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Show saw the boat reach the Portuguase-man'yielding. To her his tons Implied side. He turned to Pope, who that she disappointed him; It was of no consequence to her, however, bestood coolly smoking at a little discause she disliked him. But she bad tance likewise observing the wreck, mistaken his meapir.g. As he looked and exclaimed: 8 JEA.fr MiATE LVDLVrt, at the calm, quiet face, tne large dark "Will those unhappy beluga find AtUktr tf At a CM1! ifrro. ife, fresh water, sir? eyes that were so clearly windows to the pure soul within, the sensitive "Plenty, my lord. It must by this time have been remarked by you that By W. CLARK RUSSELL. mouth, largf, but well formed, full of Emend According to Aet of Congwo in tkt Year 1M by Stnot k Smith. In Ibo Oftco at tho LlbruUn of Contras we do not thirst for human life, anstrong character, the slender, graceit Washington, D. C. ful figure In the print gown possessswered Pope, very courteously. Cwrri hi 1WT. by P. F. Collitt. Copnifht, imi, tv rwu. ums a Co. I wish, sir," says my lord, ing a quaint 'dignity, the wonder grew you and deepened in his mind that the would relieve my mind by stating CHAPTER XIV. frown wrinkled his forehead; he CHAPTER X. brother of his recollections should papers were In Portuguese, and he your Intentions as regards my disposwished she were well out of the could make nothing of them. Bacon and Eggs. have such a daughter as this a womal. "She'll be from the West Indies, Dolores slept, not because of young house. an one did not meet every day even The PI sure Crew Are Transferred. 'You shall he sent home," answered "Glad to see you, Charlie; I was beKothli g In a narrative said Pope, looking toward her. "From Pope. "Have not I said that? But Green's wish that she should sleep, in his world a girl whose soul was to were called think you away of lncld nt and excitement happened Demerara. I believe. but because she was worn out from ginning of those he knew. before we part and the opportunity to some urgent case. I beg your vr-do- purer than many "From Demerara going for Ixindon. will sooner or later arrive a strict 'And this is Joe's girl!" he repeat- this day The weather was moderate watching and anxiety, and fell Into a Miss Johnson." dreamless slumber almost as soon as slowly. "My dear, I am glad to and the brig rolled with foaming cut- Dismasted In a heavy squall. Aban- understanding such as you, who are "It Is strange," Dolores said slow- ed, water t ward that spot of ocean doned by all hands, who left behind doubtless a believer In llod, will hour have found you." her head touched the pillow; and it was broad daylight when she again ly. Some way everyone listened No one had ever yet told her a He where ( iptain Poe hoped to fall In them a little dead child with a sliver orably hold by, must be entered Into. when Dolores spoke. "It Is strange," and woke to every-dalife. everyone meant what was with the Spanish ship "from Cadis, the crucifix upon Its breast That's how There Is time. Wo will discuss this she repeated, slowly and distinctly, said that 1 read her story, was a matter of course. It was Madre d Dios. says Crystal. She bathed her face In cold water. matter At su rite a seaman on the fore"Did you bring that crucifix off? When she was dressed she went out her voice filling every corner of the a new thing for anyone to be glad to low room. is He long, my father; to the other room. CHAPTER XI. her, and she almost liked him. yard r ported a sail almost right says Pope, looking at the square ran I not see him? Why does see words touched her strangely, but ahead a! out a point on the starboard man's buttoned up bosom. Mrs. Allen had kindled a fire on the why The no one tell me of him? Surely I should "No." answered Crystal, with a sarshe made no reply, though her eyes bow. Ci ystal waa working away with The Earl Is Released. hearth, and the kettle was singing know. They think I cannot nurse my softened somewhat on dock. the when oanie castic Pope glasp over glare at lope. while he threw the leaping flames; the Next when breakfast was cheerily morning, do I not know his ways betfor us there, dye open his coat, exoalng a long red ended and the table cleared, Crystal coffee filled the room with fragrance. father; 'My girl sent you a message. Do-ter can 1 than elses? anyone Why Pope, in a voice waistcoat "Neither would you." As Dolores entered she spoke pleas- not was for going on deck. see him? Even he, with a slow "Oh, damn it" cried lHipe, with one shouted Pope. antly to her, noting the faint trace motion of her hand toward young Stop, Jonathan! answered Crys- of his areh laughs, "is It a dead child of color in the cheeks and the bright and Baying lord, seat;" your "My keep me off I when about ask Green, "puts tal. "TU'tell you her story. Pope: The thats going to put ye off the scent. (his ho went into bis cabin, and In ness of the brave dark eyes. ou can tell me if you will." him. crew frofcu the start knew that an John? I'll go