner No. 2; thence presumed general course or d rectlon Balt Lake City, Utah, of the veins or lodes is as show running from said corner No. 2 north April 21, 1804. cor58 min. west 1268.0 feet to 44 the official plat. Notice la hereby given that In pur- nerdeg. No. 3: thence north 66 deg. .02 min. Said claims are situated In suance of the act of Congresa, ap- east 4: thence No. corner 414.9 fret to of t( portions proved May 10, 1872, To promote the south ! deg. 54 min. east 1.165.9 feet surveyed THE development of the mining resources of to corner No. 1. the place of beginning. 9 and 10 aouth, range 12 weft, Salt K. Marcus Jones, Bald claim the United States," Meridian. Lake In located unsurveyed being whose postolllce address la Salt Luke j west, The southwest corner of Sec part of township 9 south, range 12 14.361 Allen Balt City, Utah, and hia contains and 9 smith, range 12 Lake meridian, Babcock, whose poatofllce address la acres; said location being recorded in Township hears ns follows from corner fo. 1 of Masaena,New York,claiming 1500 linear I took "N. aw MO, of records of each of said claims: feet of the Enterprise, 1384.2 linear feet Tooele Utah. Adjoining claim Anaconda No. 3, south 74 of the Enterprise No, 2 and 1500 linear on this munly. ioiie ure survey No. 4:156. east 6,758.2 feet min. feet of the Cenlennlul veins, lodes or No. 4356, Cloudy survey mineral deposits, bearing gold, silver, on the southwest, and survey No. 4,19. Anaconda No. 1, south 89 lead and other valuable minerals, with "Pennant, on the northeast, and min. east 6,542.4 feet aurface ground of each claim 300 feet No. 4356. Anaconda No. 2 north 86 dg. survey In width, lying, being and situate OFFERS THE BEST SERVICE 1 direct that this notice lie published min. eRst 6,955.1 feet within the Clifton Mining district, In the Blockton Sentinel, a newsiaip.-POSSIBLE TO ST. L0UI8. 76 deg. 30 m north Contart, have of of State Utah, Tooele, County published at Block ton. Utah, for the 6,005 feet THE FRISCO SYSTEM TRAVERSES made application to the United Btatea period of nine consecutive weeks. Surplus, north 73 deg. 29 min. east for a patent for the said mining claims, TNE rOLLOWINS STATES! FRANK D. UOKUS. Register. which are mors fully described as to Alexander McMaster, Attorney for 6.506.1 feet. Illinois metes and bounds by the official plat Indiana York, north 62 deg. 31 mifi. herewith posted, and by the field notes Applicant. 19; last, May 11. 5,446.3 feet March hlrat pub., of survey, thereon, survey No. tltl.now 1904. Said claims are of record Blsslsslppl Kansas filed In the office of the Register of the office of the Recorder of Tooel.e CounArkansas Tennassio District of Lands subject to sale at at Tooele Utah, as follows: Balt Lake City, Utah, which field notes NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ty,Anaconda No.City, " In Book 3, Alabama Missouri of survey describe the boundaries and UNITED STATES PATENT. : 380. extent of said claims on the- aurface as Oklahoma Indian Ter. Anaeonda No. 1, In Book N," page to wit: follows 6065. Mineral Survey No. 235. Commencing at post or corner No. 1. Texas. M. A. No. 3825. Anaconda No. 2, In Book N," page being the northeast corner of the said In the United States Land Office, 234. Enterprise lode mining claim, and lden- THE SOUTHEASTERN LIMITED, tlcal with corner No. 1 Centennial lode Salt Lake City, Utah, May 23, 1904. Contact in Book K," page 450. of thla survey, from which point Notice Is