Show ax RAM farmers school in agriculture and domestic science 2nd and ward meeting bouso brigham city february to inclusive monday forenoon 10 fruit growing prof RS R S northrop monday afternoon 2 fruit growing prof R SNort S northrop hrop monday evening 0 clock how to maintain health dr E D dal ball tuesday morning making a market for apples lion hon C J adney corinne insect pests dr ED ball tuesday afternoon cost of an acre of orchard hon W H rowe corinne maintenance of soil fertility prof L A merrill Mer tuesday evening farmers organizations dr george thomas wednesday morning irrigation problems dr john A widtsoe soe wednesday afternoon forage crops tor for utah prof L A I 1 merrill Merrl ll abild farming dr J 1 A widtsoe soe wednesday evening industrial education dr J A thursday morning moraln I 1 inspection work in the orchard J edwa edward rd taylor secy state board ol of 1 horticulture winter spraying prof E G titus thursday afternoon what the peach market demands hon J G hufflin flin provo peach insects prof E G titus thursday evening program by school of music state agricultural college prof G W thatcher director friday morning the dairy cow prof J T calne caine friday afternoon question box conducted by professors merrill Merrl ll ball northrop and caine 4 p m stock judging |