Show Opening of Hogle Hoge Gardens Zoo I W W I Scheduled for Sunday Noon With an enlarged and newly arranged arranged arranged ar- ar ranged monkey island refurnished cages and a cleaner animal house Hogle Gardens zoo zoo 2600 Sunnyside avenue will b be opened to the public pub pub- lic lie Sunday noon according to announcement announcement an an- I Monday by Parks Commissioner Fred Tedesco I an-I From 10 to 15 of the zoos zoo's hardiest hardiest hardiest hardi hardi- est monkeys give promise of being the opening days day's s m main in attra attraction tion They will be released for the summer summer summer sum sum- mer on the island and see for the first time an enlarged penthouse a foot 20 salvaged st steel eJ pole for forthe forthe forthe the more venturesome to play on I and some new mirrors to vain ain members of the colony The zoo will be open from noon I to 5 p p. p m. m beginning Sunday said Robert L. L Bridge office manager r |