hereby given that the . m. In and Book 14, "O," page Surplus, Cllyrt6J6 U. S. L. M. No. 11 bears north 2 deg. Eureka-Ophl- r to SpilnoNald. Consolidated Ilr, will taka you Mining York In Book N," page 563. .09 min. west 2778.2 feet distant j thence repfcl. Uirmlnsham, unAtlanta, a corporation organized ikaonvtlla and all r The adjoining claims are the Good tke running from said corner No. 1 south S Company, der the laws of the State of Utah, Luck and Handbellstar, Survey 3224; deg. 18 min. west 1500 feet, magnetic with rents to all potato Watth, JBRMllant its principal place of business at Golconda, Survey 3572; Golconda No. variation 17 deg. east, to corner No. 1, East, Sooth, keiiUiaaet and Sonth-which la identical with corner No. 4 Salt Lake City, Utah, by Ita agent and 1. Survey 4355; Snow Bird, Survey Centennial lode of this survey; thence attorney In fact, H. A. Lane, whose 3423 and Black Marla, Survey 8229. for awn.i iitinuiiw, ntij t north 64 deg. 45 min. west 600 feet mag- jHist office address la Glsborn, Tooele I direct that this notice be pubnetic variation 17 dec. east, to corner County, Utah, has made application lished In fhe Stockton Sentinel at S. W. MARTIH, SressRL Aacwr, No. 8: thence north 6 deg. 38 niln. east for a for the If. P. Stone lode Stockton, Utah, the newspaper pubOinvih, Cat. patent Km DRAKE. WiST. FMS'R 1500 feet, magnetic variation 17 deg. In Amrt, Bltuated the Ophir claim, mining lished nearest said claims a for SALT period Cl TV, UlNM. east, to corner No. 4; thence south 64 Mining District, Tooele County, Utah, of nine weeks. V. A. JOHN, SCRIRM AaiRT, . deg. 45 mill, east 600 feet, magnetic of the lode, FRANK D. HOBBS, Burn. Mortar. variation 18 deg. east, to corner No. 1, consisting of 1155.4 feet and surface ground 5G7.3 feet wide, the place of beginning. Register. and No. 6065, mineral survey L. H. Gray, Attorney. Beginning at post or corner No. 1, being being the northeast corner of the aald described in the Held notes and plat First published May 28, 1904. of-3 In thla lode mining claim, !of the official survey filed j Enterprise No.' Last July 23, 1904 from which point U. B. L. M. No. 11 flee, with magnetic variation 16 do-- ' bears north 8 deg. 56 min. eaat 3745.1 grees 30 minutes east, aa follows, to feet; corner No. 4 Enterprise lode of I wit: NOTICE. this survey bears north 8 deg. 40 min. I Commencing at Post No. 1, a corner west 191.9 feet; thence running from w No. south TUrg. .04 min. ml the. alalia mashed 1, 6065, whence United StStos Land Office, Aajt-UkCity, Utah, May 23, 1904. west 1894.8 feet, magnetic variation 18 'U. S. mineral monument No. 6 bears west To Whom It May Concern: 1 minute J deg. east, to corner No. 8; thence north south 76 degrees, 88 deg. 18 min. west 600 feet, magnetic 1.419.4 feet, to corner No. 4, lot 147, Notice Is hereby given thfit. the 17 variation deg. east, to corner No. Arabella Lode, bears north 47 degrees, State of Utah has filed In this office UI VlL'iaifTLT YES A TASS 8; thence north 7 deg. .06 min. eaat 20 minutes east 1071.4 feet; thence list No. 65 of lands selected by the 1894.8 feet, magnetic variation 17 deg. east said State for the establishment and TklUlirTOKY 38 minutes 44 degrees north 9f ikrsugk sands. Is sal fossa (ha east, to corner No. 4; thence south 83 1155.4 feet to corner No. 8; thence maintenance of an Insane Asylum unaritawtag eltlaai deg. 16 min. eaat 600 feet, variation 18 east 22 minutes 12 45 of of Act Section der