aboard. Good a minute or two relumed, holding morning, Dolores. BreakHer solemn eyes were on Dr. English pirate was on her track, and During the greater part of the day the crucifix ho had taken from the fast will be ready on the table In a inhim she trusted face; they mutinied, butchered the officers the pirates were employed In bringing dead child's breast, a sheet of paper, moment If you are ready." stinctively; she knew he would tell and made off with your fifteen thous- eff the more valuable and useful of a The girl looked steadily Into the her pot of ink, ami a quill lien. the truth. and pounds. the commodities In the Portuguese own her very kindly eyes opposite, Now, my lord, says he, putting You shall see him,"1 the doctor reIla, ha, ha!". laughed rope, again ship. At two bells, five o'clock, tho (he sheet of paiier and the pen and searching. were a as it plied, quietly, though his to was closed and bear upon the brig's malnhatch the tnk before the Earl, here are the mabringing glass "How is my father?" matter of little moment He is sleepvessel ahead. Indeed Crystal was boats belonging to her hoisted, but the terials with which "Asleep, Miss Johnson asleep and you are to make as soon as he now. Miss Johnson; rarely humorous. brig's topsail was still kept aback. out an order upon Child's for two Quiet. It Is the best thing for him. ing wakes you shall see him. Your uncle In about of an hour The pirates went to supper In the thousand two hundred Dolores turned away and went out will guineas. be here this morning, but unless the Gypsy was within easy sight of tweemliH ks, aud Pope and Crystal to the entry preparing to go in the "What Is that crucifix for?" said the is awake he cannot see father your forlorn the craft. had schooner watched the that green topsail rain. Then she took the pall and went him. Are Earl, whoso agitation on a sudden you ready, Charlie?" What is that ship, gentlemen?" now dwindled into the size of a child's was so ext re mu to the shed to milk Brlmlle. Mrs. Althat ho seemed InGreen his Yes, young replied, said Lord Fltzgibbon, stepping out of toy. len paused at the window to watch of what was said. following capable eyes on Dolores' face. He crossed the companion-way- . The devils don't like these transher. She was a grotesque figure strid- over "To swear you on," says lopo. as Dr. Dunwlddie to side her 8he seems to be an abandoned ferring Jobs," said Crystal. "Strange The Earl started, shot a helpless ing through the storm with her fath- left the room. ship, answered Pope, giving the that we should have fallen In with look of wrath at Pope, turned a slow er's hat on, and the boots pathetically am glad you slept last night "I one of his Earl politest bows. He nothing In the shaite of cash aboard and hopeless gaze upon Crystal, then out of place on her feet. Tho nurse Miss Johnson" he said. "I brought then said to Crystal: "Arm your her. shook her head as she went back bow absolutely he was like to read selves and go on board of her, sir, "Her people took It away with understanding Into the room setting the dishes and this, thinking you might at the mercy of these men, and reis full of new facts regarding v It It with eight men. Thoroughly over- them." answered lupe. "I would not that to hint his life and libpreparing the bacon and eggs for the the stars they have discovered a haul Ler and report all that may be be locked up alone in her through the flecting doctors beyond the closed doors. were quite worth the money erty new star, or think they have. The run of a middle watch with that child. asked for, he good for us. Dolores was drenched when she wrote. Tho Earl looked wise men of science are puzzling their "You believe me? It soemed to smile as I looked. It lias for a little while on the draft as Crystal struck the ship at her reached the shed, but she minded It heads over It" channel plates, aud all but one, not decayed." lores. She told me to be certain to apparently not at all. She pushed though considering the wording of it; The girls soul was in her eyes as follow Instructions, too; Dora Is an left to tend tho boat as she rode to Suppose It had been alive?" snys ho then handed It to Captain Itope, back the shawl and drew the them to his as he stood be- exacting young body, I assure you. Be- her scope of painter, scrambled over Crystal. she lifted You'd have brought her off stool out of the corner. The side have done my part saying. Sir, her, and his heart ached for her, tween you two my life will be rather the tall green side. They were armed. and made a daughter of her." streams of milk In the pall Joined in This money will be paid to you on which she was hard for an old fellow. I am going to the truth knowing with the rain iigslnst the windows. shut out demand If I am suffered to reach EngIn to look at Joe, If I may not speak It was half gloom In the shed. When land that I may acquaint my bankera will not let me see my fath- to him; when I return you will be the pall was full Dolores pulled down er "They witli my wishes. 