Show OW WE HAVE ASKED YOU TO WAIT FOR THIS SALE AND WE WANT THIS SALE TO GO INTO HISTORY AS BEING THE LARGEST AND BEST OF ITS KIND EVER GIVEN IN THIS PART OF THE COUNTRY mf TIT T JT andio and do not get your dates mixed the white sale will be ja ET w J jaja I 1 j I 1 j ja H on in general for one week but during the week we will have special one day sales which you cant afford to miss N during the entire week beginning saturday february 15 and ending ap satur day february we will have on sale the following goods ALL OUR NEW FANCY WHITE GOODS consisting OF ST PAULES GAULES IMPORTED embroidered GOODS FINE ENGLISH FANCY WHITE PIQUES NEW FANCY FIGURED GOODS FIGURED SILK ORGANDY INDIA PERSIAN LAWNS FRENCH DRENCH ENGLISH LONG CLOTH FINE BLEACHED MUSLINS TABLE LINENS BED SPREADS CURTAIN GOODS TOWELS LACES embroideries handkerchiefs HANDER CHIEFS WHITE JAPANESE WAIST SILK ETC alj sales arx aire As r allows Thursday 5 fridays FEB FEB feb feb feb feb 5 7 10 cent 60 65 5 70 ladies fancy col 1000 worth of white japanese waist values of valenciennes and 75 cent values of yards of CAMBRIC lars ART GOODS silks ladies this is and torchon hoft lace CORSET COVER embroidery going at prices not to be Em embroideries embroider broide ries going out at had at wholesale your BIG opportunity your choice for your choice for going out at these include mexican values at ho if pr drawn work linen doil values at cog ies pillow tops printed 2 9 31 linens Hag ardinger values at 3 2 biggest bargain ever offered work etc battenburg values at f to the public work values at FEB 22 WE WILL PUT ON SALE 1000 LADIES WHITE KERCHIEFS handkerchiefs HAN AT PRICES AT WHICH WE OR NO OTHER MERCHANT CAN BUY THEM F FOR OR AT WHOLESALE TH EY ARE VIRTUALLY GOING OUT AT ONE HALF PRICE THESE SPECIAL SALES ARE FOR 0 ONE N E DAY ONLY BUT OUR GENERAL STOCK AS NAMED ABOVE WILL GO kra 0 OUT AT ridiculously LOW PRICES ALL WEEK THIS IS THE ONLY SALE OF ITS KIND WE WILL GIVE THIS YEAR AND YOU ARE DOING YOURSELF AN INJUSTICE IF YOU FAIL TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT AS WE ARE GIVING YOU merchandise WHICH YOU NEED EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR AT PRICES THAT ARE LOWER THAN CAN BE HAD IN ANY CITY IN THE UNITED STATES everything NEW NO OLD GOODS ON THIS SALE W GOOD G lk WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE LINE OF SKIRTS SHIRTS AND SHIRT WAISTS ALSO A 27 36 AND 42 INCH BLACK WHICH WE positively GUARANTEE TO WEAR TWO SEASONS WE GIVE YOU A WRITTEN GUARANTEE TO REPLACE ANY YARD THAT DOES NOT WEAR TWO SEASONS WE WANT YOUR TRADE AND IF PRICES ARE AN OBJECT TO YOU WE ARE ASSURED OF HAVING YOU FOR A CUSTOMER our windows tor a F J ew or the bargains Baru ains 0 H I 1 in S C N M E RO N |