the degrees, Congress ftMsha, Chtasgs, SL deg. east, to corner No. 1, the place of south thence approved July 16, 1894. The follow-ln- Ml Pail, Kiss 5G7.3 feet to corner No. 3; Louis, ICav beginning. west 38 minutes tracts embraced In said list are Rnsssspolto, Xlu Fonts, Xu. Beginning at post or corner No. 1, south 44 degrees, Mol JIvsbsvIUa XsA mineral containing being the northwest corner of the aald 1.155.4 feet to corner No. 4; thence In a township atr, Centennial lode mining claim, and north 45 degrees 22 minutes west claims of record, vis.: North M southTons. MashvlUo; phis, Identical with corner No. 1 Enterprise 567.3 feet to corner No. 1, the place east Sec. 25, Township 4 south, Pact ii ns tl, Ohlav Atlanta, On. lode of this survey, from which point of claim containing range 5 west. Salt Lake Meridian. said CwsisvlUa, Zy. Jacksonville Hi beginning, 11 M. 8 No. U. S. L. bears north deg. .09 5.343 seres, exclusive of the area In Now Orlreso, La. Vicksburg, stlas A copy of said list, so far as It re2778.2 min. west feet distant; thence confilct with lot 147 Arabella lode, lates to Bald tracts subWookly ikreosh ssrvteo bat by descriptive running from aald corner No. 1 south bstwssa Cincinnati has been conspicuously 85 deg. .03 min. eaat 600 feet to corner aurvey No. 3478, Idamonta' Lode, lot divisions, No. 8, from whence corner No. 1 survey No. 171. Dwight lode. posted in this office for inspection by AnA Iks Fasifls Coast saS This claim Is located In the unsur-veye- any person Interested, and by the No. 4383 Cosmopolitan lode and corner Territory. No. 3 same survey Yellow Hammer lode part of township No. 6 south public generally. amended bears south 61 deg.43 min. east of range 4 west. Salt Lake base and Within the next sixty days followsi thoao 144.8 fret; thence south 6 deg. 38 min. and the notice of location ing the date of this notice, under dewest 1500 feet to corner No. 3, thence meridian, In recorded Book.0, partmental instructions of November north 85 deg. .03 min. west 600 feet to thereof441being SOUTH, WRIT AND HOUHL of the records of Tooele 27, 1896, (23 L. D. 459), protests or corner No. 4, Identical with corner No. page and The Utah. contests claim the of neighboring the County, against 3 Enterprise hide of thla survey; thence Foal ssd Handsomely Eqtlwod north 6 deg. 38 min. eaat 1500 feet to adjoining claims are as follows: Lot state to any of the tracts or Hooted Train DIhIbn Cars hereinbefore described, on the corner No. 1, the place of beginning. No. 147. Arahelln Lode. Survey No. -Library Caro Bisoplng Variation to all corners of the Centen- 3478. Idamonta lode, lot No. 171, ground that the same is more valuer HacUalng Choir Cara. nial lode 17 deg. east. Dwight lode, survey No. 6000, Mona ble for mineral than for agricultural Bald lode mining claims are located Lode, Francis lode. Survey No. 5064. purposes will he received and noted Ask ticket agents for tickets via Iks on unsurveyed land, which would be in I direct that thla notice be pub- for report to the Genera! Land Office, ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD; SB 8 18 If the west, south, township range lished in the Stockton Sentinel at at Washington, D. C. Failure so to iwO to present aystem of land survey were ex- Stockton. Tooele County, Utah, for protest or contest within the time tended. J. A. FOLHT, The total and net areas of said lode the period of nine consecutive weeks. specified will be considered sufficient W. lad So. St. Balt Laks CUm D. FRANK HOBBS, evidence of the character mining claims la as follows: Register. of the tracts, and the selection there? Total area Enterprise No. 8 1904. lode 19. 