Show JULY SATURDAY ath f SPECIAL HOSIERY SALE iou dozen mens fine fancy hose regular price pair special sale price 6 broom esstel corner GENERAL GRANT CIGAR our tons mean 2000 ibs U P coal yard phone by their good works ye shall know them Sc allane the healer phone your coal orders to Gal stord dean 2249 wall avenue have you read the chicago bargain store ad see on this page without fall you can get carpet t cleaning done promptly at 2277 washington our hair bocks are symphonies in blues and yellows cannons book store v very convenient these hot days the cooked corn fed corned beef and cold boiled ham at Weather bys the famous utah lake black bass daden river and truckee river trout and a choice selection of pacific coast fresh fish on sale at Weather bys elder egbert C stratford will preach at the fourth ward meeting house tomorrow evening at 7 subject the first principles of the gospel members and anton members of the congregation gre gation are hereby invited E T woolley bishop i golf wire hammocks fringed hammocks medium hammocks good hammocks best hammocks at prices cheaper than any ever it so much our name As it I 1 the tact that our name Is always associated with low prices it Is a peculiarity of our store that we have always been below the oth er fellow in price sometimes a great deal below at other times lust a little but always below in ashing cheaper prices we have kept up a high standard of values we are always on the look out tor chances chances to buy good values close we carry shoes millinery ladles and genta furnishings and notions mccready McC reads 3 13 wash avo nevar undersold Under sold go to with the A 0 U W via OREGON SHORT LINE on monday july ath this Is the official line selected by the committee IF YOU WOULD HAVE cake and breadstuff like mother used to make iree our brand of FLOUR you need not be an expert cabok to make tha most delicious pastry and snowy white bread it you will use flour made by this concern as it Is vary easily handled try a pack of our CENTURY HEALTH WHEAT FLOUR and you will be a steady user of this most creditable article it makes a brown bread BRIMS ato mill AT ALL GROCERS i asi A WE WILL FIGHT IT OUT on this line if it takes all bummer GENERAL GRANT CIGARS ACTS GENTLY ON THE AND BOWELS effectually bacr HA cr OVERCOMES at arzy s mso ova amt manro by v of au ct k me n mutual day at saltair Sal tair thursday july via blo grand western t save money on trousers by coming here evary pair in the house at a cut price 60 80 1 4 these arc the summer sale prices there is a wide assortment of every size the absolute certainty ot trustworthiness wrights clothing store for burns injuries piles and skin diseases use witch haze salve it la the original counterfeits may be offered use only dewitts A 0 U W excursion via R G W monday july train leaving ogdan 9 16 p m running through to beach without change only those holding tickets via R G W will be allowed to participate in races or contests miss 11 C coun formerly with alsa 8 N herold of denver will be la the city tor a short and will be pleased to see all ladles who to be treed from the blemish of superfluous hair mole or worta all work guaranteed call it street grand opening WILL S RISING elite and company JULY and 2nd it admission 1 oo 00 reserved seats dancing free after performance bioc axt bargains in bicycles just received 50 bicycles which I 1 am going to close out for cash at prices never before heard of in ogden I 1 invite you to call and examine them all high grade wheels crescents ster and electric fully guaranteed all this years wheels no old stock we are headquarters for tires of all kinds also keep a complete line ot sundries and our experience in ane repair line with a shop equipped with machinery and tools of the best enables us to do first class work at reasonable prices we will call and deliver your work if you wish it tel A L H BECRAFT corner of grant and street PROF the expert eye specialist on retraction kostician ician and thoroughly versed on all pathological conditions of the eye and the grinding of lenses and makes all examinations FOR GLASSES FREE hours 9 to 12 and 1 to 5 reception room private and operating room utah loan trust building smoke the GENERAL GRANT CIGAR if you want to carry your fruit to market without damage buy a genuine ludlow fruit wagon of the SM ney implement company the best Is the cheapest there are many imitations mighty nice commendatory exclamations are often heard of the corn fed beet steaks and roasts bought at Weather bys the excellence of our meats retains our custom and gives us new friends poor meat Is not to be found in our market for stylish up to date buggies surreys rubber tire driving wagons bike wagons brooklyn surreys Nl cycles or anything on wheels go to headquarters select from the best stock in utah at the sidney stevens implement company HOTEL and restaurant you always get a good meal at the ARCADE HOTEL just like your mother cooks everything is first class and it is put up just that way to everyone now these hot days you should come and alve with us and save the wives standing over tho hot stoves it will make things more pleasant all around give us a call and we will do the rest L H MURDOCH proprietor near union depot A gentleman recently cured of dyspepsia gave the following appropriate rendering ot burns famous blessing some have meat and can not eat and some have none that want it but we have meat and we can eat kodol dyspepsia cure be thanked this preparation will digest what you eat it instantly relieves and radically cures indigestion and all stomach disorders s A all cigar dealers art GENERAL GRAG it has been ence that nw consumption cat by the earle 0 o cough cure this Is remedy for coache colde a crippe and all ohros troubles cures quickly as per cent discount ore all daod for the next 30 days at na bargain store Is a aaa ei place for dealing marked child in plain figures for w NOTE hatling leased fads ftc ve deais at a very low rent nd toy ing our goods tor caa from fhe factories enables va ta wr sell our compertore aai bought liere must be asep re Bentor your money willbe ea ry THE CHICAGO bargash 2309 washington aasi ogden t cut ariee sal 7 we alae on sale our entire 0 millinery at a reduction of 25 percent discount on our already low prices our stock Is large and includes alla this seasons styles of ladies childrens trimmed and ready to weir hats this Is an honest sale ani lively the best values for yoa ever offered S e stafford millinery ce over orv ARTISTIC a reasonable IN PROMPT ff CO 2376 axa J 0 WOODY fsr 2 lc EM will hundreds of testimonials convince you you con success will thirty two years of business benefit ot our and giving you the the truth will telling you reliable that the old lifetime life time experience convince you Z C M L is the BEST and cheapest place to buy your CLOTHING pur tore that to visit invitation we tender you our kindest CLOTHING baa ara you may judge for yourselves that our used are merit and second to no ne that the w pa abst tor the money and that our extremely meet your views JOHN WATSON mgr W SALT LAKES NEW HOTEL the praise and commendation of discriminating ogden people Is always valuable and influential it Is this class always in ane majority at don porters new hotel the kenyon who do not quality or abridge the pleasant and complimentary things they have to say 0 this particularly nice large elegant hotel |