Show the list of wounded who have been healed by BANNER SALVE 13 very arge it heals all wounds or sores and leaves no gear i at the aw from happy healthy wife is som which the husband looks fordal to all through the days labor lie riby be tired but his step lightens and Us face brightens as he quickens his pace to receive the smiling welcome cf bis wife what a Y difference in the heme coming of the man choss wife is nervous and gloomy having neither heart nor strength to be glad many such a husband has worked a transformation in liis home life by learning of the cures performed by dr pierces favorite prescription it cures diseases of the delicate organs builds up the nerves induces refreshing sleep and transforms the sickly woman into the happy helpmeet there is no alcohol in favorite prescription and it is absolutely free from opium cocaine and all other narcotics my wife was sick for over eight years 1 writes albert H fulte esq of altamont grundy co tenn she had uterine disease and was treated by two physicians but got no relief at last I 1 read in one of your memorandum books about dr pierces medicines and we decided to try his favorite prescription I 1 tent to the drug store and got one bottle and the first dose gave ease and sleep she had not slept any for three nights being sure that it would cure her I 1 sent for five more bottles and when she bad taken the sixth bottle she was sound and well we now have a fine boy at our house FAVORITE prescription MAKES WEAK WOMEN STRONG AND SICK bonen FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS MRS WINSLOWS SOOTHING SYRUP has been used for children teething it soothes the child softens the guma allays all pain cures wind colic and Is the best remedy for diarrhoea twenty five cents a bottle it you are sick all over and dont know just what alls you its ten to one your kidneys are out of order KIDNEY CURE will bring health and energy B G KNOTH GENERAL GRANT CIGARS john sons co importers after many intricate experiments scientists have discovered methods for obtaining all the natural these have been combined in the proportion found in the human body and united with substances that build up the digestive organs making a compound called kodol dyspepsia cure it digests what you eat and allows all dyspeptics to eat plenty of nourishing food while the stomach troubles are being radically cured by the medicinal agents it contains it Is pleasant to take and will give quick relief everybody abells GENERAL GRANT CIGARS great cut price sk ghisea SS rockery wave 20 P cen K dinner sets 20 cco Jardinier cs 20 P cent off clocks 20 P cen c glassware 20 can laps 20 pf af off knives forks spoons grade allver ware 30 cen 0 a odds and ends orey enameled ware prices away down table glassware prices away down DINNER SETS 44 piece set go piece runner tet loo piece met 50 OS GLASS BERRY AND TABLE SETS as 40 as 55 0 o can per st GLASS PITCHERS SUGAR BOWLS AND SPOON HOLDERS 3 10 ia aso as ath cacot LEMONADE AND WATES SETS as nsf S isi fri cam per set CO is huttt TO good bitne and to liny greit aei co twenty fifth street THE ER wb the only absolute visible writing machine on the market it Is rapidly replacing all other makes of typewriters we handle john underwood gos supplies which are recognized as standard the world over we make a specialty of typewriter paper we furnish competent stenographers on jawort notice we please and make friends of all customers we want your typewriter and typewriter supply business we have constantly in stock a large assortment of every other make of typewriters AGENCY comprising utah idaho wyoming montana nevada oregon and wash ington A D P REYNOLDS manager grant ave ogden utah for tte alio wear shirts and shirt waists collars cuffs etc the OGDEN STEAM LAUNDRY offers special advantages wo never vary the A 1 standard every article sent to us is cared for as well as laundered in perfect style patrons find that their linen and other accessories cess ories last much longer itlean waa the case when their work was sent to other establishments profit by their experience STEAM JAUM CO 27 street u 1 arta IS S OCT EISS 0 THESE COLUMNS ONE DAY YOU LOSE coyey classified WANTED HORSES to pasture good feed cents per month grant avenue POSITION as sales lady or bookkeeper by competent young lady address 0 care standard TWO or three unfurnished rooms in family close in two in family address E B care standard TWO live agents either sex to sell fine line goods steady work good pay interested parties call see samples or send address at once gen abt arcade hotel