Show J Lowly Yanks Top U 1 I r Spring F fAI Forgotten v In Surge i Paul By ce es NEW YORK April 26 n Jem The New York Yankees pt spring training were a be American league pennant iJ 15 f Monday and the only un e team eam in the big leagues f d a The recent northern spring 1 ing ng grind played havoc wi wit Yankees' Yankees conditioning they wallowed through a t d p exhibition schedule with their I J est performance in years It tg Manager Joe McCarthys McCarthy's squad i not only won al all three of its gal gat but has a pitching staff definite promise of being th formidable mound unit in th cult II jj J 1 Three Top Jobs Ll Ernie Bonham held Washing scoreless for six innings In Yankees' Yankees first game Spud Cl Gl dier hurled a one-hit one shu shub against the same club Satu b and Hank Borowy let the Bd BOgI Red Sox down with only on onas onias oni as the New Yorkers registe rP 7 1 triumph 0 yesterday A crowd of watched l r register his initial 1943 jh t tory as he scattered nine hits tj his mates piled into Ken Chase Lou Lucier for 12 hits salting d game away with a four ar inning jr at Thirty year seven-year-old four Jo Jor whose knuckle ball bal good for 15 victories last y turned his butterfly pitch loos the first time tills this year and h the St. St Louis Browns to a four four if 5 1 win over the Chicago WI WI Sox The game first of a d dot dou e header was pared seven inn inna F by the weather while the nig nigh was postponed m C The Washington Senators Senators- C Csome some life in the dead ball ing the Philadelphia Athletics Athletics' and 5 The Senators rid three pitchers for 19 hits i 1 first game and sewed up the nij n I cap behind Alex hit tossing with a run five b in itt the second MC Jim Jint Ba Bagby g b y wether bell-wether 14 t Jim Jint Ba Bagby g b y wether bell-wether 14 t Cleveland mound corps turns turn 1 his second triumph by pit the Tribe to an hit eight-hit 4 4 j L over the Detroit Tigers Tiger the first game of a double h double heap double j Rookie Southpaw Stubby Omire O 0 Omire mire outclassed six-foot six eight L Mike and Allie Reyno in the nightcap to gain the Tig Tigan TI TIan an even break 4 fashioned a five Dodgers Abashed A Brooklyn castoff came b bi to haunt the Dodgers as Wj as-Wj J J Kraus cut the Dodgers down V six hits pitching the Phillies to a 3 2 victory Kz Kt Kit was peddled to the Phillies JE few weeks ago by the Dodgers r. was responsible for his fo for teammates' teammates first defeat of th league season Ron Nort Earl Naylor and Merrill Merrill Merrill-jJ 1 JJ coupled hits with a pass to D Da D Murtough to produce the wim runs in the sixth M It Howie Pollet restricted them the I Ito to five hits as the St. St Louis Ca Ca' nals whitewashed Cincinnati Johnny Vander Meer who so soM so 1 pawed a shutout against the Cr C. Wednesday allowed only j In f blows but lost in the fifth Walker Cooper tripled squeezed home on Buster A Ad sacrifice The Boston Braves whipped whipped- New York Giants 8 3 first triumph Chet Ross dO home the tie breaking run in ink seventh and the Braves clin it with four runs in the eight Pittsburgh coupled 10 hits i two Cubs' Cubs errors for a 6 2 6 over the Cubs Rip Sewell his second triumph by spacing g Chicago hits m |