805 scree of. being otherwise free from objecFirst publication. May 28th, Less area In conflict with Last publication, July 23rd, 1904. tion, will be recommended for apEnterprise lode of thla proval. 0.431 acres survey FRANK D. HOBBS, APPLICATION FOR PATENT. Register. Net area Enterprise No. 2 Geo. A. Smith, Receiver. 18.774 acres lode Notice M. A. No. 3821 First publication May 28th, 1904. Total and area Enterprise United States Land Office, Salt Last, publication July 28th, 1904. lode 19. 462 acres Lake 13. 1904. Utah. May City, Total and net area CentenDug-- ! the Is that Notice given hereby 20.660 acres nial lode way Copper kilning and Smelting Korean Houses Screened. Net area claimed....'. 58.896 acres Company, by Ita president and authorKorean lihi-.-his houso from Every 8vlt of Teterson. O. a F. Said lode locations mining claims be- ised rent, the gaze by a cumber of public ing of record In the office of the re- lAke City, Utah, has made appllear screens. The poor inan employs corder of Clifton mining district, Utah, tlon for a United States patent for aa followa: The Enterprise lode in Book the Anseonda No. 3. Anaeonda No. 1. hedges and fences; the rich in an ha? I. Page 253; Enterprise No. 3 In Book AnacondiNo. 2. Contact. Surplus and many high wpll. Between the wall; P, page 57; Centennial lode In Book I, York lode mining clalma. consisting are grown goreenis flowers; lotu.-ponpage 252, also In the ofllve of the Re- of 1.490. 1.500, 1,500, 1,500, 1.500 and aro nlro t j I o found there. ' corder of Tooele county, Utah. o The nearest known locations are the 1,400 linear feet respectively, of the Leaves IVIcr.ty for Cat. Yellow Hammer (amended) survey No. lodes and surface ground, as shown In 1891 an eld unman left to the 4382, and the Cosmopolitan aurvey No. by the official plat, being Snrvev No. 4382. 5175. situated In the Dngwsy Mining British Lifeboat the sum Any and all persona claiming ad- District. Tooele Connty. Utah, and of $2,060, to b? on the death of UNIQUE! versely the mining ground, vein, lode described In the pint and field notes a favorite kitten paid which had survived 1 premises or any portion thereof so de- of survey on file In this office, with ENJOYABLE! hooted scribed, surveyed, platted and applied mmtnctie variation nt 16 deg. 50 min. her and which was to be provided for ena; with tho Inlure 't. In for, are hereby notified that unless east, aa follows, disHEALTHFUL! the rat their adverse claims are duly filed acCommencing nt corner No. 1 of the appeared and the courts have now iwSAIor eboJoUottboliMOoa cording to law, and the regulations thereunder, within sixty days from York nrd running thence sonth 41 decided to nsstimc its death and let west 600 feet to corner the institution nave the mcney, on SALT LAKE HOT SPRINGS date of publication of notice hereof, (leg. 38 with the Register of the U. 8. Land Of- No. 2 of York. It a bond to provide for the cat giving fice at Balt Lake City In the 8tate of There- - north 42 deg. 11 min. west in case it should c.i i:e back. Utah, they will be barred In virtue of 1.100 feet to corner No. 3 of York. o the provisions of said statute. bionttc-'- l with corner No. 2 of Contact Admired the Little Wheels. I hereby direct that this notice be an-- with eorner No. 1 of