Show OFT GONE last friday feb ath W william I 1 P pearce birc e c of f L lake a 1 e S side id e ali bleil e tl v very e ry dudl suddenly nas I 1 3 A all 1 1 th through r 0 u g h t the he d day a y li he iv was alsi feeling alk splendid and had not been be er x sick at all at about 4 p in m lie he left the house telling his w wife fe and acl daughters who were present that ha would go out and do his chores he left them never to be seen again in this life some little time later his ron ell eli came down to the house and after conversing with his mother wife and sister ln in law tor for a short time enquired for his father on being told that lie he was out doing chores the son said he would go and assist him when he reached the barn he called his father by name but received no answer so he be clemed up into the hay lott loft and there lay jay his father as though in sleep ell tock him under the shoulder ganty raising him up which caused a groan goa n to escape the dying mans lips and life was extinct mr parce pe arce has been troubled with heart failure but qu on this particular lay day lie he seemed more cheerful and full of vigor than usual william peirce was born in chester co april 2 1833 his parents were vere members of the church of jesus christ of latter day saints so at the age of eight years william was baptized the ordina ordinance ned being performed at nauvoo ile he was well acquainted aih the prophet jozeph joseph smith and its his brother brather hyrum being 11 years of age when they were martyred marty red ile he crossed the plains with the second company of pian aers acting as herd hard boy and driving loose cattle arriving in salt lal lake e city on oct 2 18 17 he stayed ther etor five years then came up to brigham city in assisting to build the tha first house erected in this cit city bp davis was then presiding mr telice elace was married dec 28 ISSI 1831 to jerus ha smith a daughter ot of the patriarch hyrum smith and has resided con in this county since 1332 1352 with the exe exception eption of the time the move south was going on ale followed his brethren returning after the trouble was settled he was a an n affectionate husband a kind father a good and a useful citizen lie he leaves a wife four children and a few great grand children funer ar services were beidl held in the harper ward worx meeting house bouse monday at 12 ocl ocl thomas cafes re gilded the 1 I 1 need thee Ever Hour prayer was offered by bishop thomas wheatley choir sang when first the glorious light of 0 truth the speakers were bishop yates elders C W richards ell H peirce lewis N boothe president oleen N stohl and president joseph P F smith whose remarks lemar hs condensed were as follows 1 I feel that my position is somewhat w hat similar to that of the bereaved and my sympathy goes out to them it if the lord will give me his holy spirit I 1 shall endeavor to say something to the living I 1 feel to endorse the remarks of the brethren and especially ally those of dishop bishop yates I 1 was acquainted with the father and mother of brother peirce and they were true to their friends do not wish to enter into the life of the deceased but believe that goj god will reward ali all of us according to our works we e will all bo be compensated according to our hearts enlarged upon the s sailors a words to peter lovest thou T h 0 u me and although peter assured the master of his affection even een he was too weak to withstand the test william has tailed failed to respect himself but never has denied the master will the lord forgive us tor for our lack of diligence I 1 believe that god will reward us each and all according cordin to our works I 1 know that the gospel gospel of jesus christ Is true if provides everything that I 1 long for not the things of the flesh but those pertaining to the uplifting ennobling and eternal salvation of the soul it unites me with my father with my wives and with my children child renI 1 love this gospel and I 1 know that joseph smith was a prophet of god for or no man could have done what he did without divine aid As a youth he had great responsibilities ties thrust upon n him and had years of training af after te I 1 1 now with reference to baptism for or the dead sealing of wives and mothers to their husbands what have you that in any way compares with the fact that you can be sealed to your wife and children it is possible that a man may despise his wife or for a wife to despise her husband but these ill III feelings whenever existing between wife and husband are generally the result of 0 sin referred erred to the resurrection of jesus enlarging upon same and read from the bible book of 0 mormon aud and doctrine and covenants the reason for peters foi forgiveness mi veness or pardon was because he at that time had not received the holy ghost I 1 want to say to the children of my brother and sister peirce live your religion and may god bless you amen the closing hymn was shall we meet beyond the river benediction by elder P F madsen |