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Show ‘wx west "THE OGDEN VALLEY NEWS Page 19 June 15, 2006 TRAILS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Wolf Creek Sewer Improvement District will hold a public hearing to present information about the posed wastewater treatment upgrade. This ae is scheduled for July 12, 2006 at 6:00 p.m. and will be held at the Wolf Creek Resort Sree ne at 3900 Wolf Creek Drive, Eden, U 310. ce to i. discussed include: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Technology selected for the Wolf Creek wastewater treatment facility upgrade and the associate water quality. MBR effluent quality ae: nein nutrients and bacteria, and the ir blending effluent with ivgation: ce er. Sewer User Rates will be discussed. The proposed sewer rate is $38.00 which is required to meet the DWQ loan requirements and the maximum rate of $55 if there is no future growth will also be discussed. New impact fee of $3500 will be discussed. Groundwater impacts associated with the facility up Public Meeting Announcements. Procedures used to inform 1 the Public of facility upgrade meetings will be discussed. Evidence of advertisements for all public meetings regarding the wastewater treatment facility upgrade will be available for review. The public is invited to share comments and questions during this meeting. The Wolf Creek Sewer Improvement District Facility PI fr for A publi review at the following three location: Creek Business Officeice, 37 18 N Wolf Creek Drive, Eden, UT 84310 AQUA Engineering, 533 W. 2600 S., Suite 275, Bountiful, UT Utah Division of Water Quality, Cannon Health Building, 3" Ploor, 288 North, 1460 West, Salt Lake City UT 84116 Lowell: Peterson President cont. from page 11 The big difference, besides their flowers, is their height, with duncecap larkspur being taller. As we head uphill toward Snowbasin, we see baneberry, forget-me-nots, and balmsamroot (not the arrowleaf variety). At mile 2.6 from the Wheeler Creek Trailhead, we reach a Forest Service Kiosk and a little side trail to the left that comes in from the Old Snow Basin Road. At the 3-mile point, we come to a fork in the trail. The trail to the right is the end point of the one that had earlier headed off to Ice Box Canyon. There is no sign here, so we “mark” it with our GPS—our plan is to take this spur on the way back and we don’t want to miss the turn-off. Along this section of the trail, we see lots of upland larkspur (which is shorter than its duncecap larkspur relative), wild onion, and meadow rue. Meadow rue is an interesting wildflower. Its leaves are similar to columbine, but smaller. The meadow rue’s owers, though, are very different from columbine’s. Both the female and male meadow rue plants (referred to as unisexual flowers) have flowers that resemble wind chimes or dangly earrings. The female’s flowers are purplish in color. The male’s flowers are an inconspicuous green. mile 3.5 we come to a trail intersection—the left leads to the Green Pond Trailhead; straight ahead leads to Maples. Now we leave the dry, open slope and enter a cooler, thickly-wooded area. Almost immediately, the flowers change and we see false lily-of-the-valley, ball head waterleaf, cow parsnip, and false hellebore. This last one is an unusual plant—large, broad, thickly-veined leaves on plants that reach3 to 7 feet high with small flowers on the end that are white or greenish in color. This member of the lily family thrives in wet areas. And, not surprisingly, we come to a wetlands just ahead to the right. This wetlands was “built” a few years back during the trail construction activity in this area. Here we see signs of recent beaver activity, with the distinctive arrow-tipped tree stubs. On previous trips, we’ve seen moose here, but today we see none. At mile 5.5 , we come to the gravel road meee See : X E View from Mt.Ogden from Maples Trail. that leads to the lower Snowbasin parking lot to the left, and the Maples area to the right. Here, we turn back and retrace our steps for a w miles. Back at the turn-off to the Green Pond Trailhead, we meet a man on horse along with his black lab. We chat about the trail—he came down from the Green Pond Trailhead via Wheeler Creek and returned via Ice Box Canyon. We’re impressed that his horse could negotiate some of the sections of Ice Box, and he tells us she’s part mustang and is a sure-footed trail horse. We continue down hill for a mile or so, and then take the turn-off that goes rough Ice Box Canyon. e Box Canyon Tra past the turn-off, we cross a bridge that spans the creek. We stay close to the creek for most of the It’s running high and fast, and the sound of rushing water is loud and constant. At one point we must negotiate a very steep downhill section. It is amazing that the horse we met could make it here. t mile 2, we cross again ane meet up with the main Wheeler Creek Trail. Now, later in the day and just a mile back to the trailhead, we encounter other hikers and riders. When we can hear the traffic on Route 39 we know we’re almost back to the car. Great day; great hike! Attest: Cindy Boccia MOUNTAIN & aN Som This one-mile spur is a good route on warm, sunny days as it follows the main arm of Wheeler Creek and goes through deep, cool woods. We see heart leaf arnica, false Solomon’s seal, wooly (or flannel) mullein, and more cow parsnip. After 2/10 ofa mile o WOLF CREEK SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING AGENDA ITEMS INCLUDE: RATE INCREASE SELECTED TREATMENT SYSTEM Ski masalis d m= Black Angus Beef LAKE LUXURY DS WAS Eo) E FPME EAGLE I RIDGE Sarees eee Hormone Free Vegetarian Fed U.S.D.A. Inspected & 14 Day Dry Aged for ‘Tenderness Born & Raised for over 40 years : closed cow herd on the property of pist Monastery, Huntsville, UT the Half or Whole Beef available. See Rod at Valley Market. Mountain Curves fully elegs Pema tat) i eters and ae furnished lake views, is now located at 472 12th Street Ogden (in the Stop & Shop Waterfall, for 2,400,000 timber trusses, furnished 6739 Via Cortina and landsc yee Smart house wired, ed for I, Foothill nals 590,000 Lane www. HAWKINSCREEK.GOM ~\ Complex) 801-627-2515 THE LEGENDS at UWactine Mereck 30-Minute Strength Training & Aerobic Workout Free 1 WeekTrial Membership Join for 50% OFF and your teenager is FREE for the Summer. The first 100 new members join for 66% OFF! Free Figure Analysis Summer Hours: Monday - Friday 5:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. 12:00 to 7:00 p.m. Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 12 The power to amaze yourself. Lo beeb Me Dritra Kode) shannon krueger Sessa ontts6 a oats rob chidestex OUNTAINLUXURY.COM |