1 do not need that" searchshe her eyes said, slowly, ready, my dear. some hay from the mow overhead He seemed to understand on a sudhis face as though to read thereHe turned away with a pleasant and Brlndle burled her broad, soft ing and passed his hand with a gesden, in why this thing should be. laugh, and Joined young Green and nose In It with a deep breath of conture of dignity toward the cruclflx. He smiled reassuringly, and laid' Dr. Dunwlddie without waiting for her tent. Pope stood smiling. This speech his strong hand over hers, resting reply. The girl carried the foaming milk to touched tho chords of his melodramata shadow the upon dresser, though She looked after him with unfriendthe house, and strained it into pans, was In his ic nature. Ho would have been pleased eyes for very pity of the ly eyes as be stood for a moment the nurse watching her curiously. tender, wondering to respond with a light dramatic flourface lifted to his. with outside the others the talking Then she prepared the feed for the ish. hut could not Instantly And ideas. "We are doing the best we can for door, but after a few words that were chickens and went out to feed them. "Now, my Ifird," says Pope, after and as soon as indistinguishable to her they opened When she returned to the house Mrs. your father, Dolores, see quietly pocketing the draft, then pickYou the door' and shall him. he wakens you passed In, closing the Allen removed her wet clothing and ing up the cruclflx, you'll be pleased believe me? I would not tell yon an them. Then she arose to take Oita requested her to change her gown, untruth, you know. And why should door behind lither The eyes slowly, darkening.' tho Earl, hers was so wet and draggled. "Why, sir? answered I?" note tle scented her uncle had given Dolores .igpfced- - ather in surprise. and erecting himself. arms his folding Is no and There reason, she said, her fell unheeded at her feet She h habit of performing I have no Bible or Prayer Book, the lashes disappointedly spoke slowly, but her words were these Suin' rain or shine, and It over the darkdreoped "Do and I moan to swear you. Take hold think eyes. they clear; there was no bitterness In her never harmed her; rain was but rain. I could not bear to be told? of this. I can voice, only a great wonder. It might be that she was used to It nurse him as well as The Earl saw the temper of resoluI am and they, be (To continued.) was the reason why she did not mind tion strong in the man's face. He was must I I believe but you, K. The other women of the settle- willing. a helpless old gentleman among piknow. WHY HE STOPPED FISHING. ment did the same, and not one of rates, and he was wise to do their And I promise you, there was an them feared a wetting; they gave no bidding. He took the crucifix. his voice in caused that the Indian Had Luck In Catching Salmon, intensity I should consider myself as profane thought to it; they knew nothing bet- lashes to lift from the hidden eyes But Waa Compelled to Quit as Iupe, if I recited the oath he ter; the rain came or the sun, and and a swift, sudden startled glance Dr. David Starr Jordan of Lei and to the Karl. Enough, If 111 the work was done; doubtless the men met his, "I promise you, Dolores, Stanford, Jr., university, tells a story he made his lordship swear would have been surprised had the said that shall know. You think we In the Philadelphia Saturday Post women complained. She moved from that you in tremendous terms that when he took the crucifix. we to are be are but cruel, which goes to show that once a fishertrying wns transferred to another vessel he her companion to the fire. kindness Itself, Dolores." man always a fisherman, no matter but "I would not have a child for that their cutlasses they kept to her people, nor She said slowly, motioning toward the He left the book of which he had how much of an Ichthyologist one may cheathed, for thefr first glance as sea- old man's wealth, said Pope, with an would never reveal to others, afloat or ashore, the characdosed door beyond as though it were on and the dresser, her fingers to besides. He says: men now they were aboard warrant- inclination of his head toward the ter of the spoken he had left. He also the only thought In her mind. closed over It as though it might give "One day In California, I had had ed her abandoned. They paused a mo- Karl in the stern, "is it a Iwiy? He made the brig old gentleman "They have their breakfast, Mrs. her unhappy in absence of the the ment to listen, and heard nothing but drags your name through the kennels, swear likewise In tremendous a remarkable run of luck and that strength lanAllen said. She placed the food on handclasp of her friend. night as we sat around the camp fire the groans of the aching heart of a and the parish buries the representa- guage that the draft when presented the table and drew up the chairs stronger She lifted the book and clasped her I took occasion to say that my success forsaken ship, and the sympathetic tive of my honored family, ilo sinks