Show CORINNE NEWS mr frank cropley visited wednesday with his uncle mr thomas cropley he wag was on djs alls way backi back to work in nevada mrs ot of provo was in corinne wednesday and thursday irethe in the 11 interests of the W C T U harry coll coil and wife returned last thursday when out of a job they all conae come back to good old corinne dr C A mosman of ogden was in corinne the past week fixing the old I 1 and making new teeth for ll a number ot 0 I 1 J C gates of idaho was in corinne friday on business W R howard came up irom from og osden thursday evening going to brigham friday morning to attend the funeral of his uncle mr wilson mrs lorimer is on the sick list dr pearse was called sunday she is some better at this writing but still confined to her bod bed H E Redd lings and IN T wilson went to ogden saturday on business mr D D gillett was quite sick last week with an attack of grip A G woodward came up fram og den saturday evening to spend sunday un with his family C G adney was in ogden the first of the week on business the date of the leap year ball has been changed from the to the owing to a prior engagement of the orchestra the girls are arc planning a royal time tor for the boys so come on everybody and help mak mazi e it a success jeremiah stearns and son ray were over to the county seat scat monday there will be a program at the methodist church next monday evening given by the L T L assisted by a few of the older people everybody cordially invited these young people should have the hearty support of every loyal citizen mrs lavina sparks of nevada is visiting her parents mr and mrs james coil this wm baker and son soil clarence came cama in from park valley monday where mr baker has been building a house lie he expects to move his fa family lly there in about two weeks mr baker has taken up a homestead in this valley T G brown was in garland tuesday I 1 |