Show THE LAST RITES BITES the funeral funera I 1 services over the remains of the late peter N wilson were h held eld in the first ward meeting house last saturday at 0 clock p m the hall was packed with ith relatives and sympathizing friends and the services were very impressive the floral emblems were beautiful and completely hid the casket the meeting was presided over by bishop J B D mcmaster SIc Master and began by the choir singing the hymn farewell all earthly honors prayer was offered by elder isaac H jensen elders isaac H jensen and C ellas elias jensen then sang sometime well the speakers were elders hyrum W valentine james bywater nel jenson and dishop bishop mc bic blaster aster tl who spoke words of consolation and explained the beautiful plan of oe life 11 and ud salvation the deceased had many noble traits of character which were borne testimony of between the speakers elders jensen sang jesus Savio urr pilot me the closing hymn was shall we meet beyond the river and the benediction was pronounced by elder D P burt |