Show on another page ot of this issue we print the program for the farmers farmere school to be held in this city beginning next monday tile the and continuing till friday the in this connection we are in receipt of a letter from prof lewis A men ill supt bupt ot of this work in which he says owing to the tact fact that brigham city is so near the college we are able to make the program much more elaborate than has been with the schools held heretofore I 1 sincerely hope that the people of brigham city will make a success of this work as it will lie be of great value to them at the schools held the past few weeks at mt pleasant nanti manti and richfield we bad over two hundred students enrolled at each place brigham city should do even better than this farmers fruit growers housewives and citizens this is a matter which deeply concerns everyone of you A golden opportunity is now presented whereby each and every one can get instructions from the very best sources along any line in agriculture horticulture and domes domestic c science ashow now Is a good time to show your faith by your works and at the same oame time store up your minds with knowledge which willhelm will help you to jo do jour your work more scientifically and with more profit we sincerely trust that the promoters of this school will have their fondest e expectations realized by the citizens of our county and city loyally supporting the same |