Surplus. Here is a Kaffir n. ry told in a republished in the Stockton Sentinel at SofeLakaOty nuth 41 deg. 38 min. west Stockton, Tooele county, Utah, the nonThencet corner cent bonk: When the first wagon ap2 Surnlus. of No. feet BjOUwo H l b 6 Vo Flao newspaper published nearest the said The-r- e north 35 deg. 4 min. west peared the people of the kraals all mining claim, for a period of nine to out eo turned 3 1 of n r,oo the a new No. corner foot wonder Surplus. weeks. FRANK D. HOBBS. Hall a million caW Sir leas at mm MW IMtk Thence north 41 deg. 38 min. east hat which mnvc.l on wheels. Mile afRegister. tho each Jar. yeole '.ant First publication April 23, publiTS.I fet to corner No. 2 of Anaeonda ter mile the pcnpl-- j c lapped hands and cation June IN. n. f. Hrn Bwh. hi FwmUa nJ Km cheered the little wheel-- , which Thenen north 33 deg. 34 min. wet -- eented to form t'. e renter of attracti. TN, FR.w Phwcm Sad Lai(. I.lwaJog Pml. 1 inn feet to comer No. 3 of Anaeonda tion. On A Startling Test. Ivirg wht they saw No. 2. OmMh health aal yteaaaia hy in the wher N to n.-To save A life, Dr. T. O. Merritt, of them so 41 deg. 38 min east Tbilisi It halhewhan laBnlb No. Mehnopany, Pa., made a startling r.noThenen 'onorth -i: ' rxr ted theit Laha. Ova Jay ml ikkt they 4 comer No. of Anseonda feet ij 4ught test resulting In a wonderful cure, lie it was so bn-flo2 of No. of them corner 2. able with plucky No. be ti waa attacked with a tlent writes; to keep up wiih the 1rge ones," violent hemorrhages, caused by ulcera- - Anaconda No. 1. Also Life Xniuranea. accidents. Installment Plan. Ton pay a little each month. XXXXXX pt Tier-nan- SOI PVSTNBS INFORMATION WRITS TO. H. A. NELSON, y too.nt,m 6uiral Agsit, BsmBMf. BALT LAKE CTTY, BTAE, 34-3- 5. World's Fair Route ! THE 6CENIO LINE TO' CUanwood Springs, Aspen, Lesdville, Pueblo, Colorado Springs, Denver, Omaha, Eaasai City, SL Louis, Chicago, and all points e&st ;" Oon-dol- a, CscMSsfUf at Offm Trains r 'V UiIn leathers PasISs asd Orajes thri Us Uas passlag directly tbreejh M Luka (3$ Begat wRk aN Ths ssiy TrausaaUaeaial siusdidlt XQCtrru BETWEEN OfiOEN 3 FACT THAWS DAILY 3 SENT El ARO Via Three Boyo onAPWCInoe So. tl Through Pullman and Ordinary Bleeping Oats to Denver, Omaha, Eansaa City, SL Louis and Chicago without ohanga. Itaea reclining chair cars. Personally Oonduoted Ezonnlo&s. Dining Oars, service a la Carta on all through train t Otamrereo bertclem. aw., bSSSOiMttlll niiilnna L A BENTON, ( Ai P. D, kiW at yooe SALT LAKB CTTY ' REMEMBER, IN FiGUSINO YOUR TRIP EAST THAT THI , Ul : Illinois Central Railway. Oregon Short Line RAILROAD Bll. BVR1EY. Ik SPENCER, - Haw CTcnwcncHvnHTHi U.BT.A UNION PACIFIC Afcr.er.a THB OVZRLAND BOUTS m an Rk g . It ul s-- COMFORT SAFETY csr ucm odice 201 TTNION PACIFIC It BALT 1AKB VTAC. J a m pgvuai soon 10 ml feme east muiimsi MAM , Unexcelled OTt l rogressivb (THB OVERLAND ROU1R) d un, ns ROBERT E. PICKLE STATIONERY CONFECTIONERY NOTIONS... A foU line o, Stattcia. 017 All tho FiMIrg Tho Mnoet oad boot otook of Cmuoeuonory la Mo. A fSHMoo et Hotioao Cleora Tohoeeoo poriortleolQL UTZ. W.wMWMw.w. Agntty Troy SlBasLusdiy. I oroaa sons. HER CEB, n non-miner- I s i to-wl- t: e-i- Sanitarium Baths aviis I am 25C e! si-B- - I -- J.. Salt Lake and Mercur Railroad SALT LAMB KXRCUR TIMECARD West luL Arrive 10ril......Moresr..M..IU0 Loots lioovo 1930... .Summit Jet...J38 SD3I.... Ifkimtiw Htd) MS.... Fairfield ....134 AIM J. G. JACOBS, Gou, Salt Laks City. |