Show r I Vf i MORE GOOD NEWS NEW FROM ROM I THE PRODUCTION FR FRONT FRONTon NT itI it- it I r A REPORT TO THE NATION on General ki Motors Motors' I. I n. n Employment o nen Economies and Profits Pro a s J T. f rf i fc- fc i i- i 1 TODAY THE COUNTRY'S LARGEST PRODUCER OF WAR MATERIALS THROUGH BATTLE TESTS WITH FLYING THE COLORS WORLD AROUND THOUSANDS DS OF SUBCONTRACTORS AND SUPPLIERS ASSIST GENERAL MOTORS During 1942 war production in General Motors increased rapidly General Motors' Motors war products are now being used by both the Continuing peacetime practices thousands of subcontractors and Deliveries in the fourth quarter were more than four times those in inthe Army and Navy on battlefronts all over the globe Reports of their suppliers suppliers companies companies which have hove demonstrated production efficiency effi effi- the fourth quarter of 1941 and were at an annual rate of more than effectiveness effectiveness and and in many cases of decided superiority over and ability to maintain quality quality have have been utilized by three billion dollars In reality war production increased far more enemy equipment equipment are are evidence of the quality materials and precision pre pre- General Motors This practice has resulted in the spread of approximately rapidly than dollar value indicates thanks indicates thanks to decreases in cost of workmanship going into their manufacture The great variety one-half one of General Motors Motors' war work to outside firms manufacture General Motors' Motors interests and energies are concentrated concen concen- of equipment furnished is indicated below below and and there are additional addi addi- Thousands of these subcontractors and suppliers are firms employing on speeding war production secret weapons which cannot be listed people or less ENGINEERING AND PRODUCTION KNOWLEDGE PRODUCES RESULTS EMPLOYMENT FIGURES HAVE MOUNTED TO AN TIME ALL HIGH TECHNICAL TRAINING AND FIELD SERVICE TO ASSIST THE ARMED FORCES The experience gained by General Motors over the years has Although more than GM people have joined the armed forces General Motors' Motors training schools for technicians of the armed proved of immense value in war work This Know How in the employment in the U. U S. S and Canada rose to in 1942 an 1942 an services have graduated more than men will men will train approximately fields of engineering and manufacture has made possible quick time all high This increase involved great problems in training per per- in 1943 Parts schedules have also been established conversion to war production and resulted in simplification of sonnet Hours worked increased to an average of hours per and maintenance units set up in combat areas Technical observers design improvement of quality and reduction in cost This not only week compared to hours in 1941 General Motors' Motors employment are ore stationed at battlefronts so that our engineers and mechanics speeded the work and got the job done but saved manpower is spread through plants in the U. U S. S in 46 communities in 13 cooperating with the armed forces can more rapidly improve the thet I up f dollars of L he u u 00 t t I d fi v I t o C ana d a mt I lf t t a v f UI and ono ana minions s o or VI or VI t me taxpayers IU money s- s I a es an p an t n a. a weapons 1 D D N 1 Isar WAGES REACH A NEW PEAK AS RATES AND HOURS INCREASE SAVING MILLIONS OF DOLLARS FOR UNCLE SAM-AND SAM YOU GENERAL MOTORS' MOTORS PROFITS WERE LOWER IN 1942 Along with increased employment and working hours wages have As a result of the industrial Know How reviewed above manufacturing manu manu- The General Motors policy of limiting its rate of profits before risen substantially Hourly workers who averaged weekly costs were so reduced that by the end of 1942 more than taxes on its manufacturing business to about half of 1941 resulted in 1941 averaged in 1942 an 1942 an increase of 26 The payroll pay pay- had been voluntarily returned to the government in a net income on manufacturing of 4 of total sales Common roll fo for both salaried and hourly rate in 1942 was in price reductions and there will be an additional stock dividends were 2 per share hare in 1942 as compared with GM paid to for suggestions in price reductions which will apply to subsequent deliveries under per share hare in 1941 furth furthering ring the war effort More than was paid to existing contracts through group insurance I i J THE BUYUS RAL M AMERICAN WAY GENE WAR BONDS AND WILL WIN UL I 4 lift L IVI U I U STAMPS st Alli Allison on Airplane Engines Engine Tank Destroyers Destroyer Navy Novy Grum- Grum 6 ff ffman Airplanes Ships Tank and Trucks Machine Guns Gun Guns Radioman Radio Roelle Receivers Receiver and end Transmitters Airplane Propellers Propeller Naval man Fighter and ana Bomber Planes Plane Planes Pratt Whitney Tummy Airplane II M 0 engines Engine Army Trucks Truck Trucks BearIngs Bearing for AD An Types Type of War U J A I Gun Housing Parachute flares Flare and Flare Flar Projectors Projector Aircraft Air Air- Equipment Diesel Engines Engine for Tonics Tank Trucks Ships Ship locomotive let 0 rf J IS U r It sin 0 tJ cJ ca craft oft Cannon Gun Motor Carriages Carriage Truck uck annd and Tank Tonk n fives tive and Auxiliary Uses Use Uses Anti-Aircraft Anti Guns Gun and Gun Mounts Mount J Engines Engine Helmet Liners Liner Liners Instrument Panels for Tanks and Tank Tanks Cartridge Cases Tank Tonk Guns Gun and Gun Mounts Mount Mounts Trucks Truck Trucks Machine Tools Airplane landing Gear Struts Military locomotives locomotive Bomber Parts Parts Part and Subassemblies Hydraulic Controls Fuel Pumps and Other Equipment Tank Gun Co Control Equipment Airplane Automatic Pilot Pilots ts Anti Anti- Tracks Aluminum Engine Castings and Forgings Forging Tank Tonic and Tank Guns Gun Guns s Batteries and Wiring Equipment for o Planes Plane Planes Truck Transmissions Castings for Tonics Tanks Trucks Truck Tanks Tank and Trucks Truck Shot and Shell Ambulances Bomb end Guns Gun Military Vehicles Aerial Torpedo Torpedoes And AndI I Pert Parts Parts Carbines Carbine Spark Plugs Plug Plugs Electrical Equipment for far Many Other Product Products I 1 4 |