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Show The OGpEN VALLEY NEWS June 15, 2006 PRSRT STD POSTAGE PAID oF RMIT NO. 11 [DEN UT POSTAL PATRON EDEN-LIBERTY-843 10 HUNTSVILLE-84317 HCR 843A0, Accidents in Ogden Valley Keep Weber County Sheriff Department Busy By Shanna Francis Ogden Valley News A 1999 Acura is totaled afier rolling several times on Highway 39 near Huntsville. Weber County Voters to Select from Three County Commission Candidates in Primary Election Compiled by Shanna Francis Ogden Valley News Weber County voters will have the opportunity to choose from three candidates whose names will be on this year’s primary election ballot for the office of Weber Commission Seat Hansen, Nate Pierce, and Jan Zogmaister. BillHansen is running in the primary as the only democrat. He states that he was born and raised in Weber County and comes from a family who is well known for their dedication to public service. He spent his early career working throughout the Wasatch Front as a business manager, providing experience in handling multi-million dollar budgets, and problem solving. Hansen currently serves the community working as a Sheriff’s Correctional Officer for Weber County, and has seen, first hand, the disastrous effects of crime upon the community. He also states that he fervently Utah Power Works to Improve Infrastructure in Ogden Valley In response to complaints of numerous power outages experienced by Ogden Valley residents, and a destructive power surge that caused substantial damage to electronic equipment and appliances valley wide, Utah Power provided the following information explaining and logging the rash of outages that occurred this spring. Eden Area Electric System Issues, Maintenance and Improvements ° The Eden 11 circuit is an older circuit, ¢ There is considerable construction tak- and is affected at times by the harsh weather the area experiences. ° ing place in Ogden Valley, and we have had to make numerous repairs to wire damaged by dig-ins. Weather and unstable ground conditions have also contributed to power outages this past winter and spring. Last fall, we began an underground cable replacement project in the Wolf Creek resort area. We temporarily halted the project due to problems caused by the weather and resumed work this spring when the ground was more stabl e. The underground system in the area was POWER cont. on page 16 Semi Overturns on Highway in Huntsville By Shanna Francis Ogden Valley News A single trailer semi, about 30 feet long and filled with road base, overturned on Highway 166 in Huntsville at approximately 7500 E. 500 N. on Monday, June 5. The Weber County Sheriff's office diverted traffic through Middle Fork for about two hours, from about 6:00 to 8:00 p.m., after closing the highway ee 7 accident could be cleaned up. Two clas: semi wreckers from Ogden arrived to vpright and remove the vehicle. The truck, owned by Rock Structures of Layton, was attempting to unload road base at the north edge of the highway for a new driveway crossing a culvert. As it began unloading from the side of the truck, the wheels on the soft shoulder sunk causing the truck to tip over as the weight of the material shifted. The cab remained connected to the trailer tipping over only part way. Minimal damage was sustaine The Weber County ‘Sheriff ’s office reported that no one was injured in the mishap. A single trailer semi filled with road base overturned on Highway 166 in Huntsville. believes there are two sides to every issue and feels it is important to look at all the facts to make well informed decisions. Mr. Hansen has been married for 13 years CANDIDATES cont. on page 8 An cident on Highway 39 near Huntsville landed a 16 year old female in the hospital. Sixteen year old Yesica Hernandez Valley was eastbound on her way friends to recreate at Pineview Reservoir on May 30 when she lost control, flipped, and rolled several times the 1999 Acura she was driving. Hernandez climbed out of the car, walked about 20 to 30 feet, and then collapsed. She was transported by an ambulance from the Eden fire station to the McKay hospital with head injuries. A male passenger was treated on site for bumps and scrapes and released. Both victims were wearing seatbelts. Friends caravanning in separate cars reported that they looked back from their rearview mirrors just in time to see a flurry of dirt and dust kicked up and rising into the air from the rollover accident. They quickly pulled over and returned to the scene. ident occurred around 11:00 a.m. Alcohol did not seem to be a factor in the accident. Weber County Sheriff Sergeant Ryon Hadley reported that the cause of the rollover was still unclear. Another female was transported to the hospital on May 29 after the truck she was riding in crashed into the side of the mountain near mile marker 34 on a stretch of Highway 39 leading to Monte Cristo. Weight from a camper trailer the truck was pulling may have played a role in the accident County Assessor Addresses Rising Property Taxes in Ogden Valley Utah ranks 38th in the nation on real estate property tax. Because this tax is paid nce a year it can seem high, but considering that Utah income tax has been 15th in the nation while sales tax and motor vehicle taxes rank 10th, property tax is less ofa burden in Utah. The real estate market in Weber County, particularly in Ogden Valley, has een experiencing a significant swell in market price. According to compared sales, some areas in Ogden Valley have risen as much as 25% over the previous year. These rising values ultimately result in an increased property tax bill. To ensure that each county is within 10% of market value, the State Tax Commission maintains a regular study of each county’s values. If an assessor’s values fall below 90% of market value, the Tax Commission will order a blanket raise to 100% on all properties in the undervalued region. A percentage adjustment made by my office targeting the area or neighborhood where the most significant value changes have occurred is more fair and equitable to all property owners ASSESSOR cont. on page 3 Valley Elementary—It’s our turn! Let’s take a look at our dear old Valley Elementary School building. What a great school it is and has been. It has served our community well. Not only has it been a place of learning for thousands of Valley students over the years, but it has been the site of countless community sporting, musical, and social events. Originally built in 1942, with additions in 1971 and 1979, it is one of the oldest buildings owned by the Weber School District. Besides the building itself, there are also three portable classrooms and an outbuilding garage lovingly referred a arn.” Carrently, Valle Elementary educates — 650 students with 3 r 4 classrooms for each arate level During the primary elections that will be held June 27, Weber School District is asking the residents of Weber County to approve a 65 million dollar bond. This bond will enable the district to build new buildings throughout the district Elementary is on the list of schools to have a new addiAlthough the exact design has not been approved, it has been decided that the oldest portion of the building will be torn down and a new office, gym, cafeteria, media center, HVAC system, and classrooms will be part of the new addition. The plan under consideration is to raze everything west of the library and rebuild in one of the beautiful, esthetically pleasing, but a new styles used in our newests The grcom in new students throughout the district is phenomenal adding about 300 new students each year. That is enough to fill a new elementary every two years. The VALLEY ELEMENTARY cont. on page 20 During a snow storm on Memorial Day weekend, a hummingbird comes to feed. Photo courtesy of Layne Sheridan. |