Show HARMONY OF fusionists democrats populists lists and silver republicans public ans are united conference of national committeemen of three parties silver republicans name stevenson for vice president kansas city july e abe national committee of the democratic party met after the adjournment of their convention and immediately organized thos taggart of indiana who has been mentioned as a possible chairman nominated senator jones tor election reelection re an rec elvel the unanimous vote the c senator was sent for and in ac chairmanship said that the v committee entered the campaign in much better shape than tour years ago then the members were all new and untried in party affairs which had been in the hands of men who were overthrown sn the great issues dominating the 1895 convention now they had a complete organization and were ready to go ahead and make the best ight possible A committee consisting of tillman of south carolina johnson of indiana williams of massachusetts osborne of wyoming and wilson of idaho was appointed to confer with representatives of the populist and silver republican parties as to the best plan of campaign the committee met in ahe evening and adjourned until tomorrow to give the subcommittees sub committees of the three parties an opportunity to confer these subcommittees sub committees then entered upon a general discussion of the situation which the three national conventions had created the populists lists and the silver republican parties want representation sen tation on the executive committee which Is to have the management of the campaign the members of the democratic committee urged tha populist and silver republican representatives to use their influence in uniting their par ties in support of bryan and stevenson the democrats all over the country said committeeman johnson turning to a populist know that mr bryan is your kind of a man if the were to and factions aroe eve ry democrat knawa that mr bryan would be your parity democrats that the nomination ofay bryan was in deference to the mor radical reform element of ahe party and that a selection should be made tor vice president to hold the convent lorf brought about amri Steven sons nomination there never was a time that mr towne bad a show of success the conference of the represents of the three parties developed a peculiar situation in some respects the democrats were anxious tor the withdrawal of towne from the populist ticket and the sliver republicans said that so far as they were concerned they would through their corn liftee nominate stevenson for vice president although profoundly disappointed that towne was not named by ahe democratic convention ane populists lists were not in favor of tee withdrawal of towne and maintained that the populist national committee acting under instructions of the sioux falls convention would be compelled to put another candidate la the field it towne should withdraw and that be committee could not withdraw him more than this they asserted that it should be should another man in misplace his place their organization would result in populists lists going over to the maddle of the road tacket nominated at cincinnati this would lessen the chances of carrying states in the west and intel mountain country it was also said that mr dryan had been apprised of afie situation and that several men had received word from him to keep towne in the field and to run a double tailed ticket in order fo hold the populist and silver republicans in the western states the fact that a number of united states depended upon the success of the fusion of all forces was given as a reason why the populist ticket should be kept in the field it was claimed by the populists lists ahat two senators in nebraska one in south dakota one in kansas one in colorado and possibly one in wyoming depended upon perfect fusion of the three forces the populists lists made a plea tor delay saying that thirty days from now they would have an opportunity to confer with their people and the which might make necessary the withdrawal of towne or his retention would be then better understood wh en the conference broke up no conclusion had been readied the populists lists and silver men going back to their respective national with the understanding that the three com should meet in the morning whatever the outcome as to the vice presidency it was decided at the conference that the parties work in harmony so far as possible in every state and congressional district an advisory committee of three mei abera from each of the three parties was appointed and this will wherever possible to fusion on state and congressional tickets A meeting of the silver national committee was held immediately after the close bottne conference and at the end of a brief d acua eion it was voted unanimously to place addal stevenson in nomination for vice president and to operate cooperate co in every way with the democratic party for the success of the ticket kansas city july 6 after a long debate during which it and exciting booked several times as it mr char ea would be nominated tor vice spite of his protest agalena rucha cUon the national convention 0 so republican party ad burned X d e wl bout making a nomination the whole matter being referred to the national committee with power to act tonight after a prolonged conference the committee decided to indorse stevenson for two hours senator teller congressman of colorado and cheadle of indiana and others made speeches in favor of In dorsing the democratic ticket but it was not until towne himself appeared and appealed to the convention not to nominate him but to concentrate their forces that the delegates calmed down and the vice presidential nomination was referred to the national committee |