would be honored, that no question oosHy. two hands around It If Dora would was due to the superior tie of files gurgle of water. into the mould a scarecrow of raga would be asked, that tho man who re"Gome, dear," she said, the mother- not do this she would not like her, I had used. the malnhatch covers," says and sores. Is it a girl? JJft would he Buffered tone to "let ceived the her voice, money returning ly believed that she would. All He was proceeding; Crystal waa to "You may flatter yourself on the Crystal, "and find out what shes gut ms hare our breakfast I think your but she without molestation, lin-deiart women cared for the men of their string you've brought In said in her hold." grinning as though he was In a fury, mnde will come over this morning in households when the etched, and that in all they needed care; sn old fisherman who had Joined our He turned to the door of the deck- then observing that his looks had matter would he carried respects as want I and of the don't rain, through pita was no reason why she should party, but let me tell you, doctor, that house; four men accompanied him. there checked Pote, who still continued to him to see such a pale little face be shut outfrom her fathers room. based and conducted on the I saw a Digger Indian catch more fish What surprising object was that, regard the melting sail, the square though strictest lines of honest business. "They will want their breakfast," The voice" of the nurse broke in on In an hour In this stream than you've which, having Instantly taken Crys- man said: "I hope they left the (To be continued.) The tone expressed landed all day with your fine files.' her thoughts. tal's eye, had brought him to a halt, cruclflx on the child's breast." " What bait did he use? I asked. great relief. Dolores' fingers Instinctthe others Imitating him, one or two "By this hand, answered Pope, "It WANTED PART OF LAST HOUR. ively tightened around the book she TJve grasshoppers, replied the old with an unconscious clutch at their has been added to the other stock of held. man, but he didnt impale them. From cutlass hilts? plunder In ray cabin." Senator Pettua Story of the Vanity of "Your uncle Is coming, Dolorex "A curse upon your want of heart his head he would stoically pluck Upon a couch or aofa was sprtd Authors. knew he would come. If Dora could hair and with It bind the rethen! says Crystal behind his teeth. the flag of Portugal, and upon it struggling W. Pettus of AlaEdmund Senator come not she would send for you. She Insect to the hook. Almost upon the posed the dead body of a child of After a short, fierce laugh at Cry- bama, is eighty-twold. A man years told me so herself. I am thankful he instant that his bait struck the water about live or six years old; a large stals face, which was as hard as a law office In Selma one at called his Is here. a fish would leap for It After land- cruclflx with the figure of the Re- curse. Pope roared out, Grindal, day and wanted to read him a thirty-twA closed carriage stopped at the ing him the Indian would calmly re- deemer In silver rested upon the send the Earls crew aft. page abstract of a will. Senator feate; the team of powerful bays were peat the performance of snatching a child's breast, secured to It by two The Earls crew came aft quickly, Pettus said: covered In rubber blankets; their hair from his head and afllxlng a fresh and, with their skipper, ranged thempieces of silken cord. I am too old to listen to all that hoofs were heavy with mud; the body grasshopper to the hook. a Its selves little abaft the mainmast. Crystal and hit men stood by Tell mo in a few words the abstract's of the carriage was splashed, the became fascinated, continued side and gazed. Did ever pirates' "1 Pope wheeled his face toward the contents. was door When wheels clogged. the bows and said in a hard, sharp, steady the narrator. And after the Indian eyes encounter so holy a sight? "I prefer to read It to you, the man opened a gentleman alighted a short, had landed In quick succession a child," said Crystal, casting voice, Any of you men changed your insisted. "Its stout gentleman wrapped In a rubber mighty string of salmon trout he sud- an uneasy look round the berths as minds? Who among you will join my Ah, said Mr. Pettus. "yon have coat, with high boots and a close denly stopped. I called to him to go though he had expected the mother to flag?" You are like the author's vanity. gray cap. He struggled a moment on with the exciting sport but he step forth. "Not one, says Pope, after a pause, Barthe, the comedian. Barthe called with the rickety gate, and then hur- merely smiled grimly and pointed sig"What woman's gone and left It?" running his gaze over them with a on a dying man one day with a new ried up the drenched walk. nificantly to his head.' i pirate; he was Maddlson of cold, faint smile. Again he pausi-dgrunted comedy. He unrolled it. He said: Mrs. Allen tapped lightly on the "What was the matter with his the squ!:.t. Grindal, he shouted, turn all " T.et me read this to you. You Dr. bedroom door, and Charlie and men into the Portuguese boats. Off will head? I asked." said Jordan. a klrl said Crystal. It's lair;h. Dunwlddie came out at once. They with ye," he roared. "Youll find gem! What'.4 the got on her breast? "He had plucked It bald, replied " 'But consider.' said the other, 1 met the at the door with the old man. accommodation in that bulk. said a nu n. am a dying man.' a few hurried words. Young Green lie pulled out a cigar and lighted "Take it in yer and, exclaimed "Barthe, ignoring that took his coat and hat, and hung them 11 with his Ingenious machine of smiled and cleared his throatobjection, one. Choosing Marriage Date. to begin. In the entry to drip. " A curious old marriage custom, "No flame. the While roared he thunder! Striding through the storm, Crystal. puffed springing "By tin victim resumed, I 'Consider,' Dolores had not changed her posi- called locally the for his niece. Dora Is so anxious to comsurEarl stepppd up to him. one here disturbs It That's the settling," still to an live.' hour have iinlg she still at stood the dresser, vives In County Donegal, Ireland, and pass Mw little un's steering its road aee yon she will doubtless send for tion; "I beg that you will let me accomBut to read my comedy will you as she cannot come herself. Judge the book closely clasped In her hands in the Scottish districts of Klntyre home by. If It were all gold and pre- pany my crew, sir, he said. only a half hour. said Barthe. as uncle a friend. her When and though closed Green will send a and Cowal. After the marriage has cious stones it should be left there." No, my lord!" carriage, him advanced toward she her eyed . yon need not fear the rain. been publicly announced the friends But why, sir but why? cried This was an outbreak of sentiment, One on the Doctor. Dolores hands dropped in her lap searchingly. of the couple meet, at the house of respectability and emotion which the old man. "Why should I not he men have fanny notions," "Some A feeling of indignation possessed She was disappointed In him; there the brides parents to fix a suitable somewhat astonished the men. who suffered to share the fate of iny men she said. There's my doctor, for Inher; her eyes were wide and steady; was nothing remarkable about him; date for the marriage. A bottle of witnessed, on a sudden In this scarred whatever It nay prove?" stance. lie's always telling he I'm when she spoke her voice was low ha was short and stout; she did not whisky Is opened, and as each guest disfigured seaman, the expression of "nring the boats to the gangwsy. myself uncomfortable and grave. Mrs. Allen was somewhat like, short, stout men; his face was drinks to their happiness he names an honest, sturdy British merchant Tumble 'em in, Grindal. Crystal, see foolish to make a corset. Yet one hot day by wearing she red. his hair each When a over florid, has them a named date. side. was apparently although dismayed, the guest It safely captain. he was just dying for a little took it lightly. And with as lofty a carriage as my when Placing his two hands on her shoul a date an average Is struck and set- ghost, and the looks of the privateersI told him he was foolish sympathy "Did I not say I will not leave my ders he turned her toward the light, tling'' is complete. Neither the bride man reappeared In Crystal, as he lord's. Captain Pope, puffing at his to wear a silk hat and deserved to nor bridegroom ever thinks of pro- rounded Irani the body. father ever while he lives not for eyeing her keenly. cigar, walked right aft, leaving Earl suffer. He hasn't been the same to "And this Is Joes girl, he said. "Search the rablni, be shouted, Fltxglbbons entreaty unanswered. anyone?" testing against the date so curiously She disliked him at once; her wide chosen. The Earl stood fixed to the deck; me since." By and by one of the physicians "and bear a hand." came out and asked for young Green. brown eyes met his blue ones squareIn the course of about half an hour his consternation was Valuable Food. "We are waiting for him, he said. ly, but the eager light had died from English Favor Canadians. is the most valuable form Crystal put off from the abandoned Father of mercy, the pirates were proHe promised to come early and staid them, they were cold and calm; he Great efforts are being made to Inhip, and arrived on board the brig. ceeding on their voyage! They were of food for stock. Three pounds of oilcould see no farther than the surface. duce English farm laborers to settle He went up to Pope and his report bearing him away alone ? Whatever cake are equal to ten pounds of hay at the tavern on purpose. Dolores spoke to hkn. A slight Her mouth, too, was straight and un la Canada. was to this Sect: Her manifest sad waa to be his fate at their hands? Ft nr five pounds of oats. a The Two Captains THAT GIRL of JOHNSON S y y Dun-wlddie- 's three-quarter- s mix-se- n three-legge- d 1 y - dlo-late- d to-da- o . tlu-s- p new-com- y quickly-fadin- g heart-shakin- Oil-cak- |