room 11 I 1 WANT good properties to sell placer mine ready for work to lease money to loan 40 aero farm tor sale dirt cheap small abuse tor rent W B WEDELL r OR SALE A LIGHT surrey cheap st SIX room modern house with bath no 2429 monroe 1100 easy terms MANNS bone cutter apply street FIVE room house and lot street tor 1000 NATIONAL cash register on very easy payments address aa standard BEDROOM set and other household furniture stoves etc st THIRTY head of good horses at your own price 2316 washington ave A cottage cheap also piano apply at 2060 liberty ave between madison and monroe near park 5 acre farm good improvements 1300 12 acre farm close in 1200 3 room frame house and lot GEO J KELLY FOR SALE CHEAP A columbus phaeton in good condition used two summers cost cash and Is as good as new will buy it inquire at 2414 madison avenue FOR RENT TWO furnished rooms for housekeeping next door standard up stairs FOUR rooms summer kitchen pantry and closet per month also five roomed house at 1000 and one at inquire ai rear of street MALE HELP CASH for acceptable ideas state if patented address the patent rw ord baltimore md MALE HELP WANTED MEN to learn the barber trade eight week completes wages while learning toola donated special inducements positions guaranteed illustrated catalogue free holers Mo lers barber college san francisco cal LOST A POCKET book in carlsone Carl sons saloon reward tor return to standard ONE 22 calibre pistol finder return to standard office and receive reward FOR TRADE A GOLD watch for a ladys bicycle address street MAGNETIC HEALER prof Sc allane the celebrated healer can be consulted at broom hotel room 3 disease cured without drugs or medicine AGENTS WANTED per day and expenses sure manager and collector in every town to employ agents and make collections energetic man or woman per year and expenses position permanent exceptional opportunity address M Z kirk manager denver colo rati rw TI m I 1 abi N aff WH KV ft 1 hl burr Tron Mea BUSINESS HOUSES HOTELS BROOM HOTEL DINING KOOM table board by the day or week three blocks east of union depot mrs 0 a horn prop MONEY TO LOAN HUNTER KENNEDY WILL LOAN money on either city or farm property first national bank building ATTORNEYS W R WHITE ATTORNEY AT LAW and public room 5 fa washington avenue law business and collections promptly attended to office open evenings REAL ESTATE LOANS LOW RATES ON property insurance collections rental agency IVES REAL CO architects F C WOODS CO architects 2142 washington avenue over ogden paint oil cos store FIKE INSURANCE B H GODDARD INSURANCE estate and loans rooms utah loan trust co building HAIR SWITCHES HAIR SWITCHES CHEAP COMB ings made into switches hair chains braided masquerade costumes to rent aleo masks for sale mrs C E lee 21 th street up stairs PLUMBING L citzman PLUMBER AND STEAM fitter call and get prices work done promptly 2275 washington avenue phone TICKET BROKER CUT RATE TICKET OF alce saves your money cut rates to all points street opposite depot PACIFIC employment AGENCY ALL KINDS OF HOTEL AND PARI vate help furnished on short notice none but reliable applicants on the list first door west central hotel st CIGARS AND BEITMAN BROTHERS JOBBERS OF cigars tobacco pipes etc 2105 washington avenue utah loan trust co alg physicians AND SURGEONS DR A PHYSICIAN and surgeon office hours 10 to 12 a m 2 to 4 p m phone 22 DR C WHERRY homeopathic physician and surgeon office hours before 10 a m 1 to 3 p m at office al night stayner block phone FRUITS AND CANDIES JOHN CONTOS THE POPULAR candy manufacturer has the finest line ot choicest fruits candles cigars and tobacco you should call and sea him one door north of 2333 wash ave THE OGDEN JUNK HOUSE HIGH PRICE PAID FOR SCRAP iron copper brass rubber bottles raga and dry bones 1900 washington avenue P OGDEN secondhand SECOND HAND STORE NEW S E C 0 N DH D H A ND GOODS bought and sold the highest price paid tor all kinds of goods orders by mal receive prompt attention st LIVERY LIGHT AND HEAVY LIVERY RUB ber alred landrua and buggies special attention to excursion parties and funeral orders coneys coreys livery feed stable no 2566 washington avenue PIANOS TUNED GET YOUR PIANOS TUNED BY henry blaar the practical tuner leave orders at S A blaar cos grocery store washington avenue MONUMENTS AND headstones A CAR LOAD OF MONUMENTS AND headstones la stock call and see them communication promptly answered MITCHELL BROS cor wall ave and st TAILORING fine tailoring altering repairing and pressing done for ladies and gentlemen by carl latzke the tailor twenty fifth st contractors AND BUILDERS MATT GILLIS THE contractor and builder does all kinds of building and repairing also loea all hinds 1 rk at reason abI prica mill and office at corner of and washington avenue opposite tabernacle ak tor the general grant cigars best 10 center la the market REAL ESTATE SNAPS dont wait until the burlington builds into ogden it you expect to buy cheap I 1 can sell a few good residence properties on the installment plan and one or two modern houses for cash improved farm close to corinne two houses 66 feet lot small barn two blocks from union depot rents for 2100 per month 2000 alve room house lot feat bearing fruit trees tc only two houses and lot rods on st near adams only 1200 0 E BRAINARD suite utah loan trust the blood ia strained and purl fled by the kidneys no hope of health while the kidneys arc wrong KIDNEY CURE will make healthy kidneys and pure blood nothing just as good else BG KNOTH hn s ona co F fsr SECRET MASONIC MASONIC HALL oveal washington avenue jwj utah WEBER LODGE nai j A M regular tlona first and third of each month osy masons cordially I 1 N FULTON wl J E secy OGDEN CHAPTER kaill R A M regular first tuesday of each visiting companions corahn invited S W BADCON lT J E COOLIDGE secy EL MONTE COMMANDER no 2 K T stated concia 1 second wednesdays 0 month sojourning Sojo sir kaaiai courteously invited J W J B GEO J KELLY recorder ODD fellows FEL LOWb OGDEN LODGE NO 5 pendent order of odd fedj meet in I 1 0 0 F balg tuesday evening br othera cordially invited to be E E HARRISON noble granai Gra aai A J ANDERSON secretary J ROYAL ARCANUM ROCKY MOU aln council no meets second abal bourth monday evenings in A 0 hall pays death benefits J S DEE regent H A LINDLEY secy QUEEN CITY REBEKAH LODGE 4 I 1 0 0 F meets first and third MOB day evenings at odd fellows hall slam street visiting members invited a SIRS KATE BOGART N gal EMMA secy KNIGHTS OF QUEEN CITY LODGE nay knights of meet att castle hall in utah bank building every fridays evening visiting brothers invited ft W G KIND C C N CUSTEAD K of R and S OGDEN LODGE NO 2 of meets ac castle baab utah national bank every monday evening all acy Ps requested to meet with VALENTINE GIDEON cid J M BISHOP K of R S RATHBONE SISTERS MEETS EVERY SATURDAY ing at S at pythian hall utah naj na j bank building sojourning Sojo cordially invited MRS SADIE CAHILL M E MRS CADDIE RULAND M of R FORESTERS OP AMERICA COURT NO 2 foresta era ot america meets I 1 0 0 F hall street arst and third wednesday of each month at visiting brother in good standing invited to attend EARL R GEIGER C R P A GARNER secy KNIGHTS OF THE SILVER TENT NO 1 MEETS EVER first and third friday evening at S p m in A 0 U W hall over burts visiting cordially invited M 0 COREY cos F F BOND record beeper LADIES ol 01 THE THU OGDEN HIVE NO 8 OF THE L 0 T M meets every first and wednesday at p m at the K pj hall visiting ladles are cordially laj cited to attend IDA HOLLAND lady com ISABEL WIANT record keeper aji SILVER HIVE NO 1 MEETS EVER second and fourth tuesday at p at K of P hall over utah national bank visiting ladles cordially invite IDA M HAYES lady COD EMMA L TOWNE record keeper WOODMEN OF THE WORLD WEBER CAMP NO 74 MEETS RJ castle hall in utah national bank every thursday evening at pm j ing goodmen woodmen cordially invited to attend W A GALBRAITH C CW E clerk 2174 washington WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT SEGO LILY CIRCLE MEETS every friday evening at 8 p m in LOJ 0 F hall street cast of j ton visiting neighbors cordially MRS MARY A JONES G MRS BESSIE HILL CLERK twenty third street A 0 U W FIDELITY LODGE NO S A 03 U W meets in A 0 U W hay s every tuesday evening visits ins brothers invited T T R m T christensen A recorder M wl K T HARRIS financier W protection LODGE NO 24 A 0 V meets every thursday evening alij 0 clock brothers T JOHN iw LK HIGGINS M WI GREENWELL recorder H W BECKETT financier HOME meets HOME BENEFIT ORI days evenings ol 01 second and fourth i of hall cacti month at the A 0 V v over burta B G KNOTH drw ALLICE 0 ROGERS secy FRATERNAL UNION OP AMERICA LODGE NO union in vt america meets at K of P asias ond utah national bank building the secs becs and fourth ot month 1 to fradera cordially 1111 attend G C ASH fraternal 0 J STIL n ELL secy carpenters AND joinery i of carpenters AND JOINERS friday america no meets first and aja ot each month at johnsn a bam J street J F bauscher president donavon itce K 1 l recording secretary it howard 4 walking financial secretary joseph 3 treasurer S aak for the GRANT CIGAR or CO |