Show o t 3 a S w ti s jr ii f 4 ft j a r T yA y I. I J f i f r ri ra a t 1 C R C S Y a i a p w Y h r t r r. r I j J b f t 9 4 S S S Y S y ry ryk y k a 4 n 4 y y Y r v k a i h o v S l t u c s t. t t of a s t k kt t f 1 u 4 N f y z k y i y q a 5 S c e y t ka li d a f 4 F t 1 r h r As Salt Lakers Entered Into Info Easter Observances Above is an impressive camera study of worshipers in the Cathedral Cathedral Cathedral Cathe Cathe- dral of the Madeleine Lower left are three members of the Utah No 1 Knights Templar who participated participated participated par par- in sunrise services at Masonic temple temple Past Past Commander E. E H. H Bingham left Eminent Commander R. R C. C Culp and Senior Warden C. C Leander Lower right shows portion of crowd leaving sunrise services conducted at the state capitol Sermons s at Easter Renew Fait Faith in Christian Victor Victory 1 i r Worshipers Crowd S. S L. L Churches i iI For Traditional Services f I Pastors Pray for Just Peace Renewed faith and cour courage ge in a a victorious future for the Christian way of living rested In the hearts of thousands of citizens Monday who jammed churches to bow their heads in commemoration of the resurrection Easter Sunday From the pulpits of every church denomination came carne encouraging encouraging en en- words of a future world free from greed lust of power and paganism That the present sorrows of the world cannot shut out the love of the Master was shown by crowds of faithful representing every church denomination in filling filling filling fill fill- ing cathedrals and chapels from early morning until night Prayers Praye s of peace were offered by those who attended the Easter services and by pastors who de delivered delivered de- de I de-I livered addresses on the risen Christ Throughout Salt Lake City and Utah church bells rang forth fortha a welcome to all In song and pageant pageant pageant the resurrection was gloriously gloriously gloriously glori glori- observed Despite cloudiness the Easter fashion parade brought forth an array of 1943 styles for milady I t ty a h t y r rA A her boy friend father and mother and the children While tyranny and aggression for the time being are in m the saddle church leaders assured their flocks that faith in the risen Saviour will finally conquer Large crowds attended public sunrise services on the capitol steps in churches and at the Masonic Masonic Masonic Ma Ma- sonic temple At every church service Uncle Sams Sam's military might was well represented In the surging crowds could be seen those those those-of of the military who were recently back from the fighting lines and others who were expecting to leave for assign assign- ments Colorful Costumes s I Costumed members of Utah No 1 Knights Templar added color and solemnity solemnity solemnity solem solem- to the Easter sunrise services conducted b by that body at a a. a m. m in the auditorium of the Masonic temple East South Temple street Open to the public the auditorium was filled to ca ca- ca- ca A plea for faith and courage In our darkly shadowed world was made by the Rev George J J. J Weber Weber We We- Weber ber pastor First Congregational church and arld a Knight Templar Temp who spoke on on Until the Day Dawn The address of welcome was delivered by Eminent Commander Commander Commander Com Com- mander Reed C. C Culp Gulp who cited the part his organization is is' playing playing playing play play- ing in every day every day life There is an immortal hope casting the arch of promise over the tile homes of the living and the graves of the dead said Rev Weber Gathered on the steps of the capitol were more than persons persons persons per per- sons to attend the open-air open sunrise sunrise sunrise sun sun- rise services which started at 7 1 a. a m. m and was sponsored by the Interdenominational Young Peoples People's Peoples People's Peoples People's Peo Peo- ples group which represents most Protestant churches The rites opened with a trumpet call by by Private First Class John JohnL L. L Hendrickson Hendrickson Hendrickson Hen- Hen of ot Fort Douglas followed by congregational singing A Aspe cial musical program was given Chaplain Preaches Chaplain Hugh W. W Glenn army air forces basic training center Kearns the principal speaker compared the resurrection to the Easter sunrise It takes God to put the dawn in our religion he said He gives us impetus motive and the will power In Catholic Episcopal l and Lutheran Lutheran Lutheran Lu Lu- theran churches the day 40 Lenten Lenten Lenten Len Len- ten season was fittingly climaxed following extensive services which opened with Ash Wednesday and closed with Holy we week k rites The Cathedral of the Madeleine East South Temple street presented a beautiful Easter set set- ting A number of masses were held with overflow crowds at nearly every everyone one Largest attendance attendance attendance attend attend- ance was the solemn pontifical high mass celebrated by the Most Rev Duane G. G Hunt bishop Salt Lake Catholic diocese at 1115 a. a m. m Bishop Hunt delivered the sermon Bishop Hunt devoted some of Continued on Page Fifteen Easter Easier Sermons Voice Faith in Future Victory Continued From Local Page his sermon to the present war and asserted The war was conceived con con- in iniquity and born in s shame hame From the beginning it has been criminal criminal both bothin in purpose and in method The purpose in each case Hitler and Japan was to take what belonged to others Assails Enemies That is stealing it is evil The method employed is equally criminal it is brutal and ruthless destruction the lining up of hostages hostages hos hos- tag s against stone walls making slaves out of helpless captives starving women and children annihilating annihilating annihilating an- an an an- whole groups of people Is it possible we ask that such colossal evil can be converted into good It can be done if only we and our allies make sufficient sacrifices s if only we are unselfish e enough nough if only we obey the will o of f Almighty God It can be done if every everyone one of us does his full p part art as a citizen of his country a and nd as a servant of God He pointed out that if we are are t true rue to ourselves to our country a and nd to Almighty God we can give t to o the world a new and glorious E Easter aster More than 1100 attended the 8 30 a. a m. m mass conducted by the R Right ight Rev Monsignor Patrick F. F K Kennedy ennedy who delivered an address address ad ad- dress d ress on Peace Be With You There is always great joy at E Easter aster time he said Not even t the he sorrows of the war-torn war world today oday t can shut out the love of the Master Masses Celebrated Another important place of worship Sunday was Our Lady of L Lourdes church Eleventh East s street treet street Here low masses were c celebrated at 9 10 and 1115 a a. a m m. The Rev John A. A Sanders c celebrated high mass at 8 S a. a m. m Music was was vas furnished by the adult c choir hoir Holy communion was celebrated i in n both St. St S1 Marks Mark's Episcopal c cathedral East First South s street treet and at St. St S1 Pauls Paul's Pauls church Ninth East and Third South s streets The Right Rev Arthur W. W Moulton bishop Utah Episcopal Episcopal Episco Episco- p pal al diocese spoke at St. St Pauls Paul's Pauls a and nd the Very Rev Franklin Frankln L. L Gibson who is nearing the end ofis of h his is work as dean of St. St Marks Mark's s spoke poke at the 11 a. a m. m Easter service ser ser- serice i ice ce in the cathedral cathedral In his farewell message to his c congregation Dean Gibson offered a prayer that God will vill send you youa a faithful minister in the new dean The world is in an upset condition condition condition con con- he asserted Tyranny and aggression for the time tie being be be- l ing og are in the drivers driver's seat But faith in the risen Christ will wUl finally finally finaly final final- l ly y conquer Cantatas Presented resented Speakers at special Easter Sunday Sunday Sunday Sun Sun- day services in all al the L D S Sward ward chapels dwelled on Christs Christ's life and His resurrection In many of the ward chapels special musicales musicales musicales musi- musi I cales cantatas and pageants on the He Has Arisen theme featured featured fea fea- featured fea- fea evening services I Sunday Easter services were held for service men at the different differ differ- ent cot posts camps and stations In some instances largest congregations congregations congregations con con- in history attended Baptist Methodist Luth e era r a n Christian Congregational Presbyterian Presbyterian Pres Pres- and Church of Christ services Other Easter rites were conducted by the Reorganized L D S 5 Unitarian Nazarene Church of God and Pillar PUlar of Fire churches The Salvation Army also held special Sunday services as did dd the Christian Christan Scientists The Rev Fl Floyd yd W. W Barr minIster minister min mm- ister First Presbyterian church C and South Temple streets preaching at two identical servIces services services ices at and 11 1 a. a m. m pointed out the resurrection had man many Interprets Resurrection In the power of the resurrection resurrection resurrection tion the apostles saw a vast reservoir reservoir reservoir res res- res- res of spiritual energy for quickening and emancipation of the race he said In the resurrection resurrection right is manifested as the ultimate might Dr A. A W. W Lyons pastor Immanuel Immanuel Immanuel Im- Im manuel Baptist church Fourth East and Second South streets street spoke to a large crowd of followers follow follow- ers in which he said there is life beyond this world and that death is a great adventure All Al we are thinking now is in terms of casualties he added Casualties is a cold word When death comes to individual homes thinking is deeper than in terms of casualties |