Show COST OF SMELTING REDUCED the ore producers ra 0 this western country will be greatly interested in the statement in the engineering and mining journal by mallem W lies the smelter export and metallurgist relative to the cost of smelling smelting sm elting silver lead ores according to mr lies and the comparisons made by him the smelter combine is digging heavily into the pockets of mine owners from 1887 to 1890 mr lies bays the average cost ot smelling smelting sm elting or treating orea ot the character mentioned was from to 45 per ton in 1895 the cost had been reduced to per ton while the close ot 1898 witnessed a still further reduction to the data for these comparisons being obtained from extensive operations at a large western plant A year ago in accordance with a further statement sta made by mr lies ore producers were charged in the neighborhood of 6 per ton for ore treatment at the shelters smelters sm elters today they are being charged from to 1150 for the handling of the same grade and class of ores and yet the smelling smelting sm elting of ores has been reduced to such a science and improved machinery has eo reduced the expenses that in reality the shelters smelters sm elters should be able to handle ores at a cheaper rate than ever before one or two independent shelters smelters sm elters would undoubtedly take a tall out of the combine and bring them down to where they would be willing to treat the producer honestly and squarely MIXING TO BE ACTIVELY PUSHED IN THE GROUSE CREEK MINING DISTRICT A party consisting of mrs M F king A J dwight J W mccoy S king and B loveridge went west this morning on southern pacific no 6 they are going to a point on grouse creek 55 miles northwest of terrace where are situated the claims of the new york utah mining milling co whose articles of incorporation were filed with the county clerk thursday mr says work will be rapidly pushed forward on the group the party have purchased wagons and teams and as they have already found shipping ore in the 16 to 1 claim they will haul a consignment to terrace for shipment in the near future shares of the treasury stock of the company will be placed on the market 1 mr says that district Is exhibiting hi signs of great activity L F heffner of this city who owns some claims there has announced his intention of putting two arnen to work at once i i MILLARD COUNTY BONANZA A visitor to the deseret of millard today the name is sometimes understood co comprise hinckley abraham oasis and deseret proper and in this sense I 1 use the term can hardly realize the change that even five oars bas brought to the locality on every hand are to be observed the andl of prosperity profit to desprets Des erets farmers comes from the lucern aeed tor which this section has become proverbial it is marvelous what quantities of this com coulty are raised in a good seed year by what we may call small farmers it but is none the less true and in some instances farmers have in a single year produced enough seed to pay twice the value of the farms before it was known that lucern seed could be successfully matured here it we judge a farmery genuine success by the income of ills farm then we must declare this he farmers paradise for even in the silent prairie regions of the mississippi valley or of the famous northwest there is no example ot a greater income to the farmer per acre of land than has been here we will admit not being prepared to say clial lacem seed Is a certain crop but we can truthfully assert that during the ladt five years a fair crop has been grown admitting even thai a failure of crops is experienced two years in every five the industry will still prove a paying one and ahe deseret farmer can still be prosperous to a large degree that would suggest the days of 49 or klondike to the patient agriculturist of our older states the pres ent outlook tor this years crops not first class owing to the unusual scarcity of water but still the deseret tamer Is not lamenting examination OP THE DALY MINE tho examination of the daly itne at park city will be made next week and the plan of the future operation ot the taly will be decided upon this expert 0 A palmer was called to some time ago but his return Is looked tor on sunday and early next week and mr chambers will go to tho mine and make the examination upon which will be based the report to be ma de to the representatives of ne hearst tevis estates in california whose voice will determine the future course of operations mr chambers opinion Is to the effect that by pushing the tunnel in about feet the daly would be tapped 1700 feet below the collar of the shaft and some good bodies ot ore exposed the present depth of the lowest workings Is 1200 teet which means that the tunnel would give feet 0 virgin ground in which to prospect for new ore bodies |