Show U. Finnish-U. S. S Relations Relation's Near Breaking Point STOCKHOLM April 26 UP A A break in diplomatic relations between between between be be- tween the United States and Finland Fin Fin- land appeared Imminent Monday Monday- perhaps only a matter of hours hours- as advices from Helsinki indicated little possibility of a change In Finnish foreign policy which might ease the situation While the Finnish public was reported deeply disturbed by the prospect of a break Finland's official offIcIal official of of- position was summed up tersely by a sour source e close to the government with these words The Americans cannot expect us to tie a noose around our own 1 necks The statement was an obvious reference to American desires that Finland settle her differences with Russia break her ties with Germany Germany Germany Ger Ger- many and withdraw from the war I Germany has been reported bringing strong pressure on Finland Finland Finland Fin Fin- land to step up her military efforts against Russia and aid the nazis in mounting a spring offensive against Leningrad Reports were current Sunday night that Washington already had broken relations with Finland Finland but they were described as premature premature prema prema- premature ture by a high Finnish foreign office source in Helsinki This source disclosed that U. U S S. S Charge R Robert bert Mills McClintock had made an appoIntment appointment appointment appoint appoInt- ment at the tho foreign office Sunday afternoon to discuss an important matter but later had canceled the appointment There was no explanation and McClintock declined declined de de- de- de dined to comment A dispatch from Helsinki Monday Monday Monday Mon Mon- day quoted McClintock as saying he knew of of no new political developments de de- de- de He acknowledged that he had requested an audience with the Finnish foreign minister Suna Sun day which later was canceled but made no comment on the incident He said he had no plans for Monday Monday Monday Mon Mon- day and no appointments Foreign Minister Sir Henrik Ramsay was spending the Easter holiday in the country nates said the situation remained unchanged and expressed the hope that relations with the United States would continue McClintock and a code clerk have been the sole occupants of the U. U S S. S legation since last Friday when the rest of the staff departed for Stockholm in a move generally interpreted as a diplomatic pressure pressure pressure pres pres